Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-three, a wake-up call

the other side.

Just as Kato Yusuke thought, Eiriri was indeed troubled.

With such a mood, she went directly to the young man.

"Yusuke! Are you free next? I have something I want to talk to you about..."

It was time to get off work, and Kato Yusuke was about to send Shiyu home, but was blocked on his way.

On the street that was dyed red at dusk, the three people stared at each other with big eyes.

"Sawamura-san is calling you, Yuu-chan."

"Well, I heard it, it's just..."

Kato Yusuke said apologetically: "I'm sorry, Eiri, I promised senior Shiyu that I would send her back. If there is anything wrong with you, can we talk on the phone later?"

"But... I think I have to tell you about this in person..."

Ying Lili pursed her lips tightly, clutched the shoulder bag strap in her hand, and stared down at her toes.

"Otherwise...I can wait for you here, or I can go find you after you're done."

Sensing the persistence in her tone, Kato Yusuke had some vague guesses in his mind and felt embarrassed for a moment.

Shiyu first glanced at the lover beside him, and then looked at the frowning Yinglili in front of him, a flash of understanding flashed in his eyes.

"Well~ Since Sawamura-san has said so, then Yuu-chan, just go and accompany her."

""Huh? ""

Facing the surprised looks of the two people, Shi Yu waved his hand calmly and said, "You don't need to send me off today, I will take a taxi back, that's it."

"Senior Shiyu...?"

Kato Yusuke grabbed her hand and suggested: "If you don't mind, the three of us can go together. I will talk to Eiri after I see you off."

"Huh? Don't worry, I don't mean to be angry. I just asked you to deal with the problem. You don't have to make it so troublesome."

Shiyu paused here, stretched out a slender jade finger and poked his chest, narrowing his eyes slightly.

"But on the other hand... you have to take me home tomorrow, and you must not be disturbed by anyone. Is that okay?"


"That's right, can you do it~?"

There was a rare hint of seriousness in the teasing voice, as if he was planning something.

Kato Yusuke looked at the girl in front of him, then nodded slowly, "Okay, I remember."

"That's good~ Then be careful on the road and remember to tell me when you get home. We'll make a video call."

"I understand, senior Shiyu, please be careful on the road."

"Yeah~ I will."

Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth with satisfaction and cast a thoughtful look at Yinglili on the side.

"By the way, although I made an exception and lent you Yuu-chan, if you want to talk about things, just talk about things properly and don't do unnecessary things, okay? Sawamura."

"Huh? No way--!" Yinglili denied reflexively.

"That's it. Remember to thank me, Sawamura."

"If you say this, you won't want to do it even if you are in that mood!"

"Really? That's up to you."

Shiyu casually brushed her hair off her shoulders, walked forward gracefully, and soon stopped a taxi at the intersection, disappearing from the eyes of the two of them.

after that--

Kato Yusuke and Eiri moved to a nearby small park.

Although they only chose based on the principle of proximity, when they came here, there was a group of children playing inside.

"Hmm... It seems a little unlucky. What should I do? Yinglili, do you want to change places?"

"Hey, why?"

"Don't you have something to talk about? Won't the noise here affect you?"

"...No, it doesn't matter to me, just stay here."

"Then you sit down for a while and I'll buy something to drink."


Just like that, Yinglili absentmindedly sat down on the bench next to the fence.

Unconsciously, the sky darkened and the temperature was much colder than during the day.

The faded swing was blown by the wind and groaned.

The girl looked aimlessly at the child playing football in front of her, thinking about what she wanted to say next.

At this moment, a steady voice came from above his head.

"For you, corn juice."

"Thank you... No, why corn juice!?"

"Because the vending machines here don't have hot black tea."

"Is it okay if I drink it at room temperature?"

Kato Yusuke sat down next to him and replied casually: "The weather is cold, drinking something hot is good for your health."

He thinks so from the bottom of his heart.

Although it's almost February, it's still winter in Tokyo and the temperature has not yet warmed up.

Staying outside for a long time in this environment...

With Yinglili's weak constitution, it was difficult for him not to doubt whether the other party would fall ill with a cold or fever. After all, similar situations have happened before, which is really worrying.


Ying Lili looked at the corn juice in her hand and his face in turn. She felt a warmth flow through her heart, but she still said stubbornly:

"But you obviously bought yourself oolong tea..."

"Our situation is different, I won't get sick."

"What, your unpleasant statement..."

The girl pouted in dissatisfaction, and Kato Yusuke asked directly.

"So, what do you want to say when you come to me?"

Yinglili didn't expect that he would get to the point all of a sudden. She was caught off guard for a moment and her mind went blank.

At this time...

"I'll be fine next time, so you can tell me slowly that it's okay." Yusuke Kato took a sip of oolong tea and spoke as if nothing had happened.

"Then...can I ask you what happened a few days ago?"

"I don't have any reason to refuse, right?"

"...What do you think about Lun Ye?"

"In other words, are you worried that I won't let him come back?"


Yinglili opened her mouth unconsciously and glanced at his side face. There was no surprise on the young man's face, as if he had already guessed her troubles.

Her heart tightened and she couldn't help but pull her master's sleeve.

"That...! I don't say this to defend Lun Ye. From the bottom of my heart, I think what happened this time was all his fault.

Whether it was annoying everyone or missing work, it was all his fault. He really went too far.

I will definitely ask him to apologize to you and everyone later! you not be too angry with him? "

The sweet voice was full of embarrassment, as if it took all the courage to say such a thing.

Looking at her lowering her head, Kato Yusuke felt like he was looking at a kitten that had done something wrong, and couldn't help but let out a sigh.

"You don't have to force yourself to do anything like asking An Yi to apologize."


"I don't deny that I was a little annoyed at the time, but it wasn't enough to make me remember it until the next day, let alone get angry."

"B-but...he obviously said such outrageous things to you! He should apologize to you!"

"Even if you say that, do you think you can influence An Yi?"


Yinglili couldn't help but be startled, but immediately tightened her face and said seriously: "...Maybe I can't guarantee it, but I will try my best!"

Kato Yusuke glanced at her and smiled a little nervously.

"Thank you for your kindness, but there is no need for you to force yourself or make yourself miserable for me, and I don't want you to do that, so no need."


"As I just said, I am not angry now, and I will not target him for this. As for An Yi, I have no personal grudges with him, and I will not object to his return."


Yinglili murmured in astonishment, and her whole little face suddenly glowed with brilliance.

To be honest, when she saw her former childhood sweetheart having a conflict with the boy she liked, and then turning against each other... she was really completely dumbfounded at the time.

What I thought was a small fight at first has now become impossible to end easily. She was forced to be caught in the middle, in a dilemma.

But the good thing is...

The people around her seemed to understand her very well, and used their usual gentleness to tolerate her, soothing her inner anxiety and uneasiness.

It was like a ray of sunshine breaking through the clouds, instantly dispelling all the haze.

At this time, the young man spoke again.

"Anyway, if this is the only thing you want to say, go home early. It will get dark if you stay any longer."

"Hey...but I haven't finished drinking the corn juice yet."

"Then drink quickly."

Ying Lili wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction, picked up the corn juice and drank it.

"Hey, Yusuke."

"What's up?"

"Thank you……"

"I don't remember doing anything for which you need to thank me."

"Speaking of just said that He Lun has no personal grudges?"

"Is there anything wrong with that?"

The girl who was being watched by Kato Yusuke suddenly blushed, stared at her toes, and asked in a low voice: " I not...?"


"Because, Kasumigaoka Shiyu said something like that that day. I thought about it later, and it seemed that she was talking about me..."

Yinglili's voice became softer and softer, and finally she was completely silent.

"...that kind of thing?"

Kato Yusuke frowned deeply and instinctively began to think back.

The next second, an impressive sentence suddenly came to mind.

"Watching the girl you like fall in love with someone better than you, does it stimulate your small self-esteem?"

His expression suddenly stiffened, and then he smiled bitterly.

"...I think it was just Shiyu-senpai's unintentional words. You don't need to pay too much attention to it. I didn't take it to heart either."

"Ha, ha!? I don't care that much. It's just because Kasumigaoka Shiyu said that and I couldn't sit back and do nothing, so..."

Yinglili defended incoherently, and her ears gradually turned red.

It was rare for her to appear so shaken.

Kato Yusuke pretended not to understand the reason for her shyness, and deliberately averted his eyes to watch the children playing ball in the open space, making exaggerated noises and laughter.

He wishes he could handle it better, and he wishes he could be smarter.

Although it is difficult to take care of everything, he still wants to be the support of those important people.

After leaving the small park, Yinglili returned home.

"I'm back, Mom."

"Ah! Welcome back, Yinglili."

In the living room, Sayuri Sawamura was sitting on the sofa watching TV. When she heard her daughter's voice, she glanced at the clock.

"You're a little late today. Did you go somewhere?"


Yinglili put on her slippers, walked to her mother with light steps, and then sat down on the sofa.

"I had a chat with Yusuke when I came back, so it took me a while."

"Hey, you and Kato-kun?"


"Just you two?"

"Yes, didn't I just say that?"


"That's not it! It's just a casual chat, nothing special."

As the girl spoke, she took a pillow and hugged it in her arms. She stretched her legs lazily, leaned back, and snuggled comfortably into the sofa.

Sayuri Sawamura looked at the raised corners of her daughter's mouth and tilted her head slightly curiously.

"You look very happy. Did something good happen to you?"

"It's not really a good thing, it's just something about the studio."

"What is it? Tell mom about it too~"


Yinglili dragged her voice reluctantly, but couldn't resist her mother's shining eyes, and muttered helplessly.

"There's really nothing I can do about you..."

In this way, she told her mother the whole story.

At first, Sayuri Sawamura was still smiling happily, but her expression changed halfway through, and she showed an expression of not knowing what to say.

Even so, she listened patiently until her daughter finished speaking before she reluctantly spoke.

"Ah...this is a bit bad."

"Who says it isn't?"

Eirili echoed as if she couldn't bear it: "Obviously Yusuke already takes good care of everyone, but Renya still talks about him so excessively. It's really very ignorant."

"I don't deny An Yijun's problems, but... your approach is also very problematic, right?"


Looking at her daughter who was looking at her with a confused expression, Sayuri Sawamura felt helpless in her heart, and she wished she could play in person.

"Sigh... It seems that my precious daughter still hasn't understood her problem. Who did you inherit this slowness from?"

"That's too much!? No, mom, what do you mean by this-?"

"Mom just wanted to ask, what on earth did you think about going to Kato-kun to tell you about Aki-kun?"


"Could it be that you still have a good impression of An Yijun?"

"How is this possible——!"

"Otherwise, why would you help Aki-kun plead with Kato-kun?"

"I just……!"

Ying Lili's voice unconsciously rose a little, and then she immediately lowered it.

"Because, others have seems that it is because of my relationship that they made such trouble..."

"Are you referring to the girl who wrote it?"


"So, you think that the reason why Kato-kun and Aki-kun fell out was because of your relationship, so you want them to reconcile?"

"Well...isn't it...?"

Looking at her daughter who nodded hesitantly, Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"What do you think about this issue?"

"……I have no idea."

"Then let me change the question. Which one of them do you think is more important?"

"Who is more important...?"

Eiri murmured, then lowered her head timidly, "'s Yusuke."

Sayuri Sawamura's heart relaxed slightly, and then she became serious again.

"If that's the case, how can you plead for other boys in front of Kato-kun?"

"Eh...isn't it possible?"

"If you don't understand... then, if one day you have a conflict with the girl you wrote about, and Kato-kun comes to you to intercede for her..."

"--I do not want!"

The overly specific explanation shocked Yinglili, and she shouted subconsciously. Her whole body suddenly jumped up in shock, and her face instantly turned pale.

"I don't want that, I'll feel so disgusted..."


Sayuri Sawamura gently took her daughter's hand and held it in hers, speaking softly.

“So, even if it’s just out of good intentions, you must never sway between two people.

Mom says this not to force you to choose one side, but you need to know.

Between Kato-kun and Aki-kun, one of them will become an important person in your life, and the other will only be a passerby in your life.

You should understand what to do in this situation, right? "


Yinglili unconsciously held her mother's hand and fell into deep thought for a while.

"Although mom feels that An Yijun was making trouble unreasonably from beginning to end, but..."

Sawamura Sayuri stopped here, and then continued in a warning tone:

"When the boy you like has an argument with someone, no matter right or wrong, you must stand unswervingly on Kato-kun's side. If you don't know how to do this, just think of the girl who wrote ~"


Yinglili opened her eyes slightly and was speechless.

Her mother's words were like a wake-up call, shattering her original joyful mood and dragging her whole body back to reality.

Look what she has done?

Not only did he talk a lot about other people of the opposite sex in front of the person he liked, and plead for others, but he even felt complacent about it afterwards, feeling that he had successfully resolved a conflict...

——It turns out that’s not the case at all! ! !

As mom said, she just mean-spirited the guy.

Kato Yusuke just watched and listened to her expectations, committing himself to fulfilling her wishes during a time when he had no reason to be happy.

When I think about it carefully, it feels like I have hit the bottom of grief.

Yinglili felt her blood drained out, and an inexplicable panic came over her.

In fact, she had vaguely discovered it a long time ago.

——She was only satisfied unilaterally, and could not repay Kato Yusuke at all.

The appearance inherited from her parents is her only advantage, but her unruly, willful and duplicitous character is completely unpopular.

They just used their interest in painting to shorten the distance a little.

She told him her feelings and kissed him.

Having impulsively revealed all her cards, what chips do she have left?

Give him your body?

Will he ignore the more feminine Shiyu and choose her?

Want to improve your makeup skills?

Want to make yourself sexy?

Or pay more attention to the way you speak and behave, and find ways to cater to his preferences.

Thousands of thoughts are piled up together, and my heart is like a mess.

After all—

"Why does he dote on me so much..."

The thoughts that suddenly arose turned into words and flowed out from the lips unconsciously.


Her mother's surprised voice sounded in her ears, causing Yinglili, who was immersed in her own world, to wake up suddenly.

Not caring about so many things, the girl held her mother's hand tightly, as if grasping a life-saving straw, and asked sadly: "Mom, what should I do?"

"Well, what do you mean...?"

"I seem to have done something very excessive to Yusuke. Will he... No? He will definitely hate me. I don't want that-!"

"Oh~ It seems that you have already figured it out. Mom is really worried, isn't she?"

"What can I do to make it up to him? I haven't heard his reply yet, and I don't want him to alienate me like this."

Faced with her daughter's nagging, Sawamura Sayuri smiled and narrowed her eyes and asked: "In other words, do you still want Kato-kun to stay with you?"

"I think!"

"Even if he may not accept your feelings, and there are all kinds of charming girls around you, are you not going to back down even then?"

"This, this..."

Yinglili hesitated for a while, and her eyes became firm.

"I will persist until the day he is willing to look at me, and I will definitely shoot him down!"

"Ah! You speak very powerfully."

"So, what should I do...?"

Sayuri Sawamura hummed humbly, and joked with a smile: "If you want to say it, you can only promise it with your body, right?"

"Mom, please be more serious, I'm really worried!"

"Hey, then... spring is short, fall in love, girl!"

"What nonsense!?"

"That's too much!? How can you talk about mom like that!"

"It's so noisy, please give me the correct answer quickly!"

The mother and daughter laughed together.

Leonard Spencer, who had just returned home, happened to walk into the living room. When he saw this scene, his old father's smile appeared on his face.

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