If senxia is a planner, it must be the one who will go out on the same day and be killed by the player. Even if he is not killed, he will be expelled by the boss the next day.

The pit force settings of sword kingdom will certainly be revised to a certain extent when it is fully released. Some systems that seem wonderful but are actually not easy to use will also be cut off. If players have better suggestions or the development team finds more interesting settings, they may be added later.

For example, add a set of favor for NPC, let players constantly rub NPC and so on

But that's the future. At least at this moment, Sen Xia is very confident in his own settings, so that when he has dinner with Qianjia, he feels a little bit floating.

"Sen Xiajun."


"I think if you keep this expression, you will be beaten."

"Well, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm a little too happy."

Senxia's expression is really inadequate.

When leaving the meeting hall, senxia went to see the scene and found that her venue was really overcrowded, so she was very happy.

"Why hasn't the poetry come yet?" Senxia looked at the time and it was almost one o'clock in the afternoon.

"Do you think so much of my sister?" Qian Jia put up the black tea in front of him without expression, "do you know, if this kind of behavior is in the love game, it will be cut by firewood."

"Ah Now the author is really immoral, like to add some strange content to the game Sonia put her head away.

"It's not because of someone else." Qian Jia did not hesitate to make complaints about Sen Xia.

But Sen Xia's expression also has some helplessness.

Since his side out of a day in the campus, and become a blockbuster, the game instantly has a lot of followers.

Many game manufacturers, because of this game, have learned the kind of "magic trick" to mix excrement into the game.

In many games, if a player wants to associate with many younger sisters at the same time, he will be killed, poisoned and suffocated by the younger sister paper. What's more, in one game, if the player wants to be half hearted, but he doesn't brush his favor, he will be suffocated in his arms by a sister with a huge mind, which is worthy of the name ... No, it's supposed to be killing people in their arms.

Of course, as on campus, there are few games that take this kind of novelty hunting as a selling point. Most of them are just playing games. If the player doesn't die, it's definitely not going to die.

But how to say, players don't die Is that still called player?!

As a result, many of the game's death endings have been found out, and then some people trace back to the source. As a result, people found that this kind of pot that "the hero was killed by firewood" really had to be carried by Sen Xia.

"It's not me that's wrong. It's the world." Sen Xia's words are right.

"Long wait, sister."

And at this time, the two finally arrived at Qianjia's sister's poetry.

She had just taken off her make-up and changed her clothes, looking rather tired.

"Oh, the poetry sound ~" Sen Xia said hello to the poem sound, but was turned a white eye by the poetry sound. She did not pay attention to Sen Xia, but directly sat next to Qianjia.

"Ah?" Mori is in the dark.

"On the stage, in front of the audience all over the world, have you been flirting with the sound of poetry, and then you have no consciousness?" Qian Jia said, while extending his foot, from the table under a kick in the Sen Xia's belly.

"Ah You said that. " Senxia lowered her head and looked at her foot sticking out from under the tablecloth.

Qianjia did not wear shoes to kick Sen Xia, but took off the shoes, leaving only feet wrapped in black silk.

"That's the program effect."

Senxia side said, the other side suddenly caught Qianjia is about to withdraw the foot.

Qianjia was shocked, then raised his head and squinted at Sen Xia.

"Bang --"

the poem sound angrily put aside her head. Her face was full of red, as if she wanted to see Sen Xia, but she was a little shy.

"Hard work, Shi Yin. I was just taking pictures. Here's the menu. Whatever you want."

The cos activity of poetic sound is not just cos initial sound, and it will be better in the future.

Although Chu Yin's future works have not been specifically explained and released at E3 exhibition, the relevant products and publicity have also been brought to the venue, and Shi Yin has been there as a Kanban girl.

Not to mention, after a month of accumulation, chuyin's popularity in the future is still very good. Many people take photos with Shi Yin as a souvenir. The reason why she came so late is because the players are so enthusiastic that they can't get rid of their relationship.

"Can I order anything?"

The sound of the poem turned her head and looked at Sen Xia with subtle eyes.

"Ah, of course."

Senxia said as she lowered her head.Qian Jia's move didn't work, so he stretched out another leg.

Her leg is not directly into the arms of senxia, but against Sen Xia's knee.

"Really?" The poem sounds again.

"Please." Senxia held out a hand and pushed the menu to the front, indicating that the poetry sounds casual.

"Don't bother." Shi Yin pushed aside the menu, and then called the waiter to come over, "all the dishes on the menu, please have one."


Senxia was stunned at last.

At this time, he felt that Qianjia's foot against his knee was sliding towards the inside of senxia's thigh.

If this is trampled on, that senxia has enough, but he immediately clamped his legs and pressed Qianjia's little feet.

She found that senxia was restless, and her face showed a happy smile: "if you don't have money, it doesn't matter. Just admit your mistake to me and apologize. "

This is a very high-end western restaurant. Shi Yin notes that the consumption of the restaurant is very high, but in Mori's words As far as she knows, senxia's money was collected by her sister.

However, at this time, senxia boldly threw a black card at the waiter, and said in English: "all dishes on the menu, the same to one."

“Are_ you_ sure?” The waiter was also surprised.

"Of course, brush as you like." Senxia said boldly.

The waiter heard what senxia said and nodded quickly.

Generally speaking, this kind of dish can be served casually, either to find fault or to have a bad head. But since senxia has taken out the black card in advance, it shows that the other party should be able to pay. No, since it's a black card, it's a "distinguished customer.".

The waiter quickly slipped away respectfully, leaving only a stunned poetic voice on his face.

"What's the matter with you?" The poem sound looks at Sen Xia angrily.

That feeling, as if found the expression of husband and the cat together.

"Snow is not so unreasonable. When I came to lighthouse country, xuenai gave me this card specially

I have been getting closer to my sister these months. Jpg.

“…… Bang. " The sound of the poem is obviously a little uncomfortable.

"Hem ~"

Sen Xia was very happy. He covered his body with a tablecloth so that Qianjia's feet would not be exposed. Then he gently grasped the instep of Qianjia with his other hand.


Realizing what senxia is going to do, Qianjia can't calm down.

No matter how cold it was outside, she couldn't restrain the panic. She seems to want to retract her feet, but the poetry is next to her. She dare not use big movements, and the result is to hit Sen Xia's bosom.

Xia Mori's fingers are about to touch.

"You've been moving, isn't it comfortable?" Suddenly, senxia heard the voice of poetry.

However, when senxia turned her head to look at Shiyin, she turned away her head and said, "don't get me wrong. I'm just worried that you won't be able to eat all those dishes later!"

"Well - nothing. Just a little exercise. Moreover, I specially ordered that we should have less portion. If it is only one mouthful, it is not impossible to taste every dish. "

It's impossible to reduce the price by reducing the portion size, but at least it won't waste food.

“……” The poetry voice is awkward to turn a head, "really, I just casually say, why do you have to really all point, you are a fool?"

"It's nothing. If the poetry sound can be happy, I think it doesn't matter if the price is 10 times more than that"

"Ai Ai?" The sound of the poem was a little flustered, "are you a fool!"

As soon as she finished, she seemed to realize that her voice was too loud, so she shrunk her head and glared at senxia: "idiot! idiot! fool! Stupid

Even scolded the Sen Xia several words, she did not calm picked up the menu, seems to want to see what on the menu.

Senxia had a smile on her face.

On the one hand, this is because of the comprehensible and interesting expression of the poetic sound, and on the other hand, it is because he once again controlled Qianjia.

Just at the time when Shi Yin just said something, senxia didn't dare to make too big a move, so that Qianjia fled again and took advantage of the opportunity to enter.

But her two legs extended to senxia's body. In turn, senxia clamped Qianjia's two legs directly.

He dropped his hands and pretended to be careless, but actually he had already grasped Qianjia's two ankles.

The touch between the palm and the black is interesting and wonderful. He pinches Qianjia's lower leg with his thigh. His hands are slightly relaxed and gently whirling to tease Qianjia.


The expression of the latter at this time, however, does not seem to be as frightened as just now.No expression of the girl, with a kind of inorganic material general eyes staring at Sen Xia, so that he even a little guilty.

Sure enough, Qianjia's eyes are still oppressive.

Although the two sisters are somewhat similar, their personalities are quite different. The two independent individuals, red and blue, have a feeling of indulging in them.

"Good, many How expensive... "

At this time, Shi Yin has finished reading the menu.

This shop is the best choice. There are many dishes, but they are also very expensive.

What truffle, foie gras, not to mention, even those steak and lamb chops, borscht and so on, the price is sky high.

And the most terrible thing is the drinks. The prices are more exaggerated.

But fortunately, senxia only served all the dishes once, and the wine was still not required.

If not, I'm afraid the poetry will be more restless.

"It's a pity that other people are not available. Otherwise, it might be more interesting if we all come together." Senxia opened his mouth and looked at Qianjia.

At present, there is only one poetic sound nearby. Naturally, it will not be revealed. But if there are Lihua and others nearby, Qianjia may have been found by this time.

"Ah, la la la, can't we satisfy your dirty desire? How great is desire, you fellow While talking, Qian Jia's feet are still pushing towards Sen Xia here.

This time Mori relaxed a little.

Although Qianjia is rubbing herself, how can I say it? It's still quite Cool

"What are sisters Sister, don't say strange things There is something subtle in the tone of the poem.

Seeing the appearance of the poem, senxia's face couldn't help showing a smile.

"What are you laughing at?" The poem sound has no good gas to say.

"I just think it's easy to understand your expression. Well, I like it Senxia thought that the performance of poetry sounds was really interesting.

"Die a hundred times!"

"Even if you die a thousand times, I will say - you are very lovely, this is an unshakable truth."


Mori Xia's serious speech, let the poem sound can't help but put aside his eyes.

If not, I'm afraid that the poetry will really scream with shame. This place is a high-end western restaurant, and the poetry is restraining its impulse to make noise here.

"It's cute even if it's bashful and angry, oh, poetry sauce"

Sen Xia said, but she also put out a foot in disgust and demonstrated to Qianjia with her knees and legs.

"Everything is lovely, and that's all you know about flattery!" The sound of the poem turned away.

"All in all, it's lovely. I can't go against my heart. " Sen Xia chuckled, "if you say bad words about the poetry sauce, I can't forgive myself for lying."


The poetry sound looks at Sen Xia, and the eyes seem to be saying "are you sick?".

"I mean it." Senxia added.

"Believe you have a ghost!" Poetry disdain of the face.

"Then why should I lie to you?" Senxia's foot is pulled away by Qianjia.

"You praise me to please my sister."

"If Qianjia is not here, I will say the same thing. If you are not satisfied, I can tell you even a thousand or ten thousand times. "

Senxia pretended to be in a different position and once again grasped Qianjia's legs. This time, he put his bold hand to Qianjia's calf.

"I'm sorry, I seem to say that you're not cute."


"It's very cute. It's as charming and charming as a little angel. I'm actually fascinated by you ~"

"huh?!" The girl turned her head in amazement, her cheeks flushed.

On the other side, Qianjia suddenly broke free of senxia and kicked her heel in. The distance from the front end was only 0.001 cm.

Almost rollover


When writing the setting set, I suddenly feel something is wrong, and then I find that I forgot to send an update.


two in one meow ~

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