Senxia and Xuejie looked at each other for a long time before they realized how embarrassed their posture was.

He put down her legs in a hurry, but accidentally lost his balance. The whole person simply fell on her body, and the two faces almost stuck together.

The breath of Xuejie was inhaled into the lung by senxia, and the air vomited by senxia was swallowed by Xuejie.

Qianjia's breath is warm with a trace of sweetness, which may be a psychological effect, but this feeling is really good.

Senxia stares at her sister's lips. Her breath is constantly leaking out of this small mouth, just like a spring in a mountain stream or an oasis in the desert. She almost subconsciously wants to absorb all this breath.

Sister's lips are not very thick, but it gives people a red and rich feeling, as if it is crystal as dazzling. No, senxia thought, it should be crystal lollipop, her lips seem to have a kind of magic, people can't help but want to lick up.

"Aren't you going to come down?" Qianjia said.

And at this time, senxia realized that at this time the whole person was pressing on the other side's body, and the posture was more excessive than just now.

"I'll come down now!" Sen Xia gets up in a hurry, and then Xuejie also stands up.

Then she came up and put her hands on moriha's shoulder: "we were just doing academic research, right?"

"Well, absolutely nothing else!" Sonia put her hands across her chest.

Well, there seems to be something wrong with this statement, but senxia thought about it and felt that there was nothing wrong with it. Well, that's right. They are doing academic research completely. Absolutely, they are not doing any bad things. Sen Xia promises in the name of the second generation goal!

Two people opened the door and went out. At this time, Ji Ye was cleaning up the letters in the living room. After seeing them come out. Just smile: "is it finished? Is it not that I have disturbed your elegance

"Come on, we're just in-depth discussions about the plot." She waved her hand.

"Is it?" Elder Ji Ye's voice seemed to be filled with a feeling of disappointment. "I wanted to refer to it as a material Well, it's good. I still have some inspiration in my head. It's enough. "

She put the letters in the corner and said, "now that you have inspiration, let's start working. Now we need to free up the study room."

Master Ji Ye nodded. Then she stood up and looked at the senxia beside her: "otherwise, I will return the key to you?"

"No, I'm going to clean up the room. You two are going to move things there."

At the command of Xuejie, senxia and Jiye began to act.

In the other room, there are mainly some comics and novels as well as video tapes.

"Did elder Ji ye and Qian Jia know each other a long time ago?" Senxia saw that master Ji ye had the key to her sister's house, so she had an association.

"Well, I've known each other for a long time, so I didn't expect you to do such a bold thing..." master Ji Ye smiles.

"Master. Don't make fun of this kind of thing. I'm really right to do something strange Senxia said, shaking her hands.

"That's why I said it's a pity that Qianjia has a strong personality. Although she has an advantage in appearance, I'm really worried about her future. It would be nice if you had pushed her down before Master Ji Ye looks like a remnant.

Sen Xia really can't help but want to make complaints about her, learning from her sister. This is your good friend, integrity. Throw it all over the floor!

"What are you doing?" Master Ji Ye is also very curious about what they just did.

"It's just about the plot of the novel." Senxia said as she moved the books off the shelf.

Ji Ye nodded: "well, the plot of this novel is really wonderful."

"It's nothing. It's not a great thing." This kind of thing is hard to elaborate. Really?

"But I'm very interested in your novels. If you write them, please let me draw them." master Ji Ye smiles.

"Well, OK." Looking for such a girlish rotten girl to give the heavy taste 18x to draw illustrations? Is that insane?

However, master Ji Ye added a sentence later that let mori, who was carrying the book, stumbled: "I have painted so many 18x works, but I haven't painted them for my own people. Xia Jun, you can only rely on this to make up for the regret

Well, senxia has nothing to say about it. No wonder the elder sister said that your girls' paintings are more beautiful than boys' because of this

It may take a lot of time for senxia and Xuejie to do things. However, if there is another elder Ji ye, they will move faster. Before noon, they will clear the room."Well, I won't disturb..." after the things were sorted out, Ji Ye picked up her things and was ready to leave.

"Don't you stay here for lunch?" Xuejie asked to stay.

Ji Ye shook her head: "I still have some things, so I won't disturb you ~"

She blinked at them, then put on her shoes and left quickly.

"Sen Xiajun." She turned her head and looked at Sen Xia who was resting by the window. Then she went to the desk and sat there in a proper posture. Her expression was serious and serious.

Mori Xia an exciting, and then also quickly walked in the past, and then knelt down on the opposite side of the Xuejie.

"It's time for academic discussion." She said solemnly.

"Hi!" Senxia spirit spirit full response, he straightened his chest, eyes innocent straight ahead.

"In fact, I have written novels before, and I have also drawn illustrations by Ji ye, but unfortunately, my novels have not been favored by editors." She told Sen Xia about her black history, "and then I came into contact with the great work of the second generation of Mu teachers at that time. The strong sensory stimulation made me feel that the door of a new world was opened in front of me, and the impact was no less than the impact of EVA on me."

Senxia didn't speak, just listened quietly.

"However, as you criticized, I'm not good at writing articles. In terms of plot design, I'm not very good at it."

Compared with her professional ability in overall planning and negotiation, her article is not so good.

"My sister's writing is fluent. Although she can't compare with those professional writers, this level should be stronger than ordinary people."

Compared with the sharp writing style of the second generation mu, Xuejie is really green and immature, but this is only relatively speaking. If you put Xuejie on the Internet of the 21st century, her writing can be said to be completely above the level line.

"Don't comfort me, I know my own shortcomings." The elder sister shook her head. "People have self-knowledge. I know I'm not good at writing. The witch novel before is the limit I can do, but as you say, it's not enough."

Writing needs accumulation, but this does not mean that she will write if she has accumulated. She can't write a passage by Marius.

"Senxia Jun, since you have such a strong ability to control words, it's better to leave it to you." Sister looked at Sen Xia, her eyes filled with a strange look, "if it was you, what kind of story would you write?"

"I would probably start with mind control. It can be machine brainwashing or master hypnosis. But how to say that, although the subject matter is very good, there are few people who can do well, "said Sen Xiajun, a great master of the generation, sighed again, as if he was feeling that people were not old." many writers in this field have committed the same problems as you, and the male protagonists often get a pair of mind control glasses, and then they start to do whatever they like with girls. What's wrong with this What do you mean

There are only 18x plots, which are made purely for the sake of some impulse. In Mori's view, this kind of game, which has no plot at all, is for H and H's articles and games, which are of little value.

"We need to understand that the plot is for the story service, for a story that can have continuity and continuity." Sen Xia Jun talked with a lot of words, while Qianyu Qianjia suddenly realized. It is the so-called Chao Wen Dao Xi can die. Now that she hears Sen Xia's words, she has completely understood.

"Senxia Jun No, senxia, please tell me about your plot At this time, Qian Jia's eyes were full of light.

"Well, take the play of the witch as an example. Let's not talk about anything else. Let's just talk about the plot. I will design the script as the witch lady because of curiosity, and then move to the tentacle monster seal, and then affected by the spirit of the other side, the body gradually becomes very strange Then, for the first time in her life, Miss witch experienced the joy

Mori Xia solemnly said a very bad thing, and Xuejie is a face with an open heart to listen to these messy words.

"Then, the curious witch couldn't resist the strong desire in her heart, and then began to have more in-depth communication with the tentacle monster. The more the witch communicated with the monster, the more her spirit was controlled by the other party. In the end, it was not the monster that attacked the witch, but the witch was asking the monster to attack herself..."

Sense of expectation and expressiveness, senxia showed her control over the words.

All of a sudden, Xuejie's body crossed the table and slapped on Sen Xia's shoulder: "senxia Jun! Miss senxia! Writing this important task, I entrusted to you! Please write a good story instead of me



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