"It's unwise of Mr. Xiasen. He's obviously cooperating with Juqiang company. Why do you want to take a stake in fruit? Now this is a terrible situation

The three news from the order of Phoenix not only stun Nintendo, but also the players.

After getting the news, the Internet immediately exploded.

A lot of people were blown up by the news.

After the news of high-profile shares in fruit companies was spread to lighthouse country, it directly pulled up a large part of the shares of fruit companies, and many lighthouse players beat their chests and said that they did not buy at the lowest price.

However, while happy, many people also expressed concern about it.

Kenichi Aso is one of them.

As the nearest fan to Mr. shaasone, Kenichi Aso is very worried about Mori's actions.

Senxia side of the fruit company seems to be very powerful, but this will not annoy Juqiang?

That's what he worries about most.

However, unfortunately, because the school has not yet started, he even wants to see Mori in the sky.

Therefore, he can only express his sigh on the Internet - he can't make a phone call to ask Sen Xia, right?

On the Internet, many people, like Mr. Aso, have expressed concern about this.

Yeah, what if you annoy Juqiang?

"You idiots, it's better to annoy Juqiang. How long hasn't Mr. shawson written a novel? What are you worried about? "

Suddenly, someone said so on the network.

"Ah! Yes, if Mr. shawson can meet some setbacks now, will he go back and start writing novels

Mr. Aso's eyes lit up.

Do you know why "Yueji 2" hasn't appeared for a long time? Because fatego makes too much money!

Watson found the blind spot.

When ASO saw the news, he was suddenly enlightened.

"As far as I know, there seems to be a big hard lead in this matter. I'm in lighthouse, and I know something about it."

At this time, Aso saw an uncle party on the Internet.

Let alone, it seems that the uncle party still has some dry goods.

According to this uncle's party, the fruit company has not been doing well recently. In fact, Juqiang has been helping the fruit company, and there are hundreds of millions of dollars before and after.

Senxia shares in fruit, Juqiang not only didn't show antipathy, but also took the initiative to take the lead - well, by the way, sold a little of his own shares.

"Difficult, is it really hard to let Mr. shawson take over the offer?"

Asao immediately had a bad idea.

Yes, Juqiang gave his fruit company shares to senxia. Isn't this just to let them take over the offer?

In particular, when we look at the second news, things are very clear.

Juqiang, the order of Phoenix and some big eastern country together set up a Kirin computer. If it is linked with the first news, it is not difficult to find that it must be a very hard blackmail to receive the offer from Mr. Xia Sen!

Oh, Mr. shawson, you are so bitter!

It's not just Aso hsien-1. On the Internet, some people think so.

However, in fact, they think more about it, because Juqiang just acts as a middleman. In fact, Juqiang has also acquired a lot of shares in fruit companies to help them tide over the difficulties. Although the

giant has escaped the fate of being split, but if it is just a crisis caused by the collapse of the Internet bubble, the lighthouse will not start to avoid the Internet becoming more flagging.

Just like Intel didn't kill AMD in one breath, giant hard kept fruits at the moment, and even helped them in turn, just in order not to let themselves be torn down. So after learning that the order of Phoenix was going to take some shares of the fruit company, Juqiang took the initiative to help the Fruit Company tide over the difficulties with the money of the order of Phoenix. It was better to use other people's money than its own.

In fact, giant hardware has made concessions, such as the cooperation between the agent of giant hardware operating system in Mudong and Kirin computer, etc

Mr. ASO didn't know about these ways. He just expressed his concern on the Internet - but after finding out that if Mr. shawson could return to the field of fiction because of the crisis, he felt as if he had let Mr. Xiasen fall back Seems good?

In fact, the third news that shocked ASO most was the third news.

Because, he is a loyal player of MUV moonset.

At this time, he even heard the news that lighthouse was going to shoot MUV on the moon!

That's paramount! That's Hollywood!

Compared with the previous news, this news is the most exciting for players.

In particular, the players of MUV are even more happy.

However, because there is no more information, we can only speculate.

After all, people just put a message, more specific information, is not.For a while, a lot of "Uncle party" appeared on the Internet, but it is a pity that they do not have further information now, and even do not know who is the star.

However, on the Internet, we are more worried about the special effects - mecha or something, can you really play it well?

This is what people are most worried about now.

"Don't worry. I don't think it's a problem. The style of MUV's mecha is very realistic, not just big wood. I think it can be made in the real world." As a military enthusiast, Kenichi ASO put forward his own view on the Internet, "MUV mecha is more in line with the needs of the real world than robots such as RIGAKU. These robots can also be made by themselves - just can't realize the abilities in the story."

MUV's mecha is not huge, so it is completely feasible to design and manufacture it separately. If it is not required to do too much, it may be possible to make a movable one with millions of dollars.

Compared with the "Titan" inside, Asao is more worried about the design of aliens.

"In fact, it's the plot reduction."

However, some people on the Internet also put forward their own views.

"I think it's better to have the story completely original. The story of MUV's original work is perfect enough. Whether it's MUV or the moon falls, the performance effect is very good."

Mr. Aso is looking forward to it.

However, as Mori's fan, Asao soon attracted his attention to another work besides the news about MUV, which was the second film of Lu Lu Xiu.

After the announcement of the order of the Phoenix, Lu Lu Xiu, an anti rebel, ushered in a new wave of the clarion call.

At the same time, the other two games of group A are ready to go online.

So here's the question.

So What on earth is the order of Phoenix purchasing the shares of fruit company?


The collapse is really a twists and turns. Dawei's villa is gone, 2333

the second watchman's meow.

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