Krypton gold is part of the game, don't play jpg.

After watching this part, senxia finally started the game with the old and honest way.

Well, because just now, he suddenly became a blessing and then thought of a great move - I can change the data directly!

Sure enough, this feeling is super good!

Naye, yes!

Fitter, there!

Nanali, yes!

C. C, yes!

Huang Weiyi, yes!

Baa ha ha ha ha!

Modifier player fearless, super cool!

Then, after ten minutes of cool, senxia was no longer tasteless.

Modifier, super - sensual, but after a while, it's no longer fun.

Because you will find yourself playing in the game without fun.

Mowing is fun, but when you play it, you will feel less comfortable in your heart.

No way, it's not a mowing game, it's about developing a game.

The core of "boundless" is to form.

The formation of characters, equipment, even ships, etc. are all part of the game.

It's like a game that needs to explode. A player has full characters, full levels and full equipment at the beginning, which naturally doesn't feel interested. Because you don't have fun playing games at all!

But for a role and sleep and food to play, that feeling, is very good.

Senxia thought, he deleted all the resources transferred, and then the role left the Naiye that senxia wanted.

After the prelude, the player will be able to act.

At this time, the system will provide some suggestions for players to explore the earth 10086 or let them choose various life professions.

- the reason why Sen Xia dared to make the production group over there is no master is that in the production of "no land", everyone has a direction for the production of life and occupation.

Senxia did not choose to go to earth 10086, and after going to earth 10086, she would start a series of main tasks.

However, if you stay in place and follow the life career route, there will be some routes. Specifically, the former tends to RPG, task oriented, while the latter tends to simulate operation, and the task will be less, but the management and manufacturing aspect is still very good. In this regard, the production team is made in accordance with the direction of "the story of pasture".

As for fleet, it is made by Sen Xia referring to some space games, including space engineers, unmanned deep space and space exploration with mass effect, but the main space player is warship operation. In fact, the reference in this respect is aircraft warfare series. Seriously, senxia thinks it is better to refer to Lu Lu Xiu in this respect, but Naihe web game has not so powerful function, and many things can not be done.

Sen Xia chose to stay for business temporarily. In the biggest city of the story, Mead, where there is everything, players can gradually unlock each area, and then move here.

Of course, senxia could choose to go to earth 10086 or other planets to start a venture, but then there would be no free "ticket.".

The choice of players at the beginning is actually related to the content after. Players can choose to work in Mead or do production tasks to start taking risks.

Or, if the player is a little stronger, you can even buy your own ship and go all the way to the BIU.

In contrast, it is also money to return from Earth 10086 to Mead, which is the same.

But the game is not a complete "free mode.". In fact, there is a framework for this degree of freedom. After all, it is a web game, not a text game. Because the game resources are limited, it can not be expanded as much as the ordinary game.

Therefore, the main line of the game is all around the enemy of time, the enemy of space and the enemy of knowledge.

If some players are tired of RPG, then go to be a leisure player, or if the leisure player wants to "turn right", there will be no violation of the plot, because of this setting.

"Make the stick first..." Senxia chose the hand rub magic guide.

Magic guide is the essence of the plot. Senxia likes the design very much. In the story, the so-called "personal space" and "protective clothing" of players are stored in the magic guide in the ordinary days.

It can be said that the magic guide is the essence of everything.

Besides the professional life to create magic guides, players can choose part-time jobs to take a leisure time after taking risks.

But if the player chooses to stay in mead at the beginning, one advantage is that the player will have a house in Mead.

Where is Mead?

In the game, it is a metropolis like Tokyo, New York!Choosing to stay in Mead is to have a room in such a metropolis!

Just ask if you are strong or not! Strong or not!

Compared with the tickets in rural areas, it's better to stay in big cities!

Of course, the game mechanism above, the two are almost the same.

But what senxia wants to pursue here is that sense of substitution. In this role-playing game, this is what senxia wants to experience.

"Boundless" is much more complicated than other games, such as the so-called ship lady. But the infinite boundary line, which was born out of "beautiful new world", also inherits the essence of this game.

Because it's a test, it's easy to say about the materials. Most of the time, senxia is dealing with NPC to improve the friendliness. In this way, some discounts can be given to the items purchased by themselves and more profits can be made when they are sold.

"It's a bit of a maritime era." This part is not what Sen Xia did for the planner. It was made by others. It turns out that they did a good job in this part. Sen Xia also thought it was very interesting.

In fact, the life career given by Sen Xia was boring, but after these people had a lot of trouble, senxia thought it was very good.

Unfortunately, the positioning of the game doesn't seem to allow it to be expanded to a greater extent. Otherwise, senxia thinks that they should have better ideas.

"This task can only be entrusted to" star ship voyage "

This is a pun, because "star ship voyage" was the tentative name of "boundless".

"This part of the content is good, well, let them enrich the plot, and who said that life and occupation do not need to fight? We can have some leisure. After all, it's RPG. How can we do without fighting? Fight, fight, there must be a fight, simple point is good, so that we can let people krypton gold

Senxia is directing the country again.


Lihua still didn't speak. She just watched senxia doing this


This episode is popular among bloggers. This episode is the responsibility of Chinese people. I think it is the most powerful episode of TV.

Today's second watch

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