"There is a good game on iket. It's very interesting. Do you want to play it?" Naisu mushroom brandishes a newly bought game box on his hand to show off his visit to Wunei today. ==If you have already read this chapter, please move to "/" to read the latest chapter. You can also search "" or "" directly in Baidu. Please remember our new website. /"What's the game?" Wu Nai is still worried about his cartoons these days. Although the cartoons are still in series, he thinks that this is not what he wants to do. He even considered going out to look for a job. He had planned to go to Hiroshima, but he was still uncertain about his attention. So he came here to seek naisu mushroom's opinion. However, he just arrived here and saw that he was fighting Naisu of the game.

"This game is called the witch's house. It's an adventure decryption game." Nai said with a smile, "when the qingbingwei recommended the game to me, I didn't think so, but after playing for a while, I really felt great!"

"Is it?" Wunei didn't feel anything at all, but when he saw the character on the game box, he felt a twinkle in front of him.

This fresh painting style makes Wu Nei feel very bright.

"The character on the screen is the protagonist, named viola. Wei is very cute Nai has already played games and is addicted to it!

"The effect in the game is also very cute!" Wu Nei Chong came to the computer.

As a cartoonist, Wu Nai Chong can see at a glance how excellent the painters of this game are. The people who draw pictures for this game can be said to be very excellent.

When Wu neichong saw this picture, he knew that the creator of the game was very attentive.

"What is this game about?" He asked.

"Decryption game, the game is very interesting, but I think the interesting is the background of the story." Naisu exclaimed, "when you went to the store to buy a game, someone was almost fighting for the last game!"

"That's amazing." But vuane was a little strange, "and then you bought the last game?"

"Of course not. It was bought later. It seems that the game makers specially made another 1000 games. I bought them at that time."

Naisu continued to indulge in the game, and Takeuchi had planned to quit his job. At this time, simply watching the other side play the game quietly.

"Are you playing again?" Takeuchi noticed that naisu was playing again at this time.

"Well, I missed a lot of branches before. I want to have a perfect ending. So start all over again. "

If Naiwu hears the other side's words, he must be quiet in the game.

The details of the story are very delicate. Although at the beginning, Wu Nei did not know the development of the story, but the soothing music and exquisite painting style. People can't move their eyes.

"It's amazing. Although the soundtrack is classic music, it feels good." They have a friend who plays music, so they can more or less hear the music.

"Yes, the soundtrack is very soothing. It doesn't look like the music of a co-worker at all."

If naisu and Takeuchi know that the soundtrack of this game is actually given by the band of Ono academy, and it is still in a professional studio, they will be scared to urinate.

It's mostly because of the music and pictures that Mori added to the CV system. It didn't attract much attention.

"The golden hair of Viola sauce is really wonderful." After watching for a while, Takeuchi sighed, "as long as you have such blonde hair, even if the game content is very boring, there will be no problem."

"You just control your blonde hair. Forget about it and concentrate on the game."

Naisu is still playing at this time, and neither of them has passed the final real ending, so they are still very interested in the real ending at this time.

The benefits of the non internet age are here, sometimes. You don't have to worry about someone giving you a bad tip

But playing, two people feel bad.

"Why do I always feel things are going in a bad direction?" Wu Nei Chong was worried.

"Well, although I had some feelings when I read novels before, I'm playing this game now. I always feel the final result... "

After all, Nai Shu is a novelist. After reading Sen Xia's novels, he has actually seen some of the facts. However, in order not to give Wu Nai a tip, Nai Shu did not say.

"You say there are still novels?" He asked in surprise.

"Well, there it is."

Naisu pointed to a beautifully printed book next to it. There are also a few words on it.

It's very beautiful in the book. It's also very beautiful in the book.

"By shawson?"

It seems that this person should be the original author of the game.Wunei did not immediately start reading books. Now he is reading while watching naisu playing games. Later, he may miss some wonderful plots.

However, as the story goes on, Nai Shu also feels a little bad, especially at the end of the story, Xiao Wei, who has been replaced with a witch's body, crawls to her father and shouts in a hoarse voice, "Dad, help me..." Then, Wei was shot in the head by her father.

I went, so this is the true ending of the story!

Both of them almost lifted the table together.

"It's cruel. What the hell is the final result?" It turns out that the blonde Lori has been changed! They killed the real little blonde Lori and let the fake get away with it!

Wu Nei felt that his spirit had been seriously injured, and he could hardly get up again.

This real ending is simply mental pollution, players three watch! It's the third watch! It's 9000 words. It's up to the original 45. I'm asking for tickets and subscription. Now the first order is only over 1000. Please support me. )xh118


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