Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Two hundred and sixty, stay overnight

After a while, Kato Yusuke sat next to Shiyu with two cups of coffee.

They found a movie and passed the time casually.

Shiyu cuddled up against him, her head resting on his shoulder, and there was a glimmer of light in her eyes.

She used to lean against the pillow, but now she has a human pillow with its own temperature, which can adjust its angle according to her movements and postures, as if it were tailor-made.

After watching a movie, it was already 11:30 pm.

Considering tomorrow's events, it's almost time to go to bed.

Shiyu entered the bathroom again and stood in front of the mirror of the sink. She found that her face was so red that it looked like she had drunk alcohol.

She chuckled, took a deep breath, turned on the faucet, wetted her toothbrush, applied toothpaste to brush her teeth, and finally poured cold water on her face.

"Yu-chan, I've finished washing up, you can go brush your teeth."


Back in the living room, the layout of the room has changed.

The original low table was moved to the corner and replaced by a set of quilts spread out on the floor, about ten centimeters away from the bed.


Shiyu grumbled and sat down on the bed, unbuttoned his shirt, took off his trousers, and got into bed.

There was a man's scent on the quilt.

There is a light fragrance of laundry detergent wafting outside, but there is a bit of a rough smell inside, exuding a slight mint coolness from the owner's body, like the grass after a new rain.

She smelled it intoxicatedly and couldn't help but close her legs together, her cheeks feeling slightly hot.

At this time...

"Senior Shiyu."

Faster than expected, the boy returned to the room.

"If you're ready, can I turn off the lights?"


Shiyu got his head out of the quilt, replied with a good word, and asked another question when he turned off the light and walked to the floor.

"...Yu-chan, are you going to sleep there?"

"You can tell this kind of thing at a glance, right?"

"...There should be other options, right?"

"Otherwise we have to exchange?"

"Cold-blooded man..."

Kato Yusuke shrugged and remained silent.

"...I don't really want to sleep yet."

As Shiyu spoke, he moved to the inside, stretched out a hand from the quilt, and patted the mattress, "Lie here and chat with me."

"Huh? I can also chat with you down there, right?"

"But I want you to hold me until I fall asleep..."

After a brief silence, a weak sigh sounded in the darkness.

"That kind of thing...even a primary school student wouldn't do it, right?"

"Oh? "Today is Shiyu-senpai's birthday. No matter what, I will try my best to satisfy you." How could I remember hearing such words just now? "

As if surprised by her imitation, Kato Yusuke opened his eyes wide in surprise.

"...Honestly, wouldn't it be a bit disgusting if you imitate the male tone too?"

"Kato Yusuke!"

Shiyu's eyes were as sharp as ice in an instant, and he uttered two words concisely: "Come up!"

"Yes, your majesty!"

Kato Yusuke's body was shaken, and he reluctantly came to the bed and sat down, folded his hands on his abdomen, and lay on his back staring like a zombie.

...Look, he always appears to be submissive at times like this, but in fact...

"...Yu-chan, come over here."

"No need, I'm fine just like this."

"I told you to turn around."

Shiyu pulled his face in displeasure and forced him to turn to her side.

In the dim environment, the distance between the two heads was extremely small.

Their breaths froze at the same time.

An unspeakable silence filled the space between the two.

Shiyu observed him intently, and finally smiled.

"I always feel like it's like living together..."

As if trying to convey something vaguely, Kato Yusuke laughed: "Maybe..."

Amid the faint rustling of the wind, his voice was slightly deep, which was very nice to hear.

Shiyu nudged towards him and asked softly: "Aren't you going to hug me?"

Kato Yusuke turned around completely, his voice was a little depressed: "...Do you know what that means?"

"It's not like we haven't hugged each other before."

Shiyu said in a funny voice, and then changed into a sarcastic tone.

"Besides, you seem to have hugged and carried Sawamura-san several times, right?"

"The meaning is different."

"What's different~?"

Kato Yusuke narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "...she is not my girlfriend, but my senior sister is."

Shiyu was taken aback, then showed an expression of joy and sadness, and said: "...I will definitely never forget this sentence."

After a few breaths, the boy hugged her gently through the quilt.

"Thank you, Senior Shiyu."

"for what?"

"Um...thank you for staying in a desolate ruins?"


Shiyu breathed a sigh of relief, gently held the face of the person in front of him with both hands, and spoke like a murmur.

"But the ruins in your eyes are actually the castle in my mind."

A soft voice floated into his ears. Kato Yusuke was suddenly stunned and speechless for a moment.

"Senior Shiyu..."

"Then, there lived in that castle a passionate prince and his six princesses, and there was also a lover from a neighboring country?"


"Haha, you seemed a little touched just now~?"

"...Now that you know, can you return my emotion?"

Shiyu pinched his cheek proudly and pretended to be angry: "The philandering scumbag has no qualifications to make demands."

"I'm sorry, what you said is extremely..."

"Speaking of which, do you want to come to my house during the next Chinese New Year?"


Kato Yusuke rubbed his cheek in pain, looking confused.

Shiyu continued speaking calmly.

"Then we can go to the shrine together for New Year's worship. You can bring Xiao Xi with you if you want."

"...No, you can't say that kind of thing no matter what, right?"

"If you plan to go back to Saitama's hometown for the New Year, I can also go back with you. To be honest, I miss Aunt Mina a little~"

"Isn't that even worse?"

Kato Yusuke said extremely speechlessly, making Shiyu a little unhappy.

"Why? You're already celebrating the New Year at Sawamura's house, but you still refuse to come to my house? Otherwise, if I give in a little further, you can bring Shinjou-san with you."

"Listen carefully to what people say, that's not how things work out."

"what is that?"

"Senior sister actually understands this, doesn't she?"

Facing the girl who suddenly got horny, Kato Yusuke smiled bitterly and gently brushed her hair away.

"If you usually want me to take you back to your hometown, I'll do it at any time, but on days like the New Year, senior sister should still spend it with her family."

"But you, Xiao Xi and classmate Shinjo..."

"The three of us teamed up together because we had no place to go, but isn't that the case for senior, right?

Besides, I have already annoyed your father today. If I do something more annoying, my uncle and aunt will definitely hate me. "

Shiyu pouted her lips slightly and felt awkward for a while.

In fact, she understands all these principles, but she just can't help being jealous.


She continued: "...Do you know what the first visit to the shrine in the new year is called?"

Kato Yusuke didn't understand what she meant, but he still replied: "It seems to be called "Hasatsu"...? "

"So... do you know what the first intimacy between lovers at the beginning of the new year is called?"

"What did you say...?"

Shiyu didn't answer immediately. She hooked his neck with both hands, gently rubbed the tip of his nose with her own, and said quietly: "...the correct answer is Ji Shi~"

It was a very charming voice, light and straight into Kato Yusuke's ears.


As soon as he said a word, there was a wet feeling on his chin.

Shiyu licked his lips gently, his charming eyes shining with flowing fluorescence.

"Let me ask you...I'm working very hard, right...?"


"Whether it's when I was writing my works or now...I work hard on my creations, right...?"


"Then...can I have some rewards?"

Kato Yusuke was silent for a few seconds, looked away, pretending to be calm and said with a smile:

"...It seems that the date I prepared today was not good enough. I will prepare more seriously for my senior next time."


Shiyu's face turned red, her neatly manicured nails scratched his neck inadvertently, she tightened her collar, and whispered pitifully:

"I want you……"

As soon as he finished speaking, the air seemed to vibrate slightly. The two looked at each other, as if their gazes were attracted by positive and negative magnets.

The lips that shone with a coquettish light exhaled a faint breath and caressed the young man's lips.

The rippling eyes were slightly closed, and the bodies next to each other were charming and sweet. The shirt collar is slightly raised, and the white neck shines seductively.


Kato Yusuke slightly moistened his dry lips and asked in a depressed tone: "...How can I be deceived by senior sister's statement?"

Shiyu whispered softly: "...What do you think of the excuse of drunken sex?"

"But we didn't drink at all today..."

"Where's the bottle you prepared on the limo?"

"That's lemon-flavored sparkling water."

"Did you buy it yourself?"

"It was prepared by the leasing company."

"Then they made the wrong purchase."

"Buy the wrong……?"

"Well... Frankly speaking, I'm a little dizzy now and my body is a little hot... They must have given us champagne as sparkling water..."

That mature yet slightly illusory smile touched Kato Yusuke's heart.

At this moment, he couldn't help but recall everything the two of them had together. It was like a seed that blossomed into a flower among the desolate ruins.

It's a pity that he is withdrawn in his heart and does not reveal any inner thoughts on his face.

Shiyu looked vaguely uneasy and only said this. He stood up irritably, straddling her whole body, and while holding one hand on the bed, he grabbed her chin with the other hand.

"Yu, Yuu-chan...?"

Shiyu murmured timidly, with a hint of panic in his eyes.

"Tell me, Senior Sister Shiyu..."

"S-Tell you...?"

"Why do you keep testing my patience?"


Kato Yusuke asked with a straight face: "...We can end things before it becomes impossible to end, but do you really want me to eat you?"


Shiyu's eyes dodge, hesitantly spying on his expression, and finally she flutters her eyelashes and meows like a kitten.


The voice was so quiet that it was almost inaudible, but it was deeply burned into Kato Yusuke's ears.

He lost consciousness for a while, and the girl spoke hesitantly.

"Besides... besides, we are already dating, and we have had several adult kisses, and more than forty minutes have passed since then. I read in the magazine that it's usually time to hit home plate, right?"


The shock in his heart made Kato Yusuke unconsciously play a long note.

He looked at Shi Yu in front of him, picked up a pillow from the side, and threw it on that beautiful face——


The person involved made a silly cry, and then asked in a vague voice: "Why!?"

Kato Yusuke responded coldly: "Idiot, what magazine are you reading randomly, are you even showing off your brain?"

"Uh, huh?"

Shiyu pushed the pillow on his face, looking confused, "Is there something wrong?"

"I, say, ah!"

Bang, bang, bang──

Kato Yusuke smashed the pillow again.

"How much willpower do you think it took for me to be able to hold hands with the angel in my heart and not think about these things? Why do you specifically mention this! Is the senior a devil!?"

"Because, because, it hurts! Because you are also a boy, I want to say that you should sort out your mood first."

"Are you looking down on men? What if I really achieve the double jump and let you directly enter the adult stage?"

"……this and that--"

Shiyu pushed the pillow away hard, fumbled and pulled out another pillow from under his head, and gave him a hard blow on the side of the face!


"You are talking so much to yourself here! But I am not affected by the magazine at all! I am frank and follow my own emotions, and that's why I went to ask Kano-chan and read the magazine regardless of the shame. Do you understand? Got it!"

"Everything has to be done in order, right? No one would step on the accelerator from the very beginning, you ignorant woman!"

"Ah? How about it? You can't even eat the delicious food delivered to your door, and you get stage fright at the last minute, you worthless man."

Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom boom!

The two kept hitting each other's pillows, like a pillow fight on a school trip.

"Kato Yusuke! You bastard——!"

During the fierce battle, Shiyu kicked off the quilt on his body and stood up from the bed.

"I've worked so hard, but you don't even want to give me a piece of candy?!"

"Wait, wait, senior, why are you not buttoning up!?"



The pillow slapped hard on the face made Yusuke Kato stunned for a second.

Then, he was pushed down on the bed.

When he moved the pillow from his face, what came into view was a scene that made people's blood rush.


Under the dim moonlight, the long black hair poured down like a waterfall.

The light skin shines with a charming luster, and the beautiful curves of the chest are clearly visible, rising and falling rapidly with the owner's breathing.

Kato Yusuke suddenly remembered the original coordinates of the function problem and the two extreme values, and his mind went blank. Then he immediately turned his face away and had a hard-core problem-solving idea.

He took a deep breath and gave a kind reminder: "...Senior sister, the button of your shirt is open."


"Hurry up and fasten it."

"I'm an unchained sleeper."

"...Senior, stop making trouble."


Shiyu leaned down slightly, grabbed his face with both hands, and forced it to straighten.

"What? Didn't you say you're used to seeing me in all kinds of ways? Why don't you dare to look at me?"

Kato Yusuke was forced to look at her.

The soft hair lightly tickled his cheek.

The slightly narrowed burgundy eyes stared at him intently, and the pretty face and red lips that were smeared with red glow complement each other, exuding a unique charm that is not usually seen.

"Senior Shiyu..."

"You are not allowed to call me senior today."

Shiyu said as if whispering, lowered her head to block his lips, and wanted to kiss him wantonly.

Their breaths intertwined, making the air hot.

Kato Yusuke also hugged her gently, restraining her waist with his fingertips, so soft that she seemed to be sucking him in.

Later, their positions were reversed.


Shiyu breathed slightly as she read his name, and then was kissed by him again.

She straightened her body instantly and remained motionless in her current position.

The room was so beautiful that even the air flowed extremely slowly, rising and falling in the sound of their breath.

There were scattered lights in the night outside the window, flickering on and off.

After an unknown amount of time, they finally separated and pressed each other's foreheads, panting.

Kato Yusuke's consciousness naturally focused on the beautiful woman in front of him.

Shiyu's cheeks were flushed, clouds were scattered on her temples, and her whole body exuded an intoxicating fragrance.

She also wore the necklace he gave her around her neck, which showed her fair skin even more. Her charming neck and graceful collarbone make people want to kiss her.

With the last bit of reason, he asked in a dumb voice: " it okay?"

As if sensing something, Shiyu's eyes wandered uneasily, seeming a little overwhelmed, but after a while, he looked back again.


Just like a command, there are no limits from now on.

after that--

The phoenix flute sounded, the jade pot turned light, and fish and dragons danced all night.


‘Ding, the status of the special mission [Master of the Harem] has been updated. ’

‘[Character: Shiyu Kasumigaoka] The reward has been distributed, please check it yourself, the host. ’

‘Currently completed objects: Akane Kosaka, Kaori Shinjo, Kanoko Hasumi, and Shiu Kasumigaoka. ’

‘Warm reminder: Host, please keep up the good work! ’

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