What's the feeling of the leader looking at his own studio behind him?

Senxia didn't feel much before, but now, she found that she had already experienced it.

Qianjia lies beside senxia, watching senxia beating words, writing plans and basic settings.

What he meows is a sad story.

"I feel that there are a lot of Naiye's shadow. The magic device is set." Qianjia is looking at the above content at this time.

"That's of course," senxia said. "Because this design is based on the design of the magic girl Naiye."

In the part of the power system, Sen Xia still follows the original system design.

Of course, it's not exactly the same. It's just similar in some places.

The concept of the magic device is not unimportant in the magic maiden Naiye.

Because of the wonderful stories.

Naiye's connection with magic is due to the rising sun's heart. In the following works, the story of another heroine, the eight gods wind, is also related to a magic device called night sky book.

"There are two key parts in the story, one is the seal system, and the other is the magic weapon system, so it's about that." Said senxia.

"However, there seems to be no similar design for the seal system in Naiye's book..."

Qian Jia muttered.

"Well, after all, they are two different works. There must be differences." "If a world wants to improve continuously, it needs to constantly revise and modify its settings," senxia said

To put it simply, what you want to do with the fire is to follow a proper theme.

To put it another way, you must learn to eat books.

It may not be so friendly to the original fans, but convenient setting is also very important for the public's aesthetic.

At the beginning, kesulu running group series was also a relatively small part of the content, but after spreading to neon, and then deriving and transforming various works, kesulu gradually became a fashionable thing.

Another example is the model month around Sen Xia, DC and marvel. Everyone is constantly eating books and eating settings, covering the old settings with new settings, and then gradually improving them.

Of course, Sen Xia is not completely modifying the setting. His content should be called supplementary setting.


Senxia thought for a moment, and he suddenly felt that there were several holy seals behind Naiye It seems that it's quite touching!

Mm-hmm, that's right. Behind the paper of a pure and lovely girl, there is that kind of bright red and monstrous texture. It seems that the setting is really good.

"Well I think this setting can also be found in Naiye... "

Well, senxia thinks that this kind of design is really touching.

"I think you suddenly want to add settings, and the production team will kill you."

This kind of setting is not a novel, but a core part of the game.

Now Naiye's trial version is available. If you want to add new settings temporarily Well, there's no doubt that Sonia will die to death.

"Well, yes Anyway, this design is mainly related to the space time administration. In the first part, I think that as long as there is a simple mention, there will be no problem. "

Senxia felt that there was no need to force such a setting.

However, there is no such design in the first film, but in the second story, this design can be found.

For example, after the female Lord eight gods wind

Sen Xia said that, Qianjia naturally has no problem, but at this time, Qianjia looked at the content of Sen Xia's writing, but found that he seemed to have missed a part: "what about the change system? What about our special change system? "

"Well, I'm going to integrate it into the wizard system! Elder sister, if you disturb me like this, my mind will be broken! "

Senxia said that it would be great if Qianjia could leave her side.

This feeling of being checked by the leader really makes Sen Xia uncomfortable.

"Well." Qianjia did not leave, she just closed her mouth, but her body so close to senxia, it seems to become closer.

On the side of Sen Xia, she finally picked up the design of this part.

Dressing system, as one of the selling points of the plot, is also necessary!

However, senxia is the system and the magic part of the integration.

After all, the so-called "magic girl transformation" is actually the protagonist's clothing from daily clothing to magic protective clothing.

This is the system that the wizard is responsible for.

Changing clothes is a must.In this kind of adult oriented works, how can there be no such popular system!

The general clothes also calculate, the game can also provide more interesting clothing style!

This is the best!

As for the system of the seal, there is no problem. The seal can be responsible for providing skills, while this side is for providing attributes and features. It can be found in both aspects - this depends on the arrangement of numerical planning.

In the plot, krypton gold dots are two, seal and magic device.

Other aspects can serve as supplementary contents, but these two are the most important ones.

And this is the most interesting setting in the story.

After that, it is the more core part of the "space time administration".

In the original work, the space-time administration bureau is just a common "judicial organization", mainly engaged in the investigation, recovery and management of dimensional interference type contraband.

The Archean heritage in the plot, which is similar to the kind of sacred stone, is managed by the other party.

By the way, the existence of this organization in the original plot is very subtle.

In another world line interview with sonic, when they talked about the "time and Space Management Bureau" in the play, he even mistakenly thought that the space-time administration was run by Lindy and crono's family. Later, they realized that it was a large-scale organization.

"A-choo-a-choo -"

the rehearsal of Watanabe suddenly sneezed twice.

"Nanesan, do you want a rest?" Chao Yan, who has become a trainee agent, handed a bottle of water to Nana.

"Oh, thank you. It's just a little itchy on the nose." Nanai smiles.

"Oh, but naissan is really amazing. Such a high-intensity training, even now still so calm."

It was Lynette.

"Yes, master Nanai is really good!"

This is Ling Nai, whose eyes are shining.

At this moment, the three people of nanana are rehearsing.

At this time, they all had a series of high-intensity rehearsals.

And after that, waiting for their activities can be said to be the official start

It's a long way off.

After writing about the space-time administration, Sen Xia began to carry out a high-intensity magic reform on this organization.

The first is that the purpose of this organization should be reformed.

In the original work, the space-time administration had such a tall name, but in fact its birth was very delicate.

In another world line, the time and Space Administration Bureau became one because, about 150 years ago, the use of "weapons of quality" was banned for the maintenance of peace and security, and the use of "Archean heritage" was also restricted. Later, because of the need for force, magic power was regarded as a relatively safe and clean effective means, and began to manage the various worlds.

Well, it's an organization set up for the plot to unfold.

The so-called weapons of mass can be said to be similar to the existence of lethal weapons in the real world. In the plot, everyone's magic can be non lethal. In this harmonious world, how can there be such a bloody setting with one shot?

In addition, in the plot, you can see that the organization has a more profound view on the problems caused by the protagonists - even for some audiences, the organization is a little disgusting and disagreeable.

In the simplest way, it is the misfortune of the heroine bashenfengfeng in Naiye's second film, because of the operation of someone in the space-time administration. In the third part, many viewers also feel that Naiye's strength is limited by the authority, which is also very uncomfortable.

Mori declined to comment.

Because anyway, senxia is not going to use this setting.

- the guarantee organ for the continuity of human rights.

Senxia thought about it and typed such a line on the computer.

Well, this is a word that will kill senxia when you see it.

This is because this setting is related to another game named destiny. In this game, the Chaldeans in which the protagonist is located is actually such an organ, which is an organization for the survival of human beings.

However, Sen Xia thought about it for a while, but he felt that the concept was not in line with the name of the "space time administration".

Then he revised the "multidimensional and dimensional space-time observation support agency".

Well, that's fine.

In Mori's plot, the space-time administration is an existence to maintain the stability of the multiverse.

In the story, the purpose of this organization can be said to be made for the survival of the universe itself.

But senxia thought for a moment. Did he feel that the proposition was too big?It's a big proposition to protect human beings from falling into extinction. But what about maintaining the universe sounds like a high priority, but will it be somewhat ungrounded?

"And this organization is not an organization for catching the intruders, is it?"

make complaints about a certain stem on the Internet after more than 10 years.

"Wait a minute." Qian Jia suddenly said.

"What's the matter?"

Senxia side is still in trouble, how to write the content behind it, Qianjia suddenly interrupted senxia's thinking, let him turn his head.

"Well, senxia, is this a decent organization?"

"Well, the protagonist is probably working under the administration of time and space. It feels like this."

"But wouldn't it give people the feeling that the right side is too strong? When playing games, is there really no problem with this feeling? "

Qian Jia's one sentence, unexpectedly let the senxia here do not know how to answer.

But when I have to admit it, there seems to be no problem with Qianjia's question.

"What do you think of Xuejie?" Senxia asked.

"In this case, I think it's better to refer to the design of the magic maiden Naiye?"

Among the magic maidens Naiye, at the beginning, Naiye was completely alone.

In the story, Naiye gets to know the time and Space Administration, which is the later part of the story.

And in the story, the space time administration is not our role.

In the story, as our role, from the beginning to the end, only Naier and fitter as the enemy.

In the second half of the plot designed by senxia, Naiye, who has lost most of his magic power, will slash all the way from the bottom to the top of the maze and meet with fitter. And at this time, the space time administration will come.

But for fitter's sake, Naiye will let fitter go to his mother, so he lets fitter go, and even turns against these people from the space-time administration.

Of course, at this time, Naiye will use his own strength to stop all the people in the space-time Administration Bureau with his "love wife's power" (FOG).

This point, in fact, is different from another world line.

In another world line, naiyeh and yuno became non staff members of the space time administration.

but Sen thought, he thought this setting was not very awesome.

Because under this kind of design, the protagonist is simply "backed by a big tree". At this time, there is no sense of despair with great disparity in strength, so there is no comfortable feeling. The

has ups and downs, which can be regarded as a story.

For this reason,

revise the design of the space time administration, modify ing, and wait for five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!

Revise the space time administration's design, modify ing, wait five minutes!


The author Jun has returned to his hometown today, and praises his soul

Two in one meow ~

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