This was before the news of agency a was announced.

Since I want to help, it's impossible to find a place.

After the death of Dachuan Gong, senxia has been talking with Alice.

Because of the relationship that has been discussed before, group A is already in the process of film copyright and TV drama copyright.

After a series of news, senxia certainly wants to fight back.

After stabilizing the morale of the army, it is natural to have relevant means to boost market confidence.

So sonxia and Alice quickly left the process, and then Alice quickly got in touch with Hollywood, and initially determined the news of the adaptation.

It is worth mentioning that what Sen Xia was preparing for at the beginning was not "MUV falling on the moon", but "soul of darkness".

However, compared with the former, the latter is more difficult to adapt, and there are people who have played with the MUV series on Paramount's side, so after some discussion, they changed it into MUV series.

But whether it is an original or an adaptation has not been decided for the time being.

It's also possible for them to make the series of transformers.

In addition to a variety of foreign aid, senxia naturally will not forget his hometown.

The Tianhai family is a big landlord in Hokkaido. If it comes to influence and technology, Sen Xia thinks that Tianhai family may not be able to do it, but they can do it with financial support.

However, before senxia went to find the old man, the old man called Sen Xia to the rudiment village.


Just came in, senxia found that the old man was sitting in front of him.

The old man closed his eyes and raised his eyelids after he saw Sen Xia. Then he opened his mouth gently.

"Hi." After all, it is asking for help from others. Senxia still thinks it is better to be honest.

"You You're going to be an adult. "

Nihong is twenty years old and Moriyama is about twenty years old.

"Hi." Mori responded immediately.

Yes, senxia is coming of age.

"In that case, you should inherit the family property." The old man suddenly opened his mouth.

Senxia was caught off guard.

"Wait a minute! What's the situation? " Senxia asked quickly.

"You are about to be an adult. In that case, you should be the head of the household. What's the problem?" Tianhai asked.

"I'm sorry, Grandpa, but it's impossible. I still have something to do." Mori had a serious face.

"Ah, I heard that your small club is facing the encirclement and suppression of Sony and Nintendo. I admit that the game you played is very interesting, but now this situation can not last too long. You can go home and inherit the owner! And I'm old, and I want to have a great grandson. "


Senxia's mouth was twitching.

Feeling your own grandfather, is this taking advantage of the fire?

"Sorry, Grandpa, but this is a good opportunity for the order of the Phoenix to expand. I can't miss it." Senxia quickly said, "now is the time to fight back."

Of course I know what you're doing, but what if you don't come back to be the head of the house!

The old man frowned.

Although he knows that his grandson's career is on the rise, he thinks that if he is not allowed to come back now, it may be bad after that.

What's more, the old man has already known that senxia seems to have had a lot of relationships. Now this should be an opportunity.

"Do you want xuenai to inherit the family property?" The old man asked again.

Hearing the news, senxia raised her head: "grandfather, you are still so young, why can't you always think of it? What's wrong with being a housekeeper for two more years? "

They are all mortal. They want to control power. You'd better let them out.

This is wool!

"I'm doing it for your own good. Now that you control the family, you will be able to control Hokkaido. Even if there is a problem in this state, you will have the capital to make a comeback, but your situation is not so good now."

The old man said as he looked at senxia.

And the senxia over here also stares at the old man.

"What's more, you know a lot of girls now. You know, in modern law, many relationships between men and women can't be recognized. If you don't inherit the family property, some things can't be done. The girl you know from the Dongcheng family is just fine, but Qianyu's family is still very powerful in this state. Only by inheriting the family can you have the ability to subdue him, you know? "

The old man's earnest manner made senxia feel as if he had done something wrong.

But senxia knew that it was the lines the old man used to cheat himself into being the owner of the house.

Fake, all fake!"I'm sorry, old man, but the impossible is impossible, no matter what!" Said senxia.

"In that case, don't blame me for being merciless, and dig out all the members of the order of the Phoenix and the order of a!" The old man also blew his beard and glared.

"It's a trick out of the game." Senxia couldn't help it, "and if you do this, aren't you afraid that I will bring down the Tianhai family after I become the owner?"

“……” The old man took a look at mori.

How to say that, although Sen Xia is soft at ordinary times, he can't compromise when it comes to the issue of principle.

With his ruthlessness, this kind of thing Maybe it can be done.

Hard is impossible.


There was silence at the scene.

But senxia, for sure, will not compromise.

“…… It's OK to extend it for a while. " The old man said, "but you need to prove that your actions outside are not in vain."

"Of course Although it seems that she doesn't care about it at all, in fact, senxia is also relieved.

If this thing continues, I'm afraid it will be really troublesome. At this time, downhill donkey is undoubtedly the best choice.

"Well, let's set a small goal for you. If your total profit can reach one billion dollars in a year, I'll give you a grace period, OK?"

"Ah? This How to calculate the profit? " Senxia asked strangely.

"Well The net profit of the balance. " The old man thought for a moment.

The company on senxia side is not planning to go public, so the means of realization is limited.

If it's a pure valuation, let's not say one billion a year. If it's properly operated, it can be 10 billion.

But the net profit is another word. The net profit of one billion US dollars can't be made by Liang senxia.

"Yes Sen Xia started up.

This is steady.

The old man's mouth was smiling.

This is the smile of schemata.

"In addition, if you agree, then you should prepare and let your maid team stay with you more. At least a few more maids should be sent to the outside every day. What is it like

"Ah Oh. " Senxia nodded.

"In addition, you must deal with things with Qianyu family. As a man of Tianhai family, this kind of thing must be done well, you know?"


Wait a minute. What does this matter have to do with Qianyu family?

Sen Xia looks confused.

"Sir, Mr. Harada is here." At this time, IKey came into the room.

"Ouxi." The old man nodded, "I'm going to see my old friend now. You can arrange your own affairs. Remember to arrange all your maids. "


After seeing the old man's cool feeling left, senxia always felt strange.


But as soon as the old man left, senxia saw Qianjia in kimono come in.

"Qianjia, why are you here?" Senxia asked strangely.

"Ah, the old man called me here this morning, and he also discussed about the poetry. Well, I wanted to tell the old man whether he would support you or not, but I accidentally revealed it. " Thousand good can read said.

What is poetry?

Without waiting for senxia to ask questions, Qianjia said, "the old man asked you to make a billion dollars. Why did you agree so easily? The current situation of the club is very bad. Why not use this as capital to negotiate with the old man? "

"Ah, this one." Mori quickly clarified, "because what we are short of is not funds. What's more, Mr. Ogawa's legacy is also very amazing, so there is no problem at all."

"But for order of Phoenix and order a, I'm afraid it's not so easy to earn one billion dollars?" Qian Jia asked another question.

Just like Sen Xia has been worrying, Qianjia here is also thinking of various ways to help the club tide over the difficulties.

Senxia wants to earn a billion dollars. In theory, it can.

However, it is impossible to keep all the money of the association as pure profit, but it needs to be invested again.

But if the money goes on, there will be a big problem - if you don't invest money in R & D, sometimes you will encounter some more troublesome situations.

Expanding production requires investment. But if you want to balance a billion net profits, I am afraid it means that investment will stagnate.

"In fact, it's only 300 million dollars, and if the balance of" brain platinum "is calculated, it's probably Only 100 million. " Said senxia.

"Ah?" Qian Jia is confused.

"Ah, you don't know, because this news is still in the stage of confidentiality for the time being - in fact, Mr. Ogawa left a legacy of 8 million yen."Well, it's more than $700 million.

"Naobaijin" is the most popular game on Mori's Xbox Well, it's a brain boosting software. This software will bring rich and terrible cash flow to the club every year.

At the end of the 20th century, at the beginning of the 21st century, the most popular game was not a biochemical crisis, a Pokemon, or StarCraft.

But the sales volume has exceeded ten million copies, and occupies the absolute dominant position in the market.

This "game", for the major game manufacturers, is really piapiapiapiapia, and the profits brought by this game, is also very rich.

"So we didn't lack money at all. The old man's plan failed from the beginning. Tianhai family or something, let him worry about it alone

Sen Xia showed a planned smile.

-- this smile as like as two peas ago, the smile of the old man. "Five.

"It's really good heredity." Qian Jia rolled her eyes. "Do you want to keep the money?"

"No, money is for investment. We are not short of cash, so it should be a good idea to choose a strategic target for investment. "

And the target that Sen Xia chooses, it is fruit company.

Between 2001 and 2002, fruit companies had the lowest market value.

Now not into the fruit company shares, when to start again?

Opportunity is now!

"Are you very optimistic about the fruit company?" Qian Jia asked curiously.

"No, I look after Joe." Senxia immediately replied, "the fruit with the leader of Qiao Gang is the real fruit, that's all."

And more importantly, fruit companies will launch the famous iPod this year.

The field of iPods is not moriha's, but Sony's. In fact, the emergence of iPods really tore away a piece of Sony's meat.

Although the fruit company's share price has been falling after the launch of the iPod, but other people's products sell well, in fact, it is profitable, and the shareholders' dividend is also very considerable.

Although I want to protect my uncle's smile, Sony, your biggest mistake is not to jump out at this time, bear my anger!

Senxia came to a small theater in her heart.

"All right. Just think it's true. " Qianjia shook his head, "what about the response of other manufacturers, do you have a good idea?"

"Well, of course, but now is not the time to fight back in an all-round way. If we go too far, we may be considered as strong outside but good at middle. E3 is the time to perform. But now we really need some content to stabilize the market."

Senxia said her strategy to Qianjia.

After hearing Sen Xia's strategy, Qian Jia also nodded: "this should be no problem."

"Oh, by the way, I've always wanted to ask. The old man has been talking about Qianyu family and poetry. What's going on? " Senxia asked curiously.

Just after saying this, senxia suddenly felt that the temperature seemed to be three degrees cooler.

Although Qianjia is still expressionless appearance, but Sen Xia has no reason to feel a burst of heart.

This What happened?

"Ah, la la la, of course, is the relationship between our adorable Sen Xia Jun and my best sister." Qian Jia said with a smile.

"Ah?" Sen Xia's face was muddled, "I didn't do strange things to the poetry sound!"

After hearing the "sophistry" of senxia, Qianjia sighed: "I have already decided to forgive you before, senxia Jun. But you lie like that, and I'm disappointed with you. "


Is it about the studio a few days ago?

But what is the meaning of the latter sentence?

"I have never done anything strange to the sound of a poem!" Senxia said in a hurry.

"But that's not what poetry says about you." Qian Jia frowned.

"No, that's not the case Actually, it's because Shi Yin has been playing the games I've made, but she feels more subtle about me, and she always thinks that I've taken her sister away And when she and I were in the hotel, nothing happened to us. The president's suite had a lot of bedrooms. "

Well, I don't remember. It should be Didn't you?

Qian Jia frowned: "you and the poetic sound Really not? "

"I swear to my great great great grandmother." Senxia said quickly.

"Well That's a problem. I hinted to the old man of your family before... "

Hearing Qianjia's words, senxia finally understood why the old man called himself back suddenly, and then said so much inexplicably that he let himself inherit his family property.

The feeling is that you blew me up!


Subtitle: in order not to go home and inherit hundreds of millions of property, I have to fight wits and courage with business giants in Tokyo.Two in one meow ~

meow meow ~

meow meow

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