Senxia was not divided into seventeen pieces after all.

Moreover, senxia didn't look for xuenai. Because before senxia looks for xuenai, xuenai has already found senxia.

The purpose of snow is to find senxia, not to divide it into seventeen pieces. In fact, snow is for "day on campus"

- but for snow is their own game.

“…… Is this the game you're planning? "

At this time, senxia was in her room.

This is the area in the dusk. Although the sunset finally gets the right to live with mori, it doesn't mean that other people can't come.

So the snow came here at this time.

Sen Xia sits on the chair, looking at the computer in the snow is to do the scheme.

And snow is standing behind senxia, her chest part pressed on the head of senxia, let senxia some blue thin mushrooms.

But because she had a nightmare that was divided by seventeen, senxia said she didn't dare to move.

"Brother, my game How about it? "

Snow is the dull hair on the head swinging all the way, which shows her some nervous heart.

"Well It's very special. " Senxia muttered, "how did you think of playing this game?"

Senxia's expression is a little subtle.

Because of the game Well, senxia has a sense of seeing.

A very subtle sense of seeing.

"Because last month, Zhentong and I returned to the dormitory ahead of time, and then they started the gall training meeting..."

Xuenai told us her thoughts that day.

Sen Xia was not able to laugh or cry.

At first, the brain holes on xuenai's side were similar to "zero" series. Well, for example, the well-known "Witch of the cuckoo". Then, xuenai's brain hole, somehow, turned into a zombie.

Four sister paper escaped from the dormitory, then cut melons and vegetables all the way, and finally escaped the story of Shengtian.

Well, the logic of the story is fine.

But senxia thinks there are still some Subtle.

Because of xuenai's design, shire thought of a No, it's two games.

The names of these two games, one is called "Princess Rose", and the other is called The road to survival.

"Sister Rose" is a game that will be launched in a few years. Of course, how this game is now, senxia does not know.

Anyway, senxia has found that with her own development, there are more exquisite works in the world, but some works that should have been there are missing.

Well, then, senxia doesn't care much about it.

As long as it wasn't the masterpiece that disappeared, Narcissus didn't worry much.

In Mori's opinion, "the rose of the imperial sister" is also a meat work that can be played. If it is corresponding to the crowd, it may rise to a good work or even a masterpiece. But if it can't match the radio wave, it may also play.

The reason why Mori thought of this game was that it was an action game with the unique theme of killing zombies with swimsuit paper holding a Japanese knife. The first work of "imperial Sister Rose" was released on the PS2 platform in 2004, which once caused a heated discussion and won the favor of many players.

Even "Sister Rose" made a movie for it.

After that, the game also went on the Xbox 360 platform, and launched a series of sequels and so on.

After that, however, the game was released to Wii, a third-party game killer.

And then Well, no, then.

Now that we are on the Wii platform, naturally there is no such thing.

However, xuenai's creativity is similar to this game.

Because snow is part of the design here, that is, there is a Taidao sister who can use knives to cut zombies.

"You really want to cut zombies with knives." Senxia shook her head.

Nowadays, "zombies" and "guns" are basically bound together, and few people can jump out of this circle.

"Ah, this is Xiaoyuan's idea." Xuenai moved forward a little, and Sen Xia felt that the weight on her head was heavier. "I think Xiaoyao's idea is still very good ~"

"well, this idea is quite creative." Senxia continues to look at the documents on xuenai's side.

How to say, although at first glance it seems to be a little similar to "Sister Rose", they are all sister paper games.

But it's not just that.

Sen Xia found that the game's playing method, in fact, is closer to another "road to survival.".

The road to survival is also released by the team led by the famous "no three" g Pang.

G Pang is often called "can't count three" because he can't produce "half life 3" and "road to survival 3".

Even, for a while, the other party, like the third season of the list of forbidden books, was considered a "nonexistent thing.".However, the cruel thing is, "magic forbidden 3" is really going out, but before moriha jumps the timeline, "half life 3" and "the road to survival 3" are still in which corner.

"The road to survival" is a cooperative game of four players. The way to play this game is that the player controls four players, kills out of the zombies, goes all the way, finds the safe house and escape point, and then escapes the target. It is a typical first person shooting game.

In this respect, xuenai's idea is different from the previous action games.

"What do I think, brother?" Xue Nai asked curiously.

"Well I have two ideas. " "One is to extract the elements of girls and melee and make them into action games. The other is to extract the elements of escape and make them into shooting games. If we want to carry out development, it is basically from these two levels. Which do you prefer, xuenai? "

If senxia really worked out his own plan, he would not ask.

But since it's Snow who wants to play games, of course you have to protect your brother!

In the mouth, afraid of melting, holding in the hand afraid of breaking, this is Sen Xia's love for his sister.

What, you said you were worried about the seventeen partition?

How can we take things seriously Really

Senxia said that the seventeen partition and other things are hallucinations, which can't scare me!

"Ah Must it be separated? " Sen Xia's view, let snow is a bit distressed.

"Well, or what better idea do you have?" Senxia asked.


Snow is into thinking, her body slightly forward.

Senxia felt as if her head was heavier.

"If it's a girl First person Escape How about it? " Xue is still a little concerned about this aspect.

"Let me see."

Sen Xia is also thinking.

To be honest, the type of "road to survive" is really interesting, but the type of meat selling "Sister Rose" seems to be good.

"What's more, if the protagonist only has a sister, it can't be Selling meat Zombies Escape Ah That's right. "

Senxia suddenly thought of a work.

Don't say, senxia really thought of a work.

This work perfectly meets all the requirements of xuenai.

However, this game is not a game work, even this work has not appeared.

"School Park The implied record... "

Senxia squinted and murmured.

Yes, the work that Sen Xia thought of was the silent record of the school garden.

This is a famous work. Many people may not have seen this work, but they still remember the picture of the chest shaking and dodging bullets in this work.

Even if you really avoid bullets as shown in the animation, the chest part will surely burn.

But undeniably, this work is definitely a very excellent "doomsday theme" animation and cartoon game.

However, it is a pity that before senxia came to this time line, the "eunuch" had been "eunuch" for a long time. It is said that the author who wrote the script for the cartoon passed away. Although the painter is still there, without the script, the follow-up of the story will be unsustainable.

However, senxia is only a part of the pity of selling meat. After all, the story of the revelation of Xueyuan, in a sense, is not very friendly to a large oriental country.

However, this does not prevent reference.

No, rather to say, because of this, senxia now feels more at ease when he is "learning".

"Xuenai, if we set the stage for the beginning of the story on campus, and then there are men and women - what do you think?"

"Opening?" Snow is a crooked head, "it seems that there is no problem..."

Xuenai didn't care much about it.

Although the snow was based on his friends at the beginning to think of the student dormitory, but to modify the location, this is nothing.

"What do you think, brother?"

"Well, almost..." Senxia has some interesting ideas.

"Nah, what's your brother's interesting story?" Snow is immediately curious to ask a sentence.

"Well, I think it's interesting for students to cut zombies. You see, girls in sailor suits fight zombies."

Oh, wait, there seems to be something wrong.

Isn't this the story of xuenai?

Why am I thinking about it now?

Sen Xia's face was confused.

"Well, when my brother said that, it became very interesting." I've been interested in it since chenaton.Well

Forget it.

Anyway, snow is so lovely. How about helping her design?

my lovely sister is everything!

Senxia said, sister Saigao!

Senxia thought for a moment, and then said, "the story is about one day, the whole world began to be infected by zombies. The sudden outbreak of zombie virus caught the world by surprise. And the school where the protagonist of our story lives, didn't realize at the beginning that the world has been infected by zombies... "

At the beginning of the story, it is because the zombie attacked the school, but at the beginning the school did not know, so the infection of the zombie caused the initial panic.

The story of Xia Yinyuan is similar to that of the protagonist in xueyinyuan, but it is just the beginning.

After describing the background roughly, Xue Nai nodded: "it looks really interesting. Escape from a closed College... "

"That's about it."

That's what senxia said.

Of course, games and cartoons are not the same.

In the original, the protagonist of the story leaves school by bus at the beginning.

The protagonist of the story, Xiao Shixiao, takes a big Bo Mei paper and a homeboy to set off himself. He gets on the school bus all the way and starts his legendary journey Then the eunuch.

It's not natural for senxia to come like this.

Since it is a game, at the beginning, we can't escape easily.

For the first level of the game, the scene and route should be as follows:

(Level 1) leave the teaching building from the rooftop to the school gate → (Level 2) find that the road ahead is blocked, and try to leave after going to the school → (Level 3) go to the back mountain bypass and find that there is no way to go → (Level 4) go back to school from another road → (Level 5) go to the school parking lot, Find the gas and leave on the school bus.

It's basically such a routine.

Then the beginning of the second level, naturally, is the story of the players who lost the school bus and had to walk.

Oh, by the way, there can be a checkpoint on the road. The car breaks down in the middle of the road, and then find tools to repair the car and refuel

The game is probably designed like this.

Sen Xia beat her idea to the text on the computer, which made Xue Nai a burst of surprise.

"If it's such a story, it's really interesting..." Xuenai also thinks such a story is very good.

"What would you do if you were asked to outline the story?"

Although senxia has been helping xuenai to make this thing, he still hasn't forgotten. It is xuenai who wanted to play games at the beginning.

Since xuenai wants to make it, give it to xuenai!

As a brother, senxia has helped xuenai too much before, so she needs to give the opportunity back to xuenai.

"Well, if it's such a story, I'll probably arrange for the whole city to be wiped out. When the protagonist thinks he's saved, he will arrange a nuclear baptism, or a superevolutionary zombie. Well, is it too common? If it's my own, I should go to find my brother first. Then, I and my brother will build a nest of love that only belongs to the two of us

At first xuenai said it was ok, but when I heard the last sentence, the time was not calm.

He immediately stretched out his head and took a picture of the snow.

But then senxia realized that the weight on her head seemed to come from xuenai's broad mind

"Brother bullies people!" Snow is complaining about senxia.

"What is the bird's nest of love?" Senxia pretended not to hear it, and then turned aside the topic, "you first talk about your own ideas, I think this route seems to be able to make a game..."


It's true that the topic of "Rose" was less than that of "Yu Jie"

However, I can't believe it. In the end, it was the school's tacit recording of ~ 2333

in memory of Mr. Hawking.

Two in one meow

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