"I'm back."

After the event, senxia returned home.


Xiyan is waiting here. After Mori Xia enters the house, she comes over.

Take Sen Xia's bag, and then help Sen Xia put the shoes well, senxia then entered the room.

"Master, would you like to eat first, or take a bath first, or..."

"I'll have a little rest."

Senxia shook her head and then sat down on the sofa.

Although this new home is very big, it is always under the same roof. Compared with the previous chateau, it is much closer.

But senxia always felt that the atmosphere now did not seem to want a simple maid and master.

I always feel that every time I go home, the atmosphere is very strange

"By the way, Xiyan, we are going to lighthouse country next month. We are going to go there a few days in advance. We will make the reservation and arrangement here later."

Senxia had already asked Xiyan to prepare her own itinerary, but since Lihua has decided to have an activity together, this is the priority.

"Hi, I'll call lighthouse country." Said sunset.

Senxia looked at the sunset, and then said: "sunset, do you want to invite Zhaoyan to go together? I don't think she joined the club, did I? "

Chao Yan and Li Nai did not join the club.

No, to be precise, they should be working at the white bear cafe.

Unlike Mori Xia, Chao Yan and Li Nai both received economic restrictions.

High school used to be OK, but after entering university, most of them have to bear it by themselves.

So the necessary part-time job is indispensable.

Although senxia intended to help, neither of them accepted it.

This is the only way for now.

However, the hourly salary of the white bear cafe is relatively high, and it is relatively safe, but there is no problem.

After a short rest, senxia came to the restaurant. At this time, the food was ready, and there was a delicate fragrance.

"Well, Xiyan's cooking is really good."

Senxia thought of her cooking with xuenai before.

Senxia's mouth showed a smile.

Ah, ah, I see.

When sunset and oneself are together, the feeling that Sen Xia feels is not the maid and master, but another feeling.

"Master, you look at me with such a disgusting smile. Are you going to do something that can't be said clearly?"

Sunset side of the weizeng soup on the table, one side of the expressionless said.

"Cough, I'm just thinking about good things. It's not a strange thing." Senxia said quickly.


She looked down at the sunset.

“…… Because I feel like this sunset, it's like a family. " Senxia smiles, "although we are not related by blood, but the connection between us Isn't it good? "


Sunset looking at Sen Xia, she did not speak for a long time, hands also did not move.

After a long time, Xiyan continued to return to the kitchen, but she did not answer Sen Xia, or even made any response.

Senxia is a little embarrassed.

Is it self indulgent?

"This is milk pudding for dessert." The other side served a pot of homemade pudding.

"Oh, oh, where's the pudding made by sunset."

Although it's embarrassing But it feels good.

After finishing the meal, Xiyan also did the senxia side, and they began to eat together.

Before sunset, I didn't have dinner with Sen Xia, but eating alone was not something interesting, so senxia forced Xiyan to eat with herself. At first, senxia was still worried. If Xiyan contradicted, it would be fine. But later on, she found that Xiyan didn't feel any sense of resistance. Although she was still a blank expression, she vaguely felt that she was still very happy?

"When it comes to pudding, in fact, in addition to the dessert pudding we eat, there is also pudding as a dish." Senxia said to the sunset.

"If you're talking about beef pudding, I can also make it. Do you want beef pudding as a dish and milk pudding as dessert? I can also make a whole pudding if you like

"Cough, that's not necessary."

It's embarrassing.

Actually, I just want to find a topic to talk about.

Living here with Xiyan, Sen Xia actually feels that they are very comfortable, but in terms of dialogue, Sen Xia feels that there is no special progress between them.

"Well, beef pudding is also good. If you can taste it, it's not impossible In other words, pudding was originally used as a dish. Why did beef pudding become milk pudding Senxia suddenly thought of a point.But it seems that there is something subtle about it.

"SA, who knows," Xiyan said as she mixed vegetables. "Maybe the sweet Party saw the salty party eating delicious pudding, so they made sweet pudding."

Xiyan even chatted with herself!

is not ridicule, nor Tucao, but make complaints about ordinary people.

"What's the matter with you?"

"No, nothing."

It's just a little bit touched.

Senxia took a bite of rice, and then went on to say, "but in this case, it seems that the victory of the sweet party is in the end. Although there are beef pudding and other things, the pudding we all know is really sweet."

"Because the process of cooking beef pudding is very complicated. If you want to eat it, I also need to buy some new cooking utensils." "Sunset said," relatively speaking, as a dessert pudding, in taste up more convenient. "

It's convenient to make and eat, which is good.

"It takes only 30 minutes to make a 90% flavor dish, but it takes only three hours to make it. Moreover, the former is cheaper. It is sure that the former is easier to popularize."

Speaking of, this seems to be similar to the game industry. Two similar games, if there is no characteristic, the game with lower starting cost will be more popular.

"As you said." So said sunset.

"Well, tofu is the same feeling. Sweet bean curd, and salty bean curd with sauce Speaking of it, I prefer honey bean curd, which is sweet, but if it is made into soup, I think the salty one is better Senxia said her taste.

Then he found that sunset was looking at himself with delicate eyes.

"Sunset, I didn't say anything wrong..."

Sen Xia is not comfortable with the eyes of sunset.

"Master, if your words are heard by the sweet party and the salty party, you will be mixed doubles. Sometimes the wall grass is more hateful than the enemy."

"Er I think the creases are normal? Oh, by the way, I prefer spicy food. " But in mud boom, the only place where you want to have a really spicy video is the Chinese restaurant. And it has to be an authentic Chinese restaurant. I don't know why the Chinese cuisine here is not very authentic. "

"It's normal to adjust according to the local taste. Neon gold is used to light food." Said sunset.

"But I don't think neon gold just likes that feeling." "They just have a light taste all the time, so they can't get used to it, but once they get used to it, they can't go back again?"

For example, Mapo Tofu, the authentic Mapo Tofu is not simply spicy, but spicy, but the Mapo Tofu here

Well, if that's Mapo Tofu.

"So next time I'm going to make Chinese food?" Asked sunset.

"In fact, I can accept any flavor." Senxia asked with a smile.

“……” Looking at Sen Xia, "master, you are the most cunning answer. As your maid, this kind of words should not be said by me, but if you are outside, the attitude of" casual "is the most serious

“……” Senxia scratched her head.

Is this Have you been preached?

"Well, just casually, it's just a choice between Chinese cuisine and Chinese cuisine. If I talk about making French cuisine, you can't do it?"

"Yes." Said sunset.

“…… Huh Sen Xia was forced.

"I can do it if it's just ordinary French food, although it's not as good as sister Yi." Xiyan continued, "but compared to French cuisine, I prefer Italian cuisine, and British cuisine is not bad."

"Er Italian food is OK, but English food is not bad

Senxia's expression is a little subtle.

"The taste of English food is also very good. Do you have any prejudice against English food?" The evening face slants a head, with the tone that has no fluctuation asks a way.

"That, sunset, you know Looking up at the stars? "

I don't know why, after saying the name, senxia felt as if she had no appetite.

"It's prejudice." "And if you use appearance to evaluate a dish, it is the lost son feather."

“…… Well. "

"If you don't say the smell, the canned herring is also very good. If you dare to try, kiviak may try it."

"Kiviac...?"?! The kiviakSenxia felt worse.

"Yes, it was the kiviak of the Inuit." As the sunset drank the weizeng soup quietly, she said, "kiviak is the dwarf petrel who killed it and put it into the dead seal. Then the Inuit people sewed it up, and then sealed it with seal oil and buried in the frozen soil. Two or three years later, the food will be buried under the frozen soil, and will be taken out after the seal is fermented with acid in the stomach. "

"I feel a little disgusting..." Senxia looked at the sunset in the soup, but he had no appetite.

"Ah, this is an important way Inuit people take vitamins. Your argument is like denying the reason for Inuit people to exist."


"No? So, it seems that you can accept the host. Can you also accept the mosquito pie made by mosquitoes in Africa? "

"Ah ah ah ah!!!" "Miss sunset, please don't say it!" said Sen Xia! I was wrong! It's me that's wrong! British cuisine is the first in the world! I should not be the top of the sweet party and the salty party! "

Senxia, crying and tearful, looked at half of the dinner.

Although he was still hungry, senxia had no appetite to continue to eat.

He looked at the time and said, "I'm going to write now, that's it."

He needs to write something healing to adjust.

When he got back to the room, senxia turned on the computer.

After starting writing again, senxia finally felt that she had adjusted.

After writing a lot of content, Mori is more and more satisfied with his new work.

"Whoops, it's almost the same."

After writing for more than two hours, senxia felt almost the same. He then started the client and went to the live channel again, and decided to see the situation.


But at this time, Sen Xia's stomach has issued a share of the tumbling.

A little hungry.

"Well How fragrant? "

At this time, senxia found that there seemed to be an appetizing smell in the air.

"Dong Dong Dong."

Just as senxia noticed the smell, there was a knock on the door.

"Ah, come in, please."

"Said senxia.


The sunset opened the door.

Then senxia saw the sunset coming with a bowl.

"Is this?"

It's the smell of beef.

Senxia has already reacted.

"It's beef pudding, because of the lack of time, it can only be made like this." "If there are six hours, should be able to do better?" said the sunset quietly

"Ah? Thank you... "

Sen Xia looked at the beef pudding in front of him.

This appetizing fragrance makes senxia's stomach more hungry.

He never thought, he mentioned a word before, the sunset did this really.

"Why do you do this?" Asked senxia curiously.

"Master, you only eat half of your dinner," said the evening. "Master, you have to carry out mental activities at night. I judge that you are almost hungry at this time. You just mentioned beef pudding, so I made it."

"Thank you."

The pudding is a little hot.

Beef pudding and milk pudding are different, the clots inside are more similar to some kind of frozen soup juice, but also very good appearance.

Sure enough It's family.

Senxia feels a little subtle.

But anyway, senxia felt like they were closer.

This relationship between the two

Maybe it's good?


Today's meow is ~ ~ < br >

two in one meow ~

meow ~ ~ < br > meow ~ ~ < br > in combination

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