"The cricket is just an ice goblin, don't be too arrogant ~"

after upgrading the equipment, senxia and Qianjia finally pushed the ice goblin in the ninth layer of ice cave.

However, it is a pity that there is no golden light explosion, just some materials.

"But it's tiring to play." Qianjia moved her wrist.

Although it was the first time to overthrow the boss, including the previous reclamation, they had already done about ten copies of the map. They were really tired.

"Better handle." She said.

"But with the handle, the problem of perspective is bigger." Senxia said, "there are advantages and disadvantages."

"Next, continue to copy, or practice?" Qian Jia asked.

"Not to equip you?" Senxia doubted.

"Forget it. It's too tired. It's just a sealed test. After a month, these data will be deleted. There's no need to work hard."

Qian Jia says that this copy is enough.

"It's OK. There's no shortage of equipment."

In this game, the equipment is enough, but the equipment is not enough.

The threshold of equipment in Sen Xia's "sword and sword realm" is not very high. The high content is actually the cultivation of equipment, which is the main point of the game.

+The shadowless sword of 15 has gone out of date. It doesn't exist in the sword God field. The low-level equipment can be used after hard training.

In the novels and animations of "sword God domain", the settings are similar. In other words, Kawahara gravel of this world line adjusts the story according to this setting.

But it's not bad. After all, Tongren's 50 story "interpreter" can still use 75 floors all the way and brush boss, so you can find any reason to equip yourself with novels and animations.

Ah, in fact, this kind of setting is actually helpful to the creation of animation and novels, because the equipment can be cultivated, which means that the characters do not need to change their equipment frequently - designing a suit of clothes in the game is not a very easy job.

Do you know why a character in an animation usually wears a suit from the beginning to the end? Just to save time

Of course, it's not entirely true. Clothing itself is the inherent impression of the character, and the consideration of this aspect is also a very important factor.

Therefore, the design that can be cultivated in this way can completely make the characters continuously for a period of time, even in the whole article, without too drastic transformation of the image, so as to ensure the convenience of story creation and the recognition of characters.

"I still need to prepare some weapons." Senxia looked at her rifle.

In fact, senxia wants to turn double guns. Double guns are one of the most powerful professions in the game, and double guns and so on Isn't it a great feeling to have two brushes?


Lucky Spearman since ancient times?

It doesn't matter. I'm a power dog. I can adjust the burst rate. Jpg.

Although I told Qianjia that it would be fun to play games, I adjusted the explosion rate a little How can it be regarded as cheating!

"Many of the monsters on the 10th floor are spirits. I think we need to prepare some special equipment." Qian Jia looks at her equipment.

Another characteristic of sword God domain is that the equipment is highly specialized. The general weapons are not rare, or their skills are relatively weak. They tend to defend and dodge.

The pursuit of comfort of the players, of course, is a set of equipment can go around the world, but really want to play games, want to attack the players, that certainly needs all kinds of equipment training.

The biggest trouble on the tenth floor is the bloody monastery.

However, senxia is eager to try, because this copy will pop up a nun's dress.

Nuns with spears

Mm-hmm, sister spear, it's very good to listen to!

Senxia decided that in the month of the closed beta, he would play "sister of the holy gun".

"Well..." He thought.

"What are you thinking?" Qianjia is looking at the equipment. She is going to change a set of paladin armor. But when Qianjia turned her head, she noticed that senxia was frowning.

"I wonder if I want to change the name of the character to jiangzh..."


Sen Xia here has not finished, the phone rings to think, he picked up the mobile phone, and then connected the phone.


"Darling." that's Alice on the phone.

"Can't you call me by name?" Qianjia is next to him, and Sen Xia is naturally a gentleman.

"Why? I think darling is darling. There's nothing wrong with it. "Alice looked very happy." I have good news for you. "

"Good news? What? " Senxia was dealing with Alice, looking at her equipment."I've already seen the script of Infernal Affairs here. Maybe we can shoot this one."

Infernal Affairs is a wonderful work in Hong Kong film. In the early stage, it required 20 million yuan of investment here. However, because of this reason, the film is in a relatively awkward situation in a certain port.

Until Sonia put in the money.

Money is a big man. Mr. Liu and others respectfully listen to the advice of a "little fart child" from senxia. Isn't it because people have money and power?

Well, it's a long way off.

However, it is also because of this reason, senxia got all kinds of adaptation rights of Infernal Affairs.

And he thinks that it's OK to put this thing in Hollywood. That's why Alice has this thing.

"I think it can be slow. Our movie is still being made."

Tomb Raider was released in June and swept across the United States.

Because of this, when "Final Fantasy" was released, they were actually full of expectations. However, the reality is to give them a slap in the face: box office hit the street, a comprehensive pit dad.

Besides, paramount was careful when he took pictures for Sonia.

Infernal Affairs script is good, adaptation can also win awards, in fact, it is good.

But what does this have to do with my second dimension?

If you let the star eat with me, I might as well lick the paper man!

…… Well, it's good to have two signatures or something.

"No problem over there." Alice said, "but really, I think movies and TV series are really interesting."

She could see why Sonia didn't want to play around here, because he wasn't very interested in it - except for animated films and acgn adaptations.

"Then you do it. I support you spiritually." That's what senxia said.

"Ah, with darling's support, I seem to be full of energy. Ah, my body is so hot. It's darling's fault. You should be responsible for it." Alice made a subtle voice.

Senxia hung up in a hurry.


First of all, meow a meow ~

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