E3 Games conference in 2000.

In this year's E3 exhibition, there are Shamu 2, fairy sword, alloy equipment and interactive film.

But at the end of the day, an explosive noun began to appear.


After the meeting of the order of the Phoenix, the word quickly became popular.

In reality, players are talking about E-sports.

On the Internet, the word is spreading at an explosive speed.

"This is WCG, this is the world E-sports competition."

Jed and Teri are watching the replay of E3 on TV.

At this moment, senxia's figure appears in the picture.

"I think you are a little unfamiliar with the term" E-sports ", but I think you may not be unfamiliar with the concept of E-sports. As early as 1986, the ABC channel of Lighthouse once broadcast the game of Nintendo live on TV. Although we were still very ignorant at that time, but I think this may be the beginning of E-sports. "

"At that time, we were still using the red and white machines with weak performance, but it is undeniable that the red and white machines were the early classics of home computers. After the birth of red and white machines, the embryonic form of E-sports has appeared

Senxia did not say yadali, because yadali is always a pain in the hearts of Lighthouse players.

So when he gave an example, he used the concept of "red and white machine".

Despite the suspicion of advertising Nintendo, Mori has no taboo about it.

Even in the back, moriha continues to play Nintendo.

"Ten years ago, Nintendo held Games in 29 cities across lighthouse. Nintendo produced Super Mario Brothers and red for the game_ "Racer" and "Tetris" three games special cassette, the time limit is 6 minutes 21 seconds, the final score is based on the score of the three competitions

Sonia continues to play Nintendo.

People who don't know think Mori is a Nintendo fan.

But Sen Xia said it is true that Nintendo's game has been widely responded to and achieved excellent publicity effect.

At that time, there were even 26 "Nintendo World Championships 1990" FC Gold version tapes.

By the way, the price of each Nintendo World Championship cassette is more than 10000 dollars, which is still lower.

"Nintendo is really great. The Nintendo World Championships is the first official video game competition in history. It was born ten years earlier than the world E-sports competition. But... "

Sen Xia, however, quickly changed from Nintendo to senior Ren Hei.

"But Nintendo's vision is too narrow. Their serious only their own games, so the concept of E-sports has not been completely displayed "Their eyes are limited by the times, and their minds are covered by the mist in front of them," senxia said

"So now it's different." "We - from aurora to Asia Pacific, from Los Angeles to New York, we're going to build a global game. And this is the world E-sports competition. "

"We will choose two or three games from each competitive game category to compete. For example, in real-time strategy games, we will choose StarCraft, Empire time 2 and red alert to compete. In combat, we will choose two games: boxer 98 and street bully 3. In the first person shooting game, we will choose Raytheon arena 3 and counter terrorism elite game. However, on MoBa, there is only one game for the time being - "hero track."

At last, everyone laughed.

MoBa is now on the Internet alone, winner take all, want to play MoBa, basically only hero track such a game.

In fact, other game manufacturers are not without following suit, only have done the hero track game of Shanzhai.

But it's a pity that online games need people.

At present, the number of people who play online games is limited, and the whole market can only support such a MoBa game as hero track.

After other manufacturers come in, they may be attractive at the beginning, but the number of players is always limited, and the current AI technology is not developed. It is very difficult to play a game with teammates comfortably.

Of course, there are also manufacturers aiming at the senxia side did not set foot in the field of online games, and then hero track led to the installation of broadband wind, made a small fortune.

All in all, it is a sentence: those who learn from me live, and those like me die.

Jed and Teri in front of the TV don't care about anything else.

After hearing the name of "hero's track", both of them were excited.Both of them are players in the hero track.

Both of them have reached the platinum level in qualifying.

Two people often like to play double row qualifying, and sometimes they play in three rows with a friend they know on the Internet called "justice's poison Throwing Knife".

They think they still have some strength.

"Hey, the registration interface has come out!"

They are not only looking at the TV, but their computers are also on the computer next to them.

After the exhibition, senxia announced the details of e-sports, which can be found on the Internet for the first time.

So two people are constantly refreshing "WCG" this website.

Previously, the site had only a simple propaganda interface.

But when midnight came, and when Jed refreshed the interface again, different pictures appeared on the screen.

Two people are for the hero track of the game, so after the interface refresh, they began to find the details of the game.

"It takes at least five people to compete Asia, America, Europe... "

The competition is divided into three divisions, the previous competition is decided in each division, and then the qualified teams will hold the group competition and final in Los Angeles.

"Five people..."

Jed and Teri frown.

Because there are only two of them.

And at this time, their qicq rings again.

Jed opened the message, and then his eyes lit up: "Hey, justice's poison Throwing Knife agreed to form a team!"

"Cool!" Terry's eyes shine.

In that case, there will be three of them.

"But it's two short..." Teri said, "Jed, do you want to see who's going to the game among our friends?"

"Uncle Sam said he had made an appointment with someone else Wait, justice's poison dagger says he has a reliable friend Jed is watching it online.

"Oh, good! But it's one more way off! "

The difference between team games and individual competitions is that if team games want to get together players, sometimes it's really not a simple thing.

What this kind of time tests, in addition to the technology, is also the player's contacts and time itself.

This is a more troublesome thing.

"Hey, there it is! Lisa said he was free

Lisa is a friend of the two, but the player is a "demon" on the Internet, and his ID is "Lisa".

"Er --"

but as soon as he finished, Jed froze.

"What's the matter?" Terry is a little strange.

"Lisa said he wanted to play the anti terrorist elite game, and he said that if we could sign up for the anti terrorist elite competition together, he would join us."

This is embarrassing for him to meow.

But Teri said quickly, "that's OK. Let's sign up! Don't we like anti terrorist elites? "Justice's poison throwing dagger" also likes this game. You can ask the situation there and see if you agree with it. "

"Well, there's no conflict anyway." Jed shrugged and began to ask about the poison Throwing Knife.

After all, this is the first conference, and we can't expect professional players this year, so the competition requirements of senxia are not as strict as those in the future. In fact, we can "cross-border" sign up.

But if WCG can be recognized and welcomed, moriha will change the rules and make the whole league more standardized.

As for now, this is the only way.

"Oh, this side agreed."

That's what Jed and Teri did. They were relieved to form a team that took part in both the counter-terrorism elite and the hero trail.

Then Jed collected the contact information of everyone, and then prepared to get together another day and sign up for the competition

"Plan pass."

On the other side, senxia is sitting in the room, also looking at the information on the computer.

Players are still very enthusiastic about E-sports.

The forum of group A has already exploded.

Even if it is the plate that we don't want to manage, we are also discussing E-sports.

Today, the Internet of Lighthouse country is like a carnival.

"But why did you pay so much attention to baseball information before?" Qian Jia is also looking at the intelligence on the computer at the side of Sen Xia, and then he asked Sen Xia a sentence.

"Although we all feel that the country is a little delicate, this kind of thing can't get around there."

Senxia sighed.

Although he also thought that the baseball country was very eye-catching, after all, senxia black three sticks black, even to a greater degree than Ren Hei.

"What's the impact of E-sports over there?" Qianjia is still very serious when doing business."Let's start with the outbreak of the Asian financial crisis. At that time, the GDP growth of the baseball countries in 1998 regressed a lot. I remember that it was about 6%, and the Korean won was greatly devalued by half, and the stock market was cut back again and again." Sen Xia had a dignified look. "At that time, the Bangguo people also noticed that there were serious problems in the industrial structure of their country's economy - the pillar industries of the national economy were mainly export-oriented, which was greatly affected by the changes in the world economic environment."

"Ah, I know. Then they changed their strategy. I remember a lot of animation companies have complained that piracy is always coming out of great countries. "

Qianjia nodded, and she knew some things better.

"Yes, after the financial crisis, baseball began to change its industrial structure. After the film and television industry, games and animation industry have been supported, they have developed rapidly - for example, StarCraft is a game. You know how prosperous StarCraft is in great countries. "

As a new force of the national economy, e-sports industry has really got a huge development in baseball country. Even Sen Xia sighs at this abnormal development.

"Ah, I know, they had a competition before, and then there were all kinds of StarCraft shows." Qianjia also knows this.

- although Mori had previously talked about Nintendo on TV programs, in fact, in this respect, Mori is really trying to suppress the contribution of baseball.

After StarCraft was released to baseball, the game caused a certain amount of heat. At that time, the economic crisis caused a large number of unemployed people. Many people used the game to kill time.

But at that time, the game can only be said to be a "more popular" game, not to the present level.

But the TV producers in Baton had an idea and started making StarCraft.

There are many reasons for this. One is that at that time, the funding of baseball TV station was tight, and the cost of making star programs was low. After all, it was obviously easier for two computers to shoot and edit. The other reason was that someone found that this humble computer game had a huge development opportunity, and its antagonism and competitiveness were excellent.

This kind of accidental historical opportunity has made the amazing baton E-sports.

What senxia didn't say is that in four years' time, the annual output value of the e-sports industry in Bangguo will reach 4 billion US dollars, and the value of its related industrial chain even exceeds that of the automobile industry of the bar country.

It's just that when the baton countries got out of the economic haze, things changed and they moved to other industries, which is why StarCraft 2 didn't get a big hit in the States.

It's not because people are getting older, it's not because games are not fun anymore, but because the economic base is different.

Believe it or not, if baton has another serious economic crisis, they will continue to pull out the e-sports industry as a pillar?

Of course, there is no such thing for the time being.

"In fact, if we can put E-sports in baseball countries, the effect should be better." Senxia had to admit it.

"But you don't do that, do you?" Of course, Qianjia knows Sen Xia's resistance to baseball.

In fact, in mud boom, not many people like baseball.

After all, the cosmopolitan country

"Hey, senxia, are you going to do E-sports? Shall I lend you the venue? It's really cool! "

However, when they were discussing, one of them came into the room uninvited.

When senxia saw each other, he rolled his eyes directly.

"Alice, why are you here?"


Today's two in one meow meow ~.

So there's a real basis before we worship yuzao Cough


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