"It seems that the animation of Earth Defense teenagers is almost settled."

Miss Takasu let out a breath.

Although she hasn't appeared for a long time, Miss Takasu Dahe is indeed the responsibility of teacher Xiasen.

But for the goods that are not filled in, even if it is gaoxu River, there is no way to go to him to urge contributions.

After all, they are big boss now.

If it's someone else, I'm afraid Gaoxu river has already blocked the gate. Even in the past, the Gaoxu river was blocked in front of senxia gate.

But that was before.

It is impossible for Miss Takasu to do so now.

After all, Mr. shawson is a big boss now.

However, as the responsible editor of Xiasen, Gao xudahe still hopes that the other side can create some new novels.


How could that be possible!

Two years ago, Mr. shawson was conscientious in writing novels. She could write a lot of things every month. In the editorial department, some people even marveled that she was the legendary typewriter!

But unfortunately, that was before.

After the gradual success of her career, senxia began to be irresponsible.

"Young girl's War record" solemnly said, "wait until I have inspiration." this kind of thing is probably only senxia, a slag man who doesn't fill in the hole, can do it.

It can be seen that senxia and Fujian play together, which is not a coincidence, but a necessity of the same odor.

After all, it's all pit goods


All in all, this is a sad story.

Although readers are looking forward to Mr. shawson's new work, Takasu Dahe finds it almost impossible.

Even if there is a new work, there is a great probability that Sen Xia will not directly contribute to Jiaochuan.

Even if you want to contribute, you must use the mode of cooperation.

"Where is the sword Kingdom..."

Now in front of Miss Takasu Dahe is a book.

However, this book is not a novel submitted to Jiaochuan, but a novel that we want to sell in cooperation with Jiaochuan. The copyright of the work is in the side of group A.

"I remember that this book of swords and swords was judged as a very powerful work." Another editor nearby came up.

"Yes, although I just have a little novel, I plan to start animation, comics and games simultaneously." Miss Dahe sighed, "but this work is not ours."

No matter whether it is the Jiaochuan club or Fuji see the study, they did not eat the capital of group A. since they can not eat, some things can not be done according to the meaning of Jiaochuan.

Cooperation is inevitable.

The mode that Sen Xia chooses here is to cooperate with that side.

It's not just the sword Kingdom, but also another book, the magic girl Naiye.

Naiye, the magic girl, is the work of senxia. That's right.

This is what we are looking forward to.

But it is a pity that this novel, group A, also started with novels, comics, animation and games.

You know, senxia really cares about this work.

The news of cooperation with jump has also been released. The game news of the magic girl Naiye at the E3 game exhibition has also been launched, and the animation there has also been news. After the end of EVA, Musashino will carry out a wave of expansion, and then cooperate with a certain Oriental power, and start to make new works of Naiye and Luluxiu.

Speaking of Lu Lu Xiu

Dahe thought of the "nanali nightmare" he had played before.

Ms. ohe is not only responsible for editing, she is also a game fan.

But Dahe didn't like Sega very much. Before that, she seldom played Sega's games.

But after hearing that senxia took over Sega's home computer, he began to work on the new dc-p project. At that time, Dahe began to care about it.

With three points of curiosity, Dahe also bought this home machine.

Then the first work she played was Lu Lu Xiu.

Lu Lu Xiu's story from the first to the last gives people a feeling of unfinished. In the game version, because of the multi-threaded ending, it is also very wonderful.

It is said that the archive of this work can be inherited into the second one. I don't know what it looks like

As for nanali's nightmare, it's even more magical. This work is Lu Lu Xiu's biography, but going is not in the traditional sense. After combining with Lu Xiuben, the two games can become a new game!

In a moment, I feel like I've made a lot of money!

Spent two game money, but bought three games, it is very interesting to have wood have!And there are three ways to play three games. This feeling is really unprecedented in general games.

Of course, it's really difficult for others to do this except for senxia, because in all the home computers, only those on senxia's side are equipped with hard disks.

With hard disk, the cost of dc-p has increased a lot. However, senxia has transferred all the OEM factories to a big eastern country. Except for the key technologies that are not allowed to be exported there, all the products here have been transferred to production there, and the cost is really falling.

Let's take developing games for example.

If you want to develop a ten million dollar masterpiece in Nihong or Europe and the United States, you may only need one million dollars to do it in a big eastern country, or even hundreds of thousands of dollars if you choose properly.

How long ago was the "programmer" such a tall man, but in a few years, the programmer was ruined by a big eastern country and became a code farmer

Oh, yes, there is curry country in this respect. Curry country's IT industry is also developed. However, Sen Xia prefers to develop in a big oriental country rather than go to curry country. He doesn't want to develop programs and games by himself. What he mews is a curry flavor

Miss Dahe doesn't know so many ways. She only knows that senxia has a set of games that are so interesting one by one. It's like the game named Zuma, which is the same as bubble dragon, but more interesting than bubble dragon. This magical game has killed Miss ohe a lot of time.

"Hoo Take a little rest. " She looked at the time and found it was noon.

She took out the Bento of the preparation number, and then took out her Xbox handheld

Well, this Xbox handset and x-player handle are also toxic.

Especially the games on Xbox.

These games are very magic, one by one, are the terror of killing time.

And Xbox can also view the game rankings when it is connected to dc-p, which is really powerful.

But the game Dahe is playing now is not so, but Tomorrow fragrance cultivation plan.

Well, Dahe is also a fan of EVA.

A few days ago, when the animation started broadcasting, new games appeared.

Dahe bought lingpoli and tomotaka.

Now, Dahe has collected three-quarters of the outcome of tomorrow's incense breeding plan. Before long, she will be able to complete the customs clearance. After the clearance, Dahe is ready to change lingpoli's education plan to play.

The whole ending, all elements collection and all will be obtained. For players, this is what they want to achieve.

"No matter how many times I look at it, I think it's so powerful..."

Will move tomorrow fragrance, really good formidable.

This kind of "2dlive" technology is unique. Only moriha can realize this technology.

Players can interact with these characters in the development plan of tomotaka. If they use hands and feet with them, it may lead to subtle results.

What impresses Dahe most is that when he plays for the first time, he is constantly rubbing the chest part of tomotaka, and then the unbearable tomotaka will kick the player to the start screen.

Later, Dahe learned that many people played with this little egg. This interesting place was spread by countless players, and at this time, some players found that if they did not mend their ways and were "kicked out of the game" for five consecutive times, the players would not be kicked out for the sixth time, but would be taken away by the gendarmerie, and the game would end.

This ending is not included in the hidden elements and hidden trophies, but is a colorful egg content.

But also level is the egg nature of the content, but in the network so that players enjoy talking about, we are interesting to discuss the two games.

Then, as expected, some players found new eggs. In the story, when tomorrow incense and Ling Boli were on the street, they could see many shops. Among them, there was the signboard of group A - well, senxia put his club into the game as eggs.

Don't say, this place is really good.

In particular, there is a beggar in the story, who is very similar to Xiuming Amano.

Many EVA players who don't know or are not interested in the game bought the game one after another when they heard that everyone could bully Xiuming Ono, a beggar

By the way, this egg is not the sum proposed by mori. The person who put forward the concept of "interesting" is actually Xiuming Amano himself.

Not to mention, Hideki Amano really knows about those otaku. He made the game more popular. For a time, the game was highly praised, and players took pleasure in bullying beggars. Even if the moral value of the character was reduced to a negative number, he would not hesitate.Ohe didn't think much about the theater version of EVA - because she didn't believe it was the end of EVA from the beginning.

On the other side, the re take animation, which is now playing, captures the interest of Dahe.

This kind of "rebirth" story is really interesting.

"Speaking of it, it seems that the third language is about to start playing today..."

I almost forgot that EVA's third words came today.

"I don't know if Shinji can reverse the tragedy of the past..."

In the first two episodes, Shinji uses his "prophet" to solve a lot of dangers and regrets in advance, especially when dealing with the maddening plane 3. Shinji saves the trapped tokji suzuhara.

This place was originally an important symbol of the break-up between Shinji and his father, and also a turning point in the plot. But now, my tragedy has been reversed, which is really powerful.

But then, Dahe felt that his idea was too naive.

This part also appears in the novel, and then at this time, Hin Shinji will know about Shi Bo's pregnancy. At this time, he will come to the world with his own. The third word, which is really a turning point, can be said to be a "turning point of God", because the turning point in this part is really fierce.

If you are not the same as yourself to read the novel, then certainly because of this turning point and unprepared.

Even if it was Dahe herself, when she saw this part in the novel, she was still very shocked. Originally, she thought she could guess the plot, but she found that it was totally different. It was really frightening.

In fact, before the appearance of this part of the novel, fans put forward "Shinji dream theory" and "world restart theory" and so on. But after this part appeared, people began to have confusion and doubt about their original ideas.

"So senxia's strength is still good..." As soon as he thought of it, Dahe thought of senxia again.

I don't know when he will continue to produce a complete new work?

Now these works are developed by senxia to cooperate with other products.

He recently wrote a pure literary style work, which is just the previous "the sky of fate" - although Sen Xia doesn't think so, other people, including Dahe, feel that this is a super serious and life exploring work.

Well, now that "German orthopedics" is not popular, people's views on this work are still limited to the field of serious literature. Everyone feels that this work is about the relationship between people

However, if I think about it now, I feel that senxia is really lazier and lazier.

Dahe also had dinner with Qianjia before, and Qianjia introduced that she and Lihua are in charge of group A. at most, she and Lihua are in charge. At most, she is the maid of senxia.

But Mori's own words The goods are rowing!

Well, to be precise, senxia was supposed to be spending her daily life happily with her sisters at that time

"But now that he's in college, he's at least a little more relaxed than he was in high school. I don't know if Sen Xia will write a new book now..."

The river continued to look at his game machine.

"I don't know what he will write..."

Sorry, senxia didn't write anything.

Because at this time, he is with a group of girls


Today's discipline.

Two in one meow ~

I always felt that Sen Xiajun had a smooth journey all the way. On the road of love, it should not be normal to suffer from Chai Dao twice or something (funny)

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