Facts have proved that online games are really the most able to stimulate people's enthusiasm.

Senxia found that the number of live online games is indeed more.

After all, there must be more people playing online games among those who can surf the Internet now, and among these people, there must be more people who want to watch similar videos than on a single computer.

There are three anchors in the game, each of them is very popular.

Senxia casually entered a live broadcasting hall and began to watch the live broadcast.

After the system is loaded, senxia enters the live broadcast interface.

The anchor's role is saber altoria.

Well, yes, it's the role in fat.

After fat began to appear, senxia conveniently landed these characters into the hero track game.

After watching it for a while, senxia thought that this person played well, but he explained less and interacted with the audience less, belonging to the "technical" type.

The players around are also analyzing the hero named altoria in the latest book.

Senxia looked twice, then changed a room.

In the same game, when you change rooms to watch, the waiting time is half of watching the live broadcast of the game. This is determined by the current live broadcast form.

Speaking of it, senxia's concept of live broadcasting is not very new. Before the rise of real online live broadcasting, many games provided various live viewing. In many gun games, after the death of the character, you can see the picture from the perspective of teammates. This is actually a kind of live broadcast, and senxia's method is similar to this.

But it's really rare to find a live broadcast platform with senxia.

Then, senxia enters the room of the second anchor.

The anchor speaks English, and the chat room is full of English - of course, the game of hero track is more popular in Europe and America, and people there like it.

But the anchor is much more humorous.

"Hey, you see, this little guy just ran to the grass. He must want to come over and attack. Look at me seducing a wave..."

"Ha, you've been cheated!"

This anchor is not only humorous and funny, but also has good strength. He just seduced the people who came over to sneak attack, and then killed them.

However, the next sky sound Youqi doesn't necessarily understand these, so after reading it for a while, senxia changed her third anchor.

What the anchor is playing is not a hero's Track - it's a bit wrong to say that. To be precise, he's not playing with an official map.

This player is a casual player, and his main studio is entertainment and leisure maps.

At this time, the player is playing with a map called "Jurassic era".

The content of this map is that several players drifted to a desert island full of dinosaurs. Then they found a laboratory on the island, and then they knew that this place was a secret experimental base.

But at this time, the Tyrannosaurus Rex attacked, and they had to flee in all directions. Fortunately, they all got the construction module before they left. They needed to build a defense base and wait for rescue. But they never expected that some of their own people had been infected with dinosaur virus

Of course, this is just the background story. In the game, after the players load the game, they will directly appear in the Jurassic forest, and then start to build their own base.

Although the game map is advertised as an "unofficial map", its creativity is still official.

The creative idea of this game is that senxia modified the map of Jurassic Park in Warcraft 3.

This map is moderately difficult, contains a lot of elite strategy class design, can be said to be a very good game.

In the future, there is a game called "Ark: survival and evolution", which is a well-known game. If you want to trace back some elements, they also come from here.

Unfortunately, the RPG map disappeared with the decline of Warcraft 3

It can be seen that this game still let players discuss for a long time.

Many spectators nearby also have some interest in this game map.

But the host seems to have been playing the game for a long time.

After he finished playing this game, he changed a game.

The game is called the Holy Grail.

Well, it's the game map of the Grail War.

To be exact, the game map is the official map transformation of the hero's track. The game has become seven to seven. Players must choose the heroes and win the Holy Grail of each other.

This model is not created by Sen Xia, it should be said that the players' own ideas and ideas.

By the way, the creator of the game map didn't simply change five to five to seven. He also changed the map map. In the middle of the map, he replaced it with Dongmu bridge. It's a good restoration.This design is excellent.

However, the author's restoration also has some flaws, that is, the hero part.

The original hero is still used.

Sen Xia was going to turn off the channel, but he found that he was interested in the sky sound. He continued to live.

The anchor had good luck. He met a group of magic teammates. He was really invincible in the battle. He pushed the opposite side in more than ten minutes, and didn't even need to shoot 20 shots.

"Gee, it's true that the Holy Grail War is really interesting. I'll see if there are relevant maps."

The map made by the player has a special channel. The anchor saw that everyone didn't like the map that was too close to the original hero's track, so he replaced it.

It turns out that someone actually made such a map.

The mode of the game is that players control their own heroes in Dongmu city. While chopping monsters, they track down other remaining players, or cooperate or fight with each other. Finally, when the seventh day comes, they fight with boss Gilgamesh, and the one in stock is the winner.

"If there were so many monsters in Dongmu City, Shi Lang would have been ruined? Wwww "

" I feel that Dongmu city is very dangerous

game player make complaints about the design of monster occupied by winter wood. This setting is the design that the producer is purely designed to take care of the game. Everyone knows this, so he loves to make complaints about it.

After all, if there are only seven people, sometimes it's boring, but now it's just the right situation.

but what game player and reality are really make complaints about players, but there is no way to do that.

In this game, the anchor selected kuchulin, the Spearman. It was a pity that the first one was out.

After leaving the game, the anchor did not miss it, but changed another game.

This game is also a construction game. It tells the story of a group of players who constantly build various defense towers and buildings to defend against vampires. Among the players, some characters will be selected to become vampires, and then become vampires to attack others at night

"I feel that the hero track can be made into a real-time strategy game like Starcraft."

"Yes, yes, so at a glance, the building mode of game map is really amazing!"

"I heard that someone had restored the StarCraft map before, but it seems that it has been deleted by the official due to copyright issues..."

"Ai Ai, has such a powerful picture been deleted?"

"But it is said that there is a way to play, but that must go to the US forum."

"The feeling of dark game is terrible..."

After someone said a word here, some players noticed this.

Most of the players in the hero track are PC players, so they can type very fast - they can't even scold people if they don't type fast. Of course, the speed should be fast.

However, what the players discussed was true, because someone had once made a map with StarCraft material, but the map did not pass the audit at all. It only appeared in the trial area for a short time. The reason is very simple, it is because of infringement.

But the news is still circulating on the Internet.

To tell you the truth, senxia sometimes feels very fond of this matter.

In fact, it also gave a wave of publicity to senxia.

Well, that's right. The real-time strategy version will also be released after the hero track, similar to the real-time strategy game of Warcraft mode.

In fact, many construction game maps are actually a test of this aspect.

Funny to say, on the other world line, there are real-time strategy games first, then MoBa. Senxia has the MoBa hero track first, and then the hero track will consider making a real-time strategy version.

Sometimes there is a feeling that things are unpredictable.

But it doesn't matter.

If you can expand your influence.

By the way, the idea of expanding into real-time strategic games was not proposed by Sen Xia, but by the development team.

Sen Xia supports this idea.

However, the development group put forward the idea of developing original new heroes, and then gradually replace the current heroes. For this point, the front part of Sen Xia supports it, and the latter point, senxia not only refuses, but also criticizes the development group.

Hero track this game is to let everyone experience the feeling of "hero chaos", is the "super robot war" in the online game, and is also the "Nintendo all star" in the online game.

You can't lose it!

If it is necessary to develop a completely original new work, moriha suggests that they abandon the hole in the hero's trajectory and build a new one.

On this point, the discussion group is discussing, but there seems to be no result."Online games are really interesting."

After the live broadcast, Tianyin Youqi continued to contact Sen Xia on qicq.

"Well, yes, online games are the confrontation between people. The patterns between people are terrible. Simple and monotonous video games are much more interesting."

It's fun to fight people!

The struggle between people, often can produce some dramatic changes, which other games do not have.

Unfortunately, the technology of the live broadcast software is not enough, so there is no way to add a commentary here for the time being. Otherwise, if there is a commentary to tell a story here, it will be more interesting.

"But the number of online players doesn't seem to be a lot." There seems to be some regret in the sky.

"The times are developing. The number of registered heroes in this game has exceeded 1 million, and there are about one tenth of active users." Sen Xia said, "these online game users are sustained profit, more than the vitality of the stand-alone to last."

After hearing the words of senxia, Tianyin Youqi nodded.

I don't know if it's because of the butterfly effect. Senxia found that the network development speed of this world line is slightly faster than that of another world line, and her own hero track seems to be very popular. You know, in lighthouse country at this time, there were broadband suppliers who put out the slogan "play hero track". It is said that the effect is good!

"If you can, you can set up an E-sports channel..."

Sen Xia, who is from another world line, is not very familiar with the e-sports channels broadcast by TV stations. However, he knows that on another world line, a TV station in a big eastern country has done E-sports programs, and the response is very good. Unfortunately, for some unspeakable reasons, these well received programs have been suspended.

According to this experience, senxia thought that maybe we could try the water.

Anyway, I'm not short of money. In a big eastern country, magic baby, stone age and bubble hall have all been safely launched. Even if other places don't say anything else, the profits of these three games alone can be taken out to do a good job in several of these video games.


Although it's temporary news, Sen Xia thinks it's also a good thing to get the news of an E-sports competition to promote at E3 exhibition


At this time, Qianjia suddenly came to senxia's side.

"Hi, what's up, sister?" Senxia asked.

"Well, about going to some lighthouse country." Qian Jia said, "just now when I was discussing with Jiusheng, I think we can make the first activity of present visual research into E3 exhibition in lighthouse country. What do you think?"

"Going abroad?" Tianyin wrote on the paper.

"Well, yes," said Qian Jia with a smile. "Sen Xiajun also knows a girl named Alice in lighthouse country."

"Since it's a club activity, please take me with you." I don't know if it's senxia's illusion. When he finds that the sky sound is perched in the line of Xie, his speed seems to be a little faster.

"Mm-hmm, since it's a group activity, of course we'll all go!"

Qian Jia smiles.


Have you ever played war3 Jurassic Park children's shoes? It was a very interesting map in those days. It had been addicted to it all day.

Today's two in one meow ~

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