Reinai and hulixiang were not idle, and with their help, the room was quickly packed up.

After that, the windows were opened for ventilation.

This is a hardbound repair room that has been built for a long time. After cleaning up the things and cleaning it, it is ready.

"Hello ~"

it happened that when they finished cleaning, Ling Nai and Nanai came.

A clean room is better for guests.

Sister Yi Ji went shopping for lunch, while senxia and Nanai visited the room together.

"Wow, that's great!"

Nanai exclaimed.

After all, it is a large house with a total area of more than 160 square meters. No matter which room it is, it is very spacious. As an advanced apartment, it is really qualified.

"If only I could live in such a wonderful place Nanai exclaimed.

"Well, thanks a lot to hulixiang." Senxia didn't mean to show off. This place is really a little egg sore.

At this time, Erika was preparing for cooking in the kitchen and Renai, so she was not here.

"Well..." Nanai turns her head and looks at senxia, but she doesn't know why. Senxia notices that Nanai's eyes are subtle.

"What's the matter?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Senxia Jun is really powerful. She is surrounded by girls." Natsuke Nai's face was naive, as if she was really admiring so many girls around senxia.

Senxia heard this, but she slipped and almost fell.

"Why do you say that all of a sudden?" Senxia is a bit confused.

"Because we found that, senxia Jun, your power of action seems to come from girls." The speaker is Ling Nai.

“…… Huh Sen Xia was puzzled, "why did you suddenly talk about this?"

"Because Nanai and I talked about Sen Xiajun when you were a child, and then we found that since you were a child, Sen Xiajun has been very fond of staying with girls..."

"Wait a minute. It's a bit biased. I have a lot of male friends." Senxia is puzzled.

"But we found that, senxia Jun, you used to be fake girls."

Ling Nai's face showed a smile.

Yes, Nanai and Ayana were analyzing the situation of senxia yesterday.

At first, they talked about the black history of senxia's primary school, but later, it became senxia's motive.

Then they found a very delicate thing - although senxia had made my classmate a success many times, he always made it for girls.

"Not only in the past, but also in senxia Jun now." Nana, with his chin up, seemed to be thinking.

"I'm not the kind of scum who can't move when I see girls. I just think girls need help. Boys, of course, should have the courage and awareness to get out of trouble. "

Senxia offered a very good reason.

"Well, it's a qualified answer." Ling Nai shrugged, and her purple eyes looked at Sen Xia, but there was curiosity and interest hidden in it.

"Well," senxia said, "you're going to talk to Renee. I've seen the room. I'll take over reinai. You can have a good chat."

Senxia decisively chose to throw the pot.

After changing rinai from the kitchen, senxia came to the side of hulixiang, and then washed dishes and cut vegetables with her.

“…… Why are you looking at me all the time? "

Then she found that Mori had been looking at herself.

"It's nothing. I just didn't expect that you, as the eldest lady, would be so skilled." Senxia was a little surprised at the action of Piri xianglisuo, "whether it's the previous room cleaning, or now washing and cooking, you are very skilled ah."

Hearing senxia's words, she raised her head with pride, "of course, I was trained as a professional maid!"

"Yes, too." Senxia nodded.

"Everyone in the white bear cafe is also a maid who has received professional training. They are very good She did not forget to praise her maids.

"I've heard that there are many maid's cafes in other places now, and it doesn't matter to you?" Senxia followed the trend and asked.

After the white bear cafe was on fire, businesses in other places also valued the maid's Cafe as a gold mine.

Catering is a profiteering industry, and it is also a traditional profiteering industry. From ancient times to the present, as long as you are a profound cook, there is absolutely no time when you can't survive.

It's no surprise that the maid's coffee shop with cute culture has high added value and is valued by people.

In the past two years, there have been various maid cafes all over the place, which can be said to be a great event.Since talking about the maid's Cafe, senxia naturally needs to know something about the white bear cafe.

"It's the same as usual, and the flow of people has increased a lot recently," he said. "You can see it, senxia Jun

It's true that the white bear cafe is just down the stairs in moriha.

If you are OK on weekdays and on holidays, if you want to eat in the white bear cafe, you definitely need a long line.

"Besides, we are professional after all When she said this, she also showed a proud expression on her face. "Unlike other families, our maids have been professionally trained as Royal maids. They are worthy of the name. They are not the same as the part-time college students in other families."

"In your family, there are many part-time high school students and college students, right?" Make complaints about the subconscious.

Well My mouth is slipping.

"But we all have professional training in our family. It's from the Royal maid's professional practice." Hulixiang didn't feel much about it.

"By the way, hulixiang, what is the causal Royal maid you have been talking about? Is there such a thing?" Senxia knew that there was a maid's school in England, but what was this royal maid?

"Selling point, this is selling point." As she spoke, she spat out her tongue at mori.

Mori knows.

This kind of statement is the same as that of a certain toothpaste brand that said it was certified by the dental prevention group.

It looks like it's tall, but what is it? That's another thing.

"But I have also discussed with my father whether we can make a similar maid certification standard. If this standard can be extended to all maid cafes, it would be great." He said again.

"I agree with that."

First class enterprises are the standard.

It's not a maid's Cafe that I certified. It's not even a maid's Cafe!

Senxia felt that it was really possible to do so.

"Wait a minute. You just said 'dad' Senxia noticed a very subtle place.

"Yes, my dad loves this maid cafe, too." "And the chain plan similar to the white bear cafe is also under consideration. In any case, there is no shortage of land in my family. "

"Ah --"

there is no shortage of land in the house of hulixiang. To be exact, the real estate industry of hulixiang's family was relatively large.

If you have this congenital condition as the foundation, you can really open a chain of maid cafes everywhere.

"My father likes this kind of Maid Cafe very much. As long as he doesn't eat at home, he usually chooses to eat in our white bear cafe."

Although it is a "coffee shop", the white bear cafe is rarely able to provide elegant afternoon tea and coffee, because there are always a lot of people who want to come to the white bear coffee shop. There is no problem in saying "restaurant" now.

But a middle-aged man likes to come to the maid's Cafe?

Is it possible that the father of hulixiang is actually a hidden Dead house?

“…… Senxia Jun, with your eyes like this, I always feel that you are thinking about something very impolite. " Erika noticed senxia's delicate eyes and expression.

"It's nothing. I just think it's really interesting for your father to like the maid's Cafe, because I was thinking about the market for young people in the first place."

To be exact, what we considered at the beginning was the dead house market

"At first, I thought so, but now, the situation is different - for example, our branch store in kauno School Park, you should notice the difference?"

Hearing the words of hulixiang, Mori suddenly realized.

In the white bear cafe in Akihabara, the maids will be very enthusiastic after serving the food, and cast a "magic spell" to the food. In fact, it is a kind of cute element to show the royal family.

But there is no such service in the white bear cafe in the Kano School Park.

Even the maids there don't call guests "masters.".

According to Mori Xia, this is actually because the school has some concerns about this kind of behavior, so the compromise adopted by Erika is right.

"It was a compromise at the beginning, but I found out later that it would be interesting to change just the maid."

No, to be precise, it's not "interesting", but "forced".

In the Kano School Park Branch, after entering the coffee shop, the guests there are just like the guests who come to the palace. The maids will treat the customers as the real "noble guests" meticulously as the real maids.

"This sense of satisfaction, this sense of enjoyment It's really great. " Senxia found that this feeling was also very compelling.

If you have a maid of your own, and then let the other party treat you, will you have a sense of accomplishment?Yes, of course, but the feeling is not strong.

But But say, what if the maid who takes care of the British royal family entertains herself?

This feeling is totally different!

Think about it. The Royal maid is actually serving herself. This sense of achievement and pleasure is higher than that of the "natural justice" of her own service. I don't know how much!

"So since then, dad and I have divided maid cafes into two categories. One is the type of most maid cafes nowadays. Maids are close to these "masters" and use "Meng" to influence them; the other is to take a high standard route and create a high atmosphere through high requirements and high standards. "

“…… That's a good one Hearing the words of hulixiang, Mori also wanted to experience it, "where is the coffee shop your father often goes to? I want to try it, too

"No, he's here to eat in Akihabara."

Er -

hearing the calm words of yulixiang, Sen xiadun was confused.

Said so much, the feelings of your father, is still asked to hide the middle-aged royal house ah!

"But why have I never seen it?" Senxia is a little strange.

"It's dad who told me not to tell you," she said. "But every time you come to dinner, as long as dad is in the store, he will like to look at Sen Xiajun."

“…… Ah! "

Senxia was so surprised that she even stopped her movements.

Is he always being looked at by his father?

Senxia tries to recall her own situation in the white bear cafe. However, in the white bear cafe, the daily passenger flow is very large, and there are many repeat customers. Sen Xia knows several familiar faces. If the father of erixiang is hidden among them, there is no way for senxia to easily find each other.

"He looks at me every time?" In order to confirm, senxia asked again.

As a matter of course, erixiang nodded. "But don't worry, Dad won't do anything strange to you. When he comes to the store and you come over to senxia Jun, there are not many things that can be done right. He doesn't have to worry about anything else, it's all about eating. "

Erixiang seems to have no opinion on this matter, but senxia feels that something is wrong when she hears her words.

I always feel that the father of hulixiang doesn't go to the white bear Cafe just because he likes to drink coffee and see his little sister

However, Sen Xia was wise and did not continue to ask.

He always felt that if he continued to ask questions, he would certainly embark on a strange route

"By the way, does anyone else know about it?" Senxia asked again.

"Others?" Erika thought for a moment, then shook his head. "I didn't tell anyone about it."

It's not because of confidentiality, knowledge because it's not necessary.

"That's good," senxia nodded. "Please don't tell them about this."

"I'm not going to use my father as gossip material," said hulixiang. "Well, if you say that, I won't tell you specifically."

Mori nodded with relief.

Well, a stone in my heart has fallen to the ground temporarily


System prompt: the route of hulixiang has reached the opening standard!

I'm a little relieved. I'm still angry. I've got two bills and two treasures. I've got a king

Today's stanza, two in one ~

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