There were three messages in all.

The first news is that the order of Phoenix took a stake in a fruit company at a price of 50 billion yen, about US $450 million, and the total market value of the fruit company is now US $5 billion. After receiving this news, the market value of the fruit company rose against the trend and became a little green among the red - in mud boom, green is up, red is down.

Although the order of Phoenix itself has a lot of liquidity, it is not to this extent.

But senxia is not necessarily.

Last year, Musashino's side spent a lot of money on short-term investment. In fact, many of the so-called "working capital" in the future will be such realizable short-term investment, rather than pure cash. Now, the money can be taken out.

Because the order of Phoenix and Musashino are not listed companies, it is possible for senxia to take the money and use it as much as he likes, so that they can flow capital between each other.

Secondly, it is the legacy after the death of Dachuan Gong. Well, he left an 82 billion yen legacy.

Well, this "second" is the reason why Sen Xia has confidence.

How did that joke come about.

The couple struggled for two years, economized on food and clothing, and finally bought a house - with money from the family.

The second news came from a big eastern country.

A big eastern country announced that it would establish Kirin computer company with phoenix order and giant hardware, and use Kirin computer and domestic operating system as official computers.

The news was nothing.

But the manufacturers in Nihong, including Sony and Nintendo, were stunned when they saw the specifications of Kirin computers. I'm kidding, this product It's dc-p!

Well, it's really dc-p, but it's a dc-p with a bigger capacity, and it uses a customized operating system and fully localized office software. It belongs to the dc-p with a new vest.

And what's more, this thing Actually can play dc-p game

As you know, the ban on game machines in a big eastern country has made manufacturers who originally wanted to get involved in the market of a big eastern country have a headache, and some even decide to give up.

But this wonderful operation, but directly let them all silly eyes: unexpectedly there is this operation?

However, senxia told them: we do have this kind of operation.

This alone has made countless manufacturers envious.

Because this operation of senxia is to send a message to other manufacturers: we have monopolized the market here, and you love it.

Maybe the market of a big eastern country is not big, but relatively speaking, the country has a large population, even if the proportion is small, but the huge base can make up for everything.

What's more, the name of the order of Phoenix is not a game machine, but a computer. This shows that the order of Phoenix may be able to use this name to seize more personal computer business.

What's more, it's still something they can really do.

After getting this news, Iwata Cong immediately realized that the order of the Phoenix could not be shot dead.

He also realized why the order of the Phoenix has been "plagued by the fish" these days.

The reason is simple.

Because in the eyes of the public, everyone's status is the same.

That's the worst part.

And the third news, is to let the game manufacturer envious.

Because the third news is that group A and paramount have reached a cooperation, "MUV: Moon fall" will be adapted into a Hollywood film.

This news, immediately hit a vote of people.

And, this news, let mud bang of players, all agitated up.

After knowing the news, let alone Yantian Cong, Yamauchi Pu was not calm. He immediately called the North American branch to find out what happened.

Why is it that all of a sudden a movie is going to be made?

Although the game industry is booming now, in fact, the probability of its acceptance in the mainstream social level is very small.

Not only now, but also in the future.

Why are many people excited when they know that the game is going to be adapted into a Hollywood movie? This is not only because of the so-called film and television, but also because they know that their favorite works are accepted by mainstream values, even if these people themselves do not understand this.

MUV is one of the most popular games recently, especially since dc-p's "MUV: moonset" came into the market.

But it's just that.

Because it's only been popular for months.

What the hell is this?

There are also places where people in the industry are not clear about the situation.

Iwata Cong and Yamauchi Pui called on Nintendo to discuss related issues.

Yeah, it's weird.In fact, it's normal for paramount to make this movie. In fact, paramount has a tomb raider coming out, and they have experience in adapting movies from games.

But what happened when MUV was filmed?

You said that "soul of darkness" has been a popular game for a long time, which is normal, but a new game is about to shoot a movie. What the hell is that?

It's hard to understand.

But Lao Ren is Lao Ren after all.

They soon found out what was going on.

Well, in fact, there is a large group in lighthouse country, which has signed a series of terms with group A, including the copyright of films and TV dramas such as "the sky of fate", "the soul of darkness" and "forbearance against demons" It's all bought.

Paramount's side is only the first shot, because after There is a soul of darkness!

At this moment, the senior management of Nintendo is watching TV. On TV, the news is recorded. The person in charge of the order of Phoenix is being interviewed.

But Nintendo's top executives focused on the crooked nut with golden hair behind the interviewee.

"The Tianhai family's connections are really amazing." Even Pu in the mountain can't help but sigh so.

"It's very difficult to adapt the game into a movie. They don't necessarily succeed. They are more likely to encounter setbacks. " Iwata Cong thought, "in another month," Tomb Raider "will be released, we can see this first."

"Hey, they're more likely to fail." Someone immediately agreed.

How to say The order of Phoenix is actually the same as Nintendo.

Because Nintendo's "Super Mario" has also been filmed, but, that change in 1993, it was disastrous, directly to Nintendo.

How to say, Nintendo has a lot of good ideas, but when they are implemented, they are more subtle.

Then the question comes:

they buy shares in fruit companies What are you doing?



it's normal that there are villains and clowns in the works. However, the author found that he couldn't bear to be black Tut, I am clearly Ren hei

In fact, what Alice really wants to make a movie is MUV. Unexpectedly, 233

the first one

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