Senxia carefully looked inside the villa.

Senxia's team belongs to the offensive team. What they have to do now is to find the hidden flag.

"Strange, Alice, where are they?"

However, just came in, is expected to encounter fierce gunfire Sen Xia, but found that there is no half person here.

Senxia was a front-line assault team - but it was only a feint. Xuenai had taken the detachment to the back at this moment. They were ready to go around that place and seize the flag while fighting ahead.

"Since there is no one, let's attack head on!"

Sen Xia looked at the thousand Jia and Ji Ye beside him, and then waved to them.

After that, senxia took the lead and went to the front.

The villa is still open.


Senxia continued to take two steps forward.

Sure enough, there was no one on the first floor.

"Has our plan been discovered? But it's not like there's no one at all... "

Senxia muttered.

"Don't be careless. Maybe the people over there will make traps or something..."

Qianjia warns senxia.

"It's impossible. There is a fool named Tong guxiao over there, so no matter what, their plan will not succeed."

Senxia was quite relaxed about it.

After all, Tong guxiao's urine, he is quite clear.

"If it's that guy, he'll jump out and tell us their plans out loud, and then we'll shoot him out." Sanger make complaints about the Tucao.

"Bang!" At this moment, the door was closed.

"Ha ha ha ha, you are surrounded by me! We have seen through your feint attack for a long time, so the army has been ambushing you in the back. Ha ha ha ha ~ "

Tong guxiao, who has been hiding in the door, came out at this time.


It's cold.

No one paid attention to Tonggu filial piety.

Qian Jia and Ji ye here both looked at Sen Xia with delicate eyes.

"Well, I always thought that stupid things were just exaggeration in animation works, but now I know that such things really exist." Ji ye make complaints about the way.

"But it's interesting, isn't it. Well, it's really interesting that there are so many interesting people in our research program. " Qianjia is holding his chin and seems to be thinking about whether to join more people with special attributes to join them.

"Please do not." Make complaints about the summer.

"Hello, Hello, what's your attitude? You are surrounded by me! Ah! " Tongguxiao's voice has not fallen, Sen Xia on a bullet, directly to tongguxiao "blow head".

The unfortunate boy was still in a daze.

, "don't make complaints about our side, fool!" Senxia shook her head.

"Hello, Hello, I'm not a fool!" Tong Gu make complaints about Tucao.

"Don't talk to the dead!" Senxia rolled her eyes and went to the door, trying to push it open.


However, the door was locked.

"Ha ha ha, you are stupid. I have locked the door. You are trapped here!"

"Well, I almost forgot that although this guy is a fool, there are a lot of smart people in Alice team..."

make complaints about summer.

"Well, but it's also an opportunity." "Let's cover it from the back," said Qian Jia

Yes, although they are trapped, on the other hand, is it not a chance for them to seize the opportunity?

"Let's go!"

Qian Jia waved her hand.

"Ah, Lala, I always feel more and more interesting." Ji Ye showed a smiling expression. The rotten woman, the God, seemed to see something.

But she just didn't say.

Senxia walked up the stairs carefully.

All of a sudden came to the second floor.

However, just as the three men were walking through the corridor, there was a burst of gunfire from biububiu!

"Spread out!"

Qianjia made a quick decision, and the three quickly dispersed to the next room.

Almost immediately, more than a dozen bullets roared through the corridor.

"Oh, have you been dodged?" It's the voice of xiaotou.

"Well, it's almost there." "Shenzaki distant also some pity," the real firearms and game inside words, as expected some not quite the same feeling. "

"I'm sorry, sir. You're surrounded." Xiaotou's voice appears again.

"But is that your strategy? So hasty? " Senxia shook her head.Seriously, there's no tension at all.

This kind of survival war has no meaning at all.

It's boring.

To tell you the truth, Sen Xia was very interested at first, but the other side's strategy was just inexplicable. First, he died, then two to three. What was that?

"Well, this is the strategy of Lord Alice. We have to abide by it." "Although I don't like it very much, if I can, I'd like to shoot each other fiercely at the door with you."

“…… Lord Alice Qianjia found the trough.

"Well, yes, although I am still loyal to Lord xuenai, I am now a member of Lord Alice's command." The voice of shenqiyao rings.

Senxia's heart began to appear uneasy.

It seems that In any way, it's a bit weird.

If the other side is to contain the words, it should be at the beginning of the city gate ambush, right?

Senxia frowned.

I always feel that something is wrong


"Let's make a detour at both ends!" Qianjia's voice rang out.

The second floor of the villa is a corridor with the word "Hui". It has two roads up and down, so it can be circuitous from both sides. Senxia is on this side, and Qianjia and Jiye are just scattered on the other side.

"Good." Senxia nodded, then took the gun, walked on the other side and ran over.

However, when senxia Road passed a room, the door suddenly opened, and senxia didn't respond, so she was pulled into the room.


Senxia sat down on the ground.

"It's OK to wait here, ouch"

he looked up quickly.

Alice is smiling at herself.


"Lying trough!"

Mori's eyes were blinking.

I can't help it. Alice's dress is too delicate now.

She was wearing a belt with a water cannon on her back.

And then And then there was none.

Yes, the "Ding" belt, and the belt on her chest, that's all Alice has.

Lying trough, what's the situation?!

"Ah, Lala, senxia Jun, don't you have to be so excited when you see someone else?" Alice laughed and locked the door.

"Hello, Hello, what are you doing?"

Senxia felt something was wrong.

"Well, it's also a more difficult thing for everyone in the team to listen to me. But at least it was a success. " Alice was smiling.

I'm sorry, money can do what you want.

"Hello, Hello, what do you want to do?"

Moriha didn't feel quite right.

Alice stepped on the catwalk step by step, so she approached senxia.

"Because I found the key to victory." Alice said with a smile, "it doesn't matter what the competition is. It's senxia Jun who really matters. So, as long as you have Sen Xiajun, I will win. "

After seeing the look in Alice's eyes, Sonia understood.

Alice didn't care about the game at all from the beginning. Her goal was own?

"Do you want to subdue me?" Senxia shook her head.

Although he is not xuenai's opponent, senxia says that he has no problem dealing with ordinary girls.

He took a step back and set his position.

Since this is not a game, let me teach you what men are!

Don't think I'm weak!

"Of course

Alice said this, and with a sudden spurt, she rushed towards senxia!

That sharp figure, it is just like a swift female leopard, with incomparably swift power, towards her prey!

The swift and terrible attack is like the thunderbolt of Wanjun!

Under this strong and shocking pressure, senxia could not help but step back!

"No way!"

He looked at Alice's body, then put his hands forward, ready to suppress Alice!

But at this moment, Alice, like a phantom, suddenly disappeared from senxia's body!

Sen Xia looked down, and immediately saw Alice, at this time Alice hands on the ground, the whole person seems to really become a cheetah!

Not only that, but also his great mind seemed to tremble.

"Er --!"


Don't wait for Sen Xia to react to come over, Alice then sprouted to jump up, and then used the chest pressure in the Sen Xia's face.Senxia can't get up again!

"Well "Mean!"

Squeezing Alice's chest, senxia wanted to escape.

And then

"Horizontal groove?!"

Then senxia found that her hand, by Alice, was handcuffed against the bedside table behind.

"Finally, she succeeded"

Alice smiled on her face.

It's the first time that Sen Xia saw all Alice.

Graceful posture with a little plump, slender but in part there is a western talent and some curves.

The seductive posture is like the flawless Venus.

In the sun, Alice's skin color shows a jade like texture, which is called "jade skin", which means that.

It was with charming breath, spitting on senxia's face.

Senxia breathed the hot and humid air that Alice exhaled, and his eyes were attracted by Alice's lips.

The smooth and soft lips are like red and sweet strawberries, which makes people want to extend their mouths

What a wonderful

Just the air she spits out, it feels so warm and lovely

Even if senxia didn't want to, at this time, his attention was totally attracted to the past.

The comfortable and special feeling makes senxia shake all over.

"Ah cheerleading, senxia Jun is a boy indeed" ~ "

Alice is the whole person pasted on senxia, her right hand finger is gently attached to the chest of senxia.

fingers coated with pink nail polish, gently untied the buttons of senxia's clothes.

Then, the fingers touch senxia's chest.

Fingers are circled in senxia's chest.

"Alice, don't do it..."

Senxia wanted to resist, but the warm air made her tremble all over her body.

Comfortable and special feeling, in the whole body of senxia.

Lie in the groove, this time really want to hold!

Senxia felt that her breath was almost stagnant!

Alice was firmly attached to herself, her breath and fragrance, and she wrapped senxia completely.

"We were fiancees and fiancees. Why can't we?" Alice smiled.

"Hello, that doesn't exist at all!" So, what do you mean by marriage and feudalism Well, actually, I think it's still good

But it's not the time, can we repair it!

Senxia doesn't want to lose at this time!

He opened his mouth.

"Ah cheerleading," but Alice came together. "If you shout, I can only seal your mouth with my mouth Senxia shut up.

Is it Am I going to lose here?!


But not.

Because at this time, the gate was kicked open.


Snow was standing at the door with a calm face. The clumps of hair on her head were beating at this time.

Not only that, snow is right hand at this time, unexpectedly also carries a person, is really pupil.

"I said, why does my brother radar vibrate constantly. And Alice, you dare to send me a real pupil! "

Obviously, snow was also hit by real pupil.

Although it was not clear what had happened, snow seemed to have seen Alice's plan.

"Well, it was my fault. I used real pupil sauce to tempt snow and sauce, and then we led you to the basement without anyone to lock it up. Then I was Sen Xia Jun It's not really good. "

"Yes, the basement gate is really strong. You have to look for it on purpose, but unfortunately, there is no way to compare it with me." Snow Nai's face showed disdain.

She put the real pupil of coma on the sofa and looked at Alice on this side.

Alice, too, had let go of senxia and then stood against snow.

"You started with a goal of your brother!"

Snow has seen through everything!

"Ah cheerleading, of course, senxia is the final prize of the game. In this case, why don't I start with the prize?"

As long as you get the prize, it is victory!

That's Alice's idea.

"No use asking and answering!"

Snow was carrying a gun.


Alice also took out the gun behind her back.

Now, this place is really a battlefield!……

Today's two in one meow meow ~!

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