“…… So why do we want to survive the war? "

All the way to put on camouflage clothes, picked up the water gun, senxia or a face muddled.

"Well, it's not very good. Let's use force to solve everything."

Qianjia is next to senxia. He says as he rolls up his hair and puts on his hat.

Senxia curled her lips.

You said, we are playing video games well, but how can it become like this?

Let's take a look back.

Snow and Alice were not happy with each other, and they put forward a duel.

Yes, duel.

But why is it a war of survival?

Yes, it's not e-sports, but real-life PK.

Of course, it is not the ordinary human PK, but the survival battlefield of everyone fighting with water cannon.

"Well, because of the close combat, Alice is not snow at all, is she?"

If it is hand to hand combat, the snow is a one-on-one, and there is no suspense in the whole field.

So Alice put forward this at this time: "I can't beat you, so let's make a fair deal as far as possible."

Compared with physical fitness, it is obviously a survival war with guns, which is much simpler.

In short, survival war is a simulated battle conducted by water cannon.

We divided into two groups to fight, and then we carried out the simulation war.

At this moment, xuenai, Jiye, Xiaolian, xiaotou, Lili, Qianjia and senxia form a team, while on the other side, Alice, Zhentong, lingnai, xiaotou, Xiaoyao, tongguxiao and Lihua form a team.

The four of them are in charge of the ceremony.

Game seven on seven.

"Why is this so? Why am I in different groups with xuenai?"

On the other side, Zhen Tong is trapped in resentment.

"Well, it's decided by drawing lots anyway. I'm not willing to part with Xiaolian." Shen Qiyao, who was assigned to this group, also patted Zhen Tong on the shoulder.

The match is seven on seven, except for Alice and you, the others are drawn.

It turned out to be a tragedy like this.

"But is it really OK for us to use villas as battlefield?"

Talking about Lihua, she went to senxia's side: "things here will be broken?"

"It doesn't matter. It's just water polo," senxia said with a smile. "And it was used to play games here, otherwise we wouldn't find so many survival game props in the warehouse."

Yes, these props were found in the villa by mori.

The reason why they put forward this survival war is also because of this.

"In the past, it was often used as a place for other employees to have a vacation. So there are still a lot of entertainment facilities here. For example, there is a karaoke under the room, and there is a hot spring channel and a table tennis table." Senxia explained for Lihua.

"So it is."

"Yes, this is a place like this." Sonia said, "but maybe there will be more and more interesting things here."

Although he thought the survival war was ridiculous, senxia didn't hate this "Duel" way. On the contrary, he thought the survival war was very interesting.

"The game is divided into three sets and two wins." Xiyan began to explain the rules at this time, "the first game is an offensive and defensive mode, in which one side is responsible for attacking and the other side is responsible for defense. The defending side should guard the flag on the top floor of the villa. As long as the attacker takes the flag back to its position, it is the attacker's victory. On the contrary, if the flag is not captured within the specified time, it is the victory of the defensive side. The flag must be held by the surviving team members, and after being killed in battle, the flag must be thrown down. If the flag violates the rules once, it will be punished directly if it violates the rules three times. The attacking side and the defending side each carry on three games, each game crosses, finally achieves 3:3, then calculates the draw

Listen quietly.

At this time, Xiyan continued to explain: "the second round is the attack mode. You must defend your positions. If the enemy breaks the positions, it will be regarded as a failure. The condition for breaking a position is to hold on to the local position for a minute - and there must be no enemy camp in the position. Attack each other three times

"The last one is the mode of survival and annihilation. The two sides will fight with the whole forest as the battlefield to determine the victory or defeat. "

"How do I feel that this setting can be directly used as a game mode in the game?" Thousand make complaints about it.

"Well, because this is the pattern I designed. I just thought it was fun, so I let sunset come and use it." Senxia shook her head.

"Ah? Do you still want to play first person shooters? " Qian Jia asked in surprise.

"Well, that's right, but the game settings are different from the current game settings."Well, what senxia is talking about is actually the game of wilderness action.

This game is a big escape game. In short, everyone parachutes into a town and wants to survive and become the winner, while others have to kill them.

Because there is a line at the end of the game: "good luck, eat chicken tonight", so everyone teases this line as "eat chicken", and similar games are also called "chicken eating game".

Eating chicken or something, although it is a joke, but this design in the survival game, there is a similar play.

But the chicken eating game has a special point is that more people watch than play. Senxia is going to take over g Pang's V club, and then develop a similar chicken eating game. Then he can synchronize the game to the live broadcast platform by taking advantage of his own platform online.

However, these things have not yet been achieved. As a result, people on their own side used the wave of game mechanism in the brain hole of mori.

"Ha ha ha ha, let's show you my gun King Tonggu's combat effectiveness!"

Tongguxiao with a water cannon, where very happy shooting into the sky.

"Tonggu, I tell you, every game, we can only use 30 bullets, you have just used five." Make complaints about the summer.

"Ah?" Tonggu is surprised.

"In the first game, there is no ammunition supply."

In the first round, ammunition will not be supplied. In the second round, the supply point will be placed at the base of both sides. In the third round, the ammunition will be randomly arranged nearby.

In fact, senxia originally wanted us to have no equipment, and then pick up guns and ammunition in the jungle, and then PK each other.

Unfortunately, it seems a little early in the real world to play chicken eating like this.

Hearing this sentence of Sen Xia, Tong Gu Xiao of this side is silly in an instant.

"Well, the game hasn't started yet. Can I add something?"

The fool panicked.

He quickly came to the side of sunset.

Sunset did not speak, but looked at the Sen Xia.

At this time, Sen Xia saw the tragic appearance of Tong Gu Xiao and couldn't help laughing: "ah, help a Xiao to replenish ammunition, after all, the game has not started."

After hearing the words of senxia, Xiyan nodded, and then took out the bullets of water cannon to help Tonggu Xiao supplement.

"KUKUKUKU, I am the queen of arms in the post-modern era, and the super vampire weapon queen from the next twenty-second century!"

After Lily picked up the water cannon, the whole person even changed the settings.

"Aren't you a vampire lady who has lived for thousands of years?" Sanger make complaints about Lolita.

can't make complaints about it. There are too many slots.

"Yes, but I am also a true ancestor from the 22nd century!" Lily set herself up, "I I am a vampire who has lived for thousands of years. In this thousand years of history, I have seen all the vicissitudes of the world. When my concubine comes back to God, the time has come to the 22nd century. At this time, I met the most fashionable and worst Steel Disaster dragon. My body is the real ancestor of vampires, but I was born with this kind of bloodless monster, so I had to The design banishes it to the void, and the concubine returns to the 20th century with the crack of time and space! "

The setting of the south pole is enough to write a one million word novel!

Sen Xia make complaints about her in the heart.

"Oh, oh, it's very good," said Ji ye, who had just changed her clothes. "It's very interesting."

"So, master Ji ye, don't join the party. The more Lily joins the party, the more she will be in the second place."

I've committed embarrassment in secondary two.

"Well, isn't that interesting? It's rare for me to come with you, senxia Jun. are you treating me like this

Ji Ye pursed her mouth.

But Sen Xia fell into silence.

If Qian Jia is a kind of pleasure criminal who does whatever he wants, Ji Ye is the kind of pleasure criminal with black belly.

No matter what Qianjia does, she always follows her own heart. Of course, the bigger the liveliness, the better it looks.

But Ji Ye is one of those who will fall into a happy mood when she sees you embarrassed and miserable.

In a word, Ji ye, in some ways, is more inexplicable than Qianjia.

"Master, your belt is not fastened properly." At this time, senxia heard the voice of xiaotou, he came to his back, and then helped senxia pull out the corner of his clothes pulled by the belt.

"Thank you."

Little angel through!

Senxia sighed in her heart.

Compared with these intriguing girls in front of us, the friendship between our pure men is really the most touching!

Mori is sobbing.

He is not modest. He is very tired when he is with these girls!In words, I just feel completely relaxed when I am with someone who lives together.

Oh, by the way, if it's talking to strange girls, it seems that you don't have to worry about that much.

Well, it's like when I was talking with real pupil before, senxia felt comfortable talking with real pupil.

"But when will we wait?" Tonggu filial piety asked again.

"Well, we have to wait for the battlefield to be arranged." It is not urgent for Qianjia.

And this side of senxia also said: "should be soon."

Since it is a war of survival, the battlefield must be set up.

This mountain is the territory of Tianhai family No, to be exact, the entire Hokkaido is the home of Tianhai.

So in this place, there is no problem trying to adjust the streets.

The offensive side's position is in the open space and warehouse on the other side of the road, while the defensive position is in the room.

Before the war, they had three who needed to protect all computers and other electronic supplies, then knocked down the table and drag and drop them, or opened and locked the warehouse door to change the layout of the room.

When it is finished, the whole battlefield can be completed

senxia can see the time, which is almost the same.

"Yo Xi. Let's start preparing for sports. " "If you want to play, warm-up is also needed," said Qianjia

When we heard snow, everyone nodded.

If there is a physical problem in the game, it will be bad, the necessary warm-up is still needed.

Senxia came to snow Nai's side. "Snow is, wait a moment is too flat too hot!"

"Well, why does brother say that?" Snow had already begun to prepare for exercise, but her eyes were always concentrated on Alice on the other side.

Senxia worried that snow was too hot here, so she ordered.

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In modification! There's a bug!!!

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In modification! There's a bug!!!Cough, modify!

"Well, we've set up the battlefield!"

At this time, the three of them had already come out.


It was retribution, the manuscript was deleted, tiancaochi was destroyed Are you satisfied!


Sad two in one

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