With the gradual progress of the journey, they finally arrived at the place of the "knot stone".

This is already the top of Jieyuan mountain. In front of them is a flat land. On the flat ground, there is a rolling stone. The diameter of the stone is about 1.2 meters, showing a light yellow color. There is a sign beside the stone, on which is written the stone, and then a series of legends about the stone.

Over the edge of the stone, there is a cliff in front of it. However, all the cliff has been sealed with railings, and there are several stone benches over there.

"We're lucky, brother. We should be" um... " Snow nodded thoughtfully. What senxia said really made her write some wonderful resonance, "for example The story of this hot spring... "

"Mm-hmm, hot spring is ok too."

Senxia nodded, and then wanted to move some hot spring content out of her mind.

At this time, however, Sen Xia was in a dilemma.

He is not out of stock, but when it comes to hot springs, the plot in Mori's mind at this time is all about 18x, and there is nothing to show xuenai.

Because she was too gentlemanly, she had a lot of accumulation in her mind, but she was helpless. All of these data were related to 18x, which was really not feasible.

"For example, the newly married wife came to the hot spring, or did you describe the story of the hot spring female boss..."

"Mm-hmm, this is good Cough, it's probably good. " Senxia heard xuenai's answer, subconsciously wanted to make a voice response. After nearly saying the 18x plot, senxia quickly coughed.

"In fact, I prefer the surreal system, but if the reality system and the surreal series can be combined, it may be very good." Snow said.

"Ah." Snow is always in the key time to cooperate with their own to change the topic, fortunately good.

"In a word, surreal reality system..." Sen Xia unconsciously associated with EVA, robot, surreal system

Then, a big work floated in the heart of Sen Xia.

The anti inverse rufus.

This is absolutely right.

Lu Lu Xiu's plays in Japan can be said to be very good, except that the second season developed a little rapidly, and the later period collapsed, the script was still very good, but fortunately, the God ending of Lu Lushou saved everything.

Although Sen Xia doesn't know why the staff of the original work wrote the script of three seasons into two seasons, it does not affect Sen Xia.

But how to say Well, senxia doesn't want to borrow (copy) for reference (attack).

It's not that I don't want to write stories, but I just don't want to plagiarize. It seems that there is no sense of achievement just by copying.

But these stories are classic. If we don't write them in this way, senxia feels very uncomfortable.

Ah It's so bad.

"What's wrong with you, brother? Do you think of something unhappy?" Xuenai noticed that senxia was frowning at this time.

"It's nothing. I suddenly think of some inspiration in writing, but I don't feel complete. I don't care." Senxia waved to xuenai and continued to think.

The other stories are just fine, but the story of Rufus - senxia looks at the snow - is absolutely not to give up!

After all, the protagonist of the story is rufusu, who, like senxia, is in the same way.

So, even for the lovely Nana Li, this story can't be ignored.

However, in a flash, senxia thought that Lu Lu Xiu seemed to be an empty history. Maybe he could redesign it according to this history?

With that in mind. Senxia's mind became clear almost instantly.

By the way, although Luluxiu's play is very touching, why do we have to copy it?

We can do something else, for example, let the luriu pilot plane crash into the United States on September 11 Oh, it's brittanya's twin towers. Isn't this a very emotional plot?

In other words, if I really write like this, will I become the prophet after 2001?

Think about it and think it's wonderful. This plot is just amazing!

"Is brother thinking of a new story? Can you tell me about it? " Xue Nai asked with a smile.

"Well. This story is a mixture of vengeance of the prince and a robot. The story is about a prince named rufusu who wants to conquer the world for his sister Nana li... "

"How interesting, please tell me about it!" Senxia almost just finished, snow is the whole person is excited.

"Well, I'll sort it out." For the time being, he said that he did not have the outline. "It's just a preliminary idea. I'm going to revise it later.""This kind of plot is very good. Why do we have to change it? Rufusu is really a gentle brother... " Snow seems to have a feeling of empathy.

"If that's what Snow said, I'll improve the plot."

Snow is greater than the sky. Since she said that, nashenxia can't change the plot any more, so the original plot can only be like this.

What, you say integrity?

Can that be eaten? Since it doesn't work. Then throw it away!

It's just that Mori always feels very sorry. If the plot of the building crash can't come out before 2001, what can he do with his divine prophecy!

"Well. Well, if you really write like that, if you want to animate it, you may be hindered by this plot... "

Senxia comforted herself in her heart.

Although this plot is very good, interesting, and also very emotional, but if you think about it carefully, it is not the case, because the subsequent impact of this plot may have adverse effects.

Of course, we can also hit the Kremlin or something, but if we don't modify the original plot and make such a mess, the plot will become very stiff.

"Let's talk about it later. Anyway, it's only 1997. It's still early." After making up her mind, senxia buried such an idea behind her head.

"Well, it's almost time. Let's go down now. It's time to eat." The sun is getting bigger and hotter when standing on the top of the mountain, so senxia doesn't want to stay here any more.

Snow is a look at Sen Xia, and then a look at the stone, although some reluctant, but she still nodded.

Because the mountain road is not steep, it is still very labor-saving when going down the mountain. Although their physical strength is not comparable to that when they go up the mountain, their speed is not slow at all.

"Brother, did you say you wanted to write a play for the drama club?" Xuenai suddenly thought of this problem.

"Yes, how can I ask that?" Senxia doubted.

"Nah, in this story, does the protagonist also have a tender and lovely sister?" Xuenai asked.

"There is no such story." Senxia waved.


Snow seems to be a little disappointed, Sen Xia quickly continued: "although there is no sister, but in this story, there is a" sister "Oh! The system in the story is that an elder and a younger generation form a similar sister relationship! "

Xuenai's eyes are shining with light, apparently expecting this story


I haven't even mentioned how fantasy works. Some people who are provocative are really

Update on time, ask for monthly ticket support, QAQ

I started to explode liver code word! (to be continued, please search for better novels and faster updates!



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