For the reason "I want the game of Naiye as the material", senxia soon got the demo version of the game.

This trial version is about to be released at Comiket show. Senxia has it now, which is the version.

This is a 3D game, similar to action shooting, but there is a very special air combat system in the game, which is different from ordinary games.

When making the game, "lily Kalu production group" - the team of the game - is going to make an open world game like the legend of the fairy sword.

However, in the process of production, the production group felt the malicious of the open world.

"Magic girl Naiye" is a game that uses animation rendering. If it is to be described with another familiar game of the world line, it may be similar to the "Collapse 3" type of game.

But the rendering of this mode is much stronger than the sword.

The heavy requirements of CPU and graphics card have brought huge burden on the whole system. Even the dc-p home computer with excellent performance can not run the NEMO of Nye perfectly.

This game frame drop directly makes the game become a non play state, even if it is forced to reduce the light and shadow effect of the game, and so on, instead, the whole picture becomes unbearable.

So at the end of the day, the production team had to bear the pain to castrate the open world and become independent space. In this way, on the mainstream machines, it can turn on medium effect to run. On dc-p, PS2 and other high-end PCs, the system can run with high effects.

At this moment, senxia is on his computer to try the game.

The reason why senxia thought about a game with a little bit of slot was that some of them were similar to "Collapse 3" in the rendering mode of the magic girl Naiye as a whole, which is different from the original game.

Of course, the effect of Nye rendering is not as good as the latter. Although the latter is a game on mobile phones, the performance gap brought by more than ten years is not so easy to make up.

But overall, senxia is still very satisfied with the picture of the game.

Although the same engine is adopted in Lu repair against reverse, rendering effect and modeling have been far ahead of the reverse Lu repair. After all, the latter needs to use live2d as the setting foundation for many times. Many places can not even use 3D expression. After a year, the present "magic girl Naiye" can use full 3D picture to reflect the game effect, which is a very huge step forward.

As for whether the open world can be done, senxia actually has no big expectation. One is that the technology is difficult to solve now. The second reason is that the open world is not a necessary thing for Naiye. Rather, the content below the game world view is much better if it is not an open world.

After all, Naiye is a very clear story, and it is not the same as the world like the legend of fairy sword.

If Naiye put fitt to save, but to pick up garbage all over the world, what would it be like!

This is the magic girl Naiye, not the radiation girl Naiye!

Nai ye with a strong emotion to save fitt, this is the main line of the story.

And it's bullshit to force other scenarios.

It is like some games in which hunters hunt giant dragons. As a result, for the sake of game, these hunters have to dig mines, insects and barbecue in every place in their free time. This is really subtle.

Now that's enough, senxia thinks.

At this moment, senxia has begun the game.

The whole story begins with an animated CG, which is part of the sudden explosion of the superancient remains "the species of the holy stone" on the spacecraft that are crossing the dimensional.

The combination of magic weapons and spacecraft with a great sense of future is really a very special view.

Then the species of the holy stone fell on earth.

Then the camera was transferred to Naiye. At this time, Naiye was in school, in the clean morning, the lovely girl was talking happily with other people in the classroom.

Even senxia himself was amazed by the world's Naiye.

The Naiye made by Jiye and then made by animic society created by morixia, made the first impression that Aung Sen Xia Meng.

At this time, as ordinary people, Naiye seems to feel a bit, looking out the window.

As the content of this part ends, the story begins.

This Naiye is a version with higher level of work. Compared with the original version, the clothes on the Naiye body can show the girl's style.It is clearly a primary school student, but there is a subtle emotion that can not be calm.

Unfortunately, Naiye has not changed at this time, but Naiye, who is an ordinary person, is also very cute.

One of the biggest changes is that Naiye's original socks have become stockings.

"Stockings race high..."

This is the content that Sen Xia thinks of now after watching the CG.

After the plot, takamachi Nai, a three-year-old in an ordinary primary school, began to appear in 3D.

It's a little different from the previous rendering, but in this picture, takamachiya's school uniform shows a very special texture.

Generally speaking, today's game manufacturers rarely care about the material of clothes, but in senxia, they are particularly concerned about the visual effect.

It's too complicated to adjust through the texture, so we should start from the rendering mode, and the clothing texture should be simplified as far as possible, and the best way is to make the mode without texture.

The plot is all voice configuration.

In the plot, the lines are all sentence by sentence.

In this part, the plot is similar to the animation version being produced.

But then the whole story began to change.

In the game plot, there is no "yuno".

Originally, this character should be the one leading Naiye to the plot. In the animation version, this character also exists.

But in the game design, this role is not.

Well, on the one hand, it's because of game design, and on the other hand, it's to reflect the multiplicity of stories.

The concept of "parallel universe" was intended to be popularized in the magic girl Naiye. Moreover, after the star ship voyage, senxia wanted to use the setting of the "space time administration".

So in this aspect, when the game is made, it adopts the design of two parallel worlds.

Compared with the upcoming animation version of Naiye, this game version of Naiye will be more active in character, and more "dragon arrogant" temperament, is a very special role.

At the beginning, Naiye was worried about his future.

The game version of Naiye, from the beginning is a super omnipotent "Xueba". Of course, this setting will not be told directly to the players in the game, but if the players check the content, they will find that Naiye's test score is the first in the whole grade. In the dialogue with NPC, some NPC will also talk about Naiye's score and so on.

make complaints about Nye's learning and omnipotence in school. After returning home, there will be dialogue and Tucao between Nye family. When Nye's father Takamachi Shiro trains Nye's brother, he will mention Nai has already learned the family's brother.

By the way, even Naiye, who is from another world line, has learned martial arts from his family.

But in another world line, this point is not shown in the plot, but a stroke. For example, in the theater version, Naiye and fitter fight each other with sticks.

Of course, does this really mean that Naiye has learned the sword technique of his family? In addition, the production team of other people jumps out and says, "you think too much", then there is no way.

But senxia is of course the biggest. He said that Naiye had learned, and Naiye must have learned.

In fact, at the end of the story, there is a special game version of the plot. Naiye, who loses most of his power, is the scene where he knocks down from the bottom of the maze to the upper layer of the maze with double blades, and then meets with fitter.

This kind of scene is not found in the original story, but there are some stories in senxia.

These plots are all designed to shape the feelings between Naiye and fitter.

In the game world, Naiye and fitter's feelings are much higher than the animation version.

Animation version because of the limitations of the carrier works, so some things can not be done too much, but as a game, that strong temperament and emotion can be reflected.

Including the cancellation of the role of "yuno", but also to consider strengthening the relationship between Naier and fitter.

In the story, the player only needs to let Naiye's emotion work hard for fitter. As for other characters, there can be calm friendship. But if you add a character who is the same as fitter, that kind of emotion will be weakened.

It is likely that this practice of senxia will be killed by the yuno party. However, in order to give in to the plot, senxia thinks that castration and correction of some plots and so on are completely acceptable.

I don't have to leave a character to influence the whole story.

-- of course, compared with the explicit game, the animation version is much more implicit. In the animation version, only the "friendship" between the two girls will be reflected, but it will not specifically sell lilies.After all, this kind of carrier is different, the composition of the story is not the same thing, in fact, it is very common.

For example, there is a work called "the realm of sword and sword" Well, it's not moriha's, but the other world line's.

In the sword realm, in the ordinary animation version, the feelings of Tong people are mostly single-minded, and there will be no plot that deliberately reflects the relationship between you, you, me and me between Tong Ren and the heroine yasna.

But in the novel, the story of Tongren pushing down yasna is very sarcastic, and there is even a special volume to narrate the relevant content.

On the other hand, in the world of sword and sword, players can also control Tongren to attack all other characters. At this time, players can hold all other characters in their arms, and then throw them to their bedside to "chat".

What? You said you could only chat at the head of the bed?

Of course! Because this game is released in PSP and future PS3 and other platforms of the game!

If it is the game of 18x series released on the PC, the probability of Tongren will be incarnated as bulldozer pushing everything horizontally, and some other small parts are that Tongren become Tongzi, and then encounter such and other things and other stories.

Get back to business.

Senxia is currently looking at the UI of the game.

He felt that this part was still very Mary. After nodding, senxia began to

and this "learning from BA Naiye" was also confused about his future. There are many possibilities in her future, but Naiye has never thought about what she will do, because there is nothing Naiye wants to do in the future of these possibilities.

Whether it's inheriting her mother's green house cafe or going to college or whatever, these should not be considered by junior high school students, but they are bothering Naiye.

After such a plot, the story finally begins.

When Naiye and his friends went home together, they found the shadow of a beast.

At this time, Naiye suddenly thought of the strange meteor that he had seen before.

Feeling something wrong with Naiye, he decided to continue to

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It's said that there was a kind of evil rendering mode, which was made with black-and-white map with the command. But I didn't find out how to complete it after searching for a long time. Some materials are really hard to find

Two in one meow

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