Of course, the most important thing about the game is the gameplay itself.

If the plot is good, but as long as the game is not good, then everything is scum.

With another fashionable word of the world line, that is, Naiye is a new IP. As a new IP, it naturally needs content that can attract players to play games.

This is not a game that some fans want. Just a simple game, and a group of fans will buy it.

Good pictures and excellent experience, plus good music, this is an important part of the game.

At the beginning of the story, the teaching content is integrated into the first battle. Players learn some basic manipulation through Naiye before the transformation, and then the heart of the rising sun appears.

After getting the heart of the rising sun, Naiye began to transform.

Black tights and white dresses, mobile warrior Naiye Cough, magic girl Gao Da Well, it's not right.

Magic gaudanaiye, finally appeared!

Although there seems to be something wrong, but there should be nothing wrong, so the small details don't care!

Well, senxia was very happy with the scene.

At this point on the screen is the magic gaudanet.

The number of frames on the battlefield is very good, and after Lilly Kalou's production team tears to castrate the open world design, the performance of the game can be more focused on the scene.

"Mm-hmm, it works well."

Senxia is very satisfied with the design of this part.

There are two kinds of design in the game, namely, close combat and long-range design. Naiye is specialized in shelling, while fitt is in close combat.

, but this is only the initial state. After changing, Nai is not perfect. When fighting with the first monster, Nye can also make complaints about the long bombardment.

"There is no real sense of annihilating the enemy. Have you really wiped out the enemy? Well, or should we use more feedback artillery or progress... "

Although for ordinary players, this kind of line may be just a common "line", but in fact, for textual research enthusiasts, this kind of detail is also necessary. Moreover, for players, this constant hint also enables them to accept Naiye's setting of "putting down the staff is more powerful".

Dharma stick is actually the limiter!

Miss Marta, an anonymous iron fist leftover woman, praised this.

Of course, Naiye's biggest characteristic is not "making friends with fists", but "making friends with guns". Then, the ultimate killer mace should be a powerful light gun.

But saber doesn't kill. What's saber?

In senxia's version, Naiye is the inheritor of Yu Shen Bu Po Liu, who holds double swords. It's OK to say saber is saber. Saber's big move is light gun, so there is no problem

Therefore, in the current version, the most profound meaning of naiyeguang gun is the watermelon circuit breaker Impolite, it's the star light circuit breaker Tut, it's the starburst.

All blame Dai Wan's translation!

In a word, in this version, Naiye's most powerful move is the starburst of a super nuclear light gun. In the end, Naiye directly uses the sun's heart of the deformed double blade version to chop out the starlight burst?

What, you said that the other world line Naiye kitchen will cut me down across dimensions?!

Do you know how hard I work?!

Without me, heisenxia, the world's Naiye are pills!

Wanton Mori Xia said that he is to let strengthen Naiye, mm-hmm, overpowering race high! Too strong to compete!

After the first World War, Naiye and sunheart signed a contract, and the comatose children were saved.

After returning to ZiZhai, Naiye also learned from the sunrise heart about another dimension of the super ancient heritage of the holy stone seed.

Because the previous disaster almost hurt his friends, Naiye decided to investigate the incident.

Of course, it's a superficial reason, but in fact, before going to sleep, Naiye says to himself that he's starting to have some kind of palpitation in his heart.

Naiye's palpitation stems from his own sense of fullness, but for players, it is a kind of resonance.

Everyone is eager to become no longer ordinary, to become a magic girl or something, to learn extraordinary magic to travel in the sky or something, this kind of pleasure and pleasure, of course, is exciting!

However, Sen Xia is most satisfied with the role of the game.

In the plot, Naiye's design is better than moriha's original setting.

Obviously, he should be a three-year-old in primary school, but he has a vision and thought that adults can't reach.

Unfortunately, at this time, the emotion of the story has not yet fully unfolded.The whole story really unfolds after fitter's appearance.

Now Naiye is just ignorant about his future road, but only after the appearance of fitter will Naiye burst out his real heart and real action.

In the plot, Naiye is just a disguised "ordinary three-year-old primary school student". However, when saving fitter and the purpose is fitter, Naiye will be completely liberated.

The plot of the trial version only ends in the first game after seeing fitter, but it has a script for Sonia's hands, so he can know the follow-up development.

There is a detail in the game that when Naiye deals with the animals and plants possessed by the species of sacred stone, the sealing process is very gentle. However, when these people become the enemies who prevent them from saving fitter, Naiye will directly kill them to the dregs, even without looking back.

In the original world line, fitter was jokingly called the "beloved Princess". In the game version of the magic girl Naiye in senxia's hands, fitt is almost going to become a "beloved Princess", and Naiye's name of "tyrant" will probably be settled down.

"Well It's still a little bit worse. If Naiye could speak these words gently on his face, and then blow the enemy to pieces with that kind of tolerant attitude, and then everyone would be friends, it would be better... "

Although I feel that the production team has done a good job, there are still some areas that need to be corrected.

Naiye is not the kind of "domineering president" personality, but a gentle and strong sister paper is right, so after the character is shaped, this aspect still needs to be revised.

Senxia began to take notes.

After determining the content of this part, senxia finally turned her attention to the "Space Time Management Bureau".

Senxia plans to use the space-time administration as the connecting point of the two world lines, namely, the magic girl Naiye and the star ship voyage. The "uniqueness" of this organization must be strengthened.

Senxia decided to carry out a wave of inversion according to the setting.

In moriha's version of the magic maiden Naiye, the sense of existence of the space-time administration is far stronger than that of the "peer" on the other world line.

"What's more, do you want to incorporate Naiye's own script?"

Senxia thought for a moment.

But at the end of the day, he felt that it was not good to join in this way. And if it is not done well, it is likely that "star ship voyage" will become a vassal of "the magic maiden Naiye".

At least that's what senxia wants to avoid.

"Well, let Nell and fitter appear as some kind of seal."

Think about it. The surrogate of a surrogate (FOG) is the magic girl Naiye. Isn't it interesting?

And as a krypton gold game, Naiye's setting may be able to attract a wave of krypton gold trend.

"Ah, ah, ah, I don't want to work, ah, ah!"

Originally, after playing this trial game, senxia will start to work.

But how to say, when she was ready to write the script, she felt disgusted.

I always feel that if I work now, I will lose



But as soon as she had finished speaking, senxia heard a voice.

He almost jumped up.

"Learn, learn, sister?"

The person who came in from the outside was undoubtedly Qianjia.

Qianjia Xuejie was wearing a loose kimono bathrobe, and she stepped on wooden clogs.

Although the current research team was eliminated at the beginning, it seems that this does not affect the mood of Qianjia.

"Senxia Jun, are you going to give up again?" There was a happy smile on her face.

"Cough up, how can a writer's business be called a" drop in the bucket "! I just want to collect wind Well, yes, it's just collecting wind! "

Well, that's all!

"Well, even if you fish, it doesn't matter, because I just thought of a good way to deal with fishing." Qianjia smile expression, let Sen Xia a burst of cold.

"What method?" Senxia asked nervously.

Qian Jia smilingly took out a set of books.

This is the setting book of the magic maiden Naiye.

"Because we're going to release the demo version on Comiket, I've just looked at the set-up album once. You see, this is not bad."

Qian Jia turns to one page of the work.

At the top of this page is a large version of the ultimate magic godanet.

But in fact, this is not a grown-up version of Naiye, but a temporary growth Naiye using "adult magic".

In the plot, there is no long version of the role, but the growth of each character is set.

On this point, the staff of Lilly Kalou studio are very consistent: as long as Naiye keeps this level, she can't grow up!It's not just Lilly Kalou's studio people who think so. It's said that even the animation side, everyone thinks that Naiye is very cute.

Of course, after seeing the adult version of Naiye made by Ji ye, everyone was also very tangled - because this Naiye is also very popular to kneel and lick.

Want to kneel to lick, then how to do?

Oh, by the way, don't we have adult mode magic?

Then we all came to the conclusion that since there is an adult mode, we don't need to grow up. If there is any plot that needs adults to show up, it's good to go directly to adult mode.

"-- ah!"

Senxia, the old driver, immediately responded that Qianjia wanted to do something.

"Sister, do you want me to go to cos Naiye..."

"Ah? No, no, it's too normal. Since it's punishment, of course, it's more shameful, so it's the next one. "

-- fitter.

Fitter is a close combat character, so fitter started out in a black tights.

Maybe it's nothing for a girl, but for a boy, it's a bit shameful

"I, I worked hard to create it!"

Sure enough, the biggest driving force for people to move forward is not welfare, but punishment.

Tired Mori Xia, all of a sudden feel his waist strong, legs strong, the whole body up and down the problem has disappeared, the whole person spirit is excited.

“…… Tut, your physical fitness is very good. Originally, I decided to order a milk from Nini... "

Qianjia is boring.

"Well But did you try the demo version, too? " Sen Xia said that starting production, of course, it is impossible to immediately write like a God, here still need to conceive.

"Ah, I've tried it. It's refreshing to fight, and the picture is very good. Unfortunately, the map has boundaries..." Qian Jia shook her head.

"There is no way to do it, but we have set it back to the circle in the name of" border closure "

In all similar works, there is a thing called "boundary".

In the original version of Naiye, there is also the burning eye of Shana, and the later magic girl Lumu circle also has the space of a witch. In a bit of rudimentary, there are exorcism and enchantment.

"The kind of boundary convenient for the plot to unfold..." Thousand good shook his head and make complaints about it.

Mori's words were at a standstill.

well, as in the thousand Tat Tucao, these boundaries and what they play in the plot is "easy to make complaints about the plot."

thousand Chateau tucks are so well placed that even summer make complaints about how they should answer.

"But in terms of setting It's necessary. " Senxia said, "exclude other NPCs from the boundary. There is not so much machine performance in the game for these onlookers."

The stories in naiyeh are not open world, but those that delineate the size of the map and the boundary are the boundary range. The battles are all within the boundary. Therefore, there is no need to worry about other people being hurt. It is also reasonable that the map is stipulated to have stories within this small range.

Moreover, this similar setting does exist on another world line. Mori's side is just taking the doctrine once.

"All right. But what do you think after playing? Don't you mean to use reference to Naiye's setting part to inspire

Qianjia side said and gathered to the side of the Sen Xia, her whole body half of the body is leaning on the body of the Sen Xia.

"Ah, schoolsister?"

This is my welfare?

"Well, let's get started. I want to see your design for the first time."

…… Take back the preface, this is not welfare, this is debt collection


Saber is a sword soldier of fat series. There is a stem in this series. Only saber with light gun is good saber.

So Naiye, who uses two knives to flow, must kill with light gun. There is no problem

The watermelon circuit breaker is a two in one meow meow

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