There it is! The first victim of krypton gold game appears!

In the krypton gold game created by senxia, the first person to trap him is himself.

After drawing the second holy mark of five Shaye in a row, senxia felt that her San value also decreased with her meeting Shaye again and again.

If it's a game of kesulu, senxia has to go through a round of rational identification at this moment, and then the whole person will fall into a temporary state of insanity.

No, at this moment, moriha is in a state of insanity.

"Junk game! This rubbish game Senxia couldn't stand it. "I modified it many times in order to make this game. Why did the last one come out like this rubbish game! I know that every process is very, very carefully revised

This time, Lihua couldn't bear it any longer: "senxia, when you made the system, didn't you make efforts to let the players go to the direction of duokrypton gold?"

Hearing Lihua's voice, Sen xiadun was stiff.

Ah, ah, yeah.

Senxia remembered, it was so.

“…… Damn it! I really want to beat up the past me! "

Of course, it's very pleasant to trap people, but they give themselves a pit, that's the super egg pain thing.

"No! This system needs to be adjusted! It needs a big adjustment! " Senxia decided.

"But aren't we scheduled for the summer vacation Lihua is surprised.

"It's OK, web games, programmers have developed experience, the modification is very simple." Senxia said a word that would be discredited by programmers in the middle of the night to get rid of.

“…… How are you going to adjust it? " Li Hua asked.

"We've added back some of the ideas we've deleted, and integrated with the scarlet system..." Senxia thought about it for a moment, and he thought about it. "We use the mark as the manifestation device and skill system. Each set of holy mark provides three skills and a big move. As for the holy mark, there is no need to divide it into one, two or three stages. Each holy mark is a suit directly."

"But what about the paper doll system?" Lihua felt that it was not appropriate to do so. "We made the paper doll system here before, just to facilitate the change of clothes. If we modify it in this way, the existence value of the paper doll system will be weakened." Lihua has a problem.

"Well, yes, it makes sense. One less krypton gold dot can't..." Senxia said when good tangled, "but, in case my hand is black how to do?"


Lihua didn't speak.

Because she has never met with the presence of the dark hands like senxia.

As an isolation, because it is too exotic to have reference value, Lihua can not express her opinions.

"But it does..." But Lihua thought about it and said, "although it is isolated, in case there are still such players and they are hyped by the media, it is probably not a good thing."

Although moriha's condition is isolated, African diseases are contagious! In case there is a black face infected by senxia, has been unable to draw out the card you want, how can this be done!

"Why don't you take the idea from" star ship voyage: a land of no owners "? The costume itself is left to the players to make their own? "

"Well It seems that it can. "

Lihua's idea inspired Sen Xia.

But what Sen Xia thought of was not the setting of Gongkou online game, but a more legendary game Miracle warm!

Yes, this game for women, even for young women, has been surprisingly praised by many people. Not only in a big eastern country, but also overseas, its reputation is very good. A lot of people want to play it.

The game may not be a big money spinner, but it is very influential.

Even a famous cartoon, dashishui, has even drawn his colleagues.

Senxia had already considered the changing elements, and he also thought about krypton gold point. Now it seems that it might be possible to use design in this area?

"No, no, no, no, let's start all over again!" Senxia shook her head and decided to choose the krypton gold point again.

Senxia came up with the earliest krypton gold program.

In this plan, krypton gold draw card place is mainly two, one is hero (Holy mark), the other is weapon equipment.

Later, Sen Xia hated that the money in the two card pools was not detailed enough, so he combined the two card pools into one.

And then Er, and then senxia gave herself a bloody face.

Simply put, it's that Mori tried to trap people and ended up pulling eggs.

"I did it according to the shiplady's construction plan, but how can I get more and more pit in the back? Who is that hateful fellow in the eye of money Senxia was angry at herself.

"Well, the three in one holy mark can no longer only draw one third, but it needs to be broken through and tempered..." Senxia decided to change all the things she was not happy with playing the game."Equipment is divided into protective clothing and weapons. Well, protective clothing provides defense, weapons provide attack power, and holy mark provides skills Mm-hmm, this one is good Wait a minute. Why does the enhancement destroy the equipment? Which stupid x designed it?! Ah, it's me

When the equipment is strengthened to a certain extent, there will be a success rate. If not, it will be broken. After thinking for a moment, senxia finds that the pit is still his own.

Well, it's still the model that I gave myself to the pit.

"But I feel that without this system, a lot of krypton gold dots will be lost Well, with such a beautiful painting style and system, this system is too cruel Well, take it out! "

Although it is very tragic to feel the lack of krypton gold dot, senxia thinks that the system is still too cruel after removing the krypton gold dot.

After starting from scratch, shawson will continue to strengthen the damage with weapons.

I really he meow is can be a planning genius!

Senxia thinks that she is really creative!

It's like this Ah, no, it's for the sake of the players, all come out!

"Well But the feeling that you'll always be a victim... "

I really want to pit money, but I'm afraid I will be trapped!

Senxia said that his face was black and his hands were black. There was no way.

Obviously I look so white, why play games so black? Can't understand!

"Well, it's good to provide a little bit more self-reliance By the way, finally there are ships and houses. This krypton gold dot can't be ignored. These people provide krypton gold for house area and furniture? It's clear that the gold level of krypton can be added... "

“……” Looking at the exuberant Mori Xia, Lihua tilted her head.

I don't know if it's her own illusion. She always thinks that when senxia does this, she may end up with her own


However, it is said that the scale of a certain warmth in overseas is larger than that in China

Meow meow ~

of the first watch

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