After the opening of WCG, it is a tangled matter for the players of a big eastern country.

Because after WCG started, the players on this side got entangled.


Very simple, because there is a game, began the internal test.

The realm of sword and sword.

This is the name of the game.

As soon as you hear it, it's a game of crazy bully and cool drag.

And it's true, because the game's specifications are very high.

If you use the PC version to run, the general machine can only run with low or even the lowest effect. Only by using the Kirin computer here can you run the game more comfortably.

Of course, it's not just about machines, it's about optimization.

It's not easy for game manufacturers to maintain two versions at the same time. The sword realm itself is an action game, which requires a lot of optimization.

PC version of the optimization has been very good, but helpless in this era of PC, performance is really inferior to the host.

Therefore, the main focus of group A is still on optimizing Kirin computers.

Among the users of Kirin computer, the number of game players is very large, and among them, the Internet users are also the majority.

Among the Internet users, at least half of the Internet users are WCG viewers, but these people Most of them are internal test players of "sword God domain".

Well, the sword realm is in a big eastern country. Users of Kirin computer can get the internal test qualification as long as they apply.

Of course, what they get is a modified version of the system, and the original game has been thundered at lighthouse.

For example, after getting a certain big eastern country, the strengthening system was adjusted. The original random adjustment was changed into 20 levels of modification.

Otherwise, the players here are expected to be trapped

Of course, after this adjustment, the wind review of the whole game is much better.

"So should I make a copy or go to watch today's game?"

Wang Xiaohua has a headache.

He is Wang Qiwen's cousin. He has just graduated from senior three.

, as Wang Qiwen's cousin, was very honored to be sent by his brother to a set of five high and three models.

And then No, and then, he's not all right.

but don't say, this five high and three models are quite useful. He didn't panic at the entrance examination this year.

Although Wang Xiaohua himself does not have to take the road of college entrance examination, but he did well, the family is also happy.

And my cousin, at this time, even gave himself a Kirin computer!

Wang Xiaohua has been interested in computers before.

Kirin computer itself is a very interesting thing, this is completely different from the huge hard parity machine, very popular with ordinary players.

Especially small white users.

Because Kirin computer is very powerful, that is, Kirin computer itself is not aimed at professional users, so it is very easy to operate Well, it's basically the logic of the future mobile phone to adapt to the current world.

For ordinary users, this adjustment can obviously make them more convenient to master the machine.

Of course, for geeks and experienced users, that's a different concept.

But for players, the system is more interesting.

Although Wang Xiaohua is interested in computers, he is not a senior user. This kind of Qilin computer just meets his requirements.

Groping and groping, Wang Xiaohua learned to surf the Internet.

Kirin computer has built-in five stroke input method and Pinyin input method. It took Wang Xiaohua only half a month to adapt to Pinyin input method.

It has to be said that the input method of Kirin computer is much higher than that of intelligent ABC.

Senxia's input method is based on the giant hard input method of another world line, Google input method, search cat input method and other input methods.

In recent years, apart from the five stroke input method, there are other Zheng code input methods. As for the Pinyin input method, it is nothing at all.

Because there are basically no input methods in pinyin these days, there are so-called association skills, and there is no intelligent error correction. The whole input method is very rubbish, and some input methods need to type the whole Pinyin.

For example, for subtitles like "input method" at this time, the future input method may only need three letters of "SRF". If the performance of the input method is relatively weak, it is basically "sHRF". However, if it is the input method of this era, it needs to completely type "shurufa". If the system does not have a specific phrase, it needs a single word to select.

Especially at this time, it was the age of Win9x - at this time, the intelligent ABC was just launched, and its performance was still very weak.Intelligent ABC is a turning point of Pinyin input method.

In fact, there are many technologies of intelligent ABC, and there are many references for future Pinyin input methods, but the limitations of the times are also very big, and this is the reason why Pinyin has always been inferior to Wubi in the early days. In fact, the emergence of intelligent ABC can be said to be a turning point for pinyin to win Wubi.

However, intelligent ABC has great defects. For example, this input method does not adjust the word position according to the frequency of use. In other words, if a character is on page 5, every time you type, you need to jump to page 5 to select the character. It is not the same as the future input method. If you use it several times, it will automatically move forward the position of this character. In particular, the network function, intelligent ABC is a no, thesaurus and phrases, far less powerful than the future input method.

However, there is no need to worry about this in Kirin computer.

Kirin computer, which provides intelligent Pinyin and five stroke input method, and even handwriting input, can be said to be very powerful.

Our order of Phoenix technology, the first in the world!

Such a good input method is also an important reason why many people "mutiny" here in a big eastern country.

Well, especially office workers.

Moreover, the text system of the system itself is also very excellent. For code writers, it is good enough to explode. By default, the system will give priority to output to the display at 85Hz refresh rate, which directly makes the display effect of the display surpass that of many PCs. many PCs will adopt the "suitable" refresh rate, but the refresh rate is universal Often can only run at 60Hz or 75Hz, but the burden on the eyes will be relatively poor.

So the fact that "Kirin computers are good for eyes" is also one of the reasons why Kirin computers are popular.

Kirin computers are not as powerful as PCs in terms of functionality, but in terms of ease of use, the concept of 15 years later has completely crushed the current concept.

Of course, PC players also have their own users.

Wang Xiaohua often meets PC fans on the Internet.

The latter thinks that one of the reasons why PCs are powerful is also very simple: Kirin computers don't support multitasking well, and they can't carry out DIY accessories at all

All in all, there are many problems. In the professional field, Kirin computer is not easy to use.

But for small white users and shallow users, this is nothing.

For Wang Xiaohua, this is nothing.

Because he thinks that multi tasking can't be used by himself. Those redundant functions It seems to have no effect on whether you can surf the Internet?

More importantly, at the same price Can you play this PC game?

Don't blow if you can't play!

Of course, in fact, Kirin computer does not support multitasking at all. When using the browser and text editing, the program allows multiple windows to run, which means that the text between the two can be easily exchanged and moved.

In the next iteration, the design is still optimized, but even now, the design of Kirin computer will not have any impact on the current machine.

“…… How can this be done... "

Wang Xiaohua is still in trouble.

Because his friend invited him to join him in the next copy, but at that time, it was the game of "hero track".

Wang Xiaohua likes hero track very much, but he doesn't want to stand up

“…… Forget it. Watch the replay. "

In the end, he felt that it was more important to make copies with his friends.

It is because of the deletion test, so we need to rush to a higher level.

Into the game, Wang Xiaohua looked at his role.

Wang Xiaohua's character uses a thin sword.

Thin sword in the game has the highest agility, although the single attack is relatively weak, but even attack and critical hit are very powerful.

Wang Xiaohua chooses the role of a man, a very handsome man.

Wang Xiaohua actually wanted to take the boxing line at the beginning, and he was also ready to pinch his face according to the star arrow of Saint fighter.

But Wang Xiaohua found that the way he pinched people was simply a pit father. The more he pinched, the uglier he was.

Fortunately, at this time, he found a new world: pinch face data can be imported.

Therefore, Wang Xiaohua chose a facial pinching data that looked very handsome, and then made some fine-tuning and correction to this, and became his present appearance.

"But it's better to be a younger sister..." Wang Xiaohua took a look at another player passing by.

This player is a black long straight sister paper, wearing a bright red cheongsam, as well as very good-looking suspender socks, it is really hard to move people's eyes.

Seeing this sister paper, Wang Xiaohua also had some regrets in his heart.

The game is a third person action game.

When playing the game, what he sees is the back of the character.And that's where the problem is.

The character of Wang Xiaohua is wearing a suit of leather.

Although it is a Chinese paper, but the shape of the buttocks is very good.

But This is a Chinese paper.

Therefore, whenever Wang Xiaohua sees his character's back, he will have a subtle feeling of spiritual pollution.

However, the leather suit that Wang Xiaohua hit is still an orange suit, which has the feature of "reducing the total injury caused by boss by 10%, and the agility will increase with every 10% decrease of life.

This attribute, for the agile, low blood thin sword players, is simply the best attribute.

This is a set of equipment that can be used all the time without any trouble.

"By the way, I remember that there are also some sex changing props in the game..."

Wang Xiaohua remembers that props are provided in the mall

But he stopped again.

Because his friends who play games with him are not netizens on the Internet, but his high school classmates.

In front of acquaintances, I use a sister paper role This

It's embarrassing.

Wang Xiaohua is a little embarrassed.

But looking at Mei paper's back, it's really great

So, some of him wanted to make excuses.

And at this time, Wang Xiaohua thought, the game, some equipment is limited.

Yes, in this game, some equipment is restricted by men and women.

It's not just about men and women, but there are many other restrictions.

It's a feature of the game.

For example, wedding dresses, suspenders and cheongsam can only be used by younger sisters, while Chinese paper can be used a lot. For example, priest's clothes and ascetic robes are restricted to men.

If you change to this mode, and then excuse yourself to hit a very powerful women's best equipment Is that ok?

But he shook his head.

My equipment is the best.

So Let's forget it.

"But why haven't you come yet?" It's about to the appointed time, but Wang Xiaohua has found that his friends are not online.

He opened qicq, and then entered his own group - this is the group where everyone plays games to communicate.

"All online, why not play games?" Wang Xiaohua found that everyone seemed to be online, but no one spoke at this time. The latest news was an hour ago.

"Eh," however, no one answered.

Once again, he was surprised to find: everyone is busy at this time?

What the hell?

He called one by one.

However, there was no response.

What's the situation?

He went back to the game.

It turns out that none of these people are online. He has been waiting in front of the copy for a long time, but he still has nothing.

Am I being fooled?

"Lying trough!" He picked up the phone and dialed it.

"Xiaohua, what's up?" There dally, and picked up the phone, but also seems to be a little anxious.

"What's the matter?" Wang Xiaohua didn't have a good temper and said, "why don't you all go online? Rinse me!"

"Oh, oh, oh! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, WCG today. We're all in the Internet cafe, watching the drama. "

Although Wang Xiaohua is at home, his friends are surfing the Internet in the Internet bar.

Originally, this little partner was also ready to go online together.

But Internet cafes have big screens.

And the boss side, actually put up the WCG broadcast - the Internet bar's Internet speed is very good, even overseas, also very smooth.

As a result, the partners saw the WCG game and were attracted in the past.

Then everyone began to comment on the game.

After all, the game of "hero track" is still very attractive.

At this time is playing 16 into 8 of the game, the game is white hot in the process.

And then And then

Then, in order to abide by the agreement with his partners, Wang Xiaohua, who resolutely gave up watching the WCG game, was ignored in the corner of the world.

This is the truth.

A sad story


The following error has been corrected. In addition, this is the 9x era, and now the intelligent ABC has 5 versions, and the price and performance, as mentioned above.

In addition, the author first used the intelligent ABC code, but it has not been used for a long time. So here, I only use ABC as an example, but it may be wrong, but the basic Pinyin input method of that era is not as good as that of Wubi.FGO related, 2.3 is the old virtual script

Qin Liangyu, tight clothes, high praise, puff explosion booking.

Well In fact, both Xiang Yu and Qin Liangyu have got the fortune report after the sinking of the ship in front of Ba Yu yesterday, but I don't have much liver in Japanese clothes

I thought it would blow or step on it, but it turned out to be a laugh

Our Daqin science and technology is the first in the world!

Two in one Meow can't get up

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