"Is it a bit cold today?"

Through the shade, moriha squinted and looked up at the sky.

The sun is shining brightly.

But the death flag of sunset to Sen Xia Li makes Sen Xia uncomfortable all over.

Always feel some inexplicable stillness spread behind him, that kind of feeling full of malice, let senxia suspect that he suddenly jumped to the world line of death.

"Is the temperature OK, senxia Jun? Do you have a cold?" Erixiang looked at Sen Xia with some worry.


I'm just a little guilty

Senxia murmured in her heart.

"Ah - it's the sauce with habitat!"

Hulixiang waved to the front.

Mori Xia followed the eyes of hulixiang and saw the habitat in front of her.

She stood there, waving to Sonia and smiling.

"There is a habitat!"

She wrote "Youqi" and read it as "Alice". She liked the pronunciation of her name.

"Good morning, good morning."

Senxia immediately went up to say hello.

It has to be said that when she and Youqi are together, senxia always feels very happy. She is a girl who can make people feel calm and comfortable. Her incredible atmosphere makes her feel better every time she sees her.

"Good morning, senxia Jun, hulixiang." Youqi opened his notebook.

Youqi has a habit. She always prepares a notebook with some common words on it. As long as she says hello, she will turn over the written words in advance.

After the three men's round, they went to school together.

September is the beginning of a school year for most countries, including a big eastern country, but September is the beginning of the second semester for Nihong.

After getting acquainted with everyone, after a whole summer vacation separation, meet again, but some strange.

This is especially true of college students.

On weekdays, people get together less and leave more, and the time to meet is probably just class. This atmosphere, which is completely different from that of high school, is sometimes very subtle.

Of course, there are exceptions. Similar to the white lily women's University where xuenai is located, the relationship between students in that place is even closer.

Because it is the second semester, so there is no opening ceremony and so on.

"Senxia Jun seems to have a lot on his mind. Is there any trouble?" In class, Youqi sat beside Mori Xia.

Although it is very inconvenient to have a notebook to talk on weekdays, it is a good way to communicate without disturbing others in this class.

"It's OK."

Senxia wrote this in her notebook.

Seeing what senxia wrote, Youqi tilted her head, and then looked at senxia. She seemed to be observing something. The smile made her feel uncomfortable.

"Senxia Jun, your answer should be based on the degree of favor"

she wrote on the paper.

"Do you know where it is?"

Senxia wrote such a line nervously.

But senxia had already had psychological preparation.

After all, hulixiang also knew about it.

"Isn't that interesting?" You Qi wrote on the paper, "before you painted Lixiang, you seemed to be still calculating, which option is the bonus item for Sen Xiajun, and what kind of option should be deducted..."

What Youqi wrote made senxia feel helpless.

"But I think it's interesting." Youqi concludes with this.

"Well, if you like it." Moriha didn't want to talk about it.

"- but senxia Jun must not really play it as a game. If Sen Xiajun is really playing a game, girls will be sad!"

"Is it?"

After writing this question, Mori turned her head and looked at Youqi.

Youqi sits beside her. After feeling the eyes of Mori Xia, Youqi also turns her head.

They looked at each other, and then Youqi smiles.

Looking at the eyes and face of the habitat, Sen Xia felt a little uneasy.

A feeling called "guilt" gradually germinated in senxia's heart.

He gazed at the perch, and the latter showed his beauty to senxia without reservation.

But seeing this scene, senxia felt more uncomfortable.

"Well, let's talk about it later. Let's have a serious class now." Sen Xia quickly proposed, "today is the first day of school, oh, it's better to be serious."

Seeing this sentence written by senxia, Youqi also nodded.

Quickly into the state, Sen Xia began his college life of the second bullet.No matter where the university is, management is not the same as high school.

What's more, it's a famous school like Dongda.

The teacher here is very responsible, the content is simple, Sen Xia also thinks very good, he is listening carefully.

Well, for the moment, there is nothing special that Sen Xia wants to do. Making friends with other students is something that senxia doesn't have now - because he has another important thing to talk about.

"Senxia Jun, how about we go to lunch together?"

After class, she came to senxia.

"I'm sorry, I may have something else." "And I'm not hungry now," she said

"Is it?" "In that case, is there really no problem?"

"There is really no problem" said by hulixiang, not about eating, but about something else!

Erixiang did not say it, but senxia understood the implication.

"Well, I'll try my best."

“…… Come on, Yuqi, let's go to dinner first ~ "

after that, hulixiang pulled Youqi away.

After two people were missing, senxia was back to normal.

Mori's class today is only in the morning, so after class, she came to the activity Department of the current visual research institute.

"Has someone arrived?"

Senxia noticed that the door of the activity department was closed and the air conditioner was on. Obviously, someone came earlier than Sen Xia.

"Gudong." Senxia came to the door, he swallowed his mouth, and then gently pushed the door open

The room is very quiet, only the wind from the air conditioner and the small noise of the chassis are infiltrating the hearts and minds of visitors.


"Oh, no one?"

Mori Xia found that so big is now research, unexpectedly no one.

Then the

is asleep, modify it and wait for ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify it, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify, wait a minute, very asleep, modify, wait ten minutes! Sleep, modify, wait a minute, very asleep, modify, wait ten minutes! It's a white box, which is similar to the "white box" sent by animation companies to TV stations.

Qianjia thought the "white box" was put on the table, then opened it and took out a CD.

The CD-ROM is simple and unadorned, but Qian Jia's elder sister took this thing over, obviously not to look at the appearance of the CD.

"What is this?" Senxia couldn't bear her curiosity and asked."This is the dish for the first two words."

Qianjia opened the DVD and took out the CD in the white box.

"The first two words - Naiye?"

Qianjia Xuejie's words immediately let Sen Xia react.

"Well, that's right. I started to relax in October, so I'll take a look at the final preview. "

"Is it?"

Hearing Qian Jia's words, Sen Xia was also a little excited.

He followed him to the screen.

Seriously, after the "magic girl Naiye" was really released and launched, senxia was still a little nervous.

But how to say, such content, senxia is still very concerned about.

"Naiye the magic girl" is on another world line, which was premiered in October 2004. In contrast, moriha's world line, Naiye the magic girl, was launched. Then a year later, in October 2005, the second season of the magic girl Naiye A's was shown.

But it's different here in Sonia.

The original work, at the very beginning, is just a small fragment of more than ten words.

But it's not the same here in Sonia.

Senxia aims at half year and new year at first, but not the same as the original works.

After all, the story of "takamachiya" on the other world line and the whole story of the magic maiden tells a small story, while that of moriha is totally different.

Looking at Qianjia Xuejie playing DVD here, Sen Xia also thought of another work.

In another world line, the magic girl Naiye once played the third season of "the magic girl Naiye strikers s" in April 2007, and then in April 2015, I did not know whether it was the fourth season sequel "Naiye vivid".

"The magic girl Naiye" is also a very special project, because in the third work, the "Naiye SS" is a plot of more than 20 words. This kind of work with more animation than the previous one is very rare. In a way, it also proves that "Naiye" is powerful as an IP.

However, to what extent will Naiye on his side go?

Just compare the stories of senxia and the original, we can find that the story of senxia is very different from the original from the beginning.

At the beginning of another world line story, the protagonist takamachiya is just an ordinary third grader who lives on earth and doesn't know anything about magic.

However, in Mori's side, although Naiye was a "ordinary" three-year primary school student from the beginning, he himself was a genius, which was special.

Naiye in the original work, relying on his strong will and excellent magic quality, solved the holy stone seed incident and the night sky Book incident successively, but was knocked down and seriously injured in a mission. In the JS incident, Naiye began to linger between the work of the mage and his feelings for vivio, but he was not willing to adopt vivio. However, after vivio was captured, he realized his true intention. After the event, they finally lived together.

But this follow-up plot, Sen Xia does not want to put on his own "Naiye".

How to say He seems to have some subtle feelings for his side of Naier.

"Is this a two episode broadcast?" Senxia asked.

"Well, it's the length of the movie." Qian Jia said.

The story of moriha here, the first two words of the magic girl Naiye, are two works combined into one work. There are four works in 24 minutes, that is, there are 96 minutes in total.

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