"Thank you very much for your hospitality today, Mr. Spencer, Ms. Sayuri."

Along with the vermilion sunset, Kato Yu said goodbye to the multinational couple in front of the mansion.

"Haha, it doesn't matter if you don't have to be so polite." Leonard Spencer said with a smile: "Let's play again next time, Kato brother."

Compared to her husband's directness, Sawamura Sayuri was a lot more considerate, and said softly to the young man at this time.

"Be careful on the road ~ do you really need to arrange for someone to take you to the station?"

She had a dignified and elegant smile on her face, and a gorgeous kimono swayed gently in the breeze. In addition to showing her good figure, a sense of high style of a diplomat's wife also arises spontaneously.

Leaving aside the Hirakawa Airport, where the Sawamura family has been passed down through the generations, Sawamura Sayuri is indeed a beauty in terms of appearance and temperament.

In addition, Leonard Spencer is also a handsome face in the eyes of Westerners, and the two of them are a good match when they stand together...

It's just that there is a strong contrast with the appearance, it is the couple's fanatical love for cute culture.

As a pure and low-key otaku girl cultivated by a foreign otaku father and a rotten girl's mother, Ying Lili has inherited the advantages and hobbies of both sides very well, but it has also led to the girl's taste in this regard. Very close to an adult.

How they will feel about it will always be a mystery.

Kato Yusuke doesn't care about this, or his taste itself is considered an adult?

After all, reality is not a Jinjiang novel that cannot be described below the neck. As an old driver, the speed is too slow to shake his rock-solid heart.

Either it is the ultimate visual impact, or it is a deep plot description.

Closer to home, facing Sawamura Sayuri's proposal to arrange for someone to send him, he naturally couldn't agree, otherwise he would be too ignorant.

So he waved his hand and said, "It's really unnecessary. I should say that I have caused you a lot of trouble today. I'm really sorry."

"It's still polite, but since Kato-kun said so, then forget it." Sayuri Sawamura shook her head, and then she changed her words, "...Speaking of which, what about Eiri?"

The purple eyes naturally looked at a room with a balcony on the second floor, but there was no one there.

"The eldest lady said she wanted to work, so she didn't come down." The maid behind her stepped forward in time to explain.

Hearing this, Sawamura Sayuri couldn't help but blinked her eyes, looked at her husband and said, "Ah, is it that today's joke is going too far?"

In exchange, the other party gave a helpless smile, and his eyes seemed to say - "It's a shame you didn't realize it until now."

"Really...that child." Sayuri Sawamura looked back, "I'm sorry Kato-kun, it seems that Eiri will not appear, so let us send you."

"It's nothing." Kato Yusuke shook his head, then bowed slightly to the two of them and said, "Then I'll say goodbye first, and please speak to Eiri on my behalf."

After speaking, he turned and walked towards the door, and quickly disappeared from sight.


Go down the hill and take the tram at the station next to the national highway. By the time Kato Yusuke rushed home, it was already 9:45 pm.

Close the apartment door, change your shoes at the entrance, and walk into the living room.

In the quiet room, only the electric fan in the corner was making a whimpering white noise.

Under the bright yellow light, the girl wearing a wide short-sleeved T-shirt and shorts was lying on the table and sleeping, revealing a peaceful and beautiful sleeping face.

There was a dinner specially reserved for someone next to it, and it was carefully sealed with plastic wrap.

Looking closely, I saw fine water droplets formed by hot air, which are already covered with the inner wall of the transparent film.

It seems to have been out for a while.

Kato Yusuke's footsteps paused slightly, and the steps that were not heavy at first became lighter.

He first came to the corner of the room and turned off the electric fan that was blowing directly at the girl. Then he moved to the side of the bed, and picked up a thin blanket and walked to Sayu's side, covering her gently.

It's just that I don't know if it was due to excessive force, but the breeze from the thin blanket still blew on the girl's face. Accompanied by the slight trembling of the long and thick eyelashes, the crystal clear amber eyes slowly opened.

"Yu...Jie?" Sayu rubbed his eyes and sat up in a daze.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke sighed in his heart and whispered apologetically, "I'm sorry, did I disturb you?"

"Um... what time is it?"

"It's almost ten o'clock."

"...Really?" It seemed that she was still a little sluggish, and the girl's answer was a little dull.

But she still followed her instinct, got into the embrace that made her feel at ease, and murmured, "Welcome back... The bath water has been put away..."

The cute and charming appearance makes people very affectionate, so Kato Yusuke hugged her, put his chin on Sayu's head and said, "Understood, I will wash, you go to bed."

"Well..." The girl snorted softly, not knowing whether she understood or not.

After about ten seconds, she got up from Kato Yusuke's arms, yawned and said, "Got it... Then come back quickly."

Then he crawled towards his bedding.

(This kind of work that requires both part-time work and housework will be too reluctant for her.)

Kato Yusuke couldn't help thinking, and decided to talk to Sayu in detail tomorrow.

Seeing the girl lying on his bed, he got up and moved the low table to the wall.

Because he had already had dinner at the Spencer's house, he put the food in the refrigerator, then turned off the light, and crept into the bathroom to take a shower.


The sound of rushing water came from the bathroom, and after half an hour, Kato Yusuke, who had closed his short-sleeved shorts, walked out of the bathroom.

Then, in the faint light of the phone, he walked cautiously towards the bed, and carefully observed the ground to avoid hitting Sayu.

Just walking and walking, the small room quickly came to an end, but Sayu was never seen.

Just when he was wondering, the bright moon outside the window also emerged from the clouds. The bright moonlight shone into the room and illuminated the dark eyes of the boy.

On the single bed against the wall, the girl was sleeping on the inside, and there was a place for one person beside her.

The hair bathed in the moonlight was spread out evenly, shining with a little bit of light. The clothes he was wearing still slipped down one side, revealing his smooth, jade-like shoulders.

A pair of slender and slender jade legs are also exposed outside, and even the beautiful lotus feet are silently enchanting, exuding a tempting invitation.

In the face of all this, Kato Yusuke just smiled, and then lay down in the vacant seat.


The editor seems to have forgotten about the listing? ORZ...

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