"Reasonably speaking, in the world of online games, there are several forces fighting. It should be considered as a more appropriate design, but the feeling is still a little worse..."

Senxia felt that she was still eating and checking something.

Sometimes it's very interesting to see the power competing for hegemony. However, it seems that it's not the same thing to put it in the star ship voyage as a web game.

If the whole story to consider epic, in the web game, it is very difficult to have that feeling.

Sure enough, the core of RPG is adventure.

"Otherwise, set up another Amway magic girl everywhere, and then turn all the girls into magic girls, and then degenerate into a suspicious organization of witches?"

Well, the characteristic of this race is a suspicious beast with long white ears

But senxia didn't think it was very good.

"Magic girl little circle" in the setting of this QB, although it is still interesting, but feel or check that point.


Or is it something like the universal unified information agency?

But then again, if this is the case, it's better to set the villains into the cool palace spring day type?

Think of here, Sen Xia suddenly turned his head and looked at Qian Jia around him.

"What do you think I do? Well Isn't it to use me as a prototype to design villains? "

Senxia is in the design force in the document at this time, so Qianjia can see the plan of senxia.

Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia was like a cat who had been trampled on its tail. He quickly shook his head: "no, no! I just want to ask my sister, do you have any suggestions for the design of our villains and forces? "

"Generally speaking, there are several situations in which the leading role is located. One is the elite team among the big forces, but it is in contradiction with the whole force; the second is that the protagonist is actually the adversary of this big force..." Qian Jia expressed his opinion.

"That's exactly what it is, so I'm suffering now..."

Senxia shook her head.

In the first case, there is a sense of "leading role". In the works of Takata, such as Okayama, there are two or three main forces. At the beginning of the game, the protagonist is often one of the forces.

In addition, the first setting can also create a feeling of "the world is drunk and I wake up alone". The advantage of this feeling is that it can further strengthen the feeling of being the protagonist. Moreover, it is also good for players to fight against the enemy while accepting other roles under the same force.

In the second case, the most existential part of the most classic story setting is the future world of Warcraft series. The war between the alliance and the tribe is a classic. Although the works of gang Da mu can be classified into the first type, it is not too bad to put them in the second type.

So what should we do?

Senxia is entangled.

"If you want to enhance the power of senxia Jun, it is not appropriate to fight for hegemony in many aspects."

"Well, I've also considered taking the protagonist as the opposite of the space-time administration, but this kind of design is not very good."

"What's the beginning of adopting multiple choices like" beautiful new world "

Hearing Qianjia's suggestion, Sen Xia quickly shook his head.

"This is not impossible, but our current game is a web game, which is totally different from the previous word games. If you want to do the same as before, it is impossible to say that it can't be done, but it will cost a lot of resources and time limit. "

Let's not mention the feelings of the players.

If this kind of thing is really released to make, senxia thinks that she will be rushed in and killed by the production team that night.

Beautiful new world is a word game. The character of word game is to be able to achieve many features that other platforms can't do.

In this respect, of course, web games can be done, but those pictures and sketches are a wave of work, which is really not something that can be done simply.

"Well, but I really like games with high degrees of freedom. Players can choose whether they want to be magic girls and whether they work for the space time administration. It's actually quite good."

"Ah By the way, our story can really start from here

Hearing Qian Jia's words, Sen Xia here suddenly had an idea: "at the beginning of our story, the protagonist is an ordinary person from the earth. He was selected by the magic device because of an event, or opened the inheritance of a seal, and then slowly contacted the space-time Administration Bureau. It seems that it is also good."

This kind of routine, in fact, is similar to the original magic girl Naiye's routine.

What, you ask Naiye now?

Now Naiye, of course, is the air of heaven and earth!Naiye, the world's most powerful magic girl appointed by senxia, is such a thing!

Senxia has decided on the strength of naiyeh, and it is obviously impossible to design the story according to another world line.

It's really interesting that the protagonist's attitude towards the sky, the earth, the air and so on.

"Well, it seems to be good. In the accident, the protagonist gets a dimensional submarine ship and starts his own journey... "

Well, it's a good setting.

The main line of the story is related to a certain "Archean heritage". In terms of this Archean heritage, the space-time administration may appear in the story.

"In that case, it's easy to set." It was a lot easier for sonchardon.

"It's a good setting. But what is the crisis? What is it? You've written so much here, but I haven't seen anything about it. " Qianjia also thinks this design is good.

"It's very simple. The earth where the protagonist lives is burned down because of this archaic Heritage Well, no, it should be frozen Well, it's not good Well, it should have been banished to the end of the void. In order to save mankind, the protagonist needs to take constant risks... "

"But is this setting too tight?" Qianjia thinks that this kind of setting is not very good, "our setting, is not a gentleman's game?"

"It's because of the gentleman's game that a serious plot is needed." Senxiali said of course.

After finishing this sentence, senxia continued to knock on the text: "if you can, let the earth explode is the most dangerous setting. If the players know that this is actually done by the space time administration, it will be more interesting. At the end of the day, let's turn it upside down to let everyone know that the reason why the space-time administration destroyed the earth was actually for the continuation of the universe Mm-hmm, that's good! "

In front of her eyes, Sen Xia is walking farther and farther on the road of "healing". Qianjia quickly pinches Sen Xia's cheek with both hands.

"No, no What are you doing

All of a sudden, senxia, who was planning to be interested, began to resent.

"Didn't you tell me that web games are a more relaxed type? Can this kind of plot be called relaxed? "


Qian Jia's words made Sen Xia's words stop.

This plot seems to be very good, but Sen Xia thought, such a game main line, really is too heavy.

"Well, I'll do it again."

Mori painstakingly abandoned this setting for the time being.

However, Sen Xia did not intend to give up all these contents.

These contents are suitable for the follow-up story of moriha's the magic maiden Naiye.

What's more, the second part of the original world line has a similar way? It's just because of the result of the plot deduction that it doesn't become so cruel.

"Speaking of it, we can set all the characters as the magic maidens who have signed the contract, so there will be no problem?" Qian Jia looks at Sen Xia here strangely.

"Ah? But what about boys? "

"Well? In this story, we can play male protagonists? "

Senxia and Qianjia look at each other.

Obviously, there is a subtle difference between the two about the rest of the story.

"Wait a minute! Senxia Jun, can you play male in this game

"Oh, of course. There are not only male protagonists, but also male seals. Lovely boys can be magic maidens. Isn't this a very interesting setting

Mori thinks there's nothing wrong with this setting.

“……” Qianjia probably wanted to refute before, but after hearing senxia say "lovely boy", Qianjia looked at Sen Xia here and seemed to be thinking. Finally, she resolutely chose to let go of this setting: "well, I misunderstood it before, so it's ok now."


Senxia continued to tap the words.

"That's it. One day, the sky of the earth split, and huge and indescribable things floated out of it, and then these monsters were killed by the space time administration... "

Well, senxia simply referred to some of the world settings in Neil for reference.

"Before that, the authority also noticed the earth in the remote corner of the multiverse..." Senxia began to beat the words, "because the nameless creatures pollute the earth, many people suffer from strange diseases, and then these people are taken to the space-time administration's capital planet midzelda for medical treatment. After the treatment is completed, the protagonist chooses to stay in the magic world until now... "

The sense of the times is fully reflected.

At the beginning of the story, the protagonist is similar to the setting of "the little man of the big age".

"Well, this design is not bad..."This kind of setting makes Qianjia feel very good.

"Well, it is because of the infected constitution that the protagonist can accept the seal. In this way, all the" unique feelings "of the protagonist will be created." Speaking of this, senxia also nodded with satisfaction.

"Then at the beginning of the story, the player is studying magic at the school of magic in midzelda, so that the story can unfold freely."

The main line still needs to have, but as a half open web game, this kind of setting, Sen Xia feels also completely no problem.

In the story, the main line is around the monster that appears at the beginning of the story.

"But what is this monster?" Qianjia is like a curious baby. This setting made Qianjia feel very interesting, so she asked.

"Er -" and then senxia was embarrassed. Because what is this monster Senxia didn't really think about it.

"Well, dimensional cataclysm? Time and space devourer? " Senxia murmured, and his eyes suddenly brightened. "Oh, by the way, let's just set this creature as the creator."

"Oh? God? It's an interesting setting, but what are you going to do? "

"The creation of gods may not be the wishes of gods, but human beings may be the product of accidents. So the real gods are always destroying and destroying human beings. Who should be like this. The second assumption is that the gods created human beings, but for their own survival and greed, human beings began to hunt down their Creator... "

Senxia inexplicably like this kind of black deep residual plot.

But after senxia finished these contents, he noticed that Qianjia was looking at himself with a kind of delicate eyes at the moment: "I don't think there is anything wrong with your setting like this, but are you sure you really need to use this design?"

"How..." After hearing Qianjia's words, senxia had some guilty feelings.

"It's not impossible, but isn't it too cruel? Don't you like JOJO very much, so let's have a little hymn of human beings! "

The hymn of man is the hymn of courage!

Qianjia's proposal is very good, but Sen Xia thinks that if he really refers to JOJO, he will probably create a more deformed and profound story.

"Well, I was wrong." Mori Xia learned from the bitter experience and introspection.

Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it! Fix it!



As soon as Naiye was mentioned, everyone became active. Ovo

the author even wanted to write a magic girl!

Cough, buccal

Two in one meow ~

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