Wang Xiaohua finally chose to watch the game.

WCG's games are live on the Internet.

Of course, when it is transmitted to a big eastern country, it is not directly transmitted overseas, but directly transmits the signal to the server on the side of a big eastern country, and then transmits it from here.

So the signal here is actually delayed.

But for players, this little delay is nothing.

Live broadcasting is a very exciting content.

At present, the broadband of a big eastern country basically uses ADSL network, that is, the telephone line is connected to the "cat" of telecommunication, and then to a kind of network of computer. The maximum speed can reach about 8MB / s, that is, about 1MB download speed. However, that was a long time later. The popular broadband is about 1MB / s to 2Mb / s, and the download speed is about 128-256kb.

However, it also depends on the situation. For example, from the evening to the night, the download speed sometimes becomes very slow, and can even reach the speed of only 20-30kb.

Rao is so, in fact, this speed has been higher than the traditional "dial-up Internet" 56K cat, do not know where to go.

Live video, with 1m network can see, but the picture is not satisfactory.

But Wang Xiaohua home is using 2m network speed, so the clarity is OK.

"Hero track" is Wang Xiaohua's favorite game, because in this game, provides a lot of game characters for players to play.

This game is equivalent to the "Hall of fame" of the game's character circle. Only some well-known characters can enter.

Of course, there are also characters that cannot appear because of copyright. For example, Lin Mingmei in "the fortress of time and space" is a dead character. It's not that animation companies don't want to, it's just that overseas distribution rights are subtle.

In addition, some manufacturers do not log their roles into the role copyright library, so such roles are not available. Among them, the relationship is very complicated. Some of them are popular characters who don't want to take them out to make money for others. Some people think that the story of the characters has been finished and there is no need to add more to the story.

Of course, more manufacturers have seen the reliability of the game's circle of powder and money - the role's skin is shared by the manufacturers.

As a "Hall of fame" in the game industry, "hero track" naturally attracts a lot of fans.

Those who know the saint fighter will go to see it, those who have seen the magic master will understand it, and fans of the sin crown will not miss it.

And some of the characters in the game, as well as the popular "gate of destiny" personal level, can experience the classic scene of the role. Oh, some of the doors of destiny are charged, and the manufacturers also have a share.

Nibang's acgn industry is good in China, but in fact, it's really not commercialized. "It's hard to get into the hall of elegance" has always been their weakness. For many animation majors, when compiling textbooks, their main focus is still on Disney, and a lot of reference is made to gibley.


It's very simple, because companies like Disney are more successful in commercialization and can make more money.

As for mud boom Besides, in the Internet age, the animation industry, which basically relies on selling game DVDs to earn money, is really delicate. These people are begging with gold bowls.

Mud boom is an exclusive place, excluding people who don't fit in, but the strong are also respected here. Group A has opened up overseas markets and brought everyone to make money and play together. Of course, they are very happy.

Moreover, many of them are the copyright of senxia's own secret silver force. The boss said, of course, everyone followed

Well, none of this matters in front of the game.

At least on this world line, many players are enjoying the game.

Some people are pure fans of "hero's track", others just like watching the game, and others want to see the role play on the stage because they like a certain role.

There are many.

"Sleeping trough, gamelia, what are you doing in front of me?"

The game is a French team, PK the team of baseball.

The French team was very good, but as a result, they ran to the front in a wave of group warfare, and were caught and killed by the opposite side. Then the baseball team came up from the back, and the ADC was just a meal of output to the ADC. Without the help of assistance, the ADC was directly disabled by the opposite side and had to withdraw. As a result, the baseball team continued to press on, and the French side collapsed.

"Can you play or not? I can do it!" Wang Xiaohua make complaints about it.

Wang Xiaohua didn't like baseball, so he was happy to see them defeated, because the team of "Road God" on the side of a big eastern country was eliminated by baseball.

But there was no doubt that the baseball team took the game.

"The next time the great country will be on usThere was only one team in a certain big eastern country. After seeing the victory of baseball, the originally cold qicq group became active again.

"Yes, great country is really good."

Another partner also said.

"After all, it's all Asian teams. I think it's the same who wins. Be optimistic." Some people think that the baseball team is to win honor with everyone.

"At the final match point, the French team's gamelia didn't know what to do, entrapment ah!" Wang Xiaohua is also make complaints about Tucao.

So, she's good at using magic in the game.

This role assistant is very powerful, decelerate, lift blood, control, release control, and produce a steel sun and Legion shield, which can make the team produce qualitative changes.

Unfortunately, the French team's assistance finally sleepwalking, was opposite to take advantage of a wave, is really a pity.

"In fact, the French team won't win much. They won't be able to operate. They can't decide in the middle and early stage, and certainly not in the later stage. Players in Europe prefer gank, but the operation of baseball countries is more powerful, and the more drag, the bigger the head-on. I think gamelia was trying to seduce him and wanted to start a league, but he got rid of it... "

Another person analyzed it.

"The next battle is the lighthouse domestic war. It's nothing. Do you want to open up wasteland. Today, I'm going to the bloody monastery. "

The bloody monastery is a scene in the sword God field. It is a new work of type moon. I'll take a bite of the second incident book.

Meow of the first watch

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