"Popsicle, melted."

Sichuan cuisine is not spicy, but hemp. If you take a bite of pepper, you will become a Smecta.

But if someone says Sichuan food is not spicy Well, this man must have come from Hunan and Jiangxi.

At least the poetry can't stand the spicy taste.

At this moment, there are tears in my eyes.

How to say, the taste of Sichuan hot pot is very good. When the red spicy pot goes down, the dishes are very delicious without dipping.

Of course, if this time a bite of pepper, that feeling is also very sour, that kind of very delicate crisp hemp, is really an indescribable feeling.

Moreover, the taste of hemp sometimes conceals the pungency, and in some cases, this is the most terrifying.

Because of the taste of hemp, people will be able to eat spicy food more unconsciously than usual, and hemp taste will dissipate faster than hot taste.

So, at this time

It's like the sound of poetry now.

She had a popsicle in her mouth.

In a big eastern country, many food ingredients are not available in mud boom. Some materials can only be replaced locally.

Of course, the food was delicious.

But the problem is that the spicy taste at the bottom of the spicy pot is really powerful. For poetry, it seems to be an unacceptable and terrible taste.

After drinking several cups of water, his face is still with tears and nose.

It can even be said that she drank two sips of water, but also had the opposite effect.

After senxia, she quickly bought a bottle of Iced Milk for Shi Yin.


It's useless.

Gulu Gulu of milk into the stomach, poetry re wash into the control of the pepper situation.

I didn't let you drink it!

However, the milk has been drunk, and it seems that the effect is not very good.

Senxia is a little sad.

What's more, the rhyme also says that he can't drink anything any more.

At this time, senxia had an idea and thought of popsicles.

Although it is spring, but fortunately, popsicles are still available.

Senxia directly bought a milk cake, and then gave it to the poem.

With the ice-cream inside, the poem finally regained its composure.

"Well Since you can't eat it, don't force it! "

Senxia said, wiping the corners of her mouth with a handkerchief.

Because of the relationship that has been contained in her mouth, the milk cake has melted a lot. The melted white ice-cream, flowing down along the poem's clothes, has been falling on her clothes and dyeing her collar white.

Before so lovely sister-in-law, this time unexpectedly is in a mess, this lets Sen Xia It's a pleasure!

Well, Aojiao is really interesting!


"Woo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo Hoo hoo Shi Yin takes out the ice cream and says to mori, "it's not forced!"

But just took out the ice cream, that hot smell swept again, she had to put the ice cream back again.

"Are you all right?" Sen Xia didn't think the hot pot was too spicy to bear, but for the poetry, it was not.

He can only sigh that human taste is really different.

Instead of leaving the convenience store, they just sat on a bench in a small park outside the convenience store.

After Shi Yin's ice-cream was almost exhausted, senxia bought two more ice-cream, one for Shi Yin and the other for himself to eat.

After eating the second ice-cream, the poetic sound finally returned to its normal appearance, but senxia noticed that her mouth had become red and her appearance was very indecent.

"Are you all right?" Senxia asked kindly.

"I'm fine!" The sound of the poem seems to have been restored, but her speech seems to be a little less agile.

"Don't force it if you have nothing to do with it." Senxia took out a clean handkerchief and handed it to Shiyin to wipe sweat.

Different from a big eastern country, handkerchief and handkerchief are very common in mud boom. Since there are few public dustbins in Mudong, people have been more used to using handkerchief than paper towel since before.

But she seems to be numb with ice cream.

But that's good. At least the poetry doesn't have to suffer any more.

"I'll take you home now." Senxia decided to send the poem back first.

Now the poetry sound is covered with sweat, and the state is obviously not good. In fact, senxia had other ideas, but after seeing the poetic sound, she was still soft hearted.

Oh, who makes my brother-in-law so intimate?

Senxia directly called a taxi, and then pulled the poem on the car.Senxia has decided that Shiyin's home is Qianjia's.

Senxia has decided to "attack" Li Nai and Zhaoyan at night after sending the poem back.

Surely they will like their surprise, too?

…… It was.


However, senxia got off the bus, and the poetic sound pulled the senxia apart.


What's the situation?

Suddenly, the poetic voice pulled himself, which made Sen Xia look confused.

They trotted all the way and hid at the corner of the alley.

When he looked back, he found that his eyes had been focused on his own door.

He looked at the other side of the street quickly. His eyesight was very good. He could see the situation there even though it was so far away.

On the side, it's a thousand feathers.

Next to Qianyu Zhengxiong, it seems that the other side's maid.

But the maid, at this time, was wearing a big windbreaker, her face was slightly red, and Mori could see traces of the rope through the neckline of the other party.

Sleeping trough, as expected, you can play!

Senxia was shocked.

When he arrived at his home, he didn't go in directly. After noticing that there was no light on at home, he picked up his mobile phone.

"Ring bell..."

Poetry's mobile phone almost rings at the next moment. She almost blew her hair and picked up the phone.

"Moximoxi Hi Yes I'm not at home... "

The phone call is from Masao Chiu.

This is dealing with his father.

"Well, I didn't spend the night outside I Yes, I am with my classmates! We don't have much time to get together in the future, so we can play together now... " The poem sound is very flustered, Sen Xia saw the poem sound like this, quickly made a sleep movement, she understood, "she has fallen asleep, that's it!"

After saying that, Shi Yin hung up the phone, and then she gritted her teeth and directly turned off the phone, which was a relief.

When Shiyin was turned off, Mori noticed that Qianyu Zhengxiong over there also put his mobile phone back, but he didn't enter the door immediately. Instead, he helped the maid remove the windbreaker outside.

In this moment, senxia suddenly thought of the same gentleman incomparable Qianjia, and then thought of the poetry in front of her.

Qian Jia is Sen Xia's accomplice. Both of them are pioneers in the field of gentlemen. Although the poetry sounds proud and charming on the surface, it also contains the soul of a gentleman.

Senxia has noticed this, the poetic sound She knows the works of Gongkou very well.

Before, Sen Xia didn't understand why the sisters were so good at gentry culture.

Now it looks like it's hereditary!

Moreover, chiyumasao is not only a general player, but also a very advanced player.

The clothes made of rope made the maid unable to move. Then she walked home in a big windbreaker Well, the old driver is right.

“…… It turns out that it's heredity... " He could not help murmuring.

"What?" Shi Yin just put the phone off and put it back in his pocket, he heard the voice of senxia.

"Oh, nothing." Senxia quickly shook his head, and then he asked, "what do you do now?"

"You can't go home. Really, how could dad go home today! Didn't he say he couldn't come back? " The sound of poetry is gnashing one's teeth.

How to say

Sen Xia felt that if Shi Yin had just answered in the phone that he had turned off the light at home and slept, most of the time Chiyu Zhengxiong would really "not go home".

But the poem says that he is not at home This is embarrassing for him to meow.

It's a sad story.

But senxia will not tell the story to Shiyin, otherwise, I'm afraid the whole thing will become more and more black

“…… Damn, there's no place to live at night... " Shi Yin glared at Sen Xia, "it's all your fault. If it wasn't for you, it wouldn't have happened!"

I It's not my fault that he meow!

Well, if senxia didn't date Shiyin Oh, it's to have dinner together, but to send the poetry directly home. That certainly won't happen.

But Sonia didn't think it was her fault.

I also want to cultivate good feelings with my sister-in-law!

It is often said that sister-in-law's intimate little cotton padded jacket, but the poetic sound of their own impression is very subtle, senxia sometimes also want to improve the degree of favor!

Well, in fact, senxia found that she was not very kind. If he didn't let Shi Yin eat hot pot, they would not have lost so long before. Senxia would have been able to send the poetry back at least half an hour in advance.In that case, it will not happen now.

"In a word, you must take responsibility for me! It's all your fault that I've become like this now The poetry swayed Mori's shoulder.

"Well - otherwise, go to my house first?" Senxia can only give up the plan to surprise Lynette tonight.

Let Shi Yin alone at night outside, Sen Xia is absolutely not at ease.

"You --!"

What comes to mind in a moment.

Subconsciously, she stepped back a few steps.

"You really want to do something strange to me!"

"No Senxia couldn't laugh or cry.

"Tut -" the poem turned red and turned over her head, "no, absolutely not!"

Well, senxia can understand that when Shi Yin lived in her own house before, she never went out at night.

If you think about it in this way, everything can be understood.

It seems that you can only contact Qian Jia and ask her to take away the music.

“…… Bell, bell. "

But when senxia thought about it, the phone rang there.


Senxia quickly picked up the phone.

"Ah, senxia Jun, you are very fast."

Hearing this sound, senxia felt his spine shiver from head to end.

"Schoolgirl --?!"

That's right. It's Qianjia on the other end of the phone.

Wait a minute.


Why should I be so guilty?

I didn't do anything strange!

What strange thing is it to communicate and enhance feelings with my sister-in-law?!


So, I feel guilty about wool!

If senxia is talking about life with Lina and Zhaoyan, and is called by Qianjia, he must feel the pill.

But now I didn't do anything wrong. At best, I invited Shiyin to have a hot pot and then fed her two creamy ice cream!

So - I don't need to be guilty now!

"Er - great, I happen to have some -"

Sen Xia decided to make things clear, and then threw the pot to Qianjia to let her take her sister.

But at this time, the poetry is hands on his shoulder, and then desperately in shaking his head.

Well, it seems that my sister-in-law doesn't want to meet her sister now.

Senxia thought for a moment and then asked, "well, I'm fine. What's the matter with you?"

"I'm going to the apartment. Are you here now?" She asked.

"Ah? But Lihua -- "

" I have entrusted it to Xiyan. She said that she would take good care of her. "

Senxia was also flustered.

"Wait a minute, why is that?" Senxia asked quickly.

"What? Why? I think I've gone too far today, so it's not good to let Sen Xiajun live alone at home alone."

"No, no, no, no, I'm not at the apartment now!" Senxia didn't forget that she bought some unspeakable props at the apartment. In case she was found

"Well? Where are you then

"Tong Gu Xiao! I'm here in tongguxiao! The fool's girlfriend has gone abroad, so he is very lonely Senxia said quickly, "well, that's it, so you don't have to come here."

After saying that, senxia immediately hung up the phone.

But he still felt not very safe, and then called Xiyan.

Sure enough, Xiyan tells Sen Xia that Qianjia has gone out.

"Sunset, you go back first, and get rid of the things on my desk."

After the command good sunset, Sen Xia this just relaxed tone.

Chiyu Zhengxiong's family is not very close to senxia. If it is sunset, it should be able to arrive before himself


The above spicy food is the author's own experience.

The Space Battleship Daiwa has come out with a new one. The tights of the heroine, Sen Xue, are made of latex under some scenes

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