At the same time holding a pair of sister flowers, if the Sao operation of senxia changes place, it is probably the fate of the overturning firewood knife.

But the poetry sound is in a state of chaos, and Qianjia is caught by senxia's weakness.

"Excuse me."

But just then, the waiter came.

He came up with a dining car.

This is a three storey three car, with several dishes on it.

Senxia ordered a lot of dishes at one go, and the chef here also rearranged the serving order, so that senxia could taste these dishes from the shallow to the deep.

First, three glasses of red wine and cold bread are served.

"It's a burgundy red wine made from Pinot Noir from yeqiu. It's a very good table wine."

This waiter is not the one who ordered food before, but another more experienced waiter.

The manager of this restaurant was also shocked by the fact that all the dishes were ordered by senxia. After looking at the three foreign guests from a distance, he probably guessed that they were coming to travel, so he arranged for the old waiter to explain the dishes for senxia while serving the dishes.

"Well, good wine and sweet bread. Not bad, not bad. " Senxia took a goblet and gently appraised the red wine.

But the poem sound looked at the glass of red wine, but his face was a little indescribable.

"Won't this one get drunk?"

Probably because of the relationship between being drunk twice before, the poetic sound seems to have produced some psychological shadows on "wine".

"It's a meal wine. If you drink it in moderation, it won't get drunk. On the contrary, it can neutralize the taste of steak and help you digest."

The waiter explained it calmly.

"Just red wine." Moriha says hold has to live.

However, as soon as he finished, he saw Qian Jia looking at himself with disdain: "are you sure?"

"Well, of course." Mori also thought about her previous drinking pieces.

There's some subtle awkwardness.

"That's it." Qianjia lowered her head and took a look at the products on the table.

After the cold dishes, there is the thick soup before the meal.

There are a lot of soup here, so the restaurant is very considerate to choose small dishes, each kind of soup may take one or two mouthfuls, but although the sparrow is small, there are still many dishes in it.

After a little bread and an appetizer of borscht, senxia felt her appetite rise.

"It feels good." He nodded.

With a spoon in the right hand and Qianjia's feet in the left hand Well, it's a real meal!

Because someone was serving the food, Sen Xia's right hand let go of Qianjia, but the left side was on the other side of her body, and she could just block it with her body. So although senxia let go of her right hand, her left hand still held Qianjia's leg.

Now, Qianjia doesn't dare to exert himself.

Otherwise, it will be found.

However, Qianjia was calm at this time.

Senxia's face showed a satisfied smile.

When should we not bully my sister?

Unfortunately, one hand is limited. Although senxia wants to do some interesting things, she can only do so for the time being.

But this did not hinder Mori's interest.

He tasted the red wine bread while enjoying Qianjia's little feet, which was really comfortable.

However, it is a pity that after the cold dishes and the front dishes, the main dish will be served. At this time, Mori finally reluctantly let go of Qianjia's feet.

However, the senxia side just let go, Qianjia kicked over.

At the edge of the rollover, senxia clamped her legs again to avoid the rollover accident.

If you are not an old driver, you can't do it.

“…… Well, this steak tastes better than the steak I got in Mudong... "

Qianjia over there is really listening to the other side's explanation and tasting the dishes at the same time.

In fact, their meals are not all ready. Senxia is eating here, and the chef there is also constantly cooking. Rows and rows of dishes are put on and off the table. Some of them are just tasting, and the rest of the food is still a lot.

But senxia here is only to taste, since said the whole point, that with tears, every kind of common sense.

Don't mention, this restaurant has high consumption and good service. Senxia eats one bite at a time, and there are only bars on the other side. Moreover, the dishes are very careful and careful, but they also have good service quality.

However, senxia and Qianjia two people, it is a bit of food.

Because two people have been fighting legs under the table.

"Just order all your dishes?"

At this moment, a voice came from far to near.After hearing this sound, senxia immediately froze, and Qianjia over there also retracted his legs.

'Alice The poem turned her head and looked over there, and saw Alice.

"I've just heard that some big money ordered all the dishes. Well, that's interesting. "

As she spoke, Alice sat down beside senxia, facing the sound of the poem.

"Why are you here?" Senxia looked at Alice curiously.

"This is my property. Why can't I be here?" Alice was smiling.

"What a coincidence." Qianjia said while cutting the naked eye steak just served with a knife and fork.

"It's not a coincidence." Alice said, "actually, a lot of places here in California belong to my family. If we leave here, we may not meet, but in California, you can easily meet my family

Alice noticed that the waiter stopped. She waved and said, "you don't have to worry about me. Just keep serving."

Alice said so, and her left hand was naturally on Sonia's lap.

Her left hand suddenly touched the thigh of Sen Xia, which made him smart.

"How, how does it taste?"

Alice turned her head and looked at senxia.

She seems to be asking about senxia's feeling, but her body is not honest. She has been trying to gather around senxia, which makes her uncomfortable all over the body.

But senxia did not resist.

Although not comfortable.

But It's cool.

That kind of subtle feeling from the turbulent waves is really a kind of incomparable enjoyment

"Good, very good, very good! I feel like I can still eat three bowls Senxia said excitedly.

"That's great. Since darling likes it, it's the best ~"

Alice leaned against senxia excitedly, and her left hand was more daring to slide towards senxia's body.

But Alice did not wait long for her to move, but suddenly she raised her eyebrows.


Senxia lowered her head and looked under the table.

Through the gap between the tablecloth, senxia noticed that Qianjia was beating Alice with her feet.

This time, Qianjia didn't take off her shoes as she did to senxia. Instead, she knocked Alice's shins wrapped in white silk with her shoes' feet.

Alice looks at Qian Jia.

There was a smile on her face.

-- then Alice stretched out her legs directly towards Qianjia!


Qianjia probably didn't expect Alice to do this. For a while, she lost her position.

Qianjia is wearing a skirt today. In the face of Alice's attack, her defense line did not work at all.

"Yes, it's delicious." Qian Jia said as she looked at Alice.

She also stopped her previous brawl and started attacking Alice.

Senxia is a little embarrassed.

Because under his body, two thighs are "fighting".

The thighs in black stockings and those in white stockings are intertwined with each other.

The two thighs are intertwined and intertwined, which seems to be two continuous flowing textures.

Entangle interweave the legs together, give a person the feeling, quite delicate.

Well, senxia now feels like she can eat six bowls of rice in one breath


The two men did not dare to exert too much force. They gazed at each other with a smile on their faces and tried not to disturb the senxia and Shiyin.

But on the surface, the two of them are fighting.

At this point, both of them have stopped attacking each other between their thighs and are beginning to turn into toe attacks.

"How do you feel about the table..." I'm cutting the poetry of filet steak. This time, I finally found the change of the table.

"- poetic sound." Senxia suddenly opened her mouth.

"Ah --?! What do you want to do to me? "

Because she had been teased by senxia before, the poetic sound now sounds a little fussy when she hears her words.

"How could I have done anything to you?" Senxia reassured Shiyin, "I just want to ask you, what are the arrangements in lighthouse country? It's rare to come here and have a visit. There's no place you want to go? "

"This kind of small favor is useless to me!" Hearing senxia's words, Shi Yindun was on guard.


Senxia talked, while paying attention to Qianjia and Alice. Both of them lowered their heads, and their faces were slightly red. In their blurred eyes, there was a special atmosphere.Although she felt a little unkind, she felt that watching the duel between the two girls was really a process of enjoyment.

"But since I am in charge of you coming to lighthouse this time, I will certainly be responsible for it. So I'm the flower protector of this poem in lighthouse country

Senxia is enjoying the girl's Duel while holding the music of the poem.

It feels like It's really heaven

Senxia said she was quite happy.

"What a flower protector..." The poem is not calm enough to hold up the red wine that he has never touched before, and then gulps and gulps to drink two cups.

Under the influence of alcohol, her cheeks began to glow.

"The flower protector of poetic sound." Senxia cheekily came over.

Every time she saw the lovely appearance of the poem, senxia couldn't help trying to bully her.

I can't help it. It's just too pleasant.

"There is no special arrangement." "If you have to ask for trouble, you can do whatever you want."

"That would be great." Mori responded cheerfully.

"But --" the poem turned to look at him fiercely, "if you can't satisfy me, you're finished, you know?"

"Hi, hi, hi, Shiyin sauce. I know, I will definitely give you a perfect trip ~ "

Mori said happily.

At this time, almost all the main courses have been served.

Although the weight is not much, but one bite of a dish is enough.

After dinner, there is dessert.

"What is this?"

There is an ice cream on the table.

Shi Yin was surprised to see the ice cream.

"This is gold foil." The waiter said, "eat gold foil and decorate it."

"Gold You can eat it Poetry is not very bold to eat.

"Gold has no taste. In fact, the weight of this thin layer of gold foil is very, very small, but it can be made very thin because of its good ductility. This looks like a large area, but in fact, it is not as much as a melon seed. " Senxia explained, picking up a spoon and digging into the ice cream.

Gold has no taste, but the ice cream itself is good.

"Is that so?"

After seeing senxia's taking a bite, the poetry voice there was finally relieved. She looked at senxia and ate a mouthful of gold foil ice cream.

"Well It's really delicious The poetic voice nodded approvingly.

The taste of this dish itself is very good.

After eating the ice cream, the poetry sound looked at the senxia side.

She was a little flustered.

Although I just said that Jean senxia arranged it.

But at this moment, the poetry sound, but some hesitation.

"Really, clearly this guy is a bad guy, but why can't I help trying to talk to him..."

Obviously, he is such a shameful guy, but he can make that kind of game Well Is he trying to do this and that to me?

But at that time, should I obey or resist?

Well What should I do

The girl was entangled.

She thought of her sister.

But Shi Yin did not dare to look at Qianjia. She was afraid that her face would be seen by her sister.

So, she just keeps her eyes on senxia's side.

That water like eyes, so staring at Sen Xia.

If you are obedient, can this guy stop pestering his sister?

If you think so, the girl's heart is inexplicably produced a kind of joyful emotion.

She felt a little scared, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

A tangled emotion makes her heart incomparably complicated.

"Hoo The desserts are good too Senxia noticed the two girls gasping next to her, and then noticed the shy poetic sound on her face.

Well, today's trip is really enjoyable.

"Thank you so much for the hospitality"

he said.

He said with a chuckle.


Today's two in one, funny Halloween ~

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