"Brother, you seem to know a lot about EVA." Uncle continues to talk to senxia.

"There are a few people who don't know about EVA these days, are they?" Sanger make complaints about it.

"You're right to say that." Uncle nodded.

"Although the controversy is very big, but from various angles, EVA is to save our animation industry, this point in any case there is no way to slander." Although EVA can make complaints about many places, it is indeed a miracle of the industry, which is a black spot.

"Yes, EVA can achieve such a result, really is beyond imagination!" The uncle sighed.

"Alas, it's a pity that there are too few ways, otherwise EVA series can do more things." Senxia sighed.

"What EVA can do?" The other side is interested.

"For example, it's a pity that EVA system is not easy to operate, or it can be made into series, just like Goldstar to launch derivative works or games."

Similar to the fat series, there are several series. What Sen Xia mentioned before is the original works of fat series, fat / StayNight. But in fact, there are many derivative works of this work, such as zero, extra, Apocrypha, etc. in addition to the original routes and derivative works, the content is very rich. Although it is a minority, it has caused a lot of wind because of the network era Long ﹣ wind ﹥ literature ﹣ science, w  x tide.

There are so many works about the Goda series mentioned by senxia. There is no need to explain this series. I'm afraid that if you pull someone in Japan, you'll know something about Golder.

"EVA's world has been destroyed. It's very difficult to make a series of works similar to Golder's. If you want to do this, I'm afraid the whole story will have to be changed. It's very difficult for both sides to compare the settings." Uncle seems to have thought about it. "The difference between EVA and GAODA lies in that EVA would not be EVA without Shinji and ayangpoli. Although we did it with the mentality of making robot animation at the beginning, what the audience recognized in the end was already different. "

It's different from the high-end EVA series.

It's hard to change that unless EVA changes the story and comes up with a perfect new sequel. This is what the uncle is thinking about.

"That's not easy. Let's change the plot instead of the person. That's what happened to the multiple routes in the GALGAME." Senxia didn't have any opinion on this. "You can even change the whole story into another kind. For example, we have revised the positioning of the story. Shinji is actually a fake mother and a madman. Ling Boli has a morbid feeling for Shinji, eh. Is a sick Jiao, and then tomorrow incense is a delusional patients, all day living in their own world, delusional to push down Shinji. Zhu Xun is a detective who can destroy the world for Shinji, and those apostles are criminal organizations... "

"Er This is a very rare story... " Uncle's smile became very stiff.

What the hell is that?

The most terrible thing is not the story itself, but the uncle, after hearing this story, clearly felt very moved

I don't know why. The strange picture of this story suddenly appeared in the uncle's mind. Compared with the evaretake just proposed by senxia, this wonderful story still lingers in his mind.

"In the story. Gechengmeili can have a relationship with blessing. Meili is actually a lily who wants to be with Luzi, but Luzi and Gecheng just want to use this identity as a cover up and get close to Ding Yuandu... "

"Stop and stop," senxia can no longer tell, the lethality is too strong, "what a terrible story, it is simply mental pollution."

The uncle took the clear soup on the table and poured it down.

"But in this case, there is nothing left in this story except the shell of eva..." Senxia himself put forward a denial opinion, "well, it must be carried out without changing the character's character. That is to say, a great demon named edsen came from the different world, and then summoned the Zerg, which made the world a mess..."

"Well, after hearing what you said, my brain seems to be getting more disordered..." The uncle rubbed his temple and said, "let's eat first..."

Speaking up, patronizing the discussion, their meals didn't move much. Senxia was also hungry at this time, and he nodded: "well."

Japanese food is very small. Breakfast is salted with rice, bean curd, kelp soup, broccoli, two slices of bacon and half of the local river fish.

"Brother, wait a minute. What can we do? Isn't it interesting to soak in a hot spring all day After having a meal, Xue Nai asked Sen Xia. After soaking in the hot spring all morning, she didn't seem to want to go on.

"Well, I don't know any interesting places around here How about buying some local products There is no mobile Internet these days, even if you want to find tourist attractions, there is no way.To the north of this place are RI mountain and Riying mountain, and to the West are Jinghu and Jingji. If you want to go to the street, you have to go down the mountain and go to the East.

"Well, or ask the store manager." Senxia suggested.

"Speaking of it, there seems to be a place called the stone on the side of the mountain. People who come here will go there to have a look." The uncle interrupted again, "I heard that if you sincerely touch the stone with the one you love, and then make a wish, you will be able to stay with each other forever."

"Really?" After hearing the news, xuenai was still active.

"Well, before I came to collect wind, I specially checked the surrounding environment." The uncle replied.

"Oh, I don't know where the superstition came from..."

"Brother, let's go mountain climbing." Before his voice fell, xuenai took senxia's hand and looked at senxia with blazing eyes.

"Well, let's go mountain climbing." Senxia has no integrity to throw away his just words.

"Well I'll go to the room to have a rest first, "Uncle shook his head. The previous proposal of senxia almost seemed to be printed in his mind. He tried his best to make himself forget what had just happened, but he found that there was no way. He was going to take a rest in the room.

Senxia and they also returned to the room, changed into travel pants and travel shoes, and then asked the front desk for a map of the place, and headed for Jieyuan mountain.

The road to the mountain is not difficult to walk. This road is probably a frequent one, so it looks very clean and tidy. However, this place is not like those large scenic spots. It is full of people.

"Oh, snow." Two people walking on the no one's mountain road, the forest summer suddenly made a sound.

"Brother?" Because the mountain road is not steep, and the road is easy to walk, so when they walk on the road, they have spare power to talk.

"Xuenai, do you mind telling me about any novels you have written before? I may be able to give you some advice." Senxia said with a smile.

"Ah?" Snow is unprepared, after hearing the words of senxia, she seems to be a little flustered.

After scratching her hair, Xue Nai said, "well In fact, it's OK. Even if you write casually, you don't even have a complete story Hehe

Xuenai's expression makes senxia a little puzzled. He is not a dull person, but what is the matter with xuenai's expression? Senxia has no idea.

"Ah, brother, the house of the witch you wrote is very good. Can't my brother teach me some skills?" Xuenai's action is clearly changing the topic, but senxia seems to find no strange place.

"Well, let me see." He said, "in writing, you know the outline, don't you?"

"Yes." Snow nods.

"But the nature of our co fiction is closer to that of light fiction. Let me talk about my own experience." When she was able to explain how to write to her sister, Sen Xia also found it very interesting and comfortable. "We only need a general outline behind the outline. The most important part is the front. The design of the story should have a beginning and a ending, and a beginning and a ending Well, in that case, it would be nice to use a novel as an example Cough, cough, cough. "

Senxia spoke so fast that she almost gave an example of the second generation of Mu teachers' functions.

In addition to the title of 18x, the story of the function is also very attractive, which is very rare in the strong stimulation of the 18x novel. If we talk about the structure of the article and the arrangement of the plot, there is really no one can match it.

But it's a pity that senxia could not introduce this novel to xuenai. Otherwise, he would be killed by xuenai.

"In fact, the novel written by my brother is very good. 200000 words show the twisted character and strange atmosphere of the witch Aileen. It neither reveals the content of the article nor makes the story seem inexplicable. Instead, it starts from the beginning to the end, which is really powerful." Xuenai seems to think that Sen Xia's article is very good.

"It's nothing like that," senxia waved his hand. He thought for a moment and then said, "well, let's talk about it like this. Xuenai, you write a part of the story first, and then I'll explain it according to your content. What do you think?"

Xuenai nodded: "this is also good. If my brother can guide me to write, I will be very happy indeed!"

"Don't worry, I will make you a famous novelist in the future, ha ha ha ha!"

Sonia was very happy.


The real master of playing with Terrier is that he can play as a Terrier

In addition, many place names are real, but after all, parallel world, so some places do not exist, and some places have different functions from reality. Please pay attention to owo

guarantee the second change )


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