The script is up to xuenai, and what senxia has to deal with is another thing.

That's the second semester.

Xuenai had been sent back to the white lily women's University last night, because she also had classes.

Mori Xia, who got up early, washed up early in the morning, and then came to the living room.

"Good morning, sunset."

"Good morning, master."

Xiyan has prepared breakfast for mori.

Bread, borscht, poached eggs and tempura.

A delicate and delicious breakfast.

“……” But senxia just felt a little uncomfortable.

He looked at the sunset over there.

"Oh, sunset, is there something on my face?"

"No Said sunset.

"Then why are you staring at me all the time?"

"This is your illusion." Sunset looked at Sen Xia, "is it the host that you want to chat up in such a poor way? It's very rude. "

"I didn't want to chat up in this way." Sen Xia felt that she was not dignified enough in front of the sunset?

"It doesn't matter. It's human nature to admit that you have a dirty desire." "Maybe you can choose to write a letter to me, and then say to me," maybe I will be moved by you. "

"Is there a play like this?"

"No, in that case, I can refuse you more neatly."


I don't know if it's an illusion. Mori always feels that the words Xiyan said today seem strange?

"So why should I do such a thing?" Senxia rolled her eyes.

"Forget it." Senxia shook her head and decided not to tangle with such unreliable things.

Sunset has always been like this, Mori summer has not wanted to tangle.

Let her do it, and she'll be happy - that's what senxia thinks now.

"If you come back, if you have something to say to me, should I wait for the master in advance?"

"Ah?" Sen Xia looks confused.

I wish I didn't mean it at all?

The setting face is really strange.

"Nothing." Sunset closed her eyes, as if nothing had happened, which made Sen Xia look confused.

What's the situation?

"Anyway, what are you doing when I go to class

Mori Xia decided to switch the topic, sidetracking what the sunset really wanted to do.

"Nothing. Do housework, go shopping, maintain daily practice, or save the world by the way."

"Ha? Wait a minute. I can understand the first few, but what about the last one? "

has make complaints about Tsun Tsu's soul, and now he can't help but want to make complaints about it.

"Literally." The face of Xiyan is always the same. If Sen Xia hadn't seen the smiling sunset face, he even suspected that the other party was actually a facial paralysis

Well, Xiyan is not facial paralysis, on the contrary, she laughs very well.

"By the way, have you contacted sister Yi Ji?" Senxia asked curiously.

"Hey, as long as I'm free, I'll get guidance from my predecessors." Said sunset.

"I see. But I don't seem to be in Tokyo recently." Sen Xia remembers that Yi Ji Jie was borrowed by her father, who was in Hokkaido at this time.

"It's nothing. It's just the maintenance of some antique products in the family." Sunset this ordinary tone, as if to say something very trivial, can hear the words of sunset, senxia at this moment is more curious.

"What kind of antique maintenance do you want sister Yi Ji to do in person?" Senxia asked in surprise.

"Hi, that's right." Xi Yan replied, "there is a submarine from Germany during World War II over there. Only key personnel can be involved in that submarine. Therefore, this kind of thing can only be handed over to senior Yiji."

“…… Is that so... "

German submarines in World War II?

Well, there was a little mustache in mud boom during World War II, and the things there seemed to be quite normal. The only thing that makes people wonder is how the mustache submarine fell into the hands of the Tianhai family.

"When will sister Yi Ji be back?" Senxia asked curiously.

"According to the time period and value of different commodities, maintenance and maintenance can not be completed overnight." So said sunset.

"I see." Senxia nodded - though he doubted what she was doing.

"I don't think it's a big deal." Xiyan said, "master, after class today, you can go to your hometown and marry sister Yi Ji If you are rude, you can visit sister Yi Ji. "Hello, Hello, I always feel like you just meant something!

I don't know if it's an illusion. Mori always feels that the sunset is strange from the beginning.

And this malice is really more and more fierce!!

"Sunset, I don't know if it's my illusion. There must be something wrong with you today?" Senxia finally asked.

"No Sunset said, "you have nothing to be afraid of, so this kind of thing, please don't hang on to heart."

No, no, no, I feel so scared now!

"- sunset, have you ever thought about going to college with us or something?" Senxia asked.

Although Xiyan is senxia's maid, Xiyan is not only a servant of senxia. If Xiyan can get along well with other girls, it will be very good?

Sunset, usually only one person.

But if she could be with other girls, maybe that would be a good thing?

"You think so much, my master. I already have a much higher education than you. If you need, I can enter the school and become your teacher. If you need it, I have no problem with the play of teachers and students. "

Sunset words, let Sen Xia have a kind of can't look directly at the feeling.

But Sen Xia also has no way, because sunset is such a character.

"Well Do you have any good friends or something like that Senxia simply changed a question that went straight to the subject.

"Well, when I was in Tianhai village, I had a lot of friends."

In other words, I don't have many friends here?

Senxia looked at the sunset in front of her.

Although the sunset itself does not seem to care about the appearance, but the idea of the sunset, but very concerned about.

Do you want to find some friends of the same gender for Xiyan?

Today's sunset seems to be very wrong, Sen Xia think it is better to let sunset and other girls cultivate some feelings together?

Senxia thought of Lynette at this time.

Lynette's character is that very comfortable feeling of the girl next door, and that kind of character of the girl, is really very ordinary.

- "ordinary" is not a derogatory term, but Sen Xia thinks that what Xiyan just lacks is such an "ordinary" friend.

Senxia knows what's going on in Tianhai village.

After all, senxia went there after some special training, and turned himself into an old driver smoothly.

The atmosphere of that place can't be normal!

"If you feel sorry for me, master, you don't have to." Xiyan said, "I don't lack friendship, and too much interpersonal relationship is a burden to me."

"Er - OK, I'm sorry."

Senxia is a little embarrassed.

Indeed, as sunset said, for some people, too much interpersonal relationship will affect their own way of life.

Some people don't want to be disturbed. Mori thinks it's normal.

Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified!Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified!

Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified! Before I fell asleep, I found that I had typed a lot of random codes, which have been removed and are being modified!

"I'm gone."

Sonia opens the door.

"Good luck to you."

Behind him, sunset greets himself.

After leaving the house, senxia breathed out a breath, and then walked to the front of the picture of incense.

"I've been waiting for a long time

"Nothing." "She smiles." does Sen Xia Jun seem to have something on her mind

"Ah - nothing." Senxia waved.

Sunset today strange, this kind of thing, Sen Xia will not casually say.

"It's because of what happened to my predecessors. Today, it seems that Sen Xiajun is going to "pursue" Qianjia senior? " She said with a smile.

"Ah? You all know that! " Sen couldn't help but make complaints about it.

"Ah, because Qianjia has told us all about it." "She said that we could join together," she said with a smile


Erixiang chuckled: "today Mori Xiajun and I went to school together Well, the popularity has been improved by 10 points, Sen Xiajun ~ "

" don't play like this at this time, hulixiang... " Senxia is a little sad.

Some things are good, but some things are always silent.

"But isn't it interesting?" She was very happy.

Well, compared with Qianjia, the picture in front of her is more like playing.

Comparatively speaking, there is a sense of heaviness in senxia.

Then senxia frowned.

Walking along the road, he suddenly thought of something.

"Sunset That's what it means

Senxia thought of it.

This is an illusion. I'll write to you when I come back. Wu Yunchang long And "go back to your hometown to get married" - by the way, Xiyan, the sentence you didn't finish at that time must be "marriage", it's marriage!

From the beginning, sunset is to set up their own flag, the flag of death!

Senxia understood by this time.


Today's meow meow meow meow, meow meow ~

two in one meow ~

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