When I get up in the morning, I still feel dizzy.

"Well Headache... "

A familiar hangover.

Poetry once again drunk. That time it was because of a classmate party.

At that time, the poetic sound experienced this kind of hangover.

It's not good, and I don't know why, after a hangover, your mouth will always feel very uncomfortable, as if the muscles were pulled.

"Well What's the matter... "

The sound of the poem came back to me.

After taking a bath last night, I felt a little hot and dry.

Although I have washed and brushed my teeth, I still want to drink something cold.

Maybe it's because of the hot pot you ate before, but it may also be a psychological effect.

Although a lot of drinks have been drunk before, but after several hours of circulation, those fluids are out of the body.

So, Shi Yin went to the refrigerator, ready to find a comfortable drink.

Of course, coke is impossible. After all, I've already brushed my teeth.

She thought about it and decided to find something sugar free or low.

And then Then she found out what a drink was, it was called soda whisky, and it was still blue.

It's probably a drink with alcohol.

She looked at the addition table and found that sugar ranked very low.

She remembers that adding the components in the table is from more to less, and the more behind the list, the less quantity is added.

Then she took out the bottle of blueberry juice.

Don't say, it's delicious.

That kind of cold feeling makes people feel a relaxed and comfortable atmosphere all over the body.

The poem still remembers the comfort and pleasure I felt at that time.

And then And then

And then what happened?

I feel like I have a headache.

What's more, the jaw is sour and the tongue is numb.

I guess I had too much hot pot yesterday.

That kind of spicy sour, poetic sound still remember.


The sunlight outside penetrated through the gap in the curtain.

Being illuminated by the warm light, the sleepiness gradually faded from the body of the poem.

Then she noticed that there seemed to be someone around her.

Senxia is at her side right now.


Last night's memory, gradually clear.

Yes, that's right.

After that, the guy came out after taking a bath, and he seemed to say some strange things at that time


His face was flushed with poetry.

It seems that, after that, he pulled senxia and stayed in the room.

How to say, that sentence "sister-in-law is ¥ * *" or something, at that time, the poetry sound drank too much, thought the name was incomparably handsome.

Probably because I was moved by Sen Xia.

However, even if I wake up now, I find that this beautiful line is still very handsome.

I'm pulling on senxia.

Of course, Shiyin doesn't admit that she went to senxia because she thought her lines were very handsome. At that time, she just wanted to improve and repair the relationship with her brother-in-law.

Well, at that time, the sound of poetry was such a simple idea.

Now think about it, I probably drink too much, the result of the brain short circuit.

However, senxia did not play according to the routine, he refused the poetry.

"But why is it like this?"

There's a pain in the head.

Besides, there was a smell of alcohol in the room.

By the way

The sound of the poem came back to me.

After that, Shi Yin didn't go to bed. On the contrary, it became more and more irritated because of Sen Xia's refusal.

It happened that senxia didn't feel sleepy at the moment.

So the song pulls senxia, and then Several bottles of "juice soda" were opened.

And then And then

Ah, ah, ah, ah!!!!

The girl's brain is blank.

At this time, she found a more serious problem, that is, she didn't seem to have any clothes on. The clothes she wore inside were completely thrown into the room. The bathrobe even hung on the door of the bedroom, which was quite eye-catching.

On the contrary, it's no surprise that Sonia sleeps in his clothes.

Found that senxia has not yet sobered up, the girl quietly climbed up from the bed, and then quietly picked up the clothes inside, pulled the bathrobe down, and then crept out of the bedroom.It's a close call.

After examining her body, she found that she did not seem to have done anything irreparable.

"But not so!"

To quickly restore the scene to its original state!

She crept back to the house, then put away all the bottles of "drinks", and then called the front desk.

"Moximoxi, please change the drinks in the room Hi, by the way, please bring me a bottle of air cleaner

Put away the bottle, and then let the front desk change a new drink, and then wash a time, and the air freshener in the side of a spray to cover the strong smell.

Then, the poem quietly came to the other side of the small bedroom.

I lay down for five minutes, pretending I had a rest here last night.

Well, these are all poetry sounds I learned from an old driver on the Internet.

This old driver is a well-known third-party mod producer in the industry, but he is often banned on the Internet because of his frequent provocation, lack of speech and other reasons.

However, as a poet who likes the game of gentlemen, he has been paying close attention to this big man.

The other party once boasted that he and his sister-in-law had done strange things, and later let the other party not notice. At this time, the poetry sounds associated with the things at that time.

"Well Headache... "

At this time, senxia's voice was introduced into the ear of poetry.

She quickly stood up and gently pulled back the door of his room.

But the poem did not close the door, but pulled the door back for a while, pretending to have just opened the door, pushed the door in.

Then, the poem came to the bedside and pulled up the quilt.

"Get up, you bastard!"

OK! The last piece of evidence is destroyed!


The warm quilt on the body has been lifted, plus a night of hangover, Mori was so flustered that she woke up.

"You, this guy, even if you occupy my room, I'll call you for a long time and don't reply!"

Destroy the evidence, praise the pot, perfect! After hearing

make complaints about this, Shio shook his head and slowly sat up from the head of the bed.

"Er - yesterday, I seemed to have had a little wine..."

Senxia drank a lot yesterday. At that time, Shiyin was in a state of being drunk. She still remembered that she had poured a lot of wine into each other, but she did not drink much.

"You can't be a man." Shio make complaints about it.

"Ah? Who said that? I'm going to give her a taste of me! Well Headache... " After hearing this sentence, senxia was not happy, but his headache brain made him have no rest.

The poet here realized that she had said something wrong. She said quickly, "I mean, you guy fell down after drinking half a bottle of whisky last night. Since you can't drink, don't try to be brave

"I had a drink Yes, I remember Wait a minute. It seems that you filled me with wine yesterday? "

It seems that senxia can't remember what happened after all, but she hasn't forgotten the matter that the poem poured wine for herself before.

"Don't you say you are brother-in-law? Since you want to protect your sister-in-law, you can drink a little wine for your sister-in-law. It's no problem. But I didn't expect that your drinking capacity is really poor. Last Christmas, you were probably drunk like this all of a sudden

Hearing the words of the poem, senxia was prepared to refute it.

But after talking about Christmas day after the poem, senxia suddenly withered. It was as if the wolf who had been caught could no longer eat the lamb.

"Er..." He was at his wit's end, but senxia changed the subject by the way, "but how am I here?"

"Also said that, last night you this guy was drunk and slept in my bed, so that I had to go to another small bedroom to sleep, said, how should you compensate me?"

"Even if you say that, I can't help it By the way, I have business today and it's not good for us to stay here. What time is it now? Is it almost time to go

Senxia noticed that the sun was very big outside the window.

"Hurry home, and we can cover up the last night we didn't go home."

There it is!

The sound of the poem shines in front of my eyes.

All this seems to be completely consistent with the routine of the God on the network!

Although Sen Xia just changed the topic, it was induced by the poetic sound.

Sen Xia thought it was a good way to change the topic, but in fact, it could make Sen Xia ignore the nature of the problem.

"It's 7:30 in the morning. What's the hurry? Dad is probably still at home. It's a problem to go back too early!"Shi Yin kicked Sen Xia with her foot, "OK, get up quickly. I'm starving. Go downstairs to have breakfast."

"Well OK

Senxia shook her head.

In this kind of hotel, there are buffet restaurants on the first floor.

After senxia washed and rinsed here, they went downstairs together.

"But I always feel There's a subtle sense of seeing... "

Take the room card out of the room, found that the room has been locked, senxia fell into meditation.

In fact, senxia didn't take the initiative to drink last night.

Before this, senxia had already found that the poetry sound seemed to have drunk too much.

But Shi Yin is still thinking about drinking.

Senxia felt that she could not be allowed to come around casually, so she stopped the poetry.

But senxia didn't know that the poetry was not followed. Not only did she refuse, but she asked herself to drink all those whiskies, otherwise she would call her sister.

Sen Xia didn't feel anything at all, but he couldn't help it when she threatened to call Qianjia.

What's more, Shi Yin was really drunk at that time. A drunk person's behavior pattern was unpredictable. If she didn't like it at once, and then she really called Qianjia Xuejie, the whole thing would be really troublesome.

Heaven knows what kind of reaction Qianjia will have after knowing this matter.

But no matter what kind of reaction, the reaction will never be good.

And half a bottle of whiskey is drunk?

Senxia didn't remember that she had such a thing!

"Come on, come on!"

At this time, the poetry that had already reached the elevator door found that senxia didn't come, so she went back to urge senxia.

"Oh, wait a minute. I've left something in my room."

Both of them had no luggage, so after dinner, they were leaving and would not come up again.

"Then hurry up

"Hi, hi, hi, I know! If you are in a hurry, go down first

After senxia said a word to the poem, she entered the door.

Back in the room, Sonia began to inquire.

Well, there is a trace of living in the small bedroom.

Senxia came to the edge of the quilt and explored it with her hand.

The temperature is about room temperature.

"After such a long time, the normal temperature may also be restored..."

He turned his eyes and then came to the refrigerator.

When he opened the refrigerator, he found that all the drinks in the fridge were packed. Only half a bottle of whisky and a bottle of blueberry soda were left on the side of the bar.

However, senxia frowned.

“…… Milk, full... "

Although Sen Xia doesn't remember what happened later, he still remembers things before.

At that time, I prepared two bottles of milk, one for Shi Yin and one for myself.

Besides, both bottles of milk are sealed.

He thought about it and looked at the trash can in the room.

There is only one trash can under the bar with a can of air freshener in it.

is a spray.

He picked up the air freshener and found that the weight was quite high. It should not have been used much

Well, so, it's really subtle!

Senxia, a famous detective, came out again.

He would not have noticed the details.

But how to say that.

He found out what happened today, and the content of the post he blew on the Internet It's quite similar.

Senxia has a lot of vests on the Internet, and some of them will do something very subtle or excessive.

Among them, senxia has a vest, which is the old driver who specializes in driving.

A little adjustment, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a minute, a

Collapse is related to collapse. In fact, the author always wanted the moon wheel with silk stockings all over his body, and ruthlessly pulled out the card, but what came out was the moonlight

It's a sad story.

Two in one meow

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