Alice looked at Sonia over here with a smile.

"If it is to provide venues for the world E-sports competition, I can help!"

Alice looked at Sonny with a smile.

"Why did you come here all of a sudden?" Qian Jia frowns and looks at each other.

"Because this hotel belongs to my family! I've already asked my hotel and all the equipment. As soon as there's any news from Sen Xiajun, I'll tell me immediately ~ "

they live in a five-star hotel, but what they didn't expect was that it was Alice's

Alice got close to Sen Xia at this time, and then she rubbed Sen Xia affectionately.

And Qianjia here looks at Alice and senxia in silence.

"Thank you, but we have already coordinated with E3 and other game manufacturers, and we have already settled this kind of thing before the exhibition starts!"

Senxia is a little weak.

This kind of thing is really painful.

Although Alice insists that she is Sen Xia's fiancee, she doesn't have much communication with each other.

Tut, how can there be such a woman in the world who doesn't even meet so many times!

I don't believe it! This is absolutely a conspiracy!

Senxia firmly believes that there is a conspiracy in this matter!

After all, I have so many good friends, either they have experienced a variety of things, or they have been in love all the way (cough) friendship comes from a long distance.

But Alice is completely inverted.

How can you give your personal clothes to others when you meet for the first time!

Well, senxia accepted it.

In fact, the two people are very in tune, but the feeling of being too close to each other sometimes makes Sen Xia somewhat alienated from each other subconsciously.

If you want to say that the person who can hold this sense of distance

“Alice!” Senxia suddenly called out the name "Alice".

"What, what?" Alice looked at senxia happily.

But just then, someone patted her on the shoulder behind her.

She turned her head and looked behind her.

Then Alice saw a woman with flaxen hair and a college dress staring at herself.

As Alice turned her head, she held up the notebook in front of her.

"I'm sorry, but senxia Jun seems to be troubled. Can you stay away from senxia Jun?"

"Are you?"

Alice didn't stay away from senxia, but she got closer to it.

"The sound of heaven has its habitat."

The other side opened another page, where the name of the other party was written.

After seeing the name, Alice understood that it was not her own name that senxia called at that time, but the other party's name.

Because the pronunciation of "Youqi" in Tianyin is also "Alice".

"Hello," Alice said with a smile, "but Sen Xiajun won't object, because I'm Sen Xiajun's fiancee ~"

"don't say that all of a sudden!" Mori slapped her face in an instant.

Youqi smiles at this time, and then writes a sentence.

"Please come down from senxia Jun, he doesn't like this kind of disrespectful appearance. Your attitude that you think you can do whatever you want with welfare benefits will only trouble him."

Next to the senxia should have been ready to live with, and then let Alice down from her body.

But when senxia saw these contents written by Youqi, he was really shocked.

Mori Xia has never seen such a good temper.

In the past, even in the face of Qianjia, who deliberately said that she wanted to date with herself, Youqi always smiles.

But in the face of the same name "Alice" of the girl, habitat is suddenly full of aggression.

It's really something I didn't think of.

Sen Xia turned her head and looked at Qianjia.

Qian Jia also looked at Sen Xia, and then showed a smile towards Sen Xia.

This smile is clearly saying "plan pass".


Senxia's mouth was twitching.

Obviously, it doesn't seem to be an accident that some of you came here.

Qianjia is behind the scenes. That's the problem.

"Oh?" Alice let go of senxia this time. "Senxia Jun didn't bother him. On the contrary, he said no, but he might want it very much in his heart."

Alice's words made sonxia put her head away.

Because he really Er It's really subtle.

Because, in a way, what Alice said was really right.

Although it is very shameful, senxia is a gentleman after all.Gentlemen and so on, for the welfare and other things, of course, they love to see!

"You're just self satisfied. Now senxia Jun is talking about business. If you do this at this time, he will be very troubled."

What Youqi wrote on the paper, in fact, Sen Xia also quite agreed, because Sen Xia was originally discussing E-sports with Qianjia, but at this time, Alice suddenly came over.

Because Alice is a sister, and also give their own welfare, if Tonggu filial piety, he dares to disturb himself at this time, then be ready to be kicked!

"I'm talking about business too," Alice said with a smile. "I can not only provide venues, but also give Sen Xiajun publicity channels, which can't be more serious ~"

"thank you for your kindness, Alice, but we really don't need any more help. That's enough for us."

Hearing senxia's words, Alice seemed to be lost in thought. After thinking about it, he asked, "what if I let other game manufacturers and E3 officials agree?"


Hearing this, senxia was also surprised.

"And the venue fee is free, and the publicity fee is free." Alice went on.

Youqi over there was also surprised by Alice's handwriting. The senxia here did not expect that Alice could pay such a large fee.

"Do you think you can do whatever you want with money?" It seems that there are some trembling words.

"I'm sorry, money can really do what you want." Alice propped up her waist with pride and a proud smile on her face.

As a believer of the same belief that "if you have money, you can do whatever you want", senxia thinks that Alice's words seem to be very reasonable.

"Cough, since we are talking about business, let's get down to business." Senxia couldn't see it.

He stood up, and then walked to the perch side, gently touched the perched shoulder.

Originally because of Alice's words and fell into shock of habitat, this time also reflected.

She bowed to Mori in a somewhat lost way, and then wrote, "it's rude to visit abruptly. I'm sorry, but it's time for me to go back. "

"It doesn't matter." Senxia pulled up and had a perch, that natural action, looked here Alice is stupefied.

He looked at the time and then said, "everyone should be hungry now. Why don't we go to the restaurant and have a little bit of food?"

If we change the environment, it will be better.

The atmosphere was a little bit awkward just now. If you let Youqi go, it would be more fun, so senxia had to do it.

Fortunately, on this point, Qianjia and they have no objection.

"Then I'll call everyone here." After noticing senxia's help seeking eyes, Qianjia doesn't continue to paddle, but says things seriously.

"Let's go! If there is anything else, we can talk about it in detail later. "

Senxia took a look at Alice in the back, and then she took Youqi and walked forward together.

Alice took a look at it. She tilted her head.

Obviously, I won when I was fighting with each other before, but now senxia pastes it on Youqi's body again

This feeling of losing made Alice a little upset.

"Yes, are you ok?" Senxia and Youqi walked in front of him. He did it on purpose.

After seeing that she was a little far away from Alice, senxia asked Youqi with concern.

Youqi smiles gently at mori, and then she shakes her head.

Then she opened her notebook and flipped to the front.

"I don't mind."

The front pages of the notebook seem to be filled with common answers and greetings.

Walking on the road, Youqi is not convenient to write, so she shows the front content to Sen Xia.

"It's OK." Senxia also chuckled.

I don't know why Alice is more aggressive when she talks to Youqi than when she talks to xuenai. In front of xuenai, she would sometimes stop, but before senxia felt that Alice was really hurt to have a habitat.

It's not the hands on the body, it's the heart that hurt the habitat.

But after noticing Youji's gentle smile, senxia breathed a sigh of relief. He knew that Youqi didn't take this matter seriously.

All the way to the restaurant, the others haven't come yet. Alice and Youqi, at this time, sat down here - Qianjia went to ask others to go.

"So, senxia Jun, what's your proposal for me?" Alice asked again.

"If you do, I don't mind, but I want to know what you want on your side." Sonia didn't believe Alice helped herself for nothing."For love!" Alice said with a smile, "if you can get senxia Jun's love, what's this little effort?"

"But this kind of thing wants to get my love. Is my love too cheap?"

make complaints about summer.

"Of course not!" Alice continued, "I do this to get senxia Jun's love, but it's not just for love. In fact, I'm more for leaving more shadows in senxia Jun's heart. In this way, you'll think of me in the future, even if I'm far away from you."

Meow, meow.

Sen Xia has no idea what posture he should use to make complaints about Tucao.

Alice's words and purposes make complaints about Tsen TSU tun.

"In fact, you are trying to contact other game manufacturers through this channel. It seems that your consortium has not entered the video game industry. Do you want to use this conference as an opportunity?"

Youqi takes out his notebook again.

After seeing the above words, Alice suddenly narrowed her eyes, but she immediately said with a smile: "this can only be said to be one of the insignificant reasons. Don't worry about senxiajun."

"though I feel like I have a lot of things to make complaints about... Forget it. That's it He shook his head.

In fact, senxia also knew that Alice's motive was not pure, but he didn't expect that Youqi had already noticed it at this time.

"If it doesn't affect the order of the Phoenix and order a, or hinder us, I think it's OK for you to do something for you." Senxia's attitude towards sugar coated cannonballs is always to eat sugar coated cannonballs and hit them back.

What Alice wants to do, Sen Xia doesn't care, because they set foot in the game industry, more can only bring the market to improve.

What, you said they developed a home computer in this way?!

I'm sorry, that's impossible. In this world, there is no room for so many kinds of home computers..

The content of the home computer is the king. What the current home computer lacks is the content. For these game manufacturers, the more the better.

If Alice's consortium is going to invest in the game, it will be a curiosity to senxia.

"Well, give it to me..." Alice said with a smile. "Well, in order to express my thanks, I'll give you a gift of thanks."

"Cough, this is no use! This is really not needed! "

Although senxia is very interested in Alice's "gentleman's gift", Youqi is at her side at this moment. If Youqi sees what Alice is doing that can't be described, then she will be embarrassed.

"Is that good?"

Youqi hands the notebook to senxia here.

"Well, it's no problem. Leave it to me." Senxia did not speak, but picked up the pen and wrote such a sentence on it.

See the text of Sen Xia, have habitat nod, also be no longer say what finally.

"How can you repair it, senxia, you're holding on to each other!"

At this time, senxia suddenly heard a voice.

Well, you don't have to guess. This kind of retarded voice must be tongguxiao.

"We are talking about business." Senxia rolled her eyes.

Tongguxiao this idiot suddenly came, really let Sen Xia some egg ache.

"Tut Tut, talk about serious things with two lovely girls?"

Tong Gu Xiao looks at Sen Xia with disdain.

Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

Well, although all kinds of tongguxiao are unreliable, after tongguxiao came over At least the atmosphere is much better now, isn't it?

"Hello, everyone."

At this time, other people also came, and Mori was relieved.

He stood up and said with a smile: "everybody, I'll introduce you to this lovely lady, also called Alice..."


Today's two in one.

Speaking of it, the pronunciation of "you Zhu" in "Jiuyuan Temple" is also Alice.

by the way, make complaints about Na Zha's FGO.

Meow meow ~

meow >

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