Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 255: A murder caused by a sock

Inside the compartment.

The boys and girls squatted and sat in silence.

This is not the first time that Kato Yusuke has experienced a girl taking off her socks in front of him.

He has seen the sexy look of Senior Shiyu taking off her pantyhose, and he has also seen other women taking off their clothes.

But as for Yinglili... this is still the first time.

Kato Yusuke took the opponent's socks and squatted on the ground to adjust them to make them as wearable as possible.

The black stockings still have some residual warmth attached to them, and there is a faint scent of milk floating around.

He fastened the heel of the stockings with the tiger's mouth, and with flexible movements of his fingers, he shortened the stockings to the length of his calf socks, and then asked the owner:

"Can you lift your feet a little?"


Yingli agreed in a low voice, shyly raising her right toes slightly, "Is this... okay...?"


Kato Yusuke nodded, his eyes naturally falling on the snow-white plain feet.

The white and tender instep is flawless, the five toes are light and agile, and the neatly trimmed toenails are dyed with the youthful and energetic light pink of a girl. The color matching and composition give people an elegant feeling.

"I...I said...don't do this, keep staring..." Yinglili murmured hesitantly, her cute toes curled up uneasily, coquettishly and timidly.


Kato Yusuke coughed and without saying anything, he moved the adjusted socks closer to the slender foot, and then put them on starting from the toes.

Rustling, rustling...


Yinglili's body trembled slightly, and she cursed shyly: "Idiot, where are you touching...?"

"...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to."

Kato Yusuke calmed down, gently held her ankle with his fingers, and quickly pulled the socks to the other side, completely wrapping the petite snowy foot.

The toes you touch accidentally are soft and elastic, like tender lotus root sprouts that have just emerged from the water, and they are beautiful and delicious.

After being wrapped in socks, the delicate little feet showed a different beauty.

The cute toes restrained by socks are neatly arranged like a crescent moon, looming under the hazy black fabric.

Kato Yusuke paused for a moment, then held the socks with both hands and continued to lift them up, passing by the white and round calves, the cute knees, and then reaching the weak and slender thighs.

This feeling is very novel.

Whether it's the faint sense of youthfulness or the flawless sense of holiness, they all seem to tell the uniqueness of the owner.

There are many women around Kato Yusuke, and they all have their own characteristics. Just like plum blossoms, orchids, bamboos and chrysanthemums, each has its own merits.

Shiha who is cold on the outside and charming on the inside, Megumi who is calm and gentle, Kanoko Hasumi who is gentle and lovely, Shinjo Kaoru who is clever and clever, and Akane Kurisaka who is mysterious and sexy.

However, the feeling on Ying Lili's body was still very special.

This girl who is favored by the gods is like the highest masterpiece of human art, dazzling and eye-catching.

In the process of helping to put on socks, both parties inevitably have a lot of skin-to-skin contact.

In addition to the owner making some imaginative soft hums from time to time, Kato Yusuke was not completely untouched.

His eyes were uncontrollably attracted to the flawless white thighs, and there was a hint of male gaze in his eyes, which he had to suppress with strong willpower.

If the target was Yinglili, it was obvious that he had not paid attention to these places before.

Just like no matter how cute his sister is, his brother will never have any thoughts about her. Even if he sees underwear, he will just treat it as an ordinary piece of fabric.


Perhaps affected by the changes in the relationship between the two, his view of the other party gradually changed.

Compared to his former sister, there is no doubt that Yinglili is a girl to him now, which makes him notice some things that he ignored before when they have physical contact with each other.

For example, right now, he can't help but pay attention to the curves of the girl's body, the smooth touch of her fingers sliding across her skin, the fragrance lingering on the tip of his nose, and the body temperature remaining on his fingertips...


Kato Yusuke calmly withdrew his hand from the opponent's thigh, lowered his head, inhaled and exhaled repeatedly without making any sound, silently calming the restlessness in his heart.

For Ying Lili, a similar feeling was no less favorable.

Her body's senses seemed to be concentrating on her right leg, and she was so sensitive that she could even feel the warm breath exhaled from the boy's nose.

The skin rubbed by my fingers felt inexplicably itchy, as if there were many ants crawling on it, and my body felt a little hot.

I don’t know from which moment the two sides stopped communicating.

Apart from the occasional shy hum that escaped her mouth, there was only the faint movement of stockings sliding across her skin, and the sound of each other's intermittent breathing.

By now, the cubicle was completely silent.

Yinglili looked at the boy who suddenly became motionless for some reason, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

She leaned softly against the pool behind her, tilting her head to observe the other person, trying to see the expression on his face, but it was obscured by the owner's silver hair, making it difficult to see clearly.

'His hair seems to be a little longer, it feels like snow...'

Yinglili thought aimlessly, and suddenly recalled the night of New Year's Eve, when the other party walked through the snow with her on his back, and a trance flashed in her eyes.

As if by mistake, she raised her right foot slightly and stepped on the "snow".


Through the thin stockings, the warm furry touch came over me.

"So warm..."

She narrowed her eyes comfortably and couldn't help but rub it gently.

The next second——

"--what you do?"

A hoarse questioning voice rang out.


Ying Lili was startled at first, then looked down following the source of the sound, and met a pair of gloomy black eyes.

——The young man was looking at her in astonishment.

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Maybe more than ten seconds passed, or maybe a few minutes passed.

Suddenly, Yinglili's cheeks turned red as she realized what she had done.

"Uh-oh! No, no...! I didn't mean to step on you on purpose, this...that...this is force majeure! Yes, I'm sorry!"

Kato Yusuke looked at her helpless reaction and said extremely speechlessly: "...Anyway, can you take your feet away first?"

"Ah, um, okay-!"

Yinglili replied in a voice that seemed to be squeezed out of her throat. She put her retracted right foot on the cover under her body, hugged her calves with both hands and lowered her head, not daring to speak.

The panic in her heart made her unaware of what this sitting posture meant to the boy squatting in front of her.

Naturally, Kato Yusuke's eyes fell on something.

In the shadow under the skirt, a touch of delicate aqua blue burst into his eyes, and even the cute bow decoration on it was clearly visible.

His pupils couldn't help but shrink, and he was shocked.


"I, I really didn't mean it...don't be mean to me. It's just because it looks comfortable. Big...big deal...just step on me..."

The girl spoke incoherently, with a sense of confusion in her voice.

"Anyway, calm down first!"

Kato Yusuke stood up suddenly, pressed the other person's shoulder and said: "I won't be harsh to you, nor will I step on you, but... well, you can't sit like this..."


Yinglili raised her head in confusion, looked at his face with a wry smile, and then lowered her head to look down...


As if she finally realized the problem, she hurriedly put down her right foot and arched her back, pressing the hem of her skirt with both hands.

"No...don't look here, idiot."

The girl said embarrassedly, her voice so soft that it was almost inaudible.

Kato Yusuke looked away and tried his best to pretend to be calm, but the scene just now was deeply imprinted in his mind and he could never forget it.

There was an awkward silence.

"……you saw it?"

"...I didn't see it."


"Uh... I didn't mean to look. Like you said, this is force majeure."




Ying Lili pinched her skirt and whispered: "If it's doesn't matter."


Kato Yusuke's heart beat violently and he unconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

The girl didn't know when she raised her face and looked at him with a pair of watery blue eyes. Although her face was red, she still mustered up the courage to say:

"...remember to be responsible for me."

Kato Yusuke's breath hitched and he blurted out subconsciously.



Yinglili stood up and took half a step forward, hitting his head on his chest with a "thud", muttering to herself.

"...I have made up my mind. From now on, I will devote everything to becoming the number one in your heart."


Kato Yusuke opened his mouth and couldn't help but want to say something.

At this moment, the bathroom door was suddenly opened rudely, and crisp footsteps came in.

Immediately afterwards——

"Yu-chan? Sawamura? Can you two come out~?"

A voice that seemed to be holding some kind of anger sounded in the bathroom.

""——! ""

Kato Yusuke and Eiriri looked at each other and changed their expressions at the same time.

Then, they walked out of the cubicle with trepidation.

——A ghost is waiting for them at the entrance.

The expressionless Shiyu crossed his arms and stood majestically. Her long, straight black hair seemed to flow automatically without wind, and her body exuded a cold aura that seemed to come from the Nine Nether Hells.

In a much lower voice than usual, the black-haired evil ghost asked: "So, what are you stealing here?"

Kato Yusuke felt his scalp numb instantly, and at the same time, he also noticed that the little hand holding his shirt behind his back trembled.

"Shi, Shiyu-senpai."

He spoke tremblingly, trying to explain the situation, but——

"As, as you can see, we are making out, can you please not disturb us?"

Yinglili suddenly jumped out from behind and hugged his arm, speaking forcefully.

"Hey, Yinglili!"


Shiyu smiled sweetly, but there was no smile in her eyes. She tilted her head slightly and asked, "Intimate? Are you talking about you and Yu-chan?"


Ying Lili said provocatively: "We were in a good atmosphere just now, but you suddenly interrupted us. We were almost on the verge of getting into the main scene."

"What kind of drama is this!?"

Kato Yusuke's eyes widened in shock.

Shiyu narrowed his eyes and walked up, stopped in front of Yinglili, and spoke two words condescendingly: "Lie."

"I'm not lying!"

"Really? Then tell me, Yuu-chan, what would he do to a bean sprout like you?"

"Beans, bean sprouts!?"

"Ah, so you haven't realized it before?"

"That's too much! You fat girl-!"

"Thank you for the compliment~"

"I'm not complimenting you! And why are you deliberately pushing your breasts out? It's not like big breasts are the only way to do that kind of thing!"

"This is a typical sour grapes mentality~"

Shiyu smiled contemptuously while holding Kato Yusuke's other arm.

"It's a pity that a flat chest like you Sawamura will never be able to do such a thing."


Along with the subtle sound, Kato Yusuke suddenly felt a wonderful softness coming from his right upper arm.

His body couldn't help but stiffen, and Yinglili on the left immediately noticed the change.

The girl looked at their reactions with wide eyes. She didn't know whether she was angry or shy. Her face turned red and she couldn't help but stamp her feet.

"Who would care about something like that from you? What Yusuke likes most is girls' legs, and he even touched my legs just now."


A pair of red eyes without any emotion immediately pierced him.

"What does Sawamura mean by this?"

"This is slander!"

"No, you were clearly fascinated by it just now, and you even helped me put on my socks."

"You had to take it off and stuff it into me, and then you found an excuse to ask me to put it on for you!"


Shiyu's eyes became colder and colder, and he asked with a smile:

"Obviously because you clearly said you didn't want it before, I didn't continue to provide you with my socks, but you went behind my back and asked Sawamura for it~?"

"This is a misunderstanding——!"

"Wait a minute! Yusuke, what does Kasumigaoka Shiyu mean by this?"

"Ah~ Yuu-chan actually likes my socks very much, right? I remember he already has almost ten pairs of my pantyhose over there, right?"

"Ten, ten, ten, ten pairs——!?"

"There are not so many! There are only three or four pairs at most, and the senior sister forced it on me and refused to take it back!"

"Eh~ But it's easy for energetic boys to become dissatisfied with their desires, right? It's also my duty to help my boyfriend relieve stress."

"——Don't use that misleading terminology!"


Ying Lili listened to their conversation in disbelief, her voice trembling slightly, "Well, well... my family knows a very famous psychiatrist, I will introduce it to you next time..."

"——Don't look at people like you're a pervert!"

Kato Yusuke said with a dark face and a look of despair.

After all, he is still not perverted enough to be incompatible with this world.

"I said--"

Shiyu sneered and asked, "How long are you two going to flirt in front of me?"


Eirili was the first to provoke, "Are you afraid that Yusuke and I have been chatting for a long time and he finds out, is it better for me?"


"Hey, if you don't have the confidence and just admit defeat, I'll be fine with it."


Shiyu's eyes suddenly became cold, as if he were looking at a dead person.

"Obviously not long ago I was still a fool who couldn't tell a good man, but now you're a sneaky cat and you're brave enough to speak out."

Feeling the increasingly strong smell of gunpowder on both sides, Kato Yusuke coughed heavily and spoke cautiously.

"Sorry to bother you, may I say something..."

""——Yu-chan (Yusuke) Shut up first! ""


Ignoring the fact that someone died before leaving the battle, the two girls glared at each other.

Yinglili rarely changed her past passivity and took the initiative to attack Shiyu.

"In the final analysis, you are just afraid that you will lose, right? Kasumigaoka Shiyu."

"If the opponent is you, it would be more difficult to lose, right?"

"You say that, but you act so wary of me approaching Yusuke. You are just a coward."

"It's simply ridiculous. For someone like you who can only mess up things without outside help, if you want to capture Yuu-chan, you are overestimating your capabilities."

Shiyu paused for a moment when he said this, and then raised the corners of his mouth contemptuously.

"Although I don't have much interest, but because of your courage to overestimate your capabilities, I will accept your childish provocation."

"Whoever is afraid of whom will definitely win for you!"

"I hope you are not a stubborn person. Now that you have said so much, I am looking forward to your crying face."

The fighting seemed to have subsided for the time being.

Kato Yusuke looked left and right, swallowed silently, and said as if walking on thin ice:

"... Anyway, can we go out first? It's a bit shameful for you two girls to come to the men's room."

"——Who is this outrageous person?"

Shiyu reached out and pinched half of his cheek, and said sarcastically:

"I just wanted to go to the restroom normally, but when I got here, I heard the voices of you and Sawamura coming from the men's restroom. Are you trying to make me angry?"

"I'm really sorry. This was a misunderstanding."

Kato Yusuke defended incoherently, while Eiri glanced at him with a blushing face and walked out.

The three of them filed out of the bathroom, and then saw... standing outside...




"Eh~Eiriri? Kasumigaoka-senpai?"

The person involved asked with a puzzled look on his face: " mean this is the men's bathroom, right? What are you doing?"



Yinglili and Shiyu glanced at each other unconsciously, then looked away from each other's faces in boredom, and walked forward without saying a word.

Kato Yusuke, who was left last, shouted something bad in his heart and subconsciously wanted to retreat to the bathroom, but...

"Hmm~~ Do you want me to pretend not to see you? Yusuke." Kei said this while glancing at him casually.


Kato Yusuke's footsteps paused, his eyelids twitched wildly, and he had to bite the bullet and walk out.

"Well... Hui, things are not what you think. I can explain..."

"Well, anyway, it was Kasumigaoka-senpai and Eiri-san who were quarreling again, and you were involved in it, right? It's not easy for you too."


"Look, your hair is messed up."

The girl gently walked up and helped him tidy up his messed up hair.


Kato Yusuke blinked, confused about the situation for a moment, but also a little moved.

"Thank you, Megumi."

"Hmm~~It's nothing. By the way, can I ask Yusuke a question?"


"Thank you~"

Hui smiled and thanked her, and then asked nonchalantly: "So... is it true that you like girls' socks?"


"Not only Eiriri, is it true that you accepted Kasumigaoka-senpai's socks?"


"That's it~ wow, it turns out it's true..."

The girl showed a subtle expression of alienation and took several steps back to distance herself from him.

"Wait a minute! I took that one from Shiyu-senpai, that's right, but I didn't take Eiriri's—!"

Kato Yusuke defended hurriedly and instinctively took a step forward, only to see the other party also take a step back.

"Ah, I'm sorry, Yusuke, please keep a distance of more than ten meters from me first. I need to take some time to accept your hobby."

Hui made a statement in an indifferent tone, and then left here in a hurry, trying to avoid him.

Kato Yusuke could only stretch out his hand in vain and petrified on the spot.

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