Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-four, showing great courtesy

Regarding how to compensate Kato Yusuke.

Until the end, Yinglili could not get the answer from her mother.

Because of this, she had to think hard all night and summarize a set of action plans on her own.

By the next day, she took action.

"Yusuke, I brought snacks, these are for you!"

"Hmm...? Thank you for your kindness, but I don't eat snacks much."

"These are the specialties my dad brought back from abroad. They are delicious."

"Oh? What's there?"

"There are butterfly puff pastry, yogurt-flavored dried strawberries, rice pudding and chocolate marshmallows."

"Sounds like a girl's favorite snack."

"Are you interested?"

"No, I don't usually eat sweets. You can share it with Mayu and the others."

"Then I'll feed you!"


"Yusuke, are you thirsty!"


"I brought you oolong tea for you to drink!"

"Oh, thank you...why did you take so much!?"

"Don't you like drinking?"

“Then there’s no need to move a whole box, right??”

"If I really can't do anything to you, then I'll feed you."


"Yusuke, what are you doing?"

"As you can see, I'm drawing a picture. Aren't you always watching?"

"I see, you like painting very much."

"It's just work."

"Speaking of which, the fanzine you drew for me was well received. Many fans on SNS praised me."

"That's good."

"What do you usually do at home?"

"Part of the time is studying, part of the time is dealing with student union affairs, and part of the time is doing studio work, and the other part is taking care of Xiao Hei."

"So you plan to be an animal tamer."







After being stared at for an unknown number of times, Kato Yusuke put down the digital pen in his hand.

Although he tried his best to ignore that gaze, he was finally defeated when an idol-level beautiful girl stared motionlessly at her with her big round eyes for more than thirty minutes.

"Let me tell you, Yinglili...?"

He rubbed his eyebrows with a headache and asked, "What happened to you today?"


Eirili blinked blankly, tilting her head to one side, with an expression that seemed to ask "What are you talking about inexplicably?".

"So, is there something weird on my face?"

"What's the meaning……?"

"Why else are you staring at me?"

"Observation, observation diary?"


Mayu Sagara on the side suddenly burst out laughing, and then immediately leaned on the table to suppress her laughter, her shoulders shaking non-stop.

Kato Yusuke looked at Eiri with a black look on his face and said speechlessly: "I won't complain about your erroneous conversation. Are you feeling uncomfortable in any way today?"

Eiri's eyes were wandering, and she glanced hesitantly at Mayu Sagara next to her, then took a piece of dried strawberry and ate it.

"...I'm fine."

It was really rare for her to look like this, even her usually dazzling blond hair looked a little listless.

Kato Yusuke thought about it for a long time, but still couldn't guess what his master was thinking, so he sighed and said, "Well, whatever you say, I'll go to the bathroom."

When he came to the bathroom, he was about to close the door, but...


A figure suddenly squeezed in and leaned against the door.

At this moment, the air seemed to freeze.

Immediately afterwards——



Kato Yusuke's face was blank, and Bang read asked: "No, what are you doing?"

Yinglili stared down at her feet, then raised her head hesitantly, and said, "I, I have something to tell you..."

After a brief silence, Kato Yusuke twitched the corners of his mouth, "Before that...did you realize that this is a men's toilet?"

"Now is not the time to talk about that kind of thing—!"

Yinglili stomped up, put her left hand on her hips and raised her right hand, stretching out an index finger to poke his chest.

"What I'm going to say next is very important, you should listen carefully."

"Even so, what's the point of coming to the men's room as a girl——"

"Shh! Keep your voice down! If someone notices me here, how will I see anyone in the future?"

Kato Yusuke pushed away her hand covering his mouth and complained vigorously: "You should have thought about that kind of thing before coming in, right?"

"Ah, you're so loud again, so don't talk yet!"

Seeing that the warning was useless, Yinglili hurriedly blocked his mouth.

Kato Yusuke, who was on guard, naturally couldn't let her get what she wanted, so he moved aside with a slight movement of his feet.

"...Okay. No matter what you want to say, let's go out first and talk about it first. This is not the place to talk."

As he said this, he was ready to check the situation outside the door to prevent any accidents.


The girl ran up with a bang, opened her arms to block the door, and blocked the young man's way, "We can't go outside... let's talk here..."

"Talk about here...?"

"No, that's right, because I don't want to be heard..."


Kato Yusuke looked around at the surroundings without words, and found it hard to agree that this was a suitable place for conversation. However, there is no point in continuing this stalemate.

He scratched his hair depressedly and asked: "...So, what do you want to say?"

Yinglili held her chest with one hand, her eyes wandering around uneasily, and finally bit her lower lip gently, as if she had made some kind of determination.

"Well...just wait for me, I need to make some preparations."

'Prepare? Is it mental preparation...? ’

Kato Yusuke was thinking a little confused, and then saw the other person take a deep breath, bend down slightly, and stretch his hands to the skirt.

Rustling, rustling...

Two thumbs were gently inserted between the snow-white skin and the black stockings, holding the heel of the stockings with both hands, and then slowly peeling them off.

The scene in front of me was really unreal.

The girl's pretty face was slightly red, she bit her lips lightly, and shyly and persistently slid her stockings down her legs.

Her skin from her thighs, calves, ankles, down to her toes was all dazzling and charming, with a hint of pink in her fair skin.


Yinglili's cheeks turned red and she looked away hesitantly. She held the socks she had just taken off in her hands and stretched out her hands tremblingly.

", here you go..."

An uneasy voice floated into his ears, and it was only then that Kato Yusuke came back to his senses.

He looked at the ball of stockings parked in front of him and thought for a moment that he had heard wrong. He opened his lips and asked:

"...Sorry, I may not have heard clearly just now. Did you say something?"

"So, that's why!"

Yinglili seemed to be unable to hide her shyness, stumbling and emphasizing: "I, I heard that boys like this, please use——!"


Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, his expression completely frozen.

Then, he vomited harshly.

"Use your head! What the hell are you doing?!"

"You...take it quickly! This is a must!"

"Don't bring that over here, please explain it to me -!"

"No, it doesn't matter, everything is under control...!"

"Stop joking! I don't have such a hobby!"

"It's embarrassing, just accept it!"

Yinglili was talking incoherently and was about to force the socks into his hands. But facing Yusuke Kato, who refused to live or die, she couldn't do what she wanted.

The two sides were in a stalemate for a while, with no one willing to give in.

When Yinglili saw this, she couldn't help but stamp her feet in anger.

"Stop making trouble, why are you willing to accept it?"

"I'm really sorry, but I won't accept it no matter what!"

Kato Yusuke refused sternly, his temples twitching.

Even so, he still kindly reminded me.

"On your part, how long do you plan to keep one leg bare?"


Yinglili couldn't help but take half a step back, her face turning red.

"Ju, you actually want both of them? are so greedy, you pervert."

Kato Yusuke felt his blood pressure soar in an instant and blurted out: "Why don't you look more sexy just wearing one sock like this!"


Yinglili snorted, with swirling circles in her eyes, and said unsteadily: "I understand... Then I'll leave the head office!"


Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, but then he reacted immediately.

"Wait! What are you doing? I asked you to put on-!"

She didn't know whether she didn't hear it or her little head was completely overloaded. Ying Lili just bent down with tears in her eyes and stretched her hands to her other thigh.

Just as she was about to take off her socks, Yusuke Kato suddenly took a half-step and stopped her in time.

"Stop, don't take it off!"


The girl's body went limp and she leaned weakly against the door. She looked at him blankly with a pair of pitiful tearful eyes and murmured like a kitten.


Her helpless look was so endearing that people couldn't help but want to hug her and say "it's okay" and touch her head.

——The premise is that Kato Yusuke can forget their current situation.

"Let me tell you, Yinglili..."

He let out a sigh of relief, tried his best to make his eyes look sincere, and then said slowly:

"Are you worried about something today? If so, I will listen to you carefully, so can you stop doing these weird things?"

"Then my socks..."

"Sorry, that really doesn't work."


Yinglili lowered her gaze as if she felt very sorry.

"...Yusuke, I'm sorry."

"What's the meaning……?"

"Because, yesterday I went to you to discuss Lun Ye's affairs without permission, and asked you to make accommodations... I really regret it, and I have already reflected on it. I understand you will be angry, but can you please not hate me..."

Like a child who made a mistake, the girl's voice was mixed with annoyance and regret, and she couldn't help but timidly grab the boy's clothes.

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but be stunned. For a moment, he couldn't understand what she was talking about. It wasn't until a few seconds later that he vaguely made a guess.

"Uh, you mean... you think I'm angry because of what happened yesterday?"


Ying Lili nodded her head imperceptibly.

"...I thought about it carefully later. If you spoke for someone I didn't like in front of me, I would definitely feel sad, but I did such an excessive thing to you...

As an apology, I have been worrying about how to compensate you, so——"

"—Is that why you behave so strangely today?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help interrupting her, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and all the things that happened today were suddenly connected together.

To be honest, he had long felt that Yinglili today was a little too attentive.

From giving him snacks, bringing him drinks, chatting with him awkwardly, staring at him absentmindedly while working, to offering that weird "compensation"...


But he never expected that it was based on such an outrageous reason!

Are you trying to please him because you feel guilty?

The shock in his heart made Kato Yusuke couldn't help but raise his hand, raised his palm into a knife, and then slashed the head of the person in front of him with force.

"it hurts!!"

Yinglili instinctively hugged her head and cried.

Kato Yusuke still felt dissatisfied and gave her another blow on the head.

"Ouch, it hurts me to death!"

"Are you an idiot? How could I be angry with you for this?"


"I can't stand it. I made it very clear yesterday. If you have such worries, why don't you ask me directly?"

"In other words..."

Ignoring the pain in her head, Yinglili asked timidly: "Are you... angry with me?"


"Then... the thing that hates me is also..."

"I haven't thought about it that way. Frankly speaking, it's better not to bring your delusions into reality."


The girl's eyes suddenly glowed with brilliance, and then she seemed to have lost her strength. Her feet gave way and she slid down, only to be supported by Kato Yusuke's quick eyes and hands.


"Well...I can't seem to stand up..."

"Oh... So you were in a lot of trouble just now."

"It's not that you've been refusing to cooperate, which has cost me too much energy!"

'You just relaxed a little, and you immediately got carried away...' Kato Yusuke looked at the familiar face quite speechlessly, and his eyes fell at his feet.

"I won't complain. Anyway, can you put your socks on first?"

Yinglili closed her eyes and felt it for a moment, then shook her head in frustration, "No... I can't use any strength at all."

"and you……"

"No! Don't leave me, let me rest and I will be fine..."

Her face showed panic, and she grabbed the boy's sleeve weakly and helplessly.

"I didn't say that either..." Kato Yusuke said with a wry smile.

Despite this, Yinglili still felt uneasy and looked around anxiously.

The next moment, her eyes became focused.

"Yeah, that's right! Take me to the cubicle and let me sit down. It'll be easier to dress that way."


Kato Yusuke followed her line of sight and couldn't help but droop his shoulders feebly.

"...You say you have no strength, but you are very good at commanding people."

He said gloomily, then helped the girl into the cubicle and let her sit down on the lid.

"What, is this okay?"

"I guess so……"

"Then wear it."

"What? I obviously said I don't have the strength now..."

"Huh? Then you just said you wanted to come to the cubicle..."

Yinglili puffed up her face angrily, stretched out her hand, and muttered: "Because it's easier to dress when you sit down. If possible, I hope you can help me put it on."


"No, no?"


Kato Yusuke looked at the socks that were handed over again and remained silent.

Yinglili turned her face aside, her eyes wandering and refused to look directly at his face.

"I...I don't want to do this, but we can't stay here forever. It would be very troublesome if someone"

a long time.

"...I just need to help you put it on?"

"Well, if you don't agree to anything, just wait until I take a break..."


Kato Yusuke didn't respond, silently reached out to pick up the socks, then bent his knees and squatted down.

"Pick up your feet and step on my knees."


Ying Lili muttered hesitantly and carefully stepped on his left knee with her right foot that had taken off her socks.


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