Senxia decided that there must be a weapon called frost sadness in the game, and the other weapon called fire happiness

Weapons are one of the most important features of the game, so some interesting weapons are interesting.

However, senxia found that this method of naming It seems stupid.

"But why does Frost's grief sound so poetic, and fire's joy so stupid?"

Then senxia found such a delicate problem.

When WCG was held, senxia, of course, flew all the way from a big eastern country to the lighthouse country.

But xuenai's competition has not yet started, Sen Xia on the network to play their own "sword God domain.".

Senxia went to the server of a big eastern country. After assuming the special line agent, the network speed is still very good.

The game of sword and sword is very popular all over Asia.

It's not just a big eastern country. Asian service has also started testing, and the feedback from the test there is particularly good.

In terms of the game environment, the Japanese service area is probably the best in the whole game.

Speaking of all, there is an interesting data from senxia.

The servers of a big eastern country are the fastest to brush level and liver map, while Japanese clothes are the fastest to upgrade materials to weapons. American service has the most strategies.

Of course, this has nothing to do with senxia. She just comes to experience her own games.

After the first wave of feedback, the game experience of "sword realm" is obviously much better.

Senxia once thought about a lot of pit dad routines. After being punished by players, the experience has become better.

Strengthening system to heaven

Oh, by the way, the original enhanced system of senxia's castrated is very good. He learned this system from his DNF

Of course, it's impossible for senxia to continue to use the system that can break weapons. Because there are a lot of elements in the "sword kingdom" itself. Different routines are used for different enemies. This is the feature of the game. If the weapons will be broken Players will rebel.

"If you use the wrong words, it will be much better if you change it into" red joy "or" red color happiness. "

Qian Jia said so.

At this moment, senxia is playing doubles with Qianjia.

Alice went to the lighthouse country club to inspect - WCG's next game is the lighthouse domestic war of heroic track.

As for the white lily team, this time in the training, senxia did not disturb his sister.

So the two people who came here started their life in the world of two Well, to put it simply, it's double row up

The server progress of a big eastern country is the fastest, which has reached the 11th layer by this time.

But at this time, the pace of strategy has slowed down.

That's of course, because a lot of benefits are given in front of the test, and the training is very fast, but after 10 levels, the player's data will return to the normal state, and the official itself is only opened to the 15th floor of the game.

“…… Well. " Sen Xia not to say yes or no to make complaints about the thousand good Tucao.

I don't know why, the people of mud boom always have such talent. No matter what the name is, they can be full of the second atmosphere.

Although Qianjia is a "non national", she can also name some of her secondary two temperament.

Don't say Mori likes it.

As a matter of fact, there are a lot of props and equipment with secondary 2 temperament in the book itself.

"maybe I should go and ask for a little GM permission, and then adjust the data..."

After being killed by the ninth ice goblin for the ninth time, Mori covers her face.

The ninth layer of ice goblin is a very difficult copy. This copy will explode a strong frost blade, which is a weapon Qianjia needs very much. However, senxia has opened up wasteland for many times, and has directly attacked the boss side.

this is also one of the reasons make complaints about Tsun Tso.

"Play like an ordinary player." isn't that what you said, senxia Qian Jia takes a look at Sen Xia.

"Ah So it is. " Senxia shook her head. "Let me upgrade my equipment."

Senxia is dressed in purple, but the weapon level is not high - because she wants to play orange and replace it.

Originally, senxia's equipment met the requirements, but he had no choice to play this kind of action game for a long time, and he had become a half disabled party.

It's not easy to find the feeling, so upgrading the equipment is the best choice.

Senxia's role is a golden haired horsetail Spearman.

This is the role that Sen Xia pinched out in a big eastern country before.

The character is dressed in a black tights, some small armor decoration outside, very attractive.Well, senxia changed his job to a Spearman on the way. It was also because he used the gun so much that he could see his fart easily Well, it's to see the beautiful posture of the character.

Snow is there, a warrior in a competitive swimsuit and pantyhose.

When xuenai's swimsuit was on the eighth floor, the blue ratchet man's corset was hit by the seaside, and the pantyhose was a prop for Qianjia to upgrade her professional skills.

Although the feeling is a little subtle, but in this fantasy world, there is no special sense of disobedience.

Of course, the island map on the eighth floor has the smallest sense of disobedience, but in this ice hole, the sense of disobedience is greater

After upgrading the equipment, senxia and Qianjia entered the replica again.

The number of people in the dungeon will affect the damage and health of the monster, which will be adjusted dynamically.

There is also a "dynamic mode" in the game. The so-called "dynamic mode" is that the level of monsters in the game is followed by the registration of players. The level of players will affect the number and strength of monsters.

The difficulty of dynamic mode is a very interesting innovation. This mode will allow you to provide equipment and props that match the player's level.

Of course, even if the dynamic difficulty is turned on, there is still a little distance between the dynamic difficulty and the original difficulty. At least in terms of income, the latter is definitely greater than the former.

But the reason for this design is to encourage players not to give up low-level copies.

Generally speaking, this intensity is very difficult to grasp, but the production team invited a foreign aid - hideko Miyazaki.

With the addition of this brother, the dynamic difficulty of the system is very good.

"The tenth strategy Here we go

At this time, the two men have entered the map again, and they have been cleaned up nine times before. As the saying goes, things can't be more than ten. This tenth time, he must clean up the ice demon


It's going to be a set set Meow??

Second, more to say

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