The legend of fairy sword is on fire.

When game manufacturers all over the world are attracted by a competition called "world E-sports competition", a stand-alone game comes quietly and quickly becomes the most popular game in 2000.

What's more, to the surprise of many game fans in a certain oriental country, this game is in Europe and America It's even hotter than some big eastern country.

It's awkwardness.

Although the players of a big eastern country are very happy that an oriental style game can be popular, it is strange that such an excellent game is not popular in a big eastern country?

However, this matter, we will soon understand.

This game has a good reputation in a big eastern country, but there is a problem

Piracy can't be played.

No, to be exact, it's the unscrupulous pirates who slip their hands while packing the game. As a result, the pirated games will lack some components when they are running. As a result, many players who bought pirated disks couldn't play the game.

Then, the heat won't go up.

You know, the price of this game in a big eastern country needs 69 yuan, but the pirated version doesn't even need 6 yuan and 9 yuan.

This is the embarrassing reality of a big eastern country - piracy is the main way to spread the game.

Many people are complacent that they have taken advantage of the game, but for many fans who have bought the original game, it is a shame.

However, some people think that piracy increases the popularity of games, which is actually a good thing.

As a result, around this issue, a large Eastern country launched a discussion.

This game is still very popular in Daiwan and Europe and America.

Even a group of faces are made here.

Including Lao Xu and Nai Su's two scripts, I never thought that the game could be so popular.

"It's amazing."

"Yes, this sales volume is really great!"

Naisu and Lao Xu are discussing this issue in a board game room at this moment.

What, why is a board game room?

This Cough, get materials! It's for material!

All in all, the two of them, at this moment, have been shocked by the sales of fairy sword - the game is better than the dark soul.

"Mr. shawson once said that OMI prefers games with a higher degree of freedom."

As a fan of senxia, naisu still keeps in mind what she said.

"Yes, it's really good." Lao Xu also exclaimed, "I have investigated, there are not many people who can understand the game, but many people like the game. Some people are interested in the plot because they like the game. On the contrary, on the Asian side, everyone agreed that the plot was very good. "

It's not bragging.

Because people who can understand the game feel that the plot of "fairy sword" is very good.

Especially those who've played the side story.

The branch plot of this game is very excellent, and the reality of the game is fully reflected in the branch plot.

At first, everyone thought it was just a story of a common brave man beating a small monster. But later, we found that if we want to save Penglai Island, the protagonist must sacrifice himself. The whole story has a big reversal, and the depth of the whole story has gone deep.

Of course, this story can not be compared with the plot of this article. Although it is also a good game, it is just that. This article is much stronger than this game in the sense of substitution.

However, the plot itself sometimes becomes an obstacle to understanding, just as many mud boomers don't understand the story of the fairy sword. If the story of the outside story is more detailed, maybe the sales of this game will decline.

This kind of thing can only be said to have good and bad.

But naisu and Lao Xu are very interested.

"Naissusan," Lao Xu said at this time, "what do you think of fat

"What do you think?" Naissu asked.

"Didn't you say last time that you wanted to do fat?"

"Ah, ah, yes, Mr. shawson said before that the game should be made into a series." Naisu nodded, "although it is said to be like manwei and DC, there is still some lack of self-confidence."

"Well, I agree with Mr. shawson." Lao Xu nodded. "It seems that the series of" fairy Swords "has similar potential

"Hey, this system is really interesting when it's used for extension." Although naisu doesn't know Chinese very well, he also learned a lot about the game through the production team when he was making scripts and games.

"Well, but this is the story that senxia should think about," Lao Xu said, "our words Another game? ""Another game!" Naisu smiles, too.

Play again Bah, take materials and continue

While the two scripts are discussing the game there, the news about the fairy sword is also gradually fermenting.

The most obvious is the increase in the number of MODS.

Exotic customs are very interesting, but some players think it would be nice if they could have the original flavor of the west, so many people downloaded the DLC of "Middle Ages".

This is a paid DLC, which is also one of the first skins of the game. With this DLC, the contents of the game can be modified, making the model and skin of the game become medieval style.

Of course, if you're willing to buy the physical version of the collection or value-added version of Xianjian waizhuan, you can also get this mod when you buy the physical version. After all, this is a 1GB DLC, enough to fill a CD.

On the contrary, they are very fond of seeing Western elements in this exotic style.

People are so strange sometimes.

If it is a pure Western game, they will probably love to see the Oriental elements in it. However, in this pure Oriental style game, they want to see some content related to their own culture.

This kind of thing is easy to solve.

For example, many people like to look for the plot and humanity in the comic book, and then feel the life. There are many people who constantly press pause in the daily drama just to see the trace under the heroine's skirt.

In fact, if you change it, you can see what you want to see.

But in this world, people buy books just to watch the story!

In this game where we can't see any Western elements, we all add Western elements and have an interest.

Then, the first wave of mod of the game appears like this.

"Undead mod."


Yes, this is the most popular folk mod. In short, the author stripped off several sets of clothes from the soul of darkness, and then integrated them into the legend of fairy sword through mod.

The same engine is used in "soul of darkness" and "Legend of fairy sword". The biggest difference between them is probably the difference between the renderers.

The rendering device of the soul of darkness makes the whole picture of the game seem dark and deep, while the style of the external rendering device of fairy sword is more bright. In addition, the engine used in fat series is the same as that used in garden war. Moreover, the technology of "three shading two" is used in garden war, which is actually very good.

However, there is another reason why fairy sword is so popular in Europe and the United States. It is because the game is very lively.

"It's a cool game!" In the hair, the famous potato planting company Ubisoft Well, Ubisoft, a game development company, is also working on the game at this time.

For game manufacturers, group A is now moving closer to the game benchmark.

Before that, they have even courted all the game manufacturers and organized a WCG. The competition will start in August.

At this time, the launch of the "fairy sword" game also attracted everyone's attention - the game was really valued at E3 exhibition.

The vigorous fighting and open game mode, as well as the unique mod system, are the first-class in the industry in any aspect.

Therefore, Ubisoft immediately bought the game after the game was put on sale, and then let its employees try it out, which is also called "reconnaissance of enemy situation".

Then, they found that the game was so wonderful.

"Although the plot and style are different from the excellent ones we developed, this combat mode is really good."

"I think this open system is very good. We launched Prince of Persia 3D last year, but I feel that the level game mode is not as good as this open world view

"Let's also use the open world in our future games. In such a world, it seems that more interesting content can be displayed!"

Ubisoft has decided to adopt this system in the next game.

Not only Ubisoft, but many game companies in lighthouse are also shocked by the game.

However, in another mud boom, there is a manufacturer pondering.

This manufacturer is glorious.

The real Three Kingdoms matchless series developed by them was born prematurely because of the early birth of PS2, but the sales volume and reputation are also good.

When they launched the DC version, they created a two person model - not to mention, the reviews were good.

"DLC mode is very good!"

They think so.

Well, yes, the DLC model is good.Previous games did have DLC, but none of them is as big as medieval DLC in swords.

However, the DLC in the Middle Ages was indeed a DLC, because the system did not change the content of the game at all, but it covered the game with a layer of skin. Therefore, this is not an "expansion film".

The sales volume of this DLC has reached one third of the whole game, and it is still improving gradually.

And this, however, brings inspiration to glory.

"Clothing development seems to be a good way to make money!"

They found that developing the character's clothing in this way seems to be a good solution.

If your own game also has this system, it must be very interesting!

They think it's great.

"Well, this skin system is very good. Let's learn from it! By the way, we are going to develop characters like Nuwa and Daji in the second generation. Let's change these roles first. "

So happy decision!

"Well, I'll give you a sailor suit first."

As a result, in the planning and development of the true Three Kingdoms No. 2, has opened the evil skin model.

And the skin system opened in advance has also become a money pit system that players love and hate

"Achiao -- Achoo -- Achoo --"

at this moment, senxia is still sleeping together.

Just after taking a bath, he sneezed hard.

It's really hard.

"What happened today? I didn't catch cold."

Senxia felt that she had sneezed several times today.

After taking a bath, Mori came to the second floor.

After the barbecue meeting, we started the real training.

At this moment, everyone has entered the anti terrorist elite game and is practicing.

Senxia did not disturb everyone, but returned to the room and turned on the computer.

He logged on to the Internet and then took a look at the latest release of the game "fairy sword".

After landing on the Internet, senxia was also surprised.

"Wow, how popular is it in Europe and America?"

Senxia knows that the sales of Xianjian are good. According to the budget, the game can be sold to more than 2 million.

Sen Xia thought that this was the limit before, but after entering the network, he found that the popularity of "fairy sword" was higher than he had imagined.

"Well, in this case, Gongkou mod can slow down the release time."

Senxia has developed an integrated system of MODS, which allows other systems to call this mod interface and develop a series of MODS. However, senxia also has a record, that is, if the game is not popular, the Gongkou mod will be released earlier to enhance the popularity of the game. If the game is popular, it will be released later to maintain the popularity.

Now, the unscrupulous capitalist senxia is ready to postpone the sale of Gongkou mod, which is popular with the masses.

"Since it's so popular from abroad Is it possible to start the development of Xianjian 2

Yes, if it is popular, the second part of this article can also be developed.

But moriha is not going to develop the second one.

Another world-class fairy sword 2, if senxia makes something like that, he thinks he can buy a piece of tofu and kill him. He casually pulls a generation of dragon sets as the main character, and then receives a lot of crystal. Gong. This plot makes people want to hit the head.

So, how should the second story be better

Senxia thought that maybe we could have something interesting.


In fact, the plots of some books are really good, and some even crush the normal dramas. Why is this so

Let's make an update earlier today and have a happy Christmas.

Two in one meow ~

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