Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-eight, boyfriend’s shirt


Shiyu took a bite of the cake and looked around doubtfully.

"Where's the cat you adopted, Yuu-chan? Why haven't you seen it?"

Kato Yusuke, who was standing in front of the stove, answered casually.

"Because I sent Xiao Hei to Mr. Yoshida's place."

"Eh... put it over to Mr. Yoshida's place?"


"Why? Don't you plan to raise it?"

"It's nothing like that. It's just a foster care for one night. I'll pick it up tomorrow."

Shiyu blinked, looked at his back in the apron curiously, and asked, "Why is this?"

"Well... after all, I prepared these things in the room. It would be bad if Xiao Hei messed it up, that's it."

"At this time, you should say "Because I want to live a two-person world with my senior sister", which would be more sensible, right? "

Kato Yusuke looked back at her, smiled and said: "Judging from the results alone, this is the truth. It will be just me and Shiyu-senpai tonight, no one else will disturb us."


Shiyu chewed on this ambiguous word, and his heartbeat skipped a beat. She composed herself and spoke in her usual teasing tone.

"You said it like we could stay together all night~"

The boy responded in his usual style.

"I didn't think so."

"You mean, today is my birthday, right?"

"So what?"

"According to common sense, as my boyfriend, shouldn't you fulfill all my wishes?"

"The word "everything" is not only abstract, but also has a very broad scope. Generally, no one would make such an unreasonable request."

"Then, within your ability, can you grant me one wish?"

"You might as well talk about it."

"Actually, we've been playing all day today, and I'm a little tired."

Kato Yusuke stopped what he was doing and looked back.

"so what?"

Shiyu took another bite of cake and said with a smile: "So, just let me stay tonight~"

The room suddenly became quiet.

As expected, the young man showed a troubled expression.

The girl was not surprised by this, and looked at the other person in trouble with a playful expression.

After pondering for a while, a helpless voice sounded.


" are still so boring——Huh?"

Shiyu was suddenly stunned, as if the stop button had been pressed on his whole body.

A few beats apart.

"Hey, um... Yu-chan, I'm sorry, I didn't seem to hear you clearly. You just said "no"... right...? "

The girl stumbled and asked, her expression full of disbelief mixed with a trace of hope.

For Shi Yu, who always shows a cold attitude towards others, it is rare for her to show such an anxious side.

However, this is not her fault.

In fact, even though she had been dating someone for a long time, whenever she brought up the idea of ​​staying overnight, the other person would always reject it without exception.

Even just now, she just mentioned it casually, thinking that Kato Yusuke would definitely refuse as usual, but...

"——I just agreed that if Senior Shiyu is willing, she can stay here tonight."

——The other party clearly declared this.

"Eh? Uh...Eh? Are you serious!?"

Shiyu opened his eyes in disbelief and asked in shock.

Seeing her expression, Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile bitterly and nodded gently in affirmation.

"I'm right, it doesn't matter from my side...but before that, shouldn't senior sister think about how to tell her family first?"

"——I'm going to make a call now!"

Shiyu stood up suddenly, almost ran to the balcony and closed the door. With a determined expression like a Spartan warrior facing an enemy, he resolutely picked up his mobile phone and made a call.

Kato Yusuke looked at her reaction in stunned silence. He couldn't help but scratch his hair in annoyance, not knowing what to say for a moment.

Suddenly, he remembered a certain conversation with Xiao Kano.

"I don't mean anything else by saying this, but Xiaoshi has often complained to me recently, saying that you have been refusing to fulfill your responsibilities as a boyfriend, and she is very resentful~~~"

"Is it the boyfriend's responsibility..."

Kato Yusuke muttered, some beautiful scenes inevitably flashed through his mind, and then he pinched his eyebrows hard to get those dirty thoughts out of his mind.

‘It’s still too early. It’s just a one-night stay. Nothing will happen. ’

He told himself this, but the throbbing in his heart could not calm down.

He raised his eyes and looked at the beautiful figure outside the balcony.

The silky and gorgeous black hair flows down to her waist, and the hair with a touch of moonlight flutters lightly in the night wind, making people's hearts sultry.

Kato Yusuke silently withdrew his gaze and continued to work.

Open the refrigerator.

Take out four eggs, half an onion, a green onion, and the rice that you cooked before going out this morning.

He glanced to the side.

Several crisper boxes filled with food made him hesitate.

——Those are some common dishes that Hui helped prepare before.

As for the fried rice he is going to make next, if it can be paired with the dishes made by the girl, it will definitely make the dinner more sumptuous.


Kato Yusuke looked behind him hesitantly. After all, he didn't take out those delicious regular dishes. Instead, he took some side dishes bought from the convenience store and closed the refrigerator.

Maybe he was overly worried about some things, but at least on a day like today, he hoped to make Shiyu as happy as possible.

"Having said that...didn't I still make my senior sister angry today..."

He laughed at himself slightly melancholy, remembering the farce with Ying Lili in the bathroom, and was speechless for a moment.

Five minutes later, Shiyu returned to the room with the corner of his mouth slightly raised.

"It's been a long wait, Yuu-chan, I called you~"

Kato Yusuke pretended that nothing happened and looked over, "What did your uncle and aunt say?"

"Well, they said they knew."

"that's all??"

"Any questions?"

"No, my precious daughter not only doesn't go home on her birthday, but also spends the night at a strange man's house. Normally she would be extremely worried, right?"

"Really?" Shiyu tilted her head slightly, "But my mother understands it very well?"


"Because, after I sent her the photo of us playing together today, she happily said it was very romantic, although my dad was a little unhappy."

"——Isn't that super bad!?"

Kato Yusuke complained in distress:

"What is this? I was hated by my uncle even before I visited your family. Doesn't this mean that the hell difficulty will be activated? I can't help but worry about the future..."

"I think you're thinking too much?"

"Can I ask what uncle said on the phone...?"

"He didn't say anything, he just asked your name very seriously and said it seemed necessary to have a good chat with you."


Kato Yusuke slapped his face, covered his forehead and said, "Basically, it's just a little bit away from getting angry, right?"

As if she found him looking funny at this time, Shiyu giggled with a naughty expression.

"Don't worry, you didn't do anything bad to me anyway."

"That's it..."

"But, that won't be the case after tonight~"

"Okay! As expected, I'd better take senior sister home after dinner."


"Sorry, I was joking. Please don't show that scary face."

Faced with the girl who looked cold for a moment, Kato Yusuke raised the white flag very knowingly.

"You are such a man... Anyway, you don't have to worry about my father."


"Because, it doesn't matter even if he disagrees with us in the future."

Shiyu said lightly: "Anyway, no one in this world can let me leave you except yourself."

Kato Yusuke's words stalled, and he felt something stuck in his throat, making it difficult to speak.

He paused for a moment and said: "...Anyway, there is still some time before I prepare dinner. Do you want to take a shower first?"

"Yes, yes, but I didn't expect you would allow me to stay, so I didn't bring a change of clothes."

"I'm going to find some clothes for you. Let's put on my sportswear for pajamas first."

"Instead of your gym clothes, can you give me your shirt?"

"That's fine with me, but wouldn't the shirt be uncomfortable?"


Shiyu declared solemnly: "When you spend the night at the hero's house, you must wear his shirt that is one size larger. This is common sense in the game."

“What the hell is this??”

"Anyway, just give me your shirt."

With no other choice, Kato Yusuke had to fill the bathtub with hot water and get her one of his shirts and a new bath towel.

As for underwear, he was at his wits' end.

When he asked if he needed to go to the convenience store to buy disposable items, Shiyu simply said no, and then took the items into the bathroom.

"By the way, Senior Shiyu, there is a newly purchased toothbrush in the cabinet at the sink. You can just take it from there."

"I know, when do you plan to wash it?"

"Don't worry about me. Just drain the water after you wash. I will take a shower later."

"Hey, Yuu-chan."

"What's up?"

Shiyu leaned out his upper body from the bathroom.

"This is a rare opportunity. Do you want to wash it together?"

"——Forgive me for refusing."

"Tsk, boring man, but I will leave the door unlocked for now. If you change your mind, come in~"

The girl curled her lips and closed the bathroom door.

At first it was just a "click", and after about half a minute, a slight "click" sound also sounded.

Although the voice behind was very weak, it was still captured by Kato Yusuke.

"Why don't you lock it..."

Kato Yusuke said to himself in a funny way and continued to prepare dinner.

Add half a spoonful of white sugar, a spoonful of dark soy sauce, a spoonful of light soy sauce, and a spoonful of oyster sauce to the dehydrated rice. Wear disposable gloves and mix them thoroughly.


The phone suddenly vibrated.

A photo sent via LINE appeared on the screen.

In the misty bathtub, two slender legs were overlapped and resting on the edge of the table, with tempting water drops hanging on their skin.

【Shiyu: Please enjoy it slowly~】

Kato Yusuke's eyes twitched, and his free left hand was typing like flying: [What the hell! ? (roar)】

[Shiyu: Are you imagining it? 】

[Yusuke Kato: Do ​​you want me to brush your body with a palm brush? 】


Naughty laughter came faintly from the bathroom.

Kato Yusuke shook his head dejectedly and put his phone back into his pocket.

Then, he cut the onions into small pieces and cut some green onions from the long onions. Crack four eggs into a bowl and stir evenly with chopsticks.

Heat oil in a pan.

Pour the egg liquid into the pot and stir it with a spatula after it is slightly formed.

Zila Zila~

A familiar cooking melody fills my ears.

Normally, his perspective would be over the desk or low table. The person standing in the kitchen cooking was Megumi, and a little further forward, it was Sayu.

Now that it was his turn to go into battle in person, he couldn't help but imagine the mood of the two of them while cooking.

Unconsciously, the smiles of the two girls overlapped.

Unlike Sayu's soft smile, Megumi would only maintain a smile at best. Although their personalities are different, their smiles are equally reassuring.

Suddenly, a feeling of nostalgia and loneliness welled up in my heart.

Yusuke Kato quickly transferred the eggs to a bowl before they were almost overcooked.

Pour a little salad oil into the pot again, add the chopped onions and stir-fry. When the aroma comes out, add the rice and stir-fry, then add the eggs and continue to stir-fry.

This soy sauce fried rice dish was taught to him by Xiao Xi, and he practiced it for about a week before he mastered it.

Although it took him a while to learn this dish, he surprisingly didn't hate the tedious cooking process.

the most important is--

When he stood in front of the stove, he had the illusion that he could slightly understand the mood of Megumi and Sayu.

Considering the excellent cooking skills of the two women, his idea was undoubtedly a bit arrogant, but this was his true feeling in his heart.

As for whether he will fall in love with cooking in the future, there is a high probability that he will not.

After all, takeout is so common in the catering industry now. If you live alone, it is very convenient to order takeout, eat out, or take away food. The priority of cooking for yourself is really low for him.

To put it shamelessly, with that kind of cooking time, the value he can create is almost equal to his previous income for a whole month.

Therefore, if it were not for special circumstances like Shiyu's birthday, he would not take the initiative to cook in the future.

Kato Yusuke observed the inside of the pot, and when the fried rice was almost cooked, he added the chopped green onion and stir-fried.

The pot sizzles and the aroma of food wafts out.

Click, click.

There was a sound of the door opening coming from the bathroom, and Shiyu seemed to have come out of the bathroom.

"Yu-chan, what did you do? It smells so good."

"It's soy sauce fried rice. How long does it take you to dry your hair?"

"Hmm~ Fifteen minutes if you hurry up."


Kato Yusuke turned off the fire and put the side dishes bought at the convenience store on a plate.

"Yu-chan, your shampoo smells so good."

"...Oh, it's from MUJI. Megumi gave me a bottle before. I thought it was pretty good, so I bought it myself."


Boom buzz.

The sound of the hair dryer came over.

Shiyu shouted: "The air volume of this hair dryer is so big, it's very easy to blow~"

Kato Yusuke also raised his voice and replied: "That was given to me by Shinjou, saying it was a Christmas gift."


Heat a pot of oil again, put two pieces of quick-frozen croquettes in and fry until the surface of the croquettes bulges slightly and turns golden on both sides, then take them out and drain the oil.

Throw a coagulant into the pot, clean the kitchen knives and cutting boards, then pour the solidified salad oil into a garbage bag, and wash the pot.

When I finished all this, the sound of the hair dryer also stopped.

Along with the sound of "pa-ta-pa-ta" footsteps, Shiyu walked out.

Kato Yusuke looked subconsciously, and his pupils suddenly dilated and contracted, falling into a sluggish state.


Just as the girl said, the look was undoubtedly that of borrowing a shirt in her boyfriend's room.

The smooth and slender legs are exposed under the loose white shirt, making people's eyes sink into them uncontrollably.

The thighs and calves exude a sexy look, and the jade feet lightly stepping on the floor are even more dazzling.

He hurriedly raised his eyes and saw slightly damp long hair and a pair of playful wine-red eyes.

Shiyu raised the corners of his mouth proudly and folded his hands in front of his chest, as if he was satisfied with the look in his eyes at the moment.

"How's it going? Are you excited?"

"...I admit, you won."

“Do you understand now the appeal of wearing a boyfriend’s shirt?”

"For young boys, it's a bit too exciting."

"Eh~? Isn't it just like this? I thought I could pull the shirt up a little bit more if necessary?"


Kato Yusuke swallowed dryly, his Adam's apple rolling visibly.

He tried his best to stay calm, but when he witnessed this scene with his own eyes, he realized how fragile his determination was.

"...Stop talking, I have sports pants in my wardrobe, can you please choose one and put it on?"

"Don't worry, I'm wearing my underwear properly, so it's okay."

"——Isn't that okay!?"

Ignoring the other party's understatement, Kato Yusuke ordered in a strong tone: "Go and change quickly, it's time to start dinner."

"Oh~ now that you say so."

Shiyu Zhuangruo held her forehead helplessly, walked to the closet with brisk steps, and opened the door with a "click".

——Various types of men's clothing immediately come into view.

The girl looked at the neatly hung clothes in front of her and looked at them one by one with great interest.

The school's summer, autumn and winter uniforms, long-sleeved and short-sleeved sportswear, many spare white shirts, jackets, home clothes, T-shirts, etc...

"Yu-chan, you wore this suit at the last Immortal River annual meeting, right?"

"Yes, that was given to me by Kano-chan before."


"Hey, this black hexagonal snowflake yukata is so beautiful. Do you still want to buy this?"

Kato Yusuke took advantage of the meal to take a casual look and replied: "No, that's a Christmas gift from Eri-ri."


Shiyu responded in a cold tone, then reluctantly reached out to the drawer.

On the first floor were neatly stored boxers and socks, and on the first floor were ties, the student council president's golden rope, and a few small boxes with unknown contents.

He picked up a box from the corner and opened it, and what he saw was a piece of pure white...


Shiyu muttered unconsciously, and then heard a sentence——

"Senior, what are you doing?"


"Can't you find your sports pants? Let me help you."

As Kato Yusuke said this, he casually took the box containing the handkerchief from her hand, put it back in the corner of the drawer, and pulled a pair of trousers off the hanger.

"Here you go, although the size may not fit right, if you tighten the elastic band a little, senior sister should be able to wear it."


Shiyu raised his eyebrows suspiciously and looked at his face, but didn't see anything unusual.

"Hey, Yu-chan, that quick handkerchief just now was..."

"Oh, someone lent it to me once, but I never found a chance to return it, so I put it here temporarily."

"Is this so..."

She nodded noncommittally, her intuition telling her that the handkerchief was not as simple as someone said, but the owner didn't seem to want to explain, making it difficult for people to pursue it.

Shiyu silently remembered this matter in his heart, and then asked: "Speaking of which, I remember Yu-chan, didn't you tell me to put away my pantyhose? Where are those?"

"Are you willing to take it back?"

"No, just a surprise inspection."

"Yes Yes……"

Kato Yusuke lowered his head feebly, took out a box from the drawer, and handed it to her.

"...Well, I have collected all the senior's things here. You can take your time and take a look. In addition, I have already served the food. Come and eat quickly after you are dressed."

After finishing speaking, he closed the drawer and closet doors and walked towards the low table.


Shiyu opened the box in his hand and saw several pairs of black pantyhose inside. She picked up the box and brought it to her nose, sniffing it lightly.

"...Well, it seems there are no traces of use."

"——I told you I don't have that kind of hobby!"

"whispering sound……"

The girl smacked her tongue in disgust, put the box on the ground temporarily, and walked to the bathroom with her trousers.

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