Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and fifty-nine, her and his coffee

When Yusuke Kato poured the oolong tea into the glass, Shiyu, who was dressed, walked out of the bathroom.

"Did you do all of this yourself?"

"I'm sorry, I don't have much to offer, so I can only make do with fried rice. The kelp, radish, and cucumber are side dishes bought from convenience stores, and the croquettes are quick-frozen food, so I didn't treat them well."

"looks very tasty……"

Shiyu muttered and sat down opposite.

"Honestly, I'm kind of hungry. Can we get started?"

"Of course, let's eat together."

Kato Yusuke pushed a cup of oolong tea in front of her, and then sat down as well.

""I'm gonna start now. ""

After clasping their hands together, Shiyu immediately took turns eating soy sauce fried rice, side dishes and croquettes.


"Does it suit you?"

"If I get a perfect score of 10, I'd probably give it a 10. I always think that Yuu-chan will become a virtuous husband in the future."

"What a pity, househusband is not in my career plan, isn't it?"

"What a pity. You are so good at cooking. Speaking of which, this fried rice is really delicious, even better than the ones sold outside~"

Seeing her happily eating the food, Kato Yusuke breathed a sigh of relief and chuckled.

"You are exaggerating. I only learned this fried rice dish. It would be too rude to others to be compared with other restaurants."

Shiyu stopped his chopsticks when he heard this, looked at him with some dissatisfaction, frowned and said:

"I'm not deliberately flattering, I really think this fried rice is delicious and I want you to cook it for me forever.

What's more, compared to the delicious food made by others, the fact that it is made and given to me by your own hands makes me happier. The meaning is different. "

"I always feel like..."

"Always felt?"

Kato Yusuke lowered his eyes calmly, the emotions in his eyes were a bit complicated, and he sighed softly: "It seems that the harvest I have gained from my senior sister will never be over..."


Shiyu's eyebrows moved slightly, then he narrowed his eyes and asked jokingly: "About this, do you think it will only be fine in this life?"


"I've already thought about the afterlife and the future, right? You just have to play in the world I built for you, Yuu-chan. Don't think you can escape~"

"--too horrible!?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't bear it and said: "After all, why every time I chat with my senior, the topic always turns to imprisonment!"

"Ah~ But I just love you so much that I don't even hesitate to lock you up and pamper you at home every day. Isn't this normal?"

"You definitely confused "normal" and "heavy"! Hurry up and find your role, don't lean towards the yandere side! "

The two of them were laughing and joking, as if they wanted to prolong the relaxed atmosphere as long as possible.

"Thank you for hospitality."

"Mediocre food and poor hospitality."

After finishing dinner and putting away the dishes, Kato Yusuke went to take a shower, while Shiyu stayed alone in the living room watching TV.

Tick, tick.

The clock ticks gently.

The rose gift box that had been removed during the meal was put back on the table, blooming in the girl's eyes.

Sitting at the table, Shiyu cupped her chin with one hand and touched the roses gently, reminiscing about the beauty of today.

She had actually made a lot of predictions about today and made some plans. She originally planned to call Kato Yusuke to go on a date with her after the studio got off work.

——However, that person did not follow the script at all.

Not only did he take himself out of the studio early, he also prepared such a big surprise for her, making her fall into a sweet dream.

Although she had acted very calmly all day long, she really felt like a heroine in a love story today, and she was secretly turbulent in her heart.

Whether it was a helicopter date, a limousine parade, roses and cakes, or taking the initiative to cook for her, that person fulfilled almost all of her fantasies.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday dear..."

A shy singing voice echoed from the recorder.

The corners of Shiyu's mouth turned up uncontrollably, intoxicated.

Gently raise your right arm and put your nose up.

Along with the fragrance of laundry detergent, the favorite mint fragrance also comes, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Hiss... Haa~~ Yuu-chan's... taste... I love it so much..."

She couldn't help but close her eyes, and her voice was filled with a subtle warmth.

As far as birthdays are concerned, today is undoubtedly the best birthday she has ever had.

There was no need to doubt that she was sure that she would recall this perfect day countless times in the future.

Having said that... there is still a slightly regrettable part.

From shampoo, hair dryers, to suits and bathrobes, and even the mug found last time...there are traces of other people everywhere in this home.

Shiyu suddenly opened his eyes when he thought of this, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Those, damn, sneaky cats!"

The unwilling voice echoed in the room, making the temperature seem to drop a few degrees.

Although she does have a part in those things, including Kato Yusuke who still wears the watch she gave him, and she also has a necklace given by him around her neck...

——But this matter is still very annoying!

It felt like a group of thieves had used her things without the permission of her owner, which was really unpleasant!

That's all for talking about Xiao Kano. Doesn't it mean that other people don't take her seriously at all?

If she had known this, maybe she should have been stronger...

However, this idea has just arisen, and the reality that follows is frustrating.

She seems to have the strongest trump card, but she is not as powerful as she appears...

No matter how strong she is, she still doesn't have the ability to control everything.

Because that person will not be tamed by her.

Every time he showed a tamed look, he was actually taming her in turn.

——And she was very happy about it.

Even if that person is a glass of poisonous wine, she will drink it resolutely.

In fact, she had realized this a long time ago - she could not completely possess him.

Not just her, but others seem to be like this too.

Suddenly, Shiyu felt depressed.

She had had many beautiful fantasies about their relationship.

As Yusuke Kato casually said, they will decide the university they will attend together. Although there is a year difference, they will continue their studies as seniors and juniors.

She would half-jokingly and half-seriously propose to him that they live together, only to be rejected by him rudely.

At the coming-of-age ceremony at the age of twenty, she would make that suggestion again without giving up, and he would probably not refuse it then.

Occasionally they would bathe together and brush each other's backs affectionately.

In bed, she hoped that he would love her crazily, so much that tears would come to her eyes.

After that, they will inform each other's parents and finally start their lives together...

Even though she understood that this was a childish delusion, she couldn't control herself.

"Tsk... It would be great if I didn't find those things that steal fishy cats."

Just as she was immersed in such thoughts——

"Huh? Senior sister, what did you say?"

——The suspicious inquiry suddenly rang out.


Shiyu subconsciously looked up and saw Kato Yusuke wearing short-sleeved shorts and looking at her with a puzzled expression.

The hair that had probably just been wiped casually twice was pushed back, with some water droplets still hanging on it. The three-dimensional facial features look a bit deep under the shadow of the light, and the outline of the face is very handsome.

"Uh...? Yu-chan, when did you come out?"

"Just when the senior sister said something."


Kato Yusuke tilted his head for no apparent reason and asked, "Senior, she looks a little lackluster. Are you tired?"

"No, it's just a little boring because you didn't ask me to brush your back."

"Yeah~ It's a bit boring, isn't it? Do you want a cup of coffee?"


"Then I'll take a dip."

"Wait a minute, Yuu-chan."

"What's wrong?"

Shiyu said nonchalantly: "Can you please use the old mug to make coffee? I'm more accustomed to something simple and don't want to be too luxurious."

Kato Yusuke was stunned for a moment, then said warmly: "I understand, do you want milk in your coffee, senior?"

"Well...since it's evening, let's add a little more."


After a while, the sound of the coffee machine sounded in the room.

Shiyu looked at his busy back, pursed her lower lip slightly, then stood up on the ground, walked up step by step, hugged his waist from behind, and rested her forehead on his strong back.

"...Senior Shiyu?"

The young man couldn't help but pause in his movements.


The girl agreed softly, her voice so low that it was almost inaudible.

"It's not easy to make coffee if you hold me like this."

"...I just feel so angry."

"So angry...? Why?"

"You are so smart, why don't you take a guess?"

“Isn’t this too difficult??”

Kato Yusuke said and looked back, but Shiyu just hugged him without saying a word.

He was troubled for a while, then tentatively asked: "...Um, are you angry about Yinglili?"

Slowly, a sneer sounded from behind.

"Just because of that pornographic girl with a poor figure?"

"Well, you are still as strict as ever..."

"Isn't what I said the truth?"

"It doesn't seem right for us to talk about others behind their backs like this..."

"I would still say that even in front of her, right?"

Kato Yusuke couldn't help but smile bitterly: "...I have no other meaning when I say this, but can't you and Eiriri live in peace?"

"If you want to say...actually it's not that I haven't thought about reconciling with her, I just don't know why it's so difficult to get her forgiveness."

"That's because the senior sister is always provoking her hurts!"

Shiyu pinched his flanks unhappily and said, "Let's not talk about the past, but she was the one who took the initiative today, right?"

"You are right! So can you stop pinching me?"

"Since Sawamura has made such a declaration of war against me, then it's okay for me to treat her as an enemy, right?"

"Although that's true...but there are many times when you have inexplicably the same mind."

"But that's not a reason to let me share a man, right? After all, she's not as polite as Kano-chan?"

Kato Yusuke wisely stopped the topic that was too sensitive, and changed the topic and asked:

"...Well, if it's not about Yinglili, why is senior so angry?"



Shiyu spoke in a relaxed tone: "I was actually lying to you when I said I was angry. I just want to hold you like this, can't I?"

"It's not impossible... It doesn't matter to me, then just do whatever you like, senior sister." Kato Yusuke scratched his cheek and said.

Although being held from behind like this made it somewhat difficult for him to move, it wasn't like he couldn't move completely.

What's more, the person holding him is not only his girlfriend, but also a beautiful girl with outstanding appearance and figure. He has no right to complain.

the most important is……

"Today is Senior Shiyu's birthday. No matter what, I will try my best to satisfy you."

He said and continued to make coffee.


Shiyu said nothing and silently hugged him a little tighter.

The soft E cup was close to the back, making someone's body slightly tense, and he had to force himself to focus on the coffee machine.

after awhile.

"Hey, Yuu-chan."

"Ah, ah?"

"I want to ask you something."

"Oh, oh, what's the matter?"

In Kato Yusuke's absent-minded response, a somewhat uneasy word floated into his ears.

"...Do you think I am a dark and troublesome woman and want to leave me...?"

"Senior Shiyu...?"

He stopped what he was doing, and regardless of the girl's weak resistance, he forcibly turned around to face her head-on.

Shiyu lowered his head slightly, biting his lower lip with his teeth, afraid of looking directly at his face.

Kato Yusuke stared at her intently and asked, "What did you mean by what you just said?"

"After all...except for the fact that a woman like me has some assets in her body, the rest of her body is simply terrible, so even if she is thrown away after being played with, it wouldn't be surprising, right?"

"--Do not make jokes!"


The severe rebuke made Shiyu tremble, and then he raised his head tremblingly, feeling at a loss.

Kato Yusuke ignored her reaction, grabbed her shoulders with both hands, and forced her to look at him.

"Look at me, Shiyu-senpai."

"Yu, Yuu-chan..."

"Why do you say that to yourself?"


Shiyu opened his lips and lowered his gaze listlessly.

"...I was just wondering if you would get bored of me one day and just leave me..."

After finishing speaking, there was a moment of silence.


Kato Yusuke blinked dumbly, a series of question marks popped up in his head, but he dropped his shoulders after seeing the grievance on the girl's face.

"Senior Shiyu..."


"Don't you think your worries are a bit unnecessary?"


He pondered for a moment and then spoke slowly.

"Although I'm embarrassed to say this... I won't leave you just because of your bad side. Rather, even if I see you secretive and feeling uneasy and aggrieved, I will only want to hold you tighter. "

There was a bit of helplessness and pampering in the voice that was filled with embarrassment.


Shiyu murmured and raised her eyes, meeting his focused and sincere eyes, her eyes flowing like water.

"Anyway, even if it's a joke, don't say such words next time. As long as senior is still willing to be around people like me, I will always be responsible for you." Yusuke Kato spoke sincerely.


The girl lowered her eyelashes quietly, inhaled and exhaled slowly, then pulled his right hand towards her and pressed it on the left side of his chest.

"Senior Shiyu??!"

Kato Yusuke shouted in shock: "What are you doing?"

"...can you feel it?"


"What does it feel like here?"

"Uh...soft, squishy...?"

"That's not what I said."

Shiyu's pretty face turned red, and she said faintly: "Do you feel my heartbeat?"

Thump, thump.

The heart was beating rapidly, and for a moment it was difficult to tell whose heartbeat it was.

Kato Yusuke's eyes became dark, then he coughed heavily and withdrew his hand.

"...Ahem, it seems it's almost time for me to make coffee."

There was a hint of hoarseness in the seemingly calm voice, which sounded a bit sultry.


Shiyu's eyes flicked back and forth on his face, and a bright smile suddenly broke out, "Then I'll wait for you over there, and we'll continue later."

...She seems to be completely back to normal.

Kato Yusuke looked at her back as she turned and left, and felt that the restlessness in his chest could not calm down.

He turned his back, let out a depressed breath, and fiddled with the coffee machine again.

(Back to draft progress 5/9)

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