In a sense, it's a prison meal.

"Well, there is habitat. Can I go out for a walk Senxia carefully looks at the habitat here.

Then in the face of such a Sen Xia, Youqi is smiling and shaking his head.

Obviously, no one is on Sonia's side right now.

"You can't be accommodating Senxia asked pathetically.

However, Youqi still shook her head. She took out a piece of paper and began to write on it: "Sen Xiajun can't be lazy. If I let senxia Jun out now, it's my dereliction of duty."

Well, people around senxia have realized the characteristics of the king of rowing.

So it's impossible for senxia to leave from here.

Because around senxia, no one wants senxia to run away like this.

It's a sad story.

"Well, all right..."

Senxia Ya shook her head and then looked at the TV screen.

The game on the screen is over. Xuenai's team turned the corner at the last minute and won the final victory.

At least xuenai has won, which is good news for senxia.

Snow is the victory, at least let the heart of Sen Xia now better.

Looking at the time, he found that it was almost midnight. Yes, it's lunch time.

Looking at this side of the smiling habitat, senxia sighed.

Senxia can't escape.

The window was locked and there was always someone outside.

It can be said that up to now, only sunset stands on senxia's side.

But it's a pity that Xiyan is not by the side of Sen Xia. In order to make the competition smooth there, senxia asked Xiyan here to help before.

"The game of anti terrorist elite, do you like it?" Senxia inquires about Youqi.

Youqi didn't expect senxia to ask such a question. She tilted her head and wrote on the paper: "this game is very exciting."

As Youqi said, this game is a very exciting game.

The anti-terrorism elites of this world line are different from those of another world line. In the other world line, the game of anti-terrorism elites was a relatively crude game at the beginning.

Maybe many people don't know, but in fact, at the beginning, the judgment of anti-terrorism elites' melee weapons was very special. In fact, the judgment of this melee is that the player is holding a gun with zero range. The so-called "close combat" in the plot is actually such a thing.

In addition, many parts of the game are products of compromise.

But in this world line, Sen Xia feels that there is an unexpected similarity between this anti-terrorism elite and a certain game - and that game is called "watch the vanguard".

Watch the vanguard is a very special game.

This is a first person game, but this game is not a shooting game, senxia thinks it is put in front.

The game design of watch vanguard is very special. In this game, the characters selected by players have their own unique abilities, some are charging, some are sniping, and some are healing.

This design is very special.

But how to say, this game also belongs to that kind of newer, more delicate type.

The characters in the game are very distinctive, but the excessive classification and positioning make the game more inclined to a kind of competitive team cooperation game, rather than a shooting game which pays attention to confrontation and resourcefulness.

There are differences.

Of course, the anti-terrorism elites on this world line are not exactly the same.

Sen Xia felt that the confrontation strategy of the two founders at the beginning was very good.

In fact, in addition to what Sen Xia said here, the production team did study whether or not to launch the "spot mode" according to Sen Xia's opinion.

Point occupying mode is a mode that the original anti-terrorism elites do not have. In this mode, players can occupy a certain point on the map for a period of time. If players on the other side come and occupy this place, the place is opposite. After the two sides occupy a period of time, the victory will be achieved.

The other mode is cart mode, which means players transport something to the destination.

These two modes are not original by watchmen, but they are really appreciated by watchmen.

"Well, Youqi, what do you think of shooting games in which several people work together and then pass the test?" Senxia changed a question at this time.

Break through? Shooting games?

Youqi crooked his head, senxia thought about it, and had to give Youqi a simple explanation.

What senxia said here is actually a game mode called the road to survival.The road to survival is a very interesting game.

On the surface, this game is a game against zombies. When players see this game, they may feel that it is a "horror game" and so on.

But it's not true.

The game of survival Road, the overall picture is inclined to a dark style. Except for a few maps, almost all the levels in the plot are dark or dark indoors, otherwise it is a rainy climate. In the game, players should not only face the endless zombies, but also be careful of the danger brought by the surrounding environment, because they don't know where they will jump out of a special infected person.

But it's just appearances.

In fact, the road to survival is a very, very straightforward game, and the combat operation of the game is also very simple. If it is a newcomer, under the leadership of NPC, it is not a very difficult thing. In a sense, this game is very similar to the game of matchless category. Players only need to shoot zombies constantly, which is incomparable In the game, the protagonist needs to constantly kill the soldiers.

As for the powerful infected "tank" in the story, it is the boss of the story, which is also very easy to understand.

But this game is still very interesting, although the player group is not many, but also many.

And this game can be from the production, has been popular, this is also rare and valuable.

One of the more critical points is that in this game, players can make mod according to the system of the game. The simplest point is to replace the characters in the game with what they want.

By the way, after Blizzard made a watchman, someone made a similar mod and put these characters into the game.

Not only that, but also some players even make a lot of very special maps mod, which can play games and plots made by others. This is very interesting.

Even, the work of fellow players can become a part of the game, which is very difficult for other games to do.

What's more, the road to survival is also a very special game.

In this game, in fact, there is a lack of the general zombie game in the face of the doomsday moment to be threatened by death.

On the contrary, the game creates four protagonists. In the plot, by observing the interaction of the four protagonists, there will be a sense of humor. As the zombie of the film to the player, the player only needs to shoot them with his friends.

Compared with other types of zombie games, the zombie in this work is a disgrace to the zombie world.

The zombies on the road to survival are almost no threat. As long as you don't encounter any special infected people, the players will kill these zombie monsters in the game.

In terms of these contents, the road to survival is actually very good.

Of course, this mode of survival has been used for reference by various kinds of people.

For example, in the future network version of anti-terrorism elites, some kind of plot against zombies is added.

Players need to break through first, and then crush boss.

In addition, there are certain players who will randomly become zombies at the beginning, then turn others into zombies by attacking, and finally see whether zombies or humans win.

I have to say, these patterns are very interesting.

Senxia simply said these patterns in one breath.

"Well, it's very nice. I'd like to try it if I can."

The content written by Youqi gives senxia a little confidence.

This kind of content still looks very good.

"Maybe the PVE model and Zombie mode will be more interesting." Senxia murmured at the scene.

At this moment, the screen is showing the wonderful replay that appeared before. In the picture, xuenai and Zhentong quickly shot three shots in the first game, and there was no wonderful cooperation of the three opposite.

Two people from both sides of the attack, two to three, just a few seconds, the other party to beat muddled.

"Well, I feel a little inspired now," Sen Xia turned her head and looked at Youqi. "Why don't we go for a walk together? I'll tell you in detail?"

Youqi doesn't speak. She just looks at senxia like this.

Then, the smile on senxia's face gradually became stiff Obviously, senxia's attempt has already been seen through by Youqi

"Please say it in the room"

someone drew an expression on the notebook.


After being seen through, Sen Xia, a face muddled in.

"So please write down your thoughts here. If you can, after dinner, please start working! "

I lost my job!

My soul is burning!Senxia's heart is shouting, senxia's heart is roaring!

"Er --"

mori, who has been infected with sculling syndrome by mushrooms, is really tired.

"In this case, I...."

Senxia Jun looked left and right.

Youqi chuckled softly.

She wrote another line in her notebook.

But this time, Youqi didn't show the notebook to senxia directly. Instead, she got in front of senxia and put the notebook on her desk.

"If you work, please work hard. And I'm looking forward to seeing your works, but I like your works very much! Well, I know senxia Jun, you are very uncomfortable now, but please bear with me a little. When your work is finished, I'll give you a surprise


Senxia's eyes brightened.

He raised his head and looked at Youqi. Then he saw that Youqi was smiling at himself. Her face had a delicate look and her face had a wonderful flush.

Well, Mori suddenly wanted to be crooked.

At this time, Youqi had already taken the notebook back. She turned to a new page and wrote, "the model Sen Xiajun just said is very interesting, but I think it would be good to create a new game if we could split it up."

"Yes, it's not suitable for this." Senxia nodded, "well, I'll do this later."

Just finishing this sentence, senxia found that Youqi was looking at herself.

There were some wonderful smiles on her face.

After a while, Youqi continued to write: "Sen Xiajun, if you use the reason to create new works to avoid the responsibility you have to bear now, you will have more and more debts to pay in the future."

"Er --!"

Have you been seen through?! My stroke!

Mori looks shocked.

But it is a pity that his strategy has been seen through by Zhuge's wise eye.

"Well All right, all right, back to business. "

The game is over, senxia has no interest in other people's games, he simply put his attention back on his computer.

After a long time, senxia said, "well, Yuqi, do you know web games?"

Youqi thinks for a moment and then nods.

"Have you ever played beautiful new world?" Senxia asked again.

A smile appeared on Youqi's face, and she continued to nod.

"Well, my new work is similar to this type of word game." Senxia explained to Youqi the new game plan that Qianjia had said before.

"Well, it's interesting, but I prefer fantasy to science fiction." Youqi said his own opinion.

"It's not that kind of concept. To be exact, it should be the feeling of" fantasy that has developed to the future stage "- well, when you have seen the magic girl Naiye, you will probably know the situation

Yes, the "time and Space Administration Bureau" that Sen Xia plans to adopt in "star ship voyage" is the time and Space Administration Bureau in "the magic girl Naiye".

Naiye's space-time Administration Bureau in the original world line, in fact, is not high, but on senxia's side, it's a super magic version.

Sen Xia's idea is to link the two works together to make it look like this.

Ah, by the way, Naiye's trial version is about to be released

In the water, Sen Xia suddenly thought of his own side of the work seems to be on.


I fell asleep on the way I got up to write.

The eighth generation of zhensan has come out. However, it feels very delicate. I can't say I'm disappointed. But I feel that the strange hunting world is more interesting.

Here is the author's integrity.

May ask for leave tomorrow, because of the company party, tomorrow's update may follow the fate

Go down the street

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