The door to the new world - open!

After changing to a female role in the game, sun Jiexin found that the perception of the game had undergone a qualitative change.

The first is pinching people.

There is no need to say much about the fun of pinching people. Even if many people buy games, they are specially used to pinch people.

…… Well, yes, that's it.

A lot of people don't play games, but because the modeling of the game has reached a new level, many people buy such a game in order to pinch a girl they like.

Some people play mod for the game, and then select an action for the character in the game, and then take a screenshot and match the lines to make a small theater.

But Sun Jiexin doesn't care.

He's more concerned about the character's body.

After choosing the younger sister to play for a while, sun Jiexin suddenly has a feeling of great enlightenment.

I he meow of unexpectedly looking at man's buttocks to play so long game!

After changing into a sister, sun Jiexin found that the whole game gave him a different impression!

It's really nice to see my sister twisting her body in front of me.

Especially when he changed his sister into a topless dress.

Looking at the girl's back exposed outside, that kind of feeling, just like the explosion!

There is no way to compare the three-dimensional modeling technology of this year with that of ten years later. However, the high-level modeling shown in the legend of fairy sword is also the peak of this era. At least in sun Jiexin's opinion, no game can reach this level.

Especially after changing the character into some tight clothes, he felt more comfortable.

Even if it's because you see too much and let yourself enter the sage mode, it doesn't matter. If you change your character into a classic costume, you can also enjoy the beauty of classical clothing.

"It's said that the production team of" Xianjian waizhuan "specially went to experts to make textual research on the costumes of the Tang Dynasty. It should be true..."

The time of the spread of the fairy sword was the same as that of the first generation of the legend of the immortal sword and the knight errant, which was set in the Tang Dynasty.

Therefore, the costumes of the characters in the story are all based on the art revision of that era.

This is a very hard work.

Sun Jiexin has some heartache for the production team.

Ordinary players will not understand this kind of thing, but as a loyal fan, he knows the hard work behind the production.

It's not necessary for players to study this kind of thing, because many players will not care about it at all.

On the other hand, if the textual research is too strict, it will limit the creation and development.

Fortunately, although the whole story is in the Tang Dynasty, the background is also "Xianxia", and the location is also Penglai. Therefore, it is not necessary to fully comply with the times, otherwise, the restrictions will be even greater.

Moreover, this kind of role modeling and design action, is also a very troublesome thing, the more complex clothes, the easier to wear the mold.

The so-called punch through is a model part inserted into other models, forming a funny or weird picture.

Hanfu is a kind of elegant clothes, so it is very difficult to model this kind of clothes. In fact, the whole picture of the game can be further improved, but it is because of the drag of clothing modeling that the makers have to make a choice in order not to let the characters become the burden of affecting the frame number.

As the background of the game is modern and the character is ninja, the design of various tights can be skillfully adopted. In this way, the image quality of other parts of the game can be improved with the same function. At this time, what the immortal sword could not do.

Of course, there are many parts that affect the game. Sun Jiexin can only understand what he knows.

"Well, NPC's lines and attitudes have also changed..."

Originally, sun Jiexin thought that the role of the game after changing into the heroine, in the plot is still the same as before.

But after entering the game, sun Jiexin found that it didn't seem like this.

In the plot, sometimes the character has to sneak into a brothel. Men just go in directly, while female characters have an extra part of dressing up.

In the implementation of this task, players need to seize the head of the brothel, men can only investigate, and women are more undercover into the plot.

Similarly, when entering a temple, the male can sneak in and finish the task peacefully, while the heroine needs to sneak all the way or use other means.

This new discovery makes Sun Jie's eyes shine.

"After changing the manufacturer, Xianjian is better than before!" He sighed.

Although not willing to admit, but in the Japanese factory production, the whole game "details" part, to kill the first generation of several streets.

After all, Nihong is famous for his penchant for details - even though the overall story is going to be fantastic.Fortunately, however, Mori has the thinking of a big eastern country, and does not let the shortcomings of Japanese factory show. Therefore, the details that have been picked out in Xianjian waizhuan have greatly enhanced the connotation and delicacy of the whole game.

As for sun Jiexin's own feeling, he found that the production group of this game is really full of sincerity.

"Well, it's a pity that the mission can't fail."

In the crown of sin, this is what happened when mod was overused.

When controlling the role of undercover brothel, sun Jiexin began to deliberately die, but after the character was found, he could only be killed, and there would be no other plot.

Sun Jiexin originally expected that there would be "Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie. We have already seen through your disguise. You think your disguise is perfect, but in fact, your body has already been educated by us." But it's a pity, it's not.

After the death failure, the system automatically reads the latest archive, but Sun Jiexin clicks "F9" to read his previous quick archive.

At this time, very few games will make a button to save this kind of thing, but "fairy sword" has.

Since he found that F5 can save fast archives, and then F9 can read them, sun Jiexin found that the door to a new world opened in front of him.

In recent years, this kind of "fast save" is very time-consuming for many games. If some games can be saved at any time, the difficulty of the game will be greatly reduced.

In these days, there are not many games that can jump out of this point, but the games that jump out are actually very good.

Sun Jiexin has realized this.

Like the soul of darkness.

There is a big difference between the game of soul of darkness and previous games, that is, the game does not end after death.

Many games end up with "game"_ But after the soul of darkness dies, the props found in the whole game and the progress of other games will not change except for the "soul".

This experience makes Sun Jie very comfortable to play with.

Because it gives him a sense of "I'm really pushing the game," rather than saying, "ah, I'm dead, and I'm going to read again.".

Sun Jiexin said he had died hundreds of times in playing "the soul of darkness". However, every time he died, he would not feel that he was completely without anything. On the contrary, even if he was killed by the dog behind the corner, he also felt that he was really promoting the progress of the game.

In terms of setting, the role of "fairy sword" is not immortal. However, with the rapid archiving and automatic archiving, sun Jiexin doesn't need to go all the way to read his previous archives to play the game. And the fast archiving gives sun Jiexin a sense of peace of mind.

These are very good designs.

The topic is far away.

After playing the game again, sun Jiexin is not just to promote the main line. When he plays the game for the first time, the branch plot will not be specially done, but he will step on all the branches when playing the game of two weeks.

"Hiss -- how could the branch line be so powerful?"

Then sun Jiexin found that the game's branch plot went on, even richer than the main line.

No To be exact, it should be said that the story in the main line is gradually unfolded when the branch line is launched.

Before that, Sun Jie's new feeling game was a story about going to Penglai mountain to investigate and overthrow boss.

But after playing the branch line, sun Jiexin found something wrong. There seems to be more in the back of the whole story.

Thinking of this, sun Jiexin switched to the document and recorded his discovery.

"By the way, there should be more news on the forum."

Sun Jiexin's energy is limited, but everyone on the forum may have some ideas?

He logged into a game forum he used to go to and told about his discovery.

"Guide the way, someone on the Internet has sent fruit patch, my network is easy to break, can't download, give you a little welfare."

But just came in, sun Jiexin found a post.

"Oh, it's Mod market stuff."

Mod market is an official mod Distribution Center for players. Players can publish their own mods on it.

There are not only ordinary mods, but also some mods that are more professional can be downloaded if they have passed the age certification.

Sun Jiexin's eyes brightened, and then he entered the website.

Sure enough!

On the screen is a preview.

The player who developed this mod is obviously a "crooked nut". Therefore, the hair color of the character made by the other party is gold. Although the chest part is very large, it is also very magnificent. Especially the shoulder that is broad enough to compete with the bear, this has reached the point that sun Jiexin can't look directly at.This is a file close to 10MB, the file is quite large, but Sun Jiexin still began to download.

Sometimes it's a painful thing to drag a 10MB file with a pipe with a maximum download speed of 128KB per second. However, God also takes care of sun Jiexin, and his download speed is almost full speed.

After downloading, he installed the mod with the mod management tool.

Entering the game again, he stripped off all his character's clothes.

"Haha, it's really good ~"

it's quite cool to wander around the city without any characters.

Some of them are not real enough.

Clearly, the character itself has nothing, but NPC doesn't care at all. This feeling makes sun Jiexin a little boring.

"Yes, I want some mods to improve the authenticity."

In the crown of sin, mod exists to improve the authenticity.

Let alone, the game has been on sale for less than a month, but mod developers have developed a lot of mod.

Sun Jie will be a little English, although not very good, but still can read.

Although it's hard to say, most of the people who developed mod for Xianjian waizhuan are from abroad.

European and American players can't understand the background of the game, but the way the game is played has attracted them firmly.

The lively fighting, the free plot development, and the bullish game pictures are all brought about only by Xianjian waizhuan.

"Soul of darkness" relatively speaking, the threshold of the game is very high, although the game "forced high", but the initial sales volume, that was completely dried up by the fairy sword.

"Is there any Chinese mod..."

If someone develops a mod and other fans want to translate it, they can add another version of the language - but it also needs the original author's consent.

Sun Jiexin found a mod for going to the toilet and eating. He thought it was a good mod, but unfortunately, there was no Chinese.

"Well, forget it. All monks want to build a valley. It's normal that they don't have to eat and drink." Sun Jiexin comforted himself and then entered the forum.

"The mods are all developed outside. This game is about a big country in the East. There is no domestic mod. Let's develop it ourselves."

Just entered the forum, he saw a post that let Sun Jie's new eyes shine.

He drove in at once.

The author feels that there are no interesting domestic mods now, so he wants to develop a large scene mod, including a series of plots and maps, to make a giant mod with hundreds of megabytes or even hundreds of megabytes. He has already started planning and making, but he is suffering from insufficient manpower, so he is recruiting loving players.

In this post, also left a group number, sun Jiexin saw, immediately landed his own qicq, and then ready to add groups.

The group leader seems not to be there, so he did not pass at the first time. Sun Jie continued to go to the forum.

Oh, wait.

He suddenly froze.

"What am I going to do on the forum?"

Yes, I went to the Forum It's to find the plot information of the game


Today's two in one.

I wish you all a happy Christmas Eve ~

meow meow ~

in order to avoid people saying that I am black Lori control, I would like to say:

gentlemen, I like Lori!

Of course, we control everything from the second daughter to the imperial sister

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