"Tut, the original author gave you the spoiler. This is my great mercy. Why do you forbid me! Dog management, shit

In the early morning, in animic's office, Sen Xia is looking at the post on the forum, and then murmuring here.

Just now, his vest trumpet was sealed by the management because of the spoiler. The small black room lasted for 30 days

After anonymously entering 2CH and complaining about the administrator, Mori put down the computer, stood up and walked to the window, and then looked at Akihabara in the middle of the night.

At this time, the first word of the new century evangelical warrior re-take has just ended, and there are heated discussions on the Internet. Sen Xia also gave a tip on it just now - well, as one of the original authors, Sen Xia didn't learn well and ran to give it to the spoiler himself.

And then Then he was given the title by the administrator.


Mori sighed.

Well, senxia didn't go home today. He stayed in the club. Senxia didn't dare to go to Musashino animation because Qianjia, Jiye and Lihua were all there watching re-take.

There was only one person, senxia, at this time he looked out.

"Life is so lonely as snow!"

Even the inseparable sunset, this time has also been xuenaila left, at this moment and here, senxia only one person.

"Master." But just at this moment, there was a knock outside the door.

"Sister Yi Ji?"

Senxia raised her head.

"Master, these are the bedding and pillow Miss snow asked me to bring you."

Yi Ji said, but also moved the quilt to the office, see the Sen Xia face muddled.

"Well, sister Yi Ji, will you stay with me?" Senxia looks at Yi Ji sister pitifully.

"I'm sorry, master. Your foreign justice is going to stay in Tokyo for a long time. I will go to Hokkaido tomorrow and bring all his personal belongings. "

You mean it, don't you?!

Senxia felt that his old man was plotting against himself behind his back.

"Well What kind of a thing is that. "

After sister Yi Ji left, senxia was left alone.

Those girls have gone in pairs. They are obviously rare male creatures, but now they are not welcome. This is really his meow egg pain.

"But the response is good It's a comfort. "

In any case, the feedback from retake was better than expected, which could comfort Mori's injured heart a little.

The theme of re-take is totally different from that of the original work. Even with the works of the same name in another world line, it just overlaps on the story line at the beginning. In the follow-up development, the narration of this part begins to change completely.

But even so, this work can still get a good reputation, which shows that the direction of the adaptation, the way is quite right.

Of course, for die Chung fan, besides animation, there is another work - the game.

At this time, it has been withdrawn from the future fragrance / lingboli breeding program.

Senxia here imitates the pocket monster to launch the double version, here also introduced two versions.

The sales volume of this game is running for millions.

2dlive technology is definitely a big killer now. Players in this era can't leave their eyes after seeing this technology.

"The painting style of retake seems to be consistent with that of the education plan. Is the world outlook of the education plan a continuation of retake?"

At the forum, some people also put forward this view.

But this guy thinks too much.

The people of the education plan were originally virtuous, but in order to be more able to confuse the dead house This is what Xiuming Amano said So they finally decided to use the more sophisticated Ji ye to make the whole picture more attractive.

And it turns out that this approach has many advantages.

Many players said that tomorrow incense in combat uniform is just social security, and the Li Dang over there also said that Ling Boli was simply the goddess he had dreamed of.

In addition, it is also the discussion caused by painting style.

Everyone is wondering whether the story is related to re-take. This event also makes the game and animation interact and maintain the popularity of both sides.

Senxia also opened the dc-p in her office at this time.

He also entered the game of tomorrow incense breeding plan.

"Tomorrow incense, now you are the only one to talk to me!"

At this moment, senxia seems to have become a disgusting fat house

After playing for a while, senxia returned to the forum again.

In the forum, the novel party also began to appear.But whether it is the fiction party or the animation party, this time began to guess the identity of the little girl in the picture.

In the first season, a strange girl flashed by when she was passing through. In the novel, the mysterious girl also appeared, but in the novel, who was the character actually was not solved.

So this issue is being discussed by people on the forum.

Some people say that this person is actually Ding Wei, while others say that this role is actually Ling Boli.

However, there are also some characters of the novel party, and this role is actually the child of tomorrow Xiang.

The inference of the novel party is reasonable. In fact, this is the setting of the little girl, but Sen Xia did not disclose this part completely.

"Tut It's called. "

The spoiler dog senxia originally wanted to continue the show, but at this time, he suddenly found that he had not been untied.

Senxia, who was shut up in a small black room for a month, decided to change to another district.

"The soul of darkness can also make mod. Do you think we can make a mod of tomorrow incense or Ling Boli?"

In the forum, someone asked.

"It's impossible to think about it. Dc-p's Mod access system requires original works. Maybe you can try it when you have a PC version later..."

However, some people in the back of the building owner's enthusiasm.

Cut, do you think I will tell you that we and Hideki Amano have prepared a wave of linkage Of course, there is no black soul, but in the later tolerance of the devil, and in the game of Lu Lu Xiu, it will provide fashion and special money.

"Go and play with the black soul..."

Senxia decided to go to the black soul first. He was going to network, and then he would invade the world of other players and play PVP.

Well, senxia is going to teach (bully) those novice players and teach them the cruelty of reality.

“…… I have a sentence about MMP that I don't know when to speak or not to say... "

Then senxia found that every time he invaded, he was hacked to death by the other party.

"I even have beautiful clothes on my side. I forgot to delay it!"

The black soul on senxia's side is not a Japanese suit, but a server connected to lighthouse country on the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

Across the Pacific Ocean, the efficiency of this network connection will naturally pit dad. The delay on senxia's side directly let him be chopped into meat dregs by those unknown novice players.

"How can I feel that things are not going well today..."

Senxia found that she was not very lucky today.

But when it comes to sleeping now, Mori, who is in a bad mood, has no idea at all.

He thought about it for a while, simply opened the text and began to work out the script that he thought of during the day.

"I clearly want to write a story of truth, goodness and beauty. Why is neshu like a dog whose tail has been trampled on..."

Sen Xia thinks that the reason why she is like this is probably because she has written many stories about "healing to" which has affected her character.

But when senxia confessed that she wanted to write this story, she was stopped by naisu mushroom, and Wu Nai's face was very ugly at that time.

At that time, the only people interested in their own stories were probably xiaotou.

"Oh, ah, xiaotou, why are you a boy? If you are a girl, I might fall in love with you..."

So understanding, so small to their own radio waves, really super cute ah.

However, although senxia's moral integrity has dropped sharply, it has not yet dropped to the point of "men can also", so he can only regard xiaotou as his lovely younger brother.

What kind of story did you want to write?

Light tone girl's military career

There are many works about war, and there are also many stories about girls and war.

For example, the young girl finally travels. The daily stories of this kind of cute girl and the doomsday world after the war are also similar to the stories of attacking the Witch and collecting the fleet to fight with Meng Mei.

But the former is daily, the latter is hot blood or cute.

This is not what Sonia wants.

What senxia wants to express, on the one hand, can reflect the cruelty of war, on the other hand, it can also reflect the strong feeling of a girl. But it's different from hot blood.

In the works of blood, those characters How to say that it is a "fighting brain" is no problem.

But what senxia wants is a "girl brain" role.

Before the war, the girl might have been a guitarist in the light tone society, but she was involved in the war and was forced to pick up a gun.

But the girl does not want to give up music, her simple brain still wants to sing.In the dead of night, the girl, devastated by the war, holds her guitar and imagines the dream. The strong and the weak coexist is what senxia wants.

More simply, that is, the role is simple and can make people feel "heartache".

Maybe she can become a super soldier on the battlefield, but when the audience sees it, this role can make the audience feel like "ah, ah, the battlefield should not be where she should be, she should shine in more places.".

"In this case, let's start with a season of daily stories about the beauty of the school before the war, and then another season about things during the war Maybe? "

But senxia thought about it, and he thought it was not good enough.

The longer the length, the better.

This technique of expression is not suitable for long articles.

Such a story, the best to be able to complete in one go.

"Speaking of it, the sky of fate will be released in July. After that, Musashino will be able to spare some strength..."

Yes, that's what Sonia wanted - to make an animated movie.

"That's it. This is Musashino's second animation."

Sen Xia on the screen knocked down the text: "light tone girl from the army."

"Er Will I be beaten up by the soft tone fans? "

Senxia thought for a moment, and then put the name of another work: "the voice of the sky."

Although changed a name, but Sen Xia here is still very skilled to the protagonist hit "Ping zewei" this word.

"Er I'm used to it. I'll change it when I think of a better name... "

Senxia decided to wait until she thought it over.

As for the present, we can only do so first.

But senxia is not in a hurry. If you change your name, you won't get pregnant, right?

"But what did the war begin for? Why would such a girl walk into the cruel battlefield

Senxia began to think.

If a girl who had no relationship with the war was allowed to enter the battlefield, senxia thought of several modes.

One is an arrangement similar to infinite flow, in which a girl is selected by a supernatural force and forced to perform a task.

But Sen Xia felt that this was not enough.

The second plan is alien invasion of the earth, but how to say, this kind of story between girls, preferably between people.

The original world line of the voice of the air animation, in the last song of grace to end the war, this idea is very good, the voice of space itself is also very good, but the work is written askew, so the appeal is not enough.

"So the form of war should also be between people."

Senxia thought for a moment. He sorted out his ideas and made a document.

"Speaking of it, Mr. Jin min also said that he would like to make a new work later. There is no time..."

Originally, senxia wanted to discuss with Mr. Jinmin, but the other party would make new works later. Moreover, Sen Xia also knew that Mr. Jinmin's works were masterpieces, so it was not easy to disturb him on his own side.

"But what is the cause of the war? It's really hard to deal with."

Although Ni Bang's animations often force girls to go to the battlefield, as a reasonable party, Sen Xia feels that it is not reliable to do so, and he thinks that the girl's going to the battlefield itself can be a very interesting place.


Just at this time, there was a murmur in senxia's stomach.

"Well, go and fill your stomach first."

Hungry Mori Xia has no brain power to continue to think about the follow-up issues, he decided to fill his own stomach first.

He put on his coat, then left the office, went downstairs and went to supper.


The stem of social security comes from "wtmsb". In fact, it means shooting and exploding. It means that Miss Jie is very cute and can arouse interest A kind of Interesting.

A krypton game fat related.

Don't ask me what happened

Fortunately, the last one out of two bow stay, or despair.

Two in one

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