Why did this happen?

Senxia sighed.

In the bathroom, Shiyin is taking a bath, and senxia is sitting on the chair without thinking.

Senxia sometimes has a bit of cleanliness. If he is sweating all over today, he won't sit on the sofa or bed before taking a bath. He will only go after taking a bath.

On TV, at this very moment, Naiye's ending is playing.

Naiye's first season is over.

After that, Naiye's second season is ready to start.

This evening, however, moriha had no time to think about it.

In fact, his brain is very messy now.

Ah, ah, why did this happen?

It's a sad story.

When there was no way out, Shi Yin proposed a solution: go to the hotel.

So, senxia and Shiyin came to a hotel.

Oh, by the way, it's poetry music that pays for it, because senxia has no money at this moment.

Mori, who is strictly controlled by her sister, has no money left after paying for a dinner and taxi.

Of course, if it is the ordinary chain hotel, there is no problem.

But in mud boom, this kind of hotel means that the room is narrow, and even there is nothing left in the room except a bed.

Shi Yin said that she couldn't stand the situation, so she rented a large suite It was.

However, after arriving at the hotel, all the rooms in the hotel are gone, and the only thing left is this presidential suite.

I don't know why, senxia always felt that all this seemed to have some wonderful sense of seeing.

I always feel as if I have experienced it somewhere.

Ah, ah, the world is really full of malice!

"Hoo I'm ready. " By this time, the poetry has come out of the bathroom.

At this moment, the sound of poetry has put down his double horse tail, and the temperament of the whole person is also somewhat different from that before.

The hair is also dripping on the top of a silk of water, with that some of the distracted eyes, actually quite give people a sense of temptation.

She was dressed in a white bathrobe, then sat down on the sofa, and then picked up the wind.

"What's the matter?" Shi Yin is about to turn on the hair dryer, and then she sees that senxia has been looking at herself.

"No, nothing." Senxia shook her head.

"Hey, hey, hey, you don't think you can really do whatever you want!" Poetry voice rolled a white eye, "say good first, if night attack, I will call the police!"

In the presidential suite, there are not only living rooms, but also two bedrooms. In addition, there is a study here.

Well, it's really luxury.

As far as Sen Xia knows, the price of this place for one night is enough for senxia's two months' pocket money, which is not low.

Because of this, senxia naturally lived in a small bedroom, and the three meter bed in the master bedroom was given to Shi Yin.

"I have said that I will not do strange things to you." Senxia shook her head, "poetry sauce, you don't want to think about it. Do you think, since we met, have I really done anything strange to you?"

The best way to deal with AO Jiao is to break the words directly.

After hearing this statement of senxia, it seems that the poetry sounds really confused.

"I..." She thought for a moment before she said, "I found It seems that No

Yes, senxia did not do such a thing.

"Don't you worry about that?"

That's great. The poem finally understood that, as a brother-in-law, how could I fight against my sister-in-law!

“…… Anyway, no matter what you say, you are not allowed to do anything strange to me

The voice of the poem turned red and turned over her head.

"Yes, yes, yes." Senxia nodded and was ready to go to the bathroom, too.

The bathroom is big and the bathtub is bigger. It is a big bath for four people at the same time. But there was no bath or hot water, so there was no water in the bathtub.

Senxia didn't take a bath either. He just took a shower and cleaned his body.

"After the rest, I will go back to Lihua tomorrow Well, to avoid Qianjia. "

Lihua should be OK. Let Lihua calm down a little today, and then go to see him tomorrow.

If you can, I'll talk to President Lihua openly tomorrow.

Maybe There are also unexpected gains

The only problem is Qianjia.

Before senxia received the news of Xiyan, she had helped senxia to clean up all the strange appliances, and then she had returned home and continued to take care of Lihua, which let senxia breathe a sigh of relief.At least Qianjia will not find any strange things in the room after rushing back.

Senxia is not surprised that if she takes her sister-in-law out to live in the hotel, if Qianjia knows about it, how terrible the situation will be.

God knows what it will be like.

Although the Tianhai family has strange ancestral precepts, their own home is their own, others are others.

Even those girls have independent personalities.

In case someone suddenly suffers from himself, that senxia will roll over.

Well, according to the current situation, things don't seem to have reached that level.

Besides, it's interesting to see Qian Jia bullying Lihua over there. Obviously, he is such a high-ranking president. His daily work is his own secretary, and he is bullied by his best friends Well, it's cruel to say it, but in fact, it's a pleasant thing for senxia.


Comfortable to take a shower, senxia also came out of the bathroom.

He takes a bath very fast. It's only ten minutes before and after. When he comes out, Naiye in the TV is only half past it.

At this time, Shi Yin is looking at the picture in front of the TV, but there is no focal length in her eyes. It seems that she is not looking at the contents of the TV, but thinking about something.

"What are you thinking?"

After senxia came out, she came to the refrigerator, took out two bottles of milk from it - which needed to be paid for - and handed one of them to Shi Yin.

"You Are you really not interested in me at all? " The poem asked a strange question.

"Ah? Of course, of course Why are you still struggling with this!

Mori quickly clarified her position.

He felt a little egg ache at this time.

So, why are you still struggling with this problem!

"Really?" The poem asked again.

"Really, really!" He said quickly, "more than pure gold!"

“…… Is it

However, the response of the poem was unexpected. She turned her head and looked at the TV screen over there.

Well Feeling, a little bit subtle.

This reaction doesn't seem to be right

"You What's the matter? "

Senxia sat next to the sound of the poem.

"I Is there really no charm at all? " The sound of poetry is a little low.


Why do you suddenly say something like this?

Moriha feels a little ridiculous.

But when you think about it carefully, it seems that I didn't do anything strange about the poetry before.

Well, heaven and earth have no conscience.

Although Sen Xia has done a little mischief on the poetry sound, he has not done anything delicate between himself and the poetic sound.

Oh, the previous drunken mess and other things count, because it is totally force majeure.

"Nothing!" Senxia said quickly.

“……” The expression of the poem became more lost.

"Well - I mean, you are really lovely and beautiful. Seriously, I think you are as beautiful as your sister. When I first saw you, I noticed that you had that incomparable and excellent temperament Senxia quickly clarified.

"Don't lie to me!" Shi Yin rolled her eyes. "Last time I wanted to rent you to be my fake boyfriend."

No, no, no, girl. Actually, your last friends They are all fake boyfriends!

If you are a brother or a childhood sweetheart, there is no possibility of developing a relationship!

But this sentence Sen Xia can not say, he said so, the poetry sound and her friends, the position is embarrassed.

"- it shows you love yourself. I don't think it's necessary to fall in love in high school. That kind of love is empty and empty! " That's what senxia said.

“…… In other words, the university is OK? " The sound of the poem asked again.

"Er..." I almost forget that the rhyme is about to go to college.

"Well - in a word, I think it's all about the poetry. You've been worrying about it." Senxia said quickly.

"And you? I have lived in your house for such a long time. Why didn't you do anything strange The poem sound turned to think of his side of the matter.

"Of course I can't do anything strange to you! I am a decent adult

Well, according to the mud boom law, it's still a minor

"No, no, no, it's not like that in those games. I'm right next to you, but why don't you do strange things like the main charactersLying trough, I almost forgot. It seems that poetry really plays a lot of gentleman's games!

Once this kind of thing is discussed, this Sen Xia also is embarrassed.

"It's just a game. It's a crime to do that in the real world," he said quickly

"Even for the sake of girls, I don't even have the courage to commit crimes. What kind of charm is this?"

Shi Yin is unwilling to drink a mouthful of milk.

Senxia noticed that it seemed that she also had a drink before the poem.


It's like some alcohol

No way

Senxia took a look at the sound of the poem and found that it seemed quite normal.

He was relieved that the poetry was probably just a little alcohol.

"That's because I'm your brother-in-law." Sen Xia has already regarded herself as a "boyfriend" of Qianjia.

Anyway, Qianjia's sister is not here. It's interesting to get some cheap money.

In any case, the most important thing is to pacify the sound of the poem.

And senxia did not lie.

"Brother in law..."? Can't you, brother-in-law? " Her head droops slightly, with the rest of the light staring at the senxia here, seems to be thinking something.

"It's not that question," senxia said quickly, avoiding the dangerous question. "Because I am your brother-in-law of Shiyin, I have to protect and protect Shiyin very much. For me, you are very, very lovely. I have no time to protect you. How could I have the heart to hurt you? "

After senxia's words, it seems that the poetry finally dispelled his doubts.

After noticing that the expression of the poem has softened a little, senxia is also relieved.

Anyway, it's settled.

"That's it. We also had an early break, and it's getting late. I'll send you back tomorrow morning

Tomorrow, let the poem sound go home first.

After senxia finished, he came to the front door of the room. He looked at it and confirmed that the door had been locked. Then he returned to the living room.

At this moment, Naiye is over. What is on TV is the trailer of Lu Lu Xiu, the anti rebellious Lu Lu Xiu, which will be broadcast next month. The second film, which has been waiting for a long time, has already attracted many people.

However, the poetry is not a fan of Lu Lu Xiu.

Her eyes are on the screen of the TV, but her head is still not here.

"Still care?" Senxia asked again. His voice is very quiet.

Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. Wait a minute. I'll adjust the dialogue between the two people. Some of them are not right. "

" Hoo... "

At this time, the poetry also came out of the bathroom.


The author Jun just plays around. He mainly looks at the plot and the characters. He likes the painting style very much

So said the author Jun, krypton a single, hard to take a complete set of ruhuana home. It's a pity that the author is a poor man. He can only be S-level, not SSS

Two in one meow

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