Tokyo Rebirth: Start From Picking Up Sayu

Chapter 91 White Moonlight and Walden Pond

Sayu had just tucked the phone under the pillow, but Sayu, who was sleeping on his back, suddenly turned around and turned into a side-lying position.

The scent of shower gel and shampoo floods into the nose.

With the quiet moonlight, Kato Yusuke was able to clearly observe the face in front of him.

Curved eyebrows, long eyelashes, pale and flawless skin with a hint of pink, and thin lips as delicate as rose petals.

It is like a hibiscus emerging from water, with an aura full of pure desire.

The sweet breath was blowing on his face, the strength was gentle and ambiguous, which made him feel comfortable but at the same time felt a little itchy.

Looking at the lightly lustrous cherry mouth that opened and closed to a wonderful size, Kato Yusuke raised the corner of his mouth and raised his hand to caress the girl's cheek.

"Hmm..." The girl hummed softly, but didn't get up.

Seeing this, Kato Yusuke smiled even more.

The slender fingers swim on the face that can be broken, from the delicate nose, to the pink lips, and then to the pointed chin...

The fingertips fit the skin and drew a beautiful curve under the night, and then moved back to the lips, quietly experiencing the warm touch.

The fragrant wind with a little moisture blew up from the faint sandalwood mouth, and even the fingertips were stained with moisture.

Like a string being gently plucked in his heart, Yusuke Kato paused for a moment.

Then, driven by an instinct, the slender fingers explored the area that they had never reached.


Following the girl's indistinct ravings, the slippery warmth swept in, and was quickly transmitted into her mind through the nerves of her fingertips.


Facing the fingers that invaded her mouth, the girl seemed bewildered and gently licked with her soft little She.

First it was a probing of the pointed part, and then it rolled like a willow leaf floating in the wind.

A burst of electricity rushed through his body, and Kato Yusuke's eyes became much deeper.

Maintaining the strength so that it will not disturb the clear dream, the fingers draw circles slightly by feeling.


Sayu's breathing became rapid.

Her mouth bulged for a while, then deflated for a while, gasping for breath.

The originally fair skin was also dyed a touching crimson, and the slender eyelashes also trembled with the eyelids, as if it was just a second before she was about to wake up.


The boy with a smirk on his lips retracted his fingers.

Through the bright moonlight, you can clearly see the faint water light emitting from it.

After staring for about three seconds, he wiped his wet fingers on his clothes.

Looking at the girl who fell into a deep sleep again, Kato Yusuke moved his body slightly so that the other person's forehead was against his chest, and then he placed a kiss on the shiny black hair.

Just like that, he hugged the girl and slept with him.

The quiet time passed quietly, and after an unknown amount of time, Sayu, who was lying in Kato Yusuke's arms, suddenly opened his eyes.

There was shyness in her eyes, and there was a blush on her face that had not completely subsided, staring at the boy's body, wondering what she was thinking.

As the two rosy lips gently opened and closed, a faint whisper that was almost inaudible came from her mouth.


Then, it seemed to be happy again. There was a smile on the girl's brows, and she rubbed her head against the chest in front of her.

It wasn't until the sleepiness came again that she fell asleep again in the fresh smell.

What she didn't know was that when she was doing these actions, Kato Yusuke, who should have fallen asleep, quietly opened his eyes.

Therefore, whether it was her whispering whispers or her coquettish behavior in the second half, Kato Yusuke took in the eyes of the whole process.

and keep it in mind.

Looking at the faint moonlight outside the window, the young man said in a low voice.

"Good night, my white moonlight."


There is such a passage in Thoreau's "Walden".

- "Only the day we wake up does the day dawn."

Kato Yusuke does not know the circumstances in which the parties wrote these words.

But the only thing he knew was that the two of them almost overslept because of what happened last night.

Today is a rainy day. According to the weather forecast, it seems that it will not be sunny all day.

And it is obviously a rare Saturday, and it is the most suitable weather for sleeping. But he had to get up early and go out with Sayu.

The reason is simply because his girlfriend's shift today is the morning shift.

The two of them were walking together with umbrellas on their way to the station, and Kato Yusuke opened his mouth to Sayu.

"Is it hard to work in a union?"

"Huh? Why did you say that all of a sudden?"

Looking at the girl who looked back, he thought for a while and said, "No, because you looked tired last night, so I wondered if this life would be a little forced for you."

Hearing this, Sayu blinked and waved his hands in response: "No, no, there's no such thing... Probably because I was reciting the name of cigarettes yesterday, and it took too much brain power."

"I see." Kato Yusuke nodded, without saying anything more on the matter.

There are many types of cigarettes in Japan, about two hundred kinds, and the milligrams of each cigarette are also very finely divided. And to serve those who simply use cigarettes to socialize, many one-milligram cigarettes have been introduced.

Therefore, it is indeed difficult to remember all their names, and sometimes customers will only report the abbreviation of the cigarette name, such as the red Marlboro will be called "red million (muruaka)".

If you ask the guest to say it again because you are not familiar with it, it is easy to be disliked by the other party.

Although it is easier for the clerk to report the number of the cigarette directly, not everyone is willing to cooperate, and they will get angry when they have a bad temper.

And what Sayu is going through now is what he has experienced before.

Thinking of this, the corner of his mouth couldn't help showing a smile, patted the girl's head and said, "Come on, as long as you want to do it, it will be fine."


A pair of Yingying Qiushui stared over.

Because of the makeup, Sayu's face looks more delicate than usual.

Between the eyes looking back, the clear waves flowed, carrying the innocence and romance of a girl.

I saw that she first nodded vigorously, and then she made a fist at the boy and said, "Yes! I will work hard!"

After speaking, he squeezed over with a smirk, hugged Kato Yusuke's arm and said, "I like you the most, the most, the most~!"

"Don't be like this, the rain is going to flow down from the middle." The boy seemed to be complaining, but the girl's refusal was exchanged.

"No~~~ I want~~~"

It's like a cheerful song, intertwined with the sound of the pattering rain, and drifting away in the breeze.

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