"I'm sorry, you and I have a rest."

Others are cleaning up a mess of villas, and moriha and Youqi return to their rooms.

Although the outside has been blasted (in a sense true), the inside of the room at least remains the same.

It's very nice not to be violated.

As for the room that Alice and xuenai destroyed at first - the one that senxia was "kidnapped" - became Alice's and xuenai's room.

This is a punishment for these two goods.

"I'm very happy to be in the same room with Sen Xiajun." It's written in a notebook.

"But I'm a boy, and I'm not used to it." Sen Xia felt that it was not good for a boy and a girl to be in a room.

But how to say

As a "winner's prize", even if Youqi is "eating chicken without killing", how can we say She was really the winner.

Although the game is back to play, but in terms of the agreement, we are very consistent choice respect.

So in the end, it turned out to be the way it is now.

"I miss it very much, this feeling." She wrote on the paper, "it reminds me of my childhood."

Senxia, xuenai, Ling Nai and Youqi are all classmates in primary school. Ling Nai's relationship is not so close, but senxia and Youqi were very close.

No, I can't say that. It should be said that, unconsciously, the relationship seems to be getting better?

Inadvertently, Sen Xia also thought of his junior high school students, do not know how you are now. Although Sen Xia has the foresight and sagacity of the second year students who surpass this era, there are still some more intimate classmates.

But people's communication is like this, unconsciously will be flat down.

Senxia is a person who likes to look forward, but even so, seeing the words written by Youqi on the paper, Sen Xia still has some nostalgia and emotion in her heart.

People will always beautify the image in the memory. Recalling the past things, the memory in senxia's brain is gradually clear up, and thinking about such things makes senxia miss it more.

"Ah, ah, there is still such a period of time." He sighed.

"At that time, if it wasn't for senxia Jun, I wouldn't have been who I am now." I want to write on paper very slowly after all.

However, senxia did not show any anxiety. On the contrary, she found it interesting to talk to Youqi like this.

Youqi also noticed senxia's expression. She was stunned for a moment, and then turned to another page, where there are common expressions of habitat.

"What's the matter?" She pointed to a sentence above.

"It's nothing. I just think it's nice to write with you." Sen Xia said, while embarrassed to turn the beginning.

If it's Qianjia or xuenai, senxia certainly won't have such an expression. If it's Lihua or Jiye, senxia won't care, because the relationship between us is more intimate.

However, Sen Xia knows that although the relationship between herself and Youqi is a classmate, it is not the kind of relationship that can be joked at will. Everyone keeps respect for each other and keeps that kind of gentle and subtle feeling. In fact, senxia still enjoys it very much.

This Mint like fragrance makes Mori feel very comfortable.

“……” There are habitat lenglengleng looking at this side of the Sen Xia.

Unable to speak, she just gazed at Sen Xia with her eyes.

"Because it's very relaxing to be with you." Senxia said with a smile.

Although it's a little stiff, it's a good feeling. It's not a negative distance, but a necessary respect and friendship.

In fact, the feeling between senxia and xuenai is the same, but xuenai always breaks out in a strange place No, it should be called "food protection"? This is OK. The key is that she will try to attack senxia at night.

Senxia admits that the bond between herself and xuenai is not only the so-called family and love that can be described, but when she is with xuenai, the warm feeling is also good

"If xuenai sauce heard her brother praise her like this, she would be very happy." Youqi also thought of xuenai at the first time.

"That..." Senxia scratched her head, "how to say that. Snow is like a hot spring. When I am with her, I feel warm. But when I am with you, I feel like I have a cold drink on the hot spring. "

But senxia thought about it, and he felt something was wrong.

"No, if you like Well The warm air of April

"Well, there are still some inaccuracies I just think it's It's like The students sitting next to you? "

When they are together with snow, Sen Xia and Xue are interlinked. They are just like one person, and they will never get tired of being together forever.But when she was with you, she really felt the existence of "two people".

It's the reality of being.

The relationship between people is so vague that Sen Xia can't describe the feelings between them.

Hearing the words of senxia, Youqi comes over with a smile, and she gently holds Mori's hand.

But she didn't speak. She just looked at senxia with a smile.


Senxia also stopped, he also looked at the habitat here.

There is a habitat What is she trying to say?

Senxia was a little confused.

But Youqi just looks at senxia like this.

She didn't write and she couldn't say anything.

However, gazing at such a habitat, senxia probably understood her feelings.

Yes, why should we care about the definitions and relationships between people? As long as we can be happy together now, then Okay?

"Senxia, it's time to eat."

however, just at this moment, the open door was opened.

The person who appeared outside was Qianjia, who had already changed into a bathrobe.


Three people's eyes are on.

"Well, it's almost time to start eating. Come here now." Qian Jia didn't say anything more. She just took a look at them and left.


Looking at Qianjia's back, senxia felt her heart suddenly beating violently.

But Qianjia has left at this moment, her eyes just now, even without a bit of shaking.

There should be no misunderstanding

No, what misunderstanding ah, I seem to have nothing to misunderstand!

Well, yes, that's it.

But why do I suddenly feel guilty!


I'm sleepy. I'll watch for a while

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