It has to be said that xuenai's "day in the campus", let the players have a kind of reflection.

In a sense, anti routine works are original and independent.

This is especially true for players who are used to playing GALGAME.

A heroine, then a heroine, and then a heroine.

It looks normal and beautiful.

But when they're trying to make new friends What will old love think?

"Day on campus" shows such a scene.

Pain, suffering, and finally to despair of the girls, torture the players' hearts.

Not only that.

At the end of the day, the "colored egg" ending of five girls also appeared.

The players are surprised to find that girls get along well with each other Until we see the end.

The result of being dismembered after death is enough to calm anyone down.

Although the egg ending looks good, it also tells the players that you think too much.

The routine of "day on campus" immediately triggered a discussion on the Internet.

Players have doubts about whether they should launch strategies for several heroines at the same time.

"At the same time, I think it's nothing to be happy about for girls. They will also suffer and grieve themselves... "

"I really don't understand why" day on campus "should design the story of girls and me together as such sadness, which is meaningless at all. Why does DW society feel that girls feel pain when they share a boy?

-Landlord, I think you haven't woken up in your dream. Which girl would like her boyfriend to be with other girls!

--Don't say it. It's true. One of my cousins is accompanied by several girls. It is said that he not only plays with the girls, but also plays with them

---Speaking of it, I suddenly think of my sister. There are two boys who have been pursuing my sister, but later I learned that these three people actually like each other

----Hello, Hello, upstairs, please say "like each other" clearly. What is mutual love

"Day on campus" is a clear stream among galgames now. This game is quite different from the games we have played before, "

in a word, there are a lot of similar news on the Internet.

Because of this, there is a big debate.

In this year, GALGAME is still inseparable from the 18x, and 18x games, the most common is that there are several heroines can be player strategy, players can push down one sister paper, and then push down another.

But "day in the campus" has given these players a slap in the head.

Ah ah, ah, originally, when we attack other girls, those girls who fall in love with us should be so miserable!

These Houseboys, who have no girlfriends at all, howl bitterly on the Internet because of their non-existent girlfriends.


It's embarrassing and cruel, but it's true.

The debate lasted for less than half a month, but this debate not only did not stop, but also spread from online to offline.

What's more, it's not just that day is special on campus.

To the surprise of players, the choice in the game.

These options are also very special.

Because in addition to choosing one of them, not choosing is also a choice.

In this game, the choice is time limited. When the time limit arrives, the player will default "no choice".

But this "no choice" is different from other games, and the silence of "no choice" is also a kind of route.

If players take this route, it is OK, and sometimes silence is the best answer.

This mode, in the past game is extremely rare.

However, it is very common in the campus.

The sales volume of the game went straight to 100000 sets.

For group A, this is a very small volume, but for DW, it is already a hot selling game.

100000 sets of GALGAME, which is definitely a very popular number.

But for the whole a group, the sales volume is not so good.

After all, with the black soul and the fairy sword, these millions of games, such as "day on campus" over there, are not enough to watch. And "gem maze", "Zuma" and "Plants vs. Zombies" such games, that is the crushing level of crushing. As for the tens of millions of sales, even Nintendo are scared of "brain platinum", that is not to mention.In fact, the order of Phoenix now has the spare power and money to develop the next generation of mainframe and handheld computers, as well as accumulate technology, because of the popularity of the game "naobaijin".

By the way, "naobaijin" also made Xbox such a hot mobile phone that Nintendo had to choose to release the GBA handset by the end of this year. Otherwise, Nintendo's market would be bad.

Of course, leisure games are for the public, while "naobaijin" is for the middle-aged and the elderly. Compared with the "day on campus" which faces the core group, it is basically bullying people.

But in the industry, this number is already very good.

If the future "steam era" has a game platform like steam, it's also another thing to say - the number of users of the platform is still too small.

But it is undeniable that 100000 sales of love nurturing games, this hot work, is absolutely explosive level.

Even DW news agency has put forward a motion on whether to adapt animation.

With such a terrible sales bottom, adaptation of animation, pull investment is also very easy.

Sales volume is confidence.


College starts later than high school.

So when Lily, xiaotou and Shiyin started school, senxia had not yet started school.

So at this time, senxia is still paying attention to xuenai's new works.

After all, as my sister's work, I can't miss anything!

But after playing the game, senxia had a nightmare that night.

Well, a super nightmare where you're divided into dozens.

Fortunately, after waking up, senxia found that she was all right all over.

"I read the post last night..."

Senxia shakes her head with some confusion.

After playing the game yesterday, senxia went to the Internet to read the comments, and found that some of the comments on the network were quite interesting.

Especially when she saw those people praising xuenai, she felt a kind of pleasure from the heart.

Ah, ah, Xue Nai's works are recognized by everyone!

Sister's works are accepted by the public, which is the best reward and reward for Sen Xia.

And Mori also found that everyone for this kind of game, also very much love.

One of the advantages of these game groups is that they are more tolerant and have strong consumption ability and impulse. Unlike casual users, these people will always be loyal fans of the whole work or the whole game series.

But if it's just that, that's fine.

Kesenha is not going to be limited to this.

After getting up from the head of the bed, senxia came to the computer, and then turned on the computer.

"The next step is interactive Filmization..."

Senxia wants to expand her field and turn gentleman culture into popular culture.

If this is the case, pure word games can't do it - even if you remove the labor, you can't do it.

But there is a way to make Mori do it.

That's interactive Filmization.

It has been concluded that from text to still images, the number of users will increase by 10 times, while from static images to dynamic images, the number of users will continue to expand by 10 times.

Originally, this was used to describe the relationship between novels, comics and animation, but senxia felt that it was also very suitable for the game group.

Galgames such as "day on campus" are such examples. This game is a word game with some pictures attached. However, after senxia tried to add 2dlive system into the game, as well as animation, the sales and word-of-mouth of "day on campus" instantly reached the highest level of the whole gentleman market.

Of course, in front of "sin crown" and "fat" series, this is not "day on campus" this game can be compared. It will be able to PK this world's moon Ji.

This is because "day on campus" uses new techniques to make the characters "move".

But that's not enough.

This "move", it can be said that "move" is not very thorough, this game is just a word love game.

To deepen it, you have to fix the nature of the game.

In addition to "animation", the best solution is "visual interactive film".

"In this respect, you can adjust it and add a little bit of facial pinching elements..."

In the story, because the player is the "player" itself, so at the beginning of the story, only the "player" is "playing".

But in the interactive movie version, it must have the most suitable "Settings" of the player itself.The simplest solution. It's "face pinching.".

"But I'm afraid it's not very interesting for men to pinch their faces..."

At this time, senxia suddenly thought of some games in another world.

In these games, players can not only adjust themselves, but also adjust the outside of girls who want to play.

This is surprisingly useful.

Although the mechanism of similar systems is very magical, it is a pity that these mechanisms are all found in butter.

But it is undeniable that these games occupy a very large part in the small butter.

What, you said that there is this kind of design in normal game?

Of course, there is nonsense. It is because of this that it is interesting!

However, there are less of them that can feel and show off like this in the small butter. This is the most pitiful place.

However, it is undeniable that the game of playing the role created by oneself, which can be regarded as the strategy of one's daughter's feelings in a sense, can really make some people excited.

"But in the face of the public, it seems to be too straightforward..."

Sen Xia thought for a moment, and he thought that the acceptance of this model, perhaps for the public, was a little too much.

So senxia thought about it, and sure enough, it was better to lower the taste a little.

People's aesthetic hobbies are constantly refined and in-depth.

It's as if senxia launched a game of "dongma Xiaosan" and "Xuecai bichi" at this time. People at this time are not the same fire.

On another world line, "White Album 2" has launched an animation game, which once caused a great repercussion among the audience. Among them, "dongma Xiaosan" and "Xuecai bichi" have become indispensable for playing. The so-called "Bai Xue Xue" has also been compared with "Hongxue" by good people.

However, in fact, in this era, there is already the first white album.

It's just a pity that although the sales of the white album are OK, it has not become the so-called "blockbuster" works.

If Sen Xia now launched "White Album 2" this game, it is definitely not as popular as "day on campus".

Sen Xia doesn't know whether Xue is aware of it or not, but "day on campus" in this period is definitely a kind of "reflection" on a series of games in the 1990s.

That's one of the reasons the game is so popular.

If the White Album 2 is launched at this time, there will be no soil - because many players still have the idea that "you are our wings".

However, if there are a series of works including "day on campus" and so on, the entire game market has been reshaped, so that everyone can realize that "special love" is the best choice, and then slowly develop the Shura field, this method is the most effective.

At least that's what Sonia thinks.

His inference is reasonable.

It can be foreseen that with "day on campus", the following works will definitely not be less.

Senxia doesn't care about these follow-up works. As long as they don't go too far, senxia is still very fond of the behavior that can prosper the industry.

After the whole market has been washed away by this style, works like "white album" will really come to the development stage.

Chai Dao is just a "technology tree" in front of it.

"But who is the script for this" interactive movie version "? Otherwise, let the snow do it? "

Senxia thinks it's a good idea to find snow.

But I don't know why. At the thought of looking for xuenai, senxia felt a little chilly on her back.

"Why do you always feel like I've been divided into seventeen pieces? Er, illusion, it must be an illusion... "


17 pieces are Yueji's stem, the male Lord divides the female Lord aierquette 17

Today's meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow, meow

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