Takasu river is on the scene of Tokyo video game exhibition.

The first day is media day, so she can come as a media - although Takasu Dahe should actually be one of the chief editors of Fuji Jian study.

Of course, this also shows her ability. There are not many women who can achieve this position in mud boom.

But that's not the point.

The key is that Kawabata recently made a big fight game, which is her chance to come here now.

In the early days, the hero's track was actually what Jiaochuan wanted to do. But later, they decided to stop and let group a become the collector. As a result, the whole project was revitalized.

Er Well, maliciously, it's actually the opposite side who borrowed the chicken to lay eggs.

But Kawabata can't have no mind.

They wanted to reclaim the copyright here.

However, at that time, the role copyright library was made in advance for group A. if Jiao Chuan quit at this time, there are definitely many roles that can't be filled in.

And it's not bad at all.

Of course, Jiaochuan also has a choice, that is, to occupy the nest directly.

Capitalists can do such things.

But people There are people on it!

Not to mention the senxia side, Qianjia's father holds a lot of shares in Jiaochuan, which is equal to half of the property owned by the shareholders themselves, so I can't do it.

Moreover, "hero's track" is a flower in the wall and fragrance outside the wall, which has little impact on the local market.

However, so far, the game "hero track" has become the most popular Internet game in the whole market, and the game with the highest revenue is also this Oh, that was last year. This year, there is a high amount of krypton gold in limitless. Maybe there will be a chance to fight.

So, Kawabata came to his mind: since the previous method has not been successful, it does not mean that we can not do so now.

So they restarted their plans.

But this time, Jiaochuan did not dare to enter the market.

What about that?

Try the water first!

So they decided to make an arcade game.

Arcade games are relatively lightweight games, just suitable for making now.

So they found Sega.

After all, Sega is an arcade giant, and even Sega, which has collapsed in another world line, is also guarding the arcade market.

So, in this Tokyo video game exhibition, this "Jiaochuan all star big fight" game, on the stage.

Don't say, the popularity is still very high.

But what a coincidence, there is a similar game in group a there.

It's a 2D game.

Gao Xu Dahe is investigating the situation of the enemy at this time.

"It's an online arcade game..."

Gao xudahe suddenly thought that when he was reviewing his manuscript before, he met a novel writer. He used "arcade high play" as his selling point. He told the story of this man killing and killing in an era when arcades could be connected to the Internet in the future. He even provided illustrations for himself.

But I can't help it. Although the other party's creativity is good, the text is terrible. The illustration The quality is bad, too.

So the river encouraged the other side, and then returned the manuscript.

After that, she didn't realize that the Internet was powerful in the hehe hall No, penguin, a subsidiary of company a, can do this.

But will anyone like it?

Don't say, there's a group of people over there.

But it seems to be a crooked nut.


It's the reporter next door.

They seem to be quite excited.

However, the white reporters next door were not so excited. They were just recording something, which should be the same as other games.

"It is aimed at the market of a big eastern country..."

Takasu River got it.

And then There's another game.

It is the "sword God domain" which has appeared in E3 exhibition.

This game in order to catch up with Tokyo video game exhibition, in the first two days began the internal test.

At this time, the machine has been able to contact the entire server.

For this game, group a here even invited four anchors on the stage. They are playing the pictures of the game on the big screen - yes, the live anchor plays the game.

Don't say, other people even eat this set, many people are here, while watching the game above, listening to the other side of the explanation.

High beard the river laughs but does not speak.

Because the novel of "sword God domain" is handled by Gaoxu river.

So She knows the story.Don't say, this story is quite interesting. Tongren and yasna, trapped in the game, constantly attack Ian grant in order to leave the world.

But the world of games doesn't seem like this.

For example, Takasu River knows that at the beginning of the game, in CG, there is a scene in which a monster breaks Ian Grant's wall and rushes in from the outside.

But in the world of fiction, there is no such content.

"But Mr. shawson is really willing to do it. Before the work is published, he has already started to spread it out..."

She also knows that Shi Yuze Huiyi is the author of the electric shock library and wrote a good book of "journey of Chino", and Mori has entrusted Takasu Dahe to contact the other party.

Although Takasu Dahe met in Fuji, she actually had contacts with the electric shock library. The industry is so big that everyone can't see her head down.

When yuzehuiyi heard about this, he was also very surprised, but the other party did not immediately reject it. Instead, he decided to investigate the situation here before giving a reply.

Think about it, that's what happened in these two days.

"It's a pity that Mr. shawson's new book is in the future..."

As an editor, Gao xudahe's most distressing thing is that the author digs and doesn't fill in.

More importantly, the other party is also the author of the best seller.

If you change to another person, gaoxu Dahe is sure to give resources and praise the other party for everything.

But senxia Well, not at all.

Moreover, the reason is very good: "if I don't work hard, I will go home to inherit tens of billions of family property, and then I will have no time to write books."

I was speechless - this was the only thought of Takasu Dahe after hearing senxia's words at that time.

"Miss shawson!"

Just preparing to leave, Gao xudahe met Sen Xia. He was watching the scene of "sword God domain" and seemed to be thinking about something.

"Ah - Miss Dahe." Senxia also noticed the Gaoxu river here. "Just in time, I have something to look for you. I want to write a new book, but I'm going to change my vest..."


Happiness comes too suddenly.

What's going on.

"Warrior of love, I'm going to call this name and make a new story." He said so.

Well, senxia really wants to write a book at this moment.

- absolutely not because of the Internet users' Tucao, so they want to make complaints about their own waistcoat.


Working overtime, getting rid of PPT

Sad stories.

Second, more

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