Time passed quietly.

After Qianjia and their big fight, they finally stopped.

Maybe we are all tired, so after that, we are all honest training.

The main PK between the two teams is the two games of anti terrorist elite and hero track. In this year, it can be regarded as the two hottest online games of team type.

The third most popular online game is the recently popular garden War series.

In addition, there is another thing that I don't know whether it's good or not.

That is, in fact, the number of online games on this world line has not increased. On the contrary, it is because of the emergence of high-quality online games on senxia's side. Many of the online games that should be available are now stillborn. The online game market is monopolized by a few oligarchs at this moment.

But Sen Xia felt that this situation would not change for a while.

Because if there is no accident, next year will be the time when the Internet will be seriously damaged. At that time, those small Internet enterprises will probably drown in the deep sea.

It will only be in 2003.

And even in this case, the time has gradually come to August.

After entering August, the box office of yuanzhikong has soared further. This year, there is no heavyweight works similar to Chihiro in Nihong animation film market. As a "masterpiece at the end of the century", yuanzhikong has become the most famous film in Nihong film.

Er, it's not Mori's business or even Qianjia's pot. The slogan was made by the film publicity department.

Don't say, for this reason, this film is really a masterpiece of a generation, which is enough to be recorded in history.

But how to say that, compared with another world line of "Yuan Zhi Kong", master Jin min's "Yuan Zhi Kong" is completely different. If Sen Xia's original work has become a so-called "pure literature masterpiece" for various reasons, then the film version is purely due to master konmin's technique.

In addition to the "margin of the sky", the further fermentation of the "eva-retake" by Iwai.

He is also a god man.

In the theater version of "shell attack team", the concept of "human" is explored by oshi.

Although it is a rather obscure topic, it is easy for the audience as evangelical warriors in the new century to accept this topic.

For this reason, Sensha speculates that it is because of the theater version of the new century evangelical warriors.

At the end of the theater version, the first flight of the new century evangelical fighter flew into space, which became the proof of human existence.

It is more subtle that Oshima further explores the myth of human identity in this re version.

Among the new century evangelical fighters, as one of the heroines, tomorrow incense has half of her mother's soul, which is also integrated into the No. 2 plane she drives.

In the re version, unit 2 has two modes in the plot. One of them is the beast mode of the new theatre version of evangelical Warriors (that is, the future of the Q Series). In this mode, opportunity 2 becomes a terrible monster.

But Sen Xia also used the plot of the novel version of the gospel warrior.

In the version of the novel, EVA, the evangelical warrior, can actually be seen as a human state. Therefore, after senxia's involvement in this aspect, in the middle and later stages of the story, yiliushixiang will also synchronize with the No.2 aircraft, and the whole No.2 aircraft will show the posture of tomotaka, and EVA's body will also become human.

As a result, when tomotaka exploded the armor of No. 2 aircraft and exposed the lower part of Weian's chest, a group of people were shocked. Especially on the Internet, many people now call this tomotaka version of plane 2 "under the breast" because the armor in the southern hemisphere has been blown up

Mr. Oshima seems to like the concept of EVA turning into a real human body. He shows the concept more concretely.

What is man? Why does the concept of human exist? The boundary between man and EVA, between man and apostle, seems to be gradually blurred

It has to be said that this subject matter is quite able to poke the point of guard and supervision, so he works very hard.

In addition, another supervisor of xinfangzhao, who is no longer a newcomer, is also preparing for next year's great work -- yes, the magic girl Naiye. The magic girl Naiye's game will be launched next year, with the slogan "magic girl of the new century", and Naiye's animation version, of course, will start to create simultaneously.

In addition to the evangelical warrior and the previous space of fate, there is another work which is very popular now.

This game is "fairy sword".

The extensibility and playability of fairy sword are very strong, and the half locked action mode is also fascinating.Fairy sword has become the benchmark of stand-alone games in this era.

It's a pity that the chief programmer of group A has already gone to be a sound player. Now he is still playing games without serious business. I'm afraid there will be few works that can be optimized to this level.

But these news, we are actually just watching a lively.

Maybe you think these news are really powerful and influential.

But the most exciting thing is another piece of news.

Yes, it's August.

Yes, the WCG game is about to start.

In August, the world E-sports competition will determine the place of each regional competition, and then the final will be held in October.

"Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the world E-sports competition. This is Anderson..."

On TV, what is being broadcast is the competition on the lighthouse side.

The live game is a hero's track.

This is Daishi village.

As a huge hot spring resort, Chida village can accommodate the teams from senxia and xuenai.

"Well, it's really the hot spring at home." Coming out of the hot spring, xuenai sits next to the TV set, leaning against senxia here.

"So after we sleep there, do we have to sleep here again..." Sam couldn't help but make complaints about it.

Yes, after sleeping together in Hokkaido, we are now back in Tokyo. As a result, we still sleep in the manor.

As a result, the atmosphere is the same as before, except for the change of living environment.

No, to be exact, it should be that everyone's space is more free. The place of Daishi village is much larger than that of Hokkaido villa. There are more than ten people in the house that are not crowded at all.

"We are all together. Isn't it very lively?" Xuenai was very happy. "Isn't it a great thing to be able to spend every day happily with you?"

"Having said that, I feel that we have become dormitories here..."

Should I ask you for rent?

Senxia's brain suddenly produced such a hole.

"Don't you like it?" Xuenai asked.

"I don't like it." But how to say that, since that day, senxia now sees Qianjia, and will have a guilty feeling.

It seems that you have done nothing wrong, but why will you feel guilty?

Senxia also felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

But there's no way, isn't it?

"And tomorrow everyone will go to the competition. Is it the best time to practice together?" One is the sound coming from the door.

"That being said, why are you still here?" Xuenai agreed with this opinion, but after hearing the speaker, xuenai was not happy. She turned her head and saw Alice in the bathrobe over there.

"Don't be so angry, xuenai." Alice was holding a can of milk in her hand. She sat on the other side of Sensha and poured it into her mouth.

Alice grunted as she raised her head and milk. The white liquid ran down the corner of Alice's mouth, and then ran to her neck and chest.

She was also attracted to Alice.

No way, Alice's sense of existence is too strong, that strong existence, senxia can not ignore it.

Snow is disgusted to look at Alice, when her eyes noticed the white mark on Alice's body, it is revealed the expression of hate: "Tut, obscene."

"Ah, Lala, how can this be considered obscene?" Although she is from lighthouse country, Alice's Japanese is almost as proficient as her mother tongue. After hearing Qianjia's words, she quickly stares at xuenai here.

"- well, Alice, is your team OK?" Mori quickly changed the topic.

"No," said Alice, smiling at Sonia, "because my team is ready."

Yes, Alice's team, a total of seven people, in addition to Alice's replacement, their team also has a substitute, so Alice's rowing is no problem.

Even in theory, Alice would be able to "lie down and win" if she could, even if she did.

"Xuenai, where are you?" Senxia also asked a snow is, "now the TV broadcast is the lighthouse country competition, but next year, mud boom this side of the game will also start."

There is a limit to the number of qualified players and teams in each country. Then they have to represent their own countries to participate in regional competitions. Only those who emerge from regional competitions can they finally enter the final.

"Well, everyone is in great shape now." "Zhentong focuses on the arcade project, while the rest of us pay more attention to the anti-terrorism elites here. If there is still room, we can participate in the hero track project."The combat effectiveness of xuenai is not high in this game. In the previous training, it was the same as in the previous training. When we drew lots, as long as we ran into senxia, Qianjia and Alice three people, we were basically abused by blood.

What, Lihua?

Er, I'm sorry, teacher Lihua is out of the standard. She doesn't participate in the competition

"In a word, the first one to take part in the competition tomorrow is Zhentong."

Due to the different number of applicants for each competition in each region, the specifications and arrangements of the competition are also different.

For example, in lighthouse country, where the most popular is the hero track, so the number of matches is the most; in the European region, the anti-terrorism elites register the most, so the anti-terrorism elite competition is the earliest arranged; as for the mud boom area, the most popular is the arcade project.

The arcade combat event registered by Zhentong is one of the competitions with the largest number of people.

"But where is Zhentong? I didn't see her in the hot spring just now..."

Xuenai wants to find the real pupil, but she hasn't seen it for a long time from the beginning.

After hearing xuenai's words, Alice over there couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?"

Chenaton looked at Alice over here.

"Nothing. I just saw Zhen Tong. She's in the training room."

Alice just saw the real pupil.

The training room was bought by xuenai. There are more than ten PCs and home computers in that room, as well as several large arcades, in a separate large room.

After hearing what Alice said, xuenai stood up.

I can't help it, Alice's laughter. From xuenai's point of view, it's full of malice.

"Brother, I'll go and find Zhen Tong."

"Well, I'll go too."

Senxia also nodded.

Zhen Tong is one of the few friends who really belong to "meet by chance".

Since Zhentong is going to take part in the competition tomorrow, let's encourage her and support her.

"Go ahead, go ahead." Alice didn't want to keep up. After the two people got up, she took over the TV and watched the lighthouse race on TV.

Senxia followed xuenai all the way to the training room.

After entering the room, they saw the real pupil.

At this time, Zhen Tong is facing two people, sitting on the arcade game hall in front of her.

"It's really practicing, real pupil..."

Snow is said while walking in the past, but found that the real pupil has not paid attention to himself.

Senxia also followed by the past, he suddenly found that there was a lot of sweat on the body of the real pupil?


Xia Tong really looks at the game.

It's the fighting picture of the boxer king.

At this time, the interface of "Ko" appears on the screen.

After seeing this picture, the real pupil over there, the whole person fell to the ground like this.

"Ten defeats in a row Ten defeats in a row Ten consecutive defeats... "

The real pupil lost his mind, and the frustrated body bent forward on the ground.

Senxia looked at it, and the screen showed "perfect", which means full blood killing.

"Ah Li, Zhentong, what's the matter with you?" The sound came from the arcade opposite Zhentong.

Well Li Hua's voice.


As for the works such as evangelical warriors, I actually acquiesce that we have all seen them. In general, I seldom talk about the dramas in the plot. To say, it is also about the plot after the magic reformation.

I hope it won't cause any trouble.

Two in one meow ~

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