For many people in Tokyo, today is the time to enjoy cherry blossoms.

But for the majority of animation fans, today is a special day - the new work of evangelical warriors in the new century is coming out!

EVA, a new century evangelical warrior, is a super eye-catching work in Nihong.

In the land of mud boom, there is no work that resonates as well as the new century evangelical warriors - although in other countries, the performance of the characters in this work is stupid.

But there is no denying that this is a very special work.

Although Ono Xiuming despises the dead house, he spared no effort in making money from the dead house.

While the new work is on sale, the ruffian also announced that the previous TV version should be repaired, and then the box version will be released again.

Look, what you've made once will be earned again.

The story of re-take is "the story of another world", but for the sake of money, anyo didn't say anything more serious.

As a matter of fact, when he was writing, Musashino heard Xiuming Amano say, "EVA is not EVA as long as it is not made by me.".

But how to say, ruffians are ruffians, and the audience is the audience. Although when the ruffians made the new century evangelical soldiers, they made a variety of fun of the audience, and in the theater version, they dug out the ridicule of the audience to the extreme. However, those supporters still roared "tomorrow incense is my wife" and stayed in front of the TV.

It's just like the song Pingxing at this time.

Matsumoto is not a otaku, but he also loves animation, and the work that guides him into the pit is the new century evangelical warrior.

Half an hour before re-take started, Matsumoto turned off his dc-p, said goodbye to Nana Li, and then switched the TV to Tokyo TV station, and turned on his computer on the other side.

The network is not very prosperous in mud boom, but among dc-p owners, the network retention rate is very high.

The ubiquitous trophy system and game system, even in Mudong, can circle some fans.

"It's on, it's on!"

In the theme song sounded colleagues, songpingxingye qicq above, also appeared the voice of other netizens.

Unlike those who like to visit the forum, Matsumoto also prefers the system to communicate instantly. There is this system in dc-p, and Matsumoto likes to use this system to communicate with others.

The built-in communication system of dc-p is really super powerful. Although not many people like it, Matsumoto also thinks it is very good.

"Oh, oh, the quality of the picture is totally different from that of the original edition of the director of Ono!"

"This is a great coloring! Good texture of color ah, Tomoka's tights super praise ah

The story has already begun at this time.

The beginning of the story is the end of the new century evangelical warriors - the end of the world's destruction.

In this world, there are only two people left in this world: tomotaka and Shinji.

And then, space and time go backwards.

"Ah, ah, just in the reversal of time and space, there appeared the appearance of a child. Is it a key role?"

In the group where Matsumoto is also a member, most of them are animation audiences. They only know that this story is about the story of Shinji's return to the past, but they don't know the specific content.

By the way, the spoiler party will be destroyed by humanity in this group.

As the saying goes, it's cool to have a good show

Matsumoto loves the original version of the new century evangelical warrior, so he also cares about this new version.

In the original, the world was finally destroyed, but the end of this egg pain, but many people can not accept.

But such a story, it seems that there is no way to round back

But in re-take, Xia Sen and Xia Xue skillfully turn the time and space around, and then take the story steadily.

It's amazing.

"There it is! There it is! It's a real reversal of time and space

After the transformation of time and space, the whole story seems to start afresh. In the story, Shinji Kishi swore that he would not make the same mistakes as before, and defeated the enemy by relying on his own prophet, and won the attention of tomorrow incense.

"It's very powerful. The action power of this Ding Shinji is so strong!"

"If the original AKI Shinji had such action power, the world would not be destroyed at all?"

"I think the most important thing is supervision. It's really good that we don't realize the sense of disobedience because of the change of his personality."

"Yes, it's much better than that ruffian of anyo!"

"Yes, that's right."Matsumoto was also watching TV while watching the group at the beginning, but when he found out that the group had completely turned into denouncing the ruffian, Xiuming Amano, he completely focused his attention on the picture in front of him.

Twenty minutes of time, say long or short, in the middle of the story, there are five minutes of advertising.

The standard time for Ni Bang's works is 24 minutes, while the time for a drama is 30 minutes. In the middle of that, there is one time for advertising.

In the time of entering the advertisement, songpingxing also focused on the group of qicq again.

At this time, those who watched the film seriously came back.

"The frame count is very smooth and the movements are very comfortable. It's really a sequel of the new century evangelical warriors. It's money."

"Although the people are the same, I feel totally different from this article. Is there a technology gap of at least 10 years between the two worlds?"

This has also been noted.

But this guy looks good.

Because in this version of senxia, the whole work gives people a sense of "future" than the new century evangelical warriors in this article.

Tablet computer, visual tablet smart phone, and more futuristic coloring, these parts together make the whole re-take picture better than this article.

Especially the costumes of the characters.

Although the same as this article's clothing, but after adding highlights, the whole dress began to appear latex luster, so that these "combat clothes" have more future style.

Moreover, the original EVA plastic texture, after adding texture, also becomes like carbon nanofiber, which is more dazzling - of course, the problem is that the cost does not allow them to make metal texture.

In the discussion, the plot has begun the second paragraph.

The first part of the whole re-take is a 48 minute two-part special article, so I'm afraid the audience can't enjoy it.

In the following plot, Hin Shinji discovers that it is not only himself who "passes through", but also the original world of tomorrow incense!

"Have you noticed that in the original world, the name of tomorrow's incense in the world is called shimiushika, while the name of this world's tomorrow incense is Shibo tomorrow incense!"

"Well, it's really different!"

"Is this the author's suggestion? Why is there such a difference! Is this world a parallel world, or is it the dream of Shinji

"I think it is very likely that these people are real. At the end of this article, all of them have become orange juice. At the end of this article, Akira Shinji gathers human consciousness together and forms a new world. The difference in the name of tomotaka is that the real tomotaka has not turned into orange juice!"

"Well said, but not in the story. Although the names are different, the relationship between the two worlds is not so simple... "

Finally, the student who said "it's not so simple" did not continue because he was forbidden by the group leader.

So, these ubiquitous spoiler parties are just killing people

Matsumoto is also afraid that he will be revealed, he simply temporarily closed the group, and then concentrate on watching.

It was originally intended to "save the tragedy", but also had a feeling with the world's tomotaka.

But at this time, the other world's tomotaka appeared. She was a character that only AKI Shinji could see. At this time, the other side was denouncing his hypocrisy.

"Ah, ah, sure enough, it's still the original Shinji When being rebuked by the stream of tomorrow incense, song Pingxing also had such a feeling.

Sure enough, Shinji is Shinji.

The story continues.

But song Pingxing always feels that there is something wrong with this new work and this one.

It's not about the plot, but about the connotation.

The original story is about people to people, but the new story does not seem to be about this.

"What is hope? What is the future? Why do people hurt each other? Why am I here? "

When Ting Shinji was in a daze when he asked himself, matsuoping also had a kind of resonance.

Yes, as an office worker, he found that he was not clear about his goals. What is his hope and his future? What am I doing?

At a loss.

After the nineties economic recession, the neon society has become increasingly hopeless. Where is the future?

He was a little confused.

Although the tone of the story is different from that of the original, it also resonates with Matsumura.

And that's what senxia was aiming for.

The theme of re-take changes the relationship between the original evangelical warriors in the new century to another level.That is to say, "the continuation of life".

In the production of this work, Sen Xia thought of the mother of Shinji.

In the plot, Ding Wei's soul is in the first plane. She eventually goes into space with the first plane, and then floats lonely forever, telling the proof of human existence.

With the help of this concept, Sen Xia sublimated the concept in re-take. He asked AKI Shinji to give an answer different from his mother: the proof of human existence is not the cold first machine, but the continuation and birth of life.

People will refuse and hurt each other, but new life can be born between people.

Old people will die, but new life will continue the future of mankind.

Sen Xia jumped out of the pit of the original new century evangelical soldiers here, and the main writer xuenai, shows this part very carefully.

At the beginning of the plot, his "bravery" is not real courage and action. In fact, it is another manifestation of his cowardice. Therefore, he will appear and denounce his hypocrisy.

But Shinji is going to grow.

Although the first episode of animation did not show, but in the subsequent part, this part has been very obvious.

When Shinji Shinji knew that Shibo was pregnant, he grew up.

When a boy becomes a father, he becomes a man.

This is what this part wants to embody. It is also the contrast that Sen Xia and the whole animation group want to make with the father of Shinji, Ding Yuandu.

As a husband and commander, he is qualified, but as a father, he is disqualified.

But in the plot, after growing up, Shinji is opposite to his father in this respect.

Although different from this article, the depth of the new re-take is not superficial.

The first episode of the animation ended in Matsumura's exclamation.

It's a great work.

Although different from this article, but the feeling of time and space shuttle is still very good.

If you leave this article aside, if you are new to the pit, you will not feel very strange when you see this part. At the beginning, this work feels like a kind of story of "after the end of the rebirth, driving up to beat the little monster".

In a sense, it's even a cool point.

Song Pingxing was not washed by the future online novels of a big oriental country. Of course, it was a pain to read it at this time.

As a matter of fact, senxia's treatment of the rebirth part is carried out according to the net text routine, and the treatment of xuenai is also very good.

Of course, in the animation side, the biggest credit is really down to one of them, can restore this kind of content and connotation, can only say that they really deserve to be masters.

He opened the group again. After the animation was played, there were really a lot of people in the group.

Everyone was interested in this wonderful plot.

Rebirth or something, simply not too interesting, and the quality of the work and coloring, compared to this article, to be more interesting.

"Obviously, they are all the same combat uniforms, but in re-take, I feel more exquisite..."

"I feel the same way."

"You two don't care who the people are - it's the frog Sergeant!"

"Yes, there is this frog Sergeant below Mr. sadimoto. What kind of strange name is this?"

"Pseudonym, pseudonym, they're really great illustrators and cartoonists!"

"Frog Sergeant?"

As soon as I heard the name, Matsumoto was not good.

Cao's painting is a frog's painting Infrastructure Group cartoon


I feel that Sen Xia version of re-take is really tall. I wrote so much about it that I actually washed myself


Two in one, meow meow ~

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